Idiosyncratic Indian Existential Lesson (sci-fi, 2021)

or directly: Science Fiction TV-series, ho-kay


Impulse (TV Series 2018–2019)

– two opinions

Created by Jeffrey Lieber. With Maddie Hasson, Sarah Desjardins, Enuka Okuma, Craig Arnold. A young woman discovers she has the extraordinary power of teleportation.

Source: Impulse (TV Series 2018–2019) – IMDb

review: 3/10 -> 8/10

Series ends 10 minutes into last episode!?

26 June 2018 – 14 out of 26 users found this review helpful.

Impulse (2018. Ep01 the first 5 minutes pulled me in like the cow splitting in “Under the dome” ep01, but even so the singular deal-with-rape in a budding recognition of teleportation powers-story with both international and local side story persecution is maybe wisely only given 10 eps, and how they will resolve even that in the last 4 eps is beyond me.

Then for unfathomable reasons I DID watch the last 4 episodes: Continue reading “Impulse (TV Series 2018–2019)”

Life Supporting Illusions

Technologification of mythology blurrs the line btw fact and fiction.

I am delving into the drama-mythos for the Stargate franchise SG-1, and came across two relevant inputs:

A master thesis by Sandra Whitelaw: “The Attraction of Sloppy Nonsense: Resolving Cognitive Estrangement in Stargate through the Technologising of Mythology

And an excerpt from a book on Kant by Predrag Cicovacki, as follow-up on the concept of “Necessary Illusions”: Continue reading “Life Supporting Illusions”


The series which belongs to the genre of science fiction is described as “a gripping global tale of minds linked and souls hunted” which was conceived by the showrunners “after a late night conversation about the ways technology simultaneously unites and divides us”.

Hvis man forestiller sig, at alle mennesker har noget til fælles: Trangen til at være sammen. I små og store grupper, men sammen.

Og man som instruktør og manuskriptforfatter spørger, hvad der kan opveje en gruppeeksklusion fra normalsamfundet.

Og svaret så lyder: Det skal være noget, som er Continue reading “Sense8 – SUPER-FORFØRENDE”

BAZAR: generationsskifte 1984 (strunge og tafdrup vs. bjørnkjær og baidel, dertil lars hug og cityslang)

Hvor mediegenerationen begyndte i Danmark.


Ovenfor burde være et Vimeo-videoklip fra 1984 på knap en halv time fra Danmarks Radios litteraturprogram, BAZAR, som var meget konfrontationelt – reelt set billigt TV, hvor man satte de “unge” og “de gamle” op imod hinanden for automatisk at skabe overskrifter. Det var TV-iscenesættelse, der kunne lade sig gøre, fordi “de unge” ikke længere lod sig kue af “alderens visdom”, men gik deres egne veje – på trods af (som her) ringere salgstal end 60’ernes og 70’ernes storsælgende knækprosaister. 80’erdigterne var mere om at skabe og manifestere en væren i verden end om at bekræfte eller besynge noget kendt eller overset.

Den småpunkede tyklæbe ;-), som indleder udsendelsen med at annoncere et generationsskifte, er digteren, anmelderen, samfundsdebattøren og selviscenesætteren Poul Borum, der som udløber af private digter-sceancer i privaten i Havnegade 3-4 år senere var initiativtager til Forfatterskolen i København.

kk, 2012

på Dansk Wikipedia

Michael Strunge
Pia Tafdrup
Lola Baidel
Kristen Bjørnkjær
Poul Borum

OUTCASTS (2011->, SciFi, TV)

You can never have too many poets. But who will the scriptwriters choose to let live:
The female poet Nobel laurate, or the charismatic evacuation administrator?

33 minutes into ep.1 of

The president speaking to the captain of the approaching ship ferrying colonists from Earth:
      ”Are you carrying any VIPs?”
      ”Margaret Baker. Poet and Nobel laurate.”
      ”Good. You can never have too many poets!”

The English can’t write decent dialogue. They spell everything out AND show it too. It makes for long, boring, predictable scenes, drawn out character building or characters with a flimsy, singular trait – she’s sensitive, so she cries; he’s scizo, so he’s violent; the president is the president, so he’s wise and all fatherly. But no american production company would allow the above quote. In my book, that alone gives the English credit.

Newly colonized planet, 10 years ago, has lost contact with Earth, and is eagerly awaiting new arrivals, 5 years underway.

Trouble is brewing on the planet, so Jamie Bamber couldn’t help say yes to the role of psychopath after his many years aboard the Galactica, but still hasn’t learned how to vary his acting, and therefore may not be such a big threat after all, well, probably not… No-no, he surely won’t be leading the rebellion away from the safe city and into the wilderness, as is mentioned a suspicious number of times. So, other trouble will come, probably from the criminals out there, who should have been executed, but weren’t. Then Jamie will probably come to the rescue, with or without acting lessons.

And the great ship from Earth will probably make it through the atmosphere, despite heat shield problems, which has proven catastrophic for other ships. The reason for this: The president wrinkled his nose over the mentioning of a certain VIP on board the approaching ship – someone he would not love to see contesting his leadership in the city, so at least this guy will make it safely to the ground. Whom the script writers can invent spanners for to cast, throw, deposit or slip into, over time, well defined wheels and cogs in the city’s administration and general well being.

Not much meat on this. So, unless the Tygers, several times referred to, chiefly by the darling, brainwashed son of Jamie Bamber, are neither among the approaching ship, nor harboured as rebels among the citizens, but rather already on the planet in some significant number and force and ready for a quick shoot-out, BBCs usual 8 episode seasons won’t be enough to provide this series with any real corpus.

Too bad. But do keep trying; it IS refreshing to see the British try to move into space. Not holding my breath, though. They’ve seen way to many American SciFi movies!

Being Human, UK (2009->, fantasy, tvserie)

Let’s have a cuppa… and maybe a pint of blood…!
No, I was taking the piss. Let’s all stay human. That is so much better…

Hvis man synes det er svært at være menneske, hvordan mon det så er at være menneske, der teknisk set ikke længere er menneske, men er nødt til at fremstå som såden for at kunne leve med sig selv, om man så må sige, selvom man er død? Ja, det er lidt kompliceret, og det bliver ikke mindre kompliceret af, at man stadig har menneskelige følelser og bliver forelsket og jaloux og også er nødt til at gå på arbejde for at… ja, forblive menneskelig…

En vampyr, en varulv og et spøgelse i bofællesskab i Bristol… Ville du købe dén pitch? Ikke jeg heller. Men nogen gjorde. Og lavede en serie, som i England er begyndt på sin tredje (korte) sæson (de laver ofte sæsoner på 6-8 afsnit), og nu er den blevet købt af amerikanerne og remade – men den version skal man holde sig fra: Bleg og blodfattig til sammenligning…

I hvert fald er det ret fedt. I løbet af den første (korte) sæson finder forfattere og skuespillere en fin balance mellem komedie og dødsens alvor, om man så må sige (fnis) – hvor det at have moralske skrupler over at være i hænderne på dyrisk sult, begær, mordlyst, at give efter for det indre dyr, bliver en synlig kamp. Og imens brygger spøgelset te og kaffe med mere end et strejf af OCD, vampyren vasker bræk op på hospitalet og varulven spekulerer endeløst på, hvordan han skal få noget fisse, altså egentlig vil han helst bare opleve romantisk kærlighed, men det ville da også være fedt med noget fisse, ikke, og nogle kys med sammen med en man elsker, og knepper, og holder i hånd med og knepper…

Se den. Den er okay. Den engelske version.