[Rick and Morty] C-137 Rick correctly believes he’s a TV show character, and the implications of metafiction have driven him to nihilism and to drink.
byu/DuplexFields inFanTheories
Continue reading “Hvornår er existentialisme IKKE sørgelig?”
eDigtsamlinger og Sci-Fi-noveller rykker
– what a complicated universe!
Hvad skal vi med tidsrejser længere? Vi skal lære andre ting nu, igen.
“time travel is SO not next year!”
I did a search for this, but nothing.
Just saying: Planes of existence is the next level:
Alternate realities, other dimensions, an infinite multiple of universes branching from free-will overdose to make room for every single one of any other potential full universe that anyone might think of, discarded at the drop of a hat. Planes of existence. Stacked on top of each other, each one their own universe, but each one having less and less need of understanding of its rules.
While time travel by acquaintance with logical and illogical paradoxes can teach us the basics of causality, planes of existence will teach us more about
– being real,
– and about returning to reality,
-and about the cost of distancing apart from the real world we are all fleeing from,
– and about honour taking part in the needs of the real world,
– and dishonour… if you want to stay at an upper plane, as you block your original from… what, waking up…? Continue reading “time travel is SO not next year!”
– hvis TIDEN var et sted, og nogen solgte billetter…
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Efter bedste evne opdaterer jeg debutanter hver gang jeg hører om en ny, digtudgivende forlag sjældnere, og har en bogblogger været inaktiv 6 måneder, skriver jeg “PASSIV”, mens “OPHØRT” angiver, at bloggeren har meldt ud at være standset, men bevarer sit anmeldelsesarkiv. Forsvundne bloggerlinks og ophørte digtudgivende forlag slettes fra listerne.
I følge skatteminister Morten Bødskovs svar til Lars Løkke Rasmussens spørgsmål om betydningen af de “præciserede” beskatningsregler gældende for bogbloggere (2021), der tilsendes anmeldereksemplarer efter aftale, burde anmeldereksemplarer, der stemples “ANMELDEREKSEMPLAR” – på lige fod med anmeldereksemplarer, der tilsendes anmeldere og bogbloggere uden forudgående aftale – frit kunne ansættes i værdi; om end denne værdi, f.eks. 0 (NUL) Kr., skal opgives til skattevæsenet.
Samt den her fra digter og jurist i skatteret Peter Dyreborg:
Oprindelig kilde for bogbloggerne: https://www.newpub.dk/ressourcer/bogbloggere-en-oversigt/ – men dén trænger til at blive opdateret.
– what to look for
This is my guide for my Time Travel Movie list – things to consider, when digging up titles.
NB: Be aware of plot-spoilers in method and tags – let people mess up their own viewing pleasure via imdb and RT.
Who is the POV of the story?
Evaluation of the Time Travel theme lies with this view.
Time Travel is a matter of perspective:
Who or what leaves the orderly progression of events, and who is visited by persons, data or objects of a later or earlier data?
Life lived out of sync
with everything else from the perspective of the observing eye – either ageing faster or slower in relative measurement.
Entropic decay of bio-matter will co-exist with matter either younger or older life in relative terms calculated from the assumed beginning of the present cosmological expansion. Continue reading “Time Travel definition in fiction”
– for whatever reason
You see the lists everywhere making clickbait articles: The twenty best… or The best of 2022… most based on stars awarded by film viewers on imdb, rotten tomatoes, Trakt or other movie databases, or “anticipated” by not being released yet AND pleasantly hyped.
Why not simply “good science fiction movies that I have actually seen”
This is what I did here. I took from the top – out of my 150 film reviews at imdb I only chose titles I had awarded from 8 to 10/10 stars, with a few 7s thrown in. I rarely bother with reviews of lesser movies, or even watching lesser movies. Even if I AM a movie fan I observe my liberty to NOT spend time looking for redeeming factors to my viewing…
I will further add to the list – I already know a few titles needing inclusion on the list, even if some of these are already well known and beloved and re-watchable in the rain eating ice-cream. But even movies with fantastic content can be good for a variety of reason besides crazy effects, weird characters or far-out storylines. Troubling, disturbing, difficult, mean is gooood! Don’tcha know?
GOOD SCIENCE FICTION fringing to other fantastic genres
(google at your own risk)
4:44 Last Day on Earth
Abbie Girl Spy: Timepiece
Altered Hours
April and the Extraordinary World
Attack the Block
Beyond the Edge/ISRA 88
Boss Level
Camille Rewinds
Casimir Effect
Christmas on Mars
Counter-Clockwise (2011)
Dakota Skye
Dark at Noon (1992)
DeKronos – Il demone del tempo
Donnie Darko Director’s Cut
Down the Chain [50 min]
Downloading Nancy
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks
Dragon Head (2003)
Eden Log
Edge of tomorrow
Enter the Void
Europa Report
Flora (2017)
Groundhog Day
Gyarakushî kaidou
Highway to Hell (2012)
Holy Motors
I Origins
I’ll Follow you down
Immortal (from Enki Bilal’s comic)
Listening (2014)
LX 2048
Memory Lane (2012)
Modern Prometheus LLC
Mr Nobody
Other Life
Painting in the Rain
Possible Worlds (2000)
Ruby Sparks
Set the Thames on Fire
Solitary (2011)
Sonchidi [55 min]
Sons of Steel – directors cut
Speed Racer
The Brand New Testament
The Congress
The Fall (2006)
The Frame
The Future (2011)
The Happening (2008)
The Infinite Man
The Lobster
The Lost Thing [15 min]
The Prince of Town
The Seclet of the Tlumpet!
The Untamed
Under The Skin
Wristcutter A Love Story
Dispatches from Elsewhere
My Own Worst Enemy
Sense8 [all the parts]
Tales from the Loop
– right back at ya!
Directed by Joe Carnahan. With Frank Grillo, Mel Gibson, Annabelle Wallis, Michelle Yeoh, Naomi Watts. A retired special forces officer is trapped in a never ending time loop on the day of his death.
Source: Boss Level (2021) – IMDb
A lovely romp of groundhog day insanity with all of the trimmings complying more than adequately with the genre tropes and maybe a little bit overdone head chopping, but which other result could possibly satisfy sword aficionados?! Also saw (a glimpse of an uncredited) Frank Grillo in Skylin3s yesterday (more of a photo cameo, really, in an otherwise insufferable, badly scripted film), and he is a fast growing clown fighter in my book – god timing, lovely body, sarcastic grin, and straight up undiluted in this role as a man fighting to live, alternating finding and losing purpose. And characteristically beautiful, Naomi Watts, though with a somewhat diminuative role, fills any role she does – above and beyond duty and this one to with the credible mix of intelligence and sensitive longing, but the biggest surprise: Mel Gibson – still the rascal, still Mel Gibson, even after anti-semitic slurs and a host of bad scripts, but boy how he won this role, fought for it nails and talons, razor sharp diction, THAT was impressive. A solid 9 for doing this lovingly and with great persistence and musicality.
And BTW: More than a loving nod to all of that simple, yet endearingly time consuming arcade games of the 80’s.
– mostly films
I personally do not keep a list of relevant science fiction films – specifically I track Time Travel movies and Scifi+ series – but below is a worthy list of worthy films overlooked by many. In-depth, and taken very seriously. Thank you for that, emvan, user on imdb. And for giving me some good referrals, just as I was beginning to think there was nothing more to watch. Right now I am hard pressed to think of excluded indie titles of relevance.
The list included below is strictly to create awareness (search results on titles and some traffic). For emvan’s in-depth comments and evaluations of content, please follow the source link below.
Source: Best Indie Sci-Fi 1997-2019
How a common cold can take you wonderful places
this is pretty much the last chance to tell the world not to use images on the net as springboards for links. Do not reverse-optimize image-connections. This is a message specifically recorded on this blog for the passing-by-future traveller with guts and a conscience, and a desire to affect big changes (even though they will never let you, but this will help): Now is your chance.