Unfortunately, due to the activity of copyright repo trolls, and uncertainty of permissions to use movie posters, I’ve taken down most images from the Time Travel page (and the rest of the site… sigh)
See latest additions in comments below.

A note on inclusion here: Personal perspective skipping in time (cryogenics, reincarnation, date-repetition, seeing through another’s eyes in another time, etc). Concurrent timelines (data shared over time, visions of the future). Magic as “transportation” is simply “unknown technology”. And not to forget that Time Travel is travel in space as well as time (the Earth moves…), which makes room for all kinds of speculation about the mechanics and the perception of the Universe, and remember that FTL IS actually faster than light, taking you at a normal pace into the future of those you leave behind. Plus the wonderful concept of “paradox”, which makes your head buzz, until the different kinds of universes fall into place.
A note on movie length: An idea can be fully explored in 2 minutes and destroyed in 2 hours, but some people prefer shorts and others like feature. I have drawn the line at 59 minutes – shorts are marked in GREEN. Feature are marked in BLACK. (Yes, early “features” were short.)
All Time Travel Movies, from 1896 and on

1896 | Rip’s Toast
1896 | Rip Meeting the Dwarf
1896 | Rip’s Toast to Hudson and Crew
1896 | Rip’s Twenty Years’ Sleep
1896 | Awakening of Rip
1896 | Exit of Rip and the Dwarf
1896 | Rip Leaving Sleepy Hollow
1896 | Rip Passing Over Hill
(these eight 20-second scenes were later cut together to form the 4-minute movie “Rip Van Winkle” from 1903)
1901 | Scrooge; or Marley’s Ghost | 11 min. (dir Walter R. Booth) (Originally 620′ in length, only 323′ survive at the British Film Institute, and really only shows Scrooge’s past…) | Visions of the Past, Short, Silent
1903 | Rip Van Winkle | 4 min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | SHORT, Silent
1905 | La Légende de Rip Van Winkle | 10 min. (dir. Georges Méliès) | Rip van Winkle | SHORT, Stop Motion, Silent
1908 | A Christmas Carol | 15 min. (dir. ) | Visions of the Future | SHORT, Silent
1908 | Rip Van Winkle | min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | SHORT, Silent
1910 | A Christmas Carol | 11 min. (dir. J. Searle Dawley) | Visions of the Future | SHORT, Silent
1910 | A Christmas Carol | 17 min. (dir. ) | Visions of the Future | SHORT, Silent
1910 | Rip Van Winkle | min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | SHORT, Silent
1912 | Rip Van Winkle | min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | SHORT, Silent
1912 | Onésime horloger (aka. Onesime, Clockmaker) | 8 min. (dir. Jean Durand) | Hastening Time | SHORT, Silent | WATCH
1913 | Old Scrooge (aka. Scrooge) | min. (dir. Leedham Bantock) | Visions of the Future | SHORT, Silent
1914 | A Christmas Carol | min. (dir. Harold M. Shaw) | Visions of the Future | SHORT, Silent
1914 | His Prehistoric past | 22 min. (dir. Charles Chaplin) | Dream | SHORT, Stone Age, Silent
1914 | Rip Van Winkle min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | SHORT
1914 | Rip Van Winkle min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | SHORT
1916 | The Right to Be Happy (aka. A Christmas Carol, Scrooge the Skinflint) | min. (dir. Rupert Julian) | Visions of the Future | Short, Silent

1918 | The Ghost at Slumber Mountain | 11/19 min. (dir. Herbert M. Dawley & Willis O’Brien) | Telescope, Dream | Dinosaurs, Silent | INFO
1920 | an Arabian Knight | 50. min. (dir. ) | Dream | Ancient Egypt, SHORT
1920 | Noc na Karlstejna | min. (dir. Olaf Larus-Racek) | [method] | Silent, 14th Century, SHORT
1921 | A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court | 80 min. (dir. Emmet J. Flynn) | [method], Magic | Silent, 9th century, Medieval England
1921 | Der müde Tot [aka. Destiny) | 114 min. (dir. Fritz Lang) | Second Chance | Death, Silent
1921 | Príchozí z temnot | min. (dir. Jan S. Kolár) | Magic | Relatives, Silent, Sleep
1921 | Rip Van Winkle | min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | SHORT, Silent
1922 | Man from beyond | 74 min. (Burton L. King) | Rip Van Winkle | Silent, Future
1922 | Scrooge | min. (dir. George Wynn) (an edited 825′ copy is held by the Library of Congress) | Visions of the Future | Silent, SHORT
1922 | Tense Moments with Great Authors | min. (dir. H.B. Parkinson, W. Courtney Rowden) |
1923 | Scrooge | 25 min. (dir. Edwin Greenwood) | Visions of the Future | Alternate future, SHORT, Silent
1924 | the Fugitive Futurist | 10 min. (dir. Gaston Quiribet) | Data over Ages | SHORT, Silent
1924 | Old Bill Through the Ages | min (dir. Thomas Bentley) | Dream | Historical, SHORT, Silent
1924 | Paris Qui Dort (aka. At 3:25 Paris asleep) | 35 min. (dir. René Clair) | Freeze Time | Paris, 20th century, morality, SHORT
1924 | Rip Van Winkle | min. (dir. ) | Rip Van Winkle | Silent, SHORT
1925 | Felix trifles with time | min. (dir. Otto Messmer) | [method] | SHORT, Silent, Dinosaurs, Animation
1925 | The Road to Yesterday | 105 min. | Visitor from the past | Silent
[fictional late 20’s] The Dancing Cavalier (fictional musical in “Dancing in the Rain” (1952), containing a sequence of dream transportation to a life during the French Revolution. But “Singing in the Rain” itself takes place in an alternate reality, where the world’s first “talkie” appeared in 1928 rather than in 1929) “The dancing Cavalier” used as trope example, WIKI on “Singing in the Rain”
1928 | Scrooge | 9 min. (dir. Hugh Croise) | Visions of the Future | Silent, SHORT
1929 | Cagliostro – Liebe und Leben eines großen Abenteurers | 58 min (dir. Richard Oswald) | Data from the future | Intrige, France, Silent, SHORT | Note: “Cagliostro” has survived only in an abridged form; the restored version available is a 9.5 mm copy representing half of the original footage”
1930 | Just Imagine | 113 min (dir. David Butler) | Lightning | 1930s, Future
1930 | the Royal Four Flusher | 16 min. (dir. Murray Roth) | Visitor to the past | Comedy, SHORT

1931 | Blondes prefer Bonds | 21 min. (dir. Lewis R. Foster) | Visitors to the past | SHORT, Romance
1931 | A Connecticut Yankee | 95 min. [method] | Knights
1933 | Berkeley Square | 84 min. (dir. Frank Lloyd) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon
1933 | Roman Scandals | 91 min. (dir. Frank Tuttle) | Vistors to the past | Romans
1933 | Turn back the clock | 79 min. (dir. Edgar Selwyn) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Turn Back Time
1934 | Rip Van Winkle | min. (dir. Frank Moser, Paul Terry) | Rip Van Winkle | Animation, SHORT
1935 | Scrooge | 63/78 min. (dir.Henry Edwards) | Visions of the Future
1936 | the Man Who Could Work Miracles | 82 min. (dir. Lothar Mendez, Alexder Korda) | Magic | HG Wells
1936 | When Knights Were Bold | 76 min. (dir. Jack Raymond) | Dream | Romance, Middle Ages
1937 | Ali Baba goes to Town | 80 min. (dir. David Butler) | Dream | Egypt, Satire
1937 | François Premier (aka. François 1er)| 90/100 min. (dir. Christian-Jaque) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Hypnosis, the Renaissance, France
1938 | A Christmas Carol (aka. Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol) | 69 min. (dir. Edwin L. Marin) | Visions of the Future |
1938 | Alf’s button afloat | 89 min (dir. Marcel Varnel) | Rip van Winkle, Magic | Genie, Navy
1939 | The Wizard of OZ | 102 min. (dir. Victor Fleming) | Relative Time, Magic |
1941 | the Crystal Gazer | 7 min. (dir. Sid Marcus) | Mind Travel | Ancient Egypt, Comedy, SHORT
1941 | Tomorrow Alway Comes | 28 min. (Lamont Clemes, Inc) | Visitor to the future | Commercial | WATCH pt.1, WATCH pt.2
1941 | Tumbledown Ranch in Arizona | 60 min. (dir. S. Roy Luby) | | Old West, USA, Railroads

1942 | Croisières sidérales (aka. Sideral Cruises) | 95 min. (dir. André Zwoboda) | Visitors from the past | Future
1942 | Szíriusz | 98 min. (dir. Dezsö Ákos Hamza) | Visitor to the past | Austria-Hungary, 1800’s
1943 | A Christmas Carol | 60 min. (dir. George Lowther) | Visions of the Future | TV
1944 | Between two Worlds | 112 min. (Edward E. Blatt) | Afterlife | Purgatory
1944 | Fiddlers Three (aka. Fiddled, While Nero) | 65/88 min. (dir. Harry Watt) | [method] | Rome
1944 | It Happened Tomorrow | 85 min. (dir. René Clair) | Data over ages
1944 | a Night of Magic | 55 min. (dir. Herbert Wynne) | Magic, Rip van Winkle | Ancient Egypt, SHORT
1944 | the Old Grey Hare | 8 min. (dir. Robert Clampett) | [method] | Visitor from the past, 21st century, Animation, SHORT
1944 | Time Flies | 88 min. (dir. Walter Forde) | [method] | Visitors from the Future, 16th century
1944 | While Nero Fiddled [aka. Fiddlers Three] | 65 min (dir. Harry Watt) | Time Warp |

1945 | Dead of Night | 77 min. (dir. Alberto Cavalcanti, Charles Crichton, Basil Dearden, Robert Hamer) | Loop | Nightmare
1945 | Manhunt of Mystery Island | 219 min. (dir. Spencer Bennet, Yakima Canutt, Wallace Grissell) | | Fantasy, Pirates, TV, Serial movie | WATCH
1945 | Where do we go from here? | 74 min. (dir. Gregory Ratoff) | [method] | Multiple Times
1946 | Stairway to Heaven [aka A Matter of Life and Death] | 104 min. (dir. Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger) | Freeze Time | Second Chance, Religion
1947 | A Christmas Carol | min. (dir. James Caddigan) | Visions of the Future | TV
1947 | Brick Bradford | 257 min. (dir Spencer Gordon Bennet, Thomas Carr) | door into time | Romance, Fantasy, Pirates, 1800’s, TV, Serial movie | on YouTube
1947 | Die Welt dreht sich verkehrt [aka. The World Turns Backward] | 87 min (dir. J.A. Hübler-Kahla) | Magic | Christmas Carrol
1947 | It’s A Wonderful Life| 132 min. | Angel | Second Chance, Contemporary

1947 | Leyenda de Navidad | 80 min. (dir. Manuel Tamayo) | Visions of the Future
1947 | Repeat Performance | 91 min. (dir. Alfred L. Werker) | [method] | Second Chance, Reliving the past
1948 | Portrait of Jennie (aka. Tidal Wave) | 86 min. (dir. William Dieterle) | [method] |
1948 | That Lady in Ermine | 89 min. (dir. Ernst Lubitsch) | |method] | Visitor from the past, Hungary, Italy

1949 | The Christmas Carol | 25 min. (dir. Arthur Pierson) | Visions of the Future | TV, Short
1949 | A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court | 106 min. (dir. Tay Garnett) | [method] | Knights, Medieval England
1949 | Dangerous Corner | 66 min. (dir. Phil Rosen) | diverging timeline |
1949 | The Time Machine | 60 min. (dir. Robert Barr) | Time Machine | Live-TV (no recordings exist)
1950 | A Christmas Carol | 120 min. (dir. ) | Visions of the Future | TV, BBC
1951 | Good Table Manners | 10 min. (dir. Ted Peshak) | Visions of the Future | Table Etiquette, SHORT
1951 | the House in the Square (aka. I’ll never forget you, aka. Man of two worlds) | 90 min (dir. Roy Ward Baker) | lightning | 1785, Age of Reason, London
1951 | Pandora and the Flying Dutchman | 122 min. (dir. Albert Lewin) | Immortality |
1951 | Prehistoric Perils | 7 min. (dir. Connie Rasinski) | [method] | Animation, Dinosaurs, SHORT
1951 | Scrooge (aka. A christmas Carol) | 74/86 min. (dir. Brian Desmond Hurst) | Visions of the Future

1953 | Time Slip | 30 min. (dir. Charles Eric Maine) | Personal time out of sync | BBC, TV, Short
1953 | the Twonky | 84 min. (dir. Arch Oboler) | [method] | Visitor from the future, Robot, TV
1954 | Brigadoon | 108 min. (dir. Vincente Minelli) | Magic | Visitor to the Past, Musical
1955 | the Atomic Man (aka. Time Slip) | 76/93 min. (dir. Ken Hughes) | [method] |
1955 | Cesta do praveku (aka. Journey to the Beginning of Time) | 83 min. (dir. Karel Zeman & Fred Ladd) | [method] | Visitors from the Future, Animation, 2447
1955 | a Connecticut Yankee | 77 min. (dir. Bill Hobin, Max Liebman) | Magic | Medieval England
1955 | the Merry Christmas | 45 min (dir. ) | Visions of the future | Scrooge, a Christmas Carol, TV
1955 | Nem Sansão Nem Dalila | 90 min. (dir. Carlos Manga) | Time Machine | 1100 BC
1955 | Red, White and Boo | 6 min. (dir. Izzy Sparber) | Time Machine | Animation, Children, Short
1955 | the Story of the Christmas Carol | 29 min. (dir. David Barnhizer) | Visions of the future | Scrooge, a Christmas Carol, TV
1956 | One wish too many | 56 min. (dir. John Durst) | black marble | freeze time, London, children
1956 | World without end | 80 min. (dir. Edward Bernds) | time warp | Visitors to the Future, Monsters
1957 | History of Mankind | 100 min (dir. Irwin Allen) | Concurrent timelines | History, morality, Angels, Demons, Christianity
1957 | the Invisible Boy | 90 min. (dir. Herman Hoffman) | Time Machine | Robbie the Robot, visitor to the future, AI, loneliness
1957 | the Man who turned to Stone | 71 min. (dir. László Kardos) | Longivity | Horror
1957 | the Undead | 71 min. (dir. Roger Corman) | [method] | Alternate History, Horror
1958 | Terror from year 5000 | 66 min. (dir Rober J. Gurney Jr.) | Time-traveling Objects |
1959 | The 30 foot Bride of Candy Rock (aka. Lou Costello and His 30 Foot Bride) | 75 min. (dir. Sidney Miller) | Time Control Device
1959 | Noc bez konca [aka. Night Without End, aka. Time Out of Mind] | min. (dir. Józef Slotwinski) | Time Travel Device, loop | Visitor from the Past, Visitor from the Future, War, TV | NOTE: about the short story by Pierre Boulle

1960 | Beyond the Time Barrier (aka. The war of 1995) | 75 min. (dir. Edgar C. Ulmer) | [method] | Visitor from the Past, Future
1960 | the Boy and the Pirates | 82 min. (dir. Bert I. Gordon) | Magic | Pirates, Children
1960 | Ein Weinachtslied in Prosa oder Eine Geistgeschichte zum Christfest (aka. A Christmas Carol in Prose, or, A Ghost Story of Christmas) | 110 min. (dir. Franz Josef Wild) | Visions of the Future | TV
1960 | Le Testament d’Orphée, ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi! [aka. the Testament of Orpheus] | 79/83 min. (dir. Jean Cocteau) | Philosofy, Poetry |
1960 | the Time Machine (dir. George Pal) | 103 min. | Time Machine | Future
1960 | the Young Jacobites | 138 min. (dir. John Reeve) | [method] | Changing/Causing History
1961 | Cesta do veku, petrolejovych lamp | min. (dir. Bohumil Vosalik) | Time Machine | Visitors to the Past, SHORT
1961 | Donald and the Wheel | 17 min. (dir. Hamilton Luske) | Magic | Historical moments, Animation, Disney, SHORT
1961 | der Mann mit dem Objektiv | 80 min. (dir. Frank Vogel) | Camera | Visitor from the Future, year 2222, GBR, East Germany, Contemporary, Satire
1961 | the Flight that Disappeared | 71 min. (dir. Reginald Le Borg) | No Time | Visitors from the future
1961 | Maciste contro Ercole nella valle dei guai (aka. Maciste Against Hercules in the Valley of Woe) | 90 min. (dir. Mario Mattoli) | Time Machine | Ancient Greece, Hercules

1962 | La Jetée (aka. the Pier) | 28 min. (dir. Chris Marker) | Loop | War
1962 | Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol | 53 min. (dir. Abe Levitow) | Visions of the Future | Animation, TV
1962 | Muz z prvního stoleti (aka. Man in outer space, aka. It’s All Einstein’s Fault) | 85 min. (dir. Oldrich Lipský) | spaceship | Visitors to the Future, year 2447, Comedy
1962 | The Three Stooges Meet Hercules | 80 min. (dir. Edwards Bernds) | Magic | Hercules, Ancient Greece, Comedy
1962 | Zotz | 87 min. (dir. William Castle) | magic coin | Slow Down Time
1963 | 50.000 B.C. (Before Clothing) | 75 min (dir. William Rose) | Taxi Cab Time Machine | Erotic
1963 | The Road | min. (dir. ?) | Data over ages | Nuclear Holocaust, Ghosts, TV | NOTE: Movie lost (http://www.screenonline.org.uk/people/id/458926/):
“During this time the BBC produced Kneale’s manuscript ‘The Road’ (First Night, BBC, 29/9/1963), an ingenious story about 18th century villagers haunted by a future nuclear holocaust; sadly no recording of it is known to survive”; movie as amateur reconstruction
1963 | The yesterday machine | 85 min. (dir. Russ Marker) | Device | Visitor from the Future, WWII
1964 | Brass Bottle | 87 min. (dir. Harry Keller) | Undo Time, Reset Time
1964 | Carol for Another Christmas | 84 min. (dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz) | Visions of the Future | TV
1964 | Girlsappon | min. (dir. Knott Good) | [method] |
1964 | Karácsonyi ének [a Christmas Carol] | 46 min. (dir. Gyula Mészáros) | Visions of the future | SHORT, TV
1964 | La edad de piedra | 90 min. (dir. René Cardona) | [method] | Visitors to the Past, Dinosaurs, Monsters
1964 | Mr. Scrooge | min. (dir. Bob Jarvis) | Data over ages |
1964 | Sansone contro il corsaro nero [aka. Hercules and the Black Pirates | 93 min. (dir. Luigi Capuano) | [method] | Elizabethian era
1964 | the Time Travelers (aka. Depths of the Unknown, aka. The Return of the Time Traveler, aka. The Return of the Time Travelers, aka. This Time Tomorrow, aka.Time Trap) | 82 min. (dir. Ib Melchior) | Time Peeking Device Turned Doorway Into Time | Future
1964 | der Zaubermantel | min. (dir.) | Device, Magic | not on imdb | WATCH

1965 | 2+5: Mission Hydra (aka. Star Pilot) | 89 min. (dir. Pietro Francisci | Infinity | Aliens
1965 | Byla jednou jedna budoucnost | min. (dir. Jaroslav Dudek) | [method] | Visitor to the Future
1965 | Doctor Who and the Daleks | 82 min. (dir. Gordon Flemyng) | Tardis | Time Lord
1965 | Nympho | 63 min. (dir. Nick Millard) | [method] | Lesbian Interest
1965 | Simon del Desierto [aka. Simon of the Desert] | 43 min. (dir. Louis Buñuel) | Visitor to the Future | 1400, 1960, SHORT
1965 | Willy Bean and his Magic Machine | 94 min. (dir. Arthur Rankin Jr.) | [method] | Children
1965 | the Wizard of Mars [aka. Horrors of the Red Planet] | 78/85 min. (dir. David L. Hewitt) | [method] | Horror
1966 | Brigadoon | 90 min. (dir. Fielder Cook) | Magic | Musical, TV
1966 | Cyborg 2087 (aka. Man From Tomorrow) | 86 min. (dir. Franklin Adreon) | [method] | Visitors from the future

1966 | Daleks’: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. | 81 min. (dir. Gordon Flemyng) | Tardis | Visitors from the Past, Time Lord
1966 | Dimension 5 (aka. Dimension Four, aka. Dimension Five) | 91 min. (dir. Franklin Adreon) | [method] |
1966 | Happy End | 69 min. (dir. Oldrich Lipsky) | Reverse Chronology |
1966 | Jimmy, the Boy Wonder | 69 min. (dir. Hershell Gordon Lewis) | Command Time |
1967 | **** (aka. The 25 hour Movie) | 1100 min(!) (dir. Andy Warhol) | Magic | Visions of the future, Christmas Carol | NOTE: Shown as a one time event, containing among much other a Christmas Carol paraphrase, the movie since dismantled
1967 | Frau Venus und ihr Teufel | 99 min. (dir. Ralf Kirsten) | [method] | 13th century, Germany
1967 | Happy End | 71 min. (dir. Oldrich Lipsky) | Reverse Chronology | Rebirth
1967 | Herrliche Zeiten im Spessart (aka. Glorious Times in the Spessart Inn) | 105 min. (dir. Kurt Hoffmann) | [method] |
1967 | Journey to the Center of Time | 83 min. (dir. David L. Hewitt) | [method] | Dinosaurs, Future
1967 | Prehistoric Women [aka. Slave Girls] | 91 min. (dir. Michael Carreras) | [method] | Past, Present
1967 | the Star Wagon | 150 min (dir. Karl Genus) | Time machine | Repair unhappiness, TV
1967 | Una bruja sin escoba (aka. A Witch Without a Broom) | 86 min. (dir. José Maria Elorrieta) | Witchcraft, Cavemen, Romans, Future

1968 | 2001: A space odyssey | 141/160 min. (dir. Stanley Kubrick) | [method] | Multiple Timelines
1968 | Je t’aime, je t’aime | 91 min. (dir. Alain Resnais) | Temporal Phenomenon | Contemporary
1968 | Journey to Midnight | 100 min. (dir. Roy Ward Baker, Alan Gibson) | [method] | Frozen in Time | TV series movie
1968 | Planet of the Apes | 115/112/107 min. (dir. Franklin J. Schaffner) | Space Rocket | Simian, Dystopian
1968 | SeeYa Later Gladiator| 6 min. (dir. Alex Lowy) | [method] | Rome, Animation, SHORT
1968 | Yellow Submarine | 85 min (dir. George Dunning) | Multiple Selves | the Beatles, Animation

1969 | 2000 years later | 80 min. (dir. Bert Tenzer) | Time Warping | Visitor from the Past, Rome
1969 | 2069 A.D. | 75 min. (dir. Sam Kopetzky) | Magic Ring | Visitor to the past, Soft Porn
1969 | a Christmas Carol | min (dir. ) | Magic | visions of the future
1969 | Carry on Christmas | 50 min. (dir. Ronnie Baxter) | [method] | Visions of the Future, TV, SHORT
1969 | a Christmas Carol | 45 min. (dir. Zoran Janjic) | Visions | Animation, TV, SHORT
1969 | Hibernatus | 82 min. (dir. Edouard Molinaro) | Rip van Winkle | Greenland
1969 | Kulhavy dábel [aka. the Limping Devil] | 82 min. (dir. Juraj Herz) | Magic | Fantasy
1969 | Paris n’existe pas (aka. Paris Does Not Exist) | 93 min. (dir. Robert Benayoun) | [method], Temporal Phenomenon | Paris, Future
1969 | Prehistoric Super Salesman | 7 min. (dir. paul J. Smith) | [method] | Animation, Woody Woodpecker, Stone Age, Time Tunnel
1969 | Santo en el Tesoro de Draculá [aka. Santo and Dracula’s Treasure | 81 min. (dir. René Cardona) | Mind Travel, Time Tunnel | Living Past Lives, Reincarnation
1969 | Il tunnel sotto il mondo (aka. Tunnel Under the World) | 70 min. (dir. Luigi Cozzi) | [method], Visitor to the Future
1969 | Women for All Reasons | min. (dir. ) | [method], Magic | Ancient Greece, Soft Porn
1969 | la Voie Lactée (aka. The Milky Way, aka. Die Milchstraße, aka. La Via lattea) | 105/101/98 min. (dir. Luis Buñuel) | [method] | Historical Periods, Philosophy
1970 | (Anglia Television version which features a series of John Worsley’s watercolor paintings of scenes from the Dickens story accompanied by narration from Paul Honeyman) | min. (dir. ) | Storytelling
1970 | Beneath the Planet of the Apes | 95 min. (dir. Ted Post) | [method] | Visitors from the past
1970 | a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court | 74 min. (dir. Zoran Janjic) | | Medieval England
1970 | Hercules in New York | 93 min. (dir. Arthur Allan Saidelman) | [method], Visitor from Ancient Times | Hercules, Mythology
1970 | Kureopatora [aka. Cleopatra: Queen of Sex] | 112 min. (dir. Osamu Tezuka, Eiichi Yamamoto) | Spiritual travel | Animation, Adults, Egypt, 1st Century BC
1970 | Peter and the Time Machine | 4 min. (dir.) | Time Machine | SHORT [can’t re-find the link, sorry]
1970 | Phantom Tollbooth | 90 min. (Dir. Chuck Jones et. al) | Temporal Phenomenon, Compressed time | Part Animation

1970 | Satiricosissimo | 92 min. (dir. Mariano Laurenti) | | Ancient Rome
1970 | Scrooge |113/120 min. (dir. Ronald Neame) | Visions of the Future |
1970 | le Temps de Mourir [aka. TIme to Die] | 88 min. (dir. André Farwagi) | Data over ages | INFO
1970 | Uncle Sam Magoo [ 60 min (dir. Abe Levitow) | dream travel | Animation, TV
1970 | Zabil jsem Einsteina, panove (aka. I killed Einstein, Gentlemen) | 95 min. (dir. Oldrich Lipsky) | [method] |
1971 | A Christmas Carol | 28 min. (dir. Richard Williams) | Visions of the Future, TV, SHORT
1971 | Escape from Planet of the Apes | 98 min. (dir. Don Taylor) | Spaceship, Temporal Phenomenon | 20th century
1971 | Addio zio Tom [aka. Goodbye, Uncle Tom] [method] | Civil War, Slaves, Faux Documentory
1971 | Here comes Peter Cottontail | 60 min. (dir. Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin jr.) | [method] | Animation, Stop Motion, Children, Easter
1971| Morgane et ses nymphes [aka. Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay] | 86 min. (dir. Bruno Gantillon) | Eternity, Immortality | Lesbian Interest
1971 | Night of Dark Shadows | 95 min (unrestored) | [dir. Dan Curtis) | Parallel Reality, Time Control
1971 | Pane, vy jste vdova! | 97 min. (dir. Václav Vorlícek) | Data over Ages | Crazy
1971 | Pierscien ksieznej Anny (aka. The Ring of Princess Ann) | 99 min. (dir. Maria Kaniewska) | Magic | Children, TV | WATCH
1971 | Quest for love | 87 min. (dir. Ralph Thomas) | Alternate Timeline |
1972 | the Amazing Mr. Blunden | 99 min. (dir. Lionel Jeffries) | [method]
1972 | a Clockwork Blue | 86 min (dir Eric Jeffrey Haimes) | Device | Historical figures
1972 | Savages | 106 min. (dir. James Ivory) | [method] | Analogy
1972 | Slaughterhouse Five | 104 min. (dir. George Roy Hill) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | WWII

1973 | …e così divennero i 3 supermen del West [aka Three Supermen of the West] | 95 min. (dir. Italo Martinenghi) | Time Machine | Wild West
1973 | Genesis II | 74 min. (dir. John Llewellyn Moxey) | Rip van Winkle | Suspended animation
1973 | Idaho Transfer | 90 min. (dir. Peter Fonda) | [method] | Future
1973 | Ivan Vasilevich menyaet professiyu (aka. Ivan the Terrible: Back to the Future, aka. Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation) | 93 min. (dir. Leonid Gaidal) | [method]| Russia, 1500s
1973 | Psyched By The 4D Witch (A Tale Of | 81 min. (dir. Victor Luminera) | Data over Ages | Witches, Sex

1973 | Sanatorium pod klepsydra (aka. Sanatorium Under the Hourglass, aka. The Hour-Glass Sanatorium) | 124 min. (dir. Woiciech Has)) | [method], Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Philosophy
1973 | Sleeper | 87 min. (dir. Woody Allen) | Rip Van Winkle | Future
1973 | Tales that Witness Madness (the episode ‘Penny Farthing’)| 90 min. (dir. Freddie Francis) | [method], Magic I Anthology
1973 | Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda (aka. “the Turkish Star Trek”) | 72 min. (dir. Hulki Saner) | [method] |
1973 | Yesli eto sluchitsya s toboi | min. (dir. Igor Nikolayev) | Visitors to the Past | WWII
1974 | Canción de Navidad | min. (dir. ) | Visions of the Future | TV
1974 | Ghost Story | 89 min. (dir. Stephen Weeks) | Seeing the past |
1974 | the Legend of Hillbilly John | 89 min. (dir. John Newland) | [method], Magic
1974 | Macabre Legends of the Colony | 80 min. (dir. Arturo Martinez) | Magic | Colonial times, Mexico, Wrestling
1975 | Escape to Witch Mountain | 97 min. (dir. John Hough) | Data from the Future | Youth
1975 | Foreplay | 75 min. (dir. ) John G. Avildsen, Bruce Malmuth, Robert McCarty, Ralph Rosenblum [method] | Sex
1975 | Hu-Man | 105 min. (dir. Jérôme Laperrousaz) | [method], Control over Time
1975 | Mondo candido | 107 min. (dir. Gualtiero Jacopetti, Franco Prosperi) | Timeless World, Parallel Timelines |
1975 | The reincarnation of Peter Proud | 105 min (dir. J. Lee Thompson) | Reincarnation | Horror
1976 | Bloodbath (anthology of 4 episodes – one is about time travel) | 86 min. (dir. Joel M. Reed) | Magic, Device | Anthology
1976 | Il Signor Rossi cerca la felicità (aka. The Fantastic Adventures of Mr. Rossi, aka. Mr. Rossi Looks for Happiness) | 80 min. (dir. Bruno Bozzetto) | [method] | Animation
1976 | a Look into the 23rd century | 9 min. (dir. Ronald Saland) | Documentary / SHORT | Future prediction
1976 | Rudolph’s Shiny New Year | 60 min (dir. Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.) | [method]ling | Animation
1976 | Time Fighters in the Land of Fantasy | 94 min. (dir. Jim Terry) | [method] | Musical
1976 | Time Travellers | 78 min. (dir. Alexander Singer) | [method] | USA, 1870’s, TV

1977 | A Christmas Carol | 58 min. (dir. Moira Armstrong) | Visions of the Future | TV, SHORT
1977 | Close Encounters of the Third Kind | 132/135/137 min. (dir. Steven Spielberg) | [method] | Non aging |
1977 | Dead of night, anthology ep. “Second Chance” | 76 min. (dir. Dan Curtis) | Time Warp | Second Chance, Data over Ages, Anthology, TV-pilot
1977 | It happened one Christmas | 109 min. (dir. Donald Wrye) | [method] | Second Chance, Christmas, Remake
1977 | the John Davidson Christmas Special | 60 min. (dir. Tony Charmoli) | [method] | Christmas, 1800s
1977 | The Ugly Little Boy | 26 min. (dir. Barry Morse, Donald W. Thompson) | [method] | Visitor from the past, TV, Isaac Asimov, SHORT
1977 | Zitra vstanu a oparim se cajem (aka. Tomorrow I’ll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea) | 90 min. (dir. Jindrich Polák) | [method]
1978 | 31 iyunya (aka. 31st of June) | 142 min. (dir. Leonid Kvinikhidze) | Data over ages
1978 | Christmas Carol (aka. Rich Little’s Christmas Carol) | 55/60 min. (dir. Trevor Evans) | [method] | Visions of the Future, TV
1978 | a Connecticut Rabbit in King Arthur’s Court | 25 min. (dir. Chuck Jones) | [method] | Animation
1978 | a Hitch in Time [aka. Professor Wagstaff’s Time Machine] | 57 min. (dir. Jan Darnley-Smith) | Time Machine | SHORT
1978 | Jubilee | 100 min. (dir. Derek Jarman) | [method] | Visitor from the past, Future, Punks, Contemporary
1978 | Kua yue shi kong de xiao zi [aka. Young Dragons: Kung Fu Kids IV] | 97. min (dir. Ping-Yi Chang) | [method] |
1978 | the Magnificent Major | 23 min. (dir. Nick de Noia) | TIme Machine | Visitor to the Future, Dystopia, Books, Video games, SHORT
1978 | Rip Van Winkle | 27 min. (dir. Wil Winton) | Rip Van Winkle | Animation, SHORT
1978 | Scrooge | 70 min. (dir. John Blanchard) | [method] | Visions of the Future, TV
1978 | a Special Sesame Street Christmas | 60 min. (dir. Russ Petranto) | [method] Visions of the Future, Puppets, TV

1978 | Star Crash (aka Stella Star, aka. Female Space Invaders, aka. Scontri stellari oltre la terza dimensione) | 92. min. (dir. Luigi Cozzi) | Data over ages
1978 | The Stingiest man in Town | 51 min. (dir. Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.) | [method] | Visions of the Future, Animation, TV, SHORT
1978 | Superman | 127/143/151 min. (dir. Ricard Donner) | Superpower | Turn back the clock
1978 | the Time Machine | 99 min. (dir. Henning Schellerup) | Time Machine |
1979 | An American Christmas Carol | 98 min. (dir. Eric Till) | [method] | Visions of the Future, TV
1979 | Anti-Clock | 107 min. (dir. Jane Arden, Jack Bond) | Medical Procedure, Mind Travel | Memories, Weird
1979 | Buck Rogers in the 25th Century | 98 min. (dir. Daniel Haller) | Rip van Winkle | Visitor to the Future, Aliens
1979 | Bugs Bunny’s Christmas Carol | 8 min. (dir. Friz Freleng) | Magic| Visions of the Future, Animation, SHORT, TV

1979 | a Christmas Carol at Ford’s Theatre | 120 min. (dir. ) | Magic | Visions of the Future, Filmed Theatre
1979 | the Day Time Ended | 79 min. (dir. John Cardos) | Time Warp | Visitors to the Past, Aliens
1979 | Mind over Murder | 100 min. (dir. Ivan Nagy] | Data over ages | Prediction
1979 | Sengoku jieitaii (aka. G.I. Samurai, aka Time Slip) | 85/117/139 min. (dir. Kôsei Saitô) | [method] | Feudal Japan, Samurais
1979 | Skinflint: A Country Christmas Carol | 120 min. (dir. ) | [method] | Visions of the Future, TV
1979 | Stalker | 163 min. (dir. Andrei Tarkovsky) | [method] |
1979 | Süpermenler (aka. 3 Supermen Against Godfather) | 87 min. (dir. Italo Martinenghi) | [method] | Superheroes, Turkey,
1979 | Time After Time | 112 min. (dir. Nicholas Meyer) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Past |
1979 | the Two worlds of Jennie Logan (aka. The Double Life of Jenny Logan) | 94 min. (dir. Frank de Felitta) | [method] | TV
1979 | Unidentified Flying Oddball (aka. the Spaceman and King Arthur, aka. A Spaceman in King Arthur’s Court) | 93 min. (dir. Russ Mayberry) | [method] | Visitor to the Past, NASA, Arthurian Legend, Robot, Knights, 1200, England

1980 | the Final Countdown | 92 min. (dir. Don Taylor) | Electrical Phenomenon | Military, Contemporary, Visitors from the Past
1980 | the Flipside of Dominick Hide | 90 min. (dir. Alan Gibson) | [method] | TV, BBC Play for Today
1980 | the Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything | 100 min. (dir. William Wiard) | Stopping Time |
1980 | Samchongsa: Taimmeosin 001 [aka. Three Musketeers: Time Machine 001 | 71 min. (dir. Jung-kyu Lim) | Time Machine | Animé
1980 | Somewhere in Time | 103 min. (dir. Jeannot Swarc) | Self-Hypnosis, Mind Travel | 1910s
1980 | Yamato yo towa ni [aka. Be Forever Yamato] | 145 min. (dir. Toshio Masuda, Leiji Matsumoto) | [method], Multiple Timelines | Animé, Japan
1981 | Back to the Planet of the Apes (aka. The New Planet of the Apes) | 92 min. (dir. Arnold laven, Don Weiss) | Rocket Ship | Visitor from the past, TV-edit (from 1974 series)
1981 | Burned at the Stake | 88 min. (dir. Bert I. Gordon) | [method] | Multiple Timelines, Salem

1981 | the Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite | 93 min. (dir. Hy Averback) | Stopping Time |
1981 | Memoirs of a Survivor | 115 min. (dir. David Gladwell) | [method] | Alternate Reality
1981 | Miss Morrison’s Ghost | 120 min. (dir. John Bruce) | [method] Visitor from the Past, 19th century, England
1981 | Neco je ve vzduchu (Secret of the empty Urn) | 78 min. (Ludvik Razá) | Car | Comedy, 1946
1981 | Saturday the 14th | 75 min. (dir. Howard R. Cohen) | Invocation | Monsters
1981 | Sheder Min Ha’Atid (aka. a Message from the Future) | 87 min. (dir. David Avidan) | [method] | Visitor from the Future | WWIII
1981 | SPACY | 10 min. (dir. Takeshi Ito) | Movie making | Japan, experimental, SHORT
1981 | Through the Magic Pyramid | 97 min. (dir. Ron Howard) | Magic | Egypt, TV, Children
1981 | Time Bandits | 116 min. (dir. Terry Gilliam) | [method] | Multiple Timelines, Comedy
1981 | Time Warp | 88 min. (dir. Bob Emenegger, Allan Sandler) | [method] | Visitor to the Past
1981 | Warp Speed | 92 min. (dir. Allan Sandler) | Mind Travel |

1982 | Aliens from another Planet | 96 min (dir. ) | Time Tunnel | TV, TV-episodes into film | NOTE: edit of 3 Time Tunnel episodes into one movie
1982 | Another flip for Dominick | 90 min. (dir. Alan Gibson) | [method] | TV drama, BBC Play for Today
1982 | Balamos | 82 min. (dir. Stavros Tornes) | [method| | Greece, Historical Times

1982 | the Flight of Dragons | 96 min. (dir. Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr.) | [method] | Dragons, Magic, Animation
1982 | Les Maîtres du temps (aka Time masters) | 78 min. (dir. René Laloux) | [method] | Animation
1982 | the Mysterious Stranger | 90 min. (dir. Peter H. Hunt) | [method] | Visitor from the Future, Bible
1982 | The Olden Days Coat | 30 min. (dir. Bruce Pittman) | [method] | SHORT
1982 | Stuck on You | 88 min. (dir. Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman ) | [method]
1982 | Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann | 94 min. (dir. William Dear) | Motorcycle | Cowboys, 1880s
1982 | Time Walker | 83 min. (dir. Tom Kennedy) | Longivity | Alien, Egyp, Present Day
1982 | Voyager from the Unknown (Edit of two episodes from the TV-series of the same name)| 91 min. (dir. Winrich Kolbe, James D. Parriot) | [method] |
1982 | le Voyager Imprudent [aka. Future times Three] | 83 min. (dir. Pierre Tchernia) | Time Travel Pill | WWII, TV
1983 | Chronopolis | 52 min. (dir. Piotr Kamler) | Manipulation of time | Immortals, Animation
1983 | el erótico y loco túnel del tiempo [aka. The Erotic and Wacky Tunnel of Time] | 79 min. (dir. Jose A. Rodriguez) | Time Machine | Multiple periods, Sex tourism, Egypt, Rome, Turkey, Future
1983 | Mickey’s Christmas Carol | 26 min. ( Burny Mattinson) | Visions of the future | Animation, Disney
1983 | Il mondo de Yor (aka. Yor, the Hunter from the Future) | 88/98 min. (dir. Antonio Margheriti) | [method] | Visitor from the future, Dinosaurs,
1983 | Prisoners of the lost universe | 94 min. (dir. Terry Marcel) | Time Machine, teleportation | Alternate universe, Dinosaurs
1983 | the Returning | 90 min. (dir. Joel Bender) | [method] |
1983 | Die Ruckkehr der ZeitMaschine | 120 min. (dir. Jürgen Klauß) | Time Machine | Visitors to the Past, Philosophy, Germany, TV, Theatre, Satire
1983 | Shu Shan – Xin Shu shan jian ke [aka. Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain] | 95/112 min (dir. Hark Tsui) | Magic, Dream | ancient China | (longer intl. version is Time Travel, short version is cut to straight fantasy)
1983 | Time Slip Ichimannen: Prime Rose [aka. a Time Slip of 10000 years: Prime Rose, aka. Prime Rose] | 93 min. (dir. Osamu Dezaki, Satoshi Dezaki) | Time Displacement | Future, Japan, Animé | WATCH
1983 | Toki o Kakeru Shôjo (aka. The little girl who conquered time, aka. The Girl Who Cut Time) | 104 min. (dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi) | [method] | Japan, Contemporary
1983 | the Twilight Zone: The Movie | episode ”A quality of mercy” | 107/97 min. (dir. John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, George Miller) | [method] | Various pasts, Historical

1984 | Best Defense | 94 min. (dir. Willard Huyck) | Concurrent Timelines |
1984 | a Billion for Boris [aka. Billions for Boris] | 94 min. (dir. Alexander Grasshoff) | TV-transmission | Data from the Future, Children,
1984 | Chikan densha: Gokuhi honban (aka. Molester Train: Ninja Time Slip) | 65 min. (dir. Yôjirô Takita) | [method] | Japan, 1600s, 1900’s, Visitor to the Future, Ninjas
1984 | a Christmas Carol | 100 min. (dir. Clive Donner) | Visions of the future | TV
1984 | Ice Pirates | 91 min. (dir. Stewart Raffill) | Time Warp | Comedy
1984 | Kalter Hauch der Vergangenheit (aka. the cold room, aka. The Prisoner) | 95 min. (dir. James Dearden) | [method] |
1984 | the Next One (aka. The Time Traveller) | 105 min. (dir. Nico Mastorakis) | [method], Visitor from the Future, Greece
1984 | the Philadelphia Experiment | 97 min. (dir. Stewart Raffill) | [method] |
1984 | Second Time Lucky | 101 min. (dir. Michael Anderson) | [method] | Second Chance, Bible, God
1984 | Seksmisja (aka. Sexmission) | 117 min. (dir. Juliusz Machulski) | Rip van Winkle | Matriarchy, the Future, Gender

1984 | the Terminator | 107 min. (dir. James Cameron) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future, Robot, AI
1984 | Time Fighters in the Land of Fantasy | 94 min. (dir. Jim Terry) | [method] | Adventure Lands
1984 | Time Truck | min. (dir.) | [method] | SHORT, Comedy | SCTV INFO
1984 | Üç süpermen olimpiyatlarda [aka. Three Supermen at the Olympic Games] | 65 min. (dir. Italo Martinenghi) | [method] | Ancient Greece
1984 | Urusei Yatsura 2: Byûtifuru dorîmâ [aka. Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer] | 90 min. (dir. Mamoru Oshii) | Temporal & Spatial Upheaval | Animé
1985 | Arthur the King | 180 min (dir. Clive Donner) | Longivity, magic | from book |
1985 | Back to the Future | 111 min. (dir. Robert Zemeckis) | Car | 1950s
1985 | The Blue Yonder | 92 min. (dir. Mark Rosman) | Plane | 1920s, Aviation
1985 | Cavegirl | 85/86 min. (dir. David Oliver) | Magic | Dinosaurs, Pre-Historic Times
1985 | the Heavenly Kid | 90 min. (dir. Cary Medoway) | [method] | Reincarnation
1985 | Maxie | 98 min. (dir. Paul Aaron) | Possession | Visitor from the past, 1920’s, silent era,

1985 | My Science Project | 94/80 min. (dir. Jonathan R. Betuel) | [method] | Dinosaurs
1985 | Non ci reste che piangere (aka. Nothing left to do but cry) | 113 min. (dir. Roberto Benigni, Massimo Troisi) | [method] | 1492, Italy
1985 | Trancers (Future Cop) | 76 min. (dir. Charles Band) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1986 | Aladdin | 91 min. (dir. Bruno Corbucci) | Magic sleep |
1986 | Biggles: Adventures in Time | 92 min. (dir. John Hough) | [method] | World War I
1986 | Electric Blue 37 | 60 min. (dir. ) | [method] | Porn
1986 | Eliminators | 95 min. (dir. Peter Manoogian) | [method] | Roman Empire
1986 | En el Aire (aka. On the air) | 90 min. (dir. Juan Carlos de LLaca) | [method] | | 1960s, 1970s, contemporary
1986 | Flight of the navigator | 90 min. (dir. Randal Kleiser) | [method] | future
1986 | Future Hunters | 96 min. (dir. Cirio H. Santiago) | [method] | Visitor from the future
1986 | Dave Thomas: The Incredible Time Travels of Henry Osgood | min. (dir. Dave Thomas) | [method] |
1986 | Kin-dza-dza | 128/135 min. (dir. Georgi Daneliya) | Instant Travel | Human Aliens
1986 | Meatballs III – Summer Job | 86 min. (dir. George Mendeluk) | Time Freeze |

1986 | Momo | 101 min. (dir. Johannes Schaaf) | Stealing Time
1986 | Noah’s ark | 26 min. (dir. Ray patterson) | [method] | SHORT, Animation, visitors to the past, Biblical
1986 | Peggy Sue Got Married | 103 min. (dir. Francis Ford Coppola) | [method] | Second Chance | 1960s
1986 | Plan 15: The Terror of the Time Machine | 50 min. (dir. Scott Allen Nollen, Bart Aikens) | Time Machine | SHORT
1986 | Playing Beatie Bow | 91 min. (dir. Donald Crombie) | [method] | Australia, 1870s
1986 | Rumik World: Faiya torippa (aka. Firetripper, aka. Rumik World 1: Fire Tripper | 48 min. (dir. Motosuke Takahashi) | [method] | Feudal Japan, Animation, SHORT
1986 | Sky Pirates | 89 min. (dir. Colin Eggleston | Maze of Time | Multiple Dimensions, Bermuda Triangle, 1940’s
1986 | Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home | 119 min. (dir. Leonard Nimoy) | [method] | 1980s
1986 | Taimu abanchuru: Seccho 5-byo mae (aka Time Adventure – 5 seconds to climax) | 76 min. (dir. Yôjirô Takita) | Orgasm | Erotic, Japan
1986 | The Time Lord from U.N.C.L.E. | 32 min. (dir. Jennifer Adams Kelley) | [method] | SHORT

1987 | Barbie and the Rockers: Out of This World (aka Barbie and the Rock Stars: Out of This World) | 25 min. (dir. ) | [method] | 50s, animated, SHORT
1987 | Blind Chance | 114 min | dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski | Rewinding Time | Second Chance, Poland
1987 | Christmas Every Day | 22 min (dir. Monica Kendall, Ed Newmann) | Time Loop | SHORT, TV
1987 | Denchu Kozo no Boken | 47 min. (dir. Sjin’ya Tsukamoto) | [method] | Visitor to the Future, Japan, Dystopia
1987 | Future Past | 85 min (dir . Rob Stewart) | Computer | Multiple Selves
1987 | Frenchman’s Farm | 100 min. (dir. Ron Way) | [method] | 1940s, 1980s
1987 | Giulia e Giulia (aka. Julia and Julia) | 95 min. (dir. Peter Del Monte) | Sliding in Time |Alternate Realities, Italy, Contemporary
1987 | the Jetsons Meet the Flintstones | 100 min. (dir. Don Lusk) | [method] | Dinosaurs, Future
1987 | Konets Vechnosti (aka. the End of Eternity (Asimov)) | 137 min (dir. Andrei Yermash) | Technology] | Visitors from the future, Time Police

1987 | Lilovyy shar (aka.the Purple Ball) | 77 min. (dir. Pavel Arsyonov) | Magic | Far Past
1987 | Masters of the Universe | 107 min. (dir. David Odell) | [method] | visitor from the future
1987 | Prince of Darkness | 102 min. (dir. John Carpenter) | Data over Ages | Change the past, Christianity, Satan, Evil
1987 | Timestalkers | 100 min. (dir. Michael A. Schultz) | [method] | Visitors from the Future, Cowboys, 1880s
1987 | Timesweep | 82/85 min. (dir. Dan Diefenderfer) | [method]
1987 | the Time Guardian | 89 min. (dir. Brian Hannat) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1987 | Tikbalang | min. (dir. Peque Gallaga, Lore Reyes ) | Magic | Changing Timelines |
1987 | Time of the Apes | 97 min (dir. Kiyo Sumi Fukazawa, Atsuo Okunaka) | Cryo-sleep | Simian rule, AI
1987 | Top Kids | 116 min. (dir. Michael Pfleghar) | [method] | Historical Time Travel, Visitors from the Future, Hackers, Arcade game, Cars
1987 | Twilight Q | 60 min. x 2 (dir. Tomomi Mochizuki, Mamoru Oshii) | [method] | Animation

1988 | 14 going on 30 | 94 min, (dir. Paul Schneider) | Growth Machine | TV [Does he actually get back to being 14 again?]
1988 | A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Master | 93 min (dir. Renny Harlin) | Time Loop | Horror
1988 | As time goes by | 96 min. (Barry Peak) | [method] | Visitors from the future, Alternate History, 1950s, USA, Comedy
1988 | Barbosa (aka. Curta os Gaúchos- Barbosa) | 13 min. (dir. ) | [method] | 50s Brasil, Football, SHORT
1988 | Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure | 90 min. (dir. Stephen Herek) | [method] | Multiple Times
1988 | Burned at the Stake | 88 min. (Bert I. Gordon) | Possession? |
1988 | Gandahar (aka. Light Years) | 83 min. (dir. René Laloux) | [method] | Far Future, Animation
1988 | High Spirits | 99 min. (dir. Neil Jordan) | Time Loop | Ghosts |
1988 | Lords of Magick | 98 min. (dir. David Marsh) | [method] Contemporary, Visitors from the Past
1988 | Navigator – A Medieval Odyssey | 92 min. (dir. Vincent Ward) | [method] | Medieveal, Future
1988 | Norman’s Awesome Experience (aka. A Switch in Time) | 87 min. (dir. Paul Donovan) | [method] | Romans
1988 | Out of Time [ 92 min. (dir. Robert Butler) | [method] |
1988 | Scrooged | 100 min. (dir. Richard Donner) |[method] | | Contemporary
1988 | Zerkalo dlya geroya (aka. Mirror for a Hero) | 139 min. (dir. Vladimir Khotinenko) | Differing Temporal Progression | Russia, 1940’s, Present Day
1988 | Zartliche Chaoten II (aka. Lovable Zanies II, aka. Three Crazy Jerks II) | 98 min. (dir. Holm Dressler) | [method] |

1989 | Back to the Future Part II | 108 min. (dir. Robert Zemeckis) | Car | 1950s, 2010s |
1989 | la Casa nel tempo (aka. The house of Clocks) | 84 min. (dir. Lucio Fulci) | Stopping/reversal of Time | TV
1989 | Chances are | 108 min. (dir. Emili Ardolino) | Data over ages, Reincarnation |
1989 | Chôjin densetsu Urotsukidôji | 108 min. (dir. Hideki Takayama) | [method] | Future, Anime
1989 | A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court | 95 min. (dir. Mel Damski) | Magic | TV
1989 | Destiny to Order | 120 min. (dir. Jim Purdy) | [method] | Contemporary
1989 | la Ira | 75 min. (dir. Carlos Atanes | [method] | Visitor from the future, Missing Link | (Never Screened)
1989 | Kamen Raidaa: Sekai ni Kakeru (aka. Kamen Rider: All Around the World, aka. Masked Rider: Running around the World) | min. (dir. ) | [method]
1989 | the Lords of Magick | 98 min (dir. David Marsh) | Magic | 900s, England, USA, Modern Day
1989 | Millennium | 108 min. (dir. Michael Anderson) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1989 | Miraklet i Valby (aka. The miracle in Valby) | 85/90 min. (dir. Åke Sandgren) | [method] | Data over ages | alternate poster

1989 | the Phantom of the Opera | 93 min. (dir. Dwight H. Little) | [method] | Magic, 1800’s, London
1989 | Sons of Steel | 104 min. (dir. Gary L. Keady) | [method] | Australia | Sons of Steel – Director’s Cut
1989 | Time Trackers | 86 min. (dir. Howard R. Cohen) | [method] | Knights
1989 | Turn back the clock | 91 min. (dir. Larry Elikann) | Turn back Time | TV
1989 | Warlock | 103 min. (dir. Steve Miner) | [method] | Visitor from the past, Contemporary
1990 | 12:01 PM | 25 min. (dir. Jonathan Heap) | Time Loop | SHORT
1990 | Back to the Future Part III | 118 min. (dir. Robert Zemeckis) | Car, Train | Personal Alternate History, Cowboys
1990 | Erastes sti mihani tou hronou (aka. Lovers Beyond Time) | 85 min. (dir. Dimitris Panayiotatos) | Time Machine | Greece, Erotic?
1990 | Frankenstein Unbound | 86 min. (dir. Roger Corman) | [method] | 1810s, Frankenstein
1990 | Future Zone | 88 min. (dir. David A. Prior) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1990 | Mr. Destiny | 110 min. (dir. James Orr) | [method] | Alternate Reality
1990 | Running Against Time | 93 min. (dir. Bruce Green) | [method] / Alternate History | 1960s
1990 | Scrooge: A Christmas Sarah [aka.Gone Live! Scrooge: The Panto] | 30 min. (dir. Peter Leslie) | Visions of the Future |
1990 | the Spirit of ’76 | 82 min. (dir. Lucas Reiner) | [method] | 70’s, Visitors from the Future
1990 | Terminator II (aka. Shocking Dark) | 90 min. (dir. Bruno Mattei) | [method] |
1990 | Tuah | 110 min. (dir. Anwardi Jamil) | [method] Correcting the past, Malaysia, warrior, Shah, history
1990 | the Two Way Mirror | 27 min. (dir. Carlos García Agraz) | Mirror, Data over Ages | SHORT, TV
1990 | Time Barbarians | 96 min. (dir. Joseph John Barmettler) | [method] | Visitors from the Past, Contemporary, Los Angeles
1991 | Aditya 369 | 140 min. (dir. Singeetham Srinivasa Rao) | Time Machine | India
1991 | Adventures in Odyssey: The Knight Travellers | 22 min (dir. Mike Joens, Ken C. Johnson) | Time Machine, Imagination | Animation, Faust, SHORT
1991 | Beasties (aka. The Bionaut) | 83 min. (dir. Steven Paul Contreras) | [method] | Future
1991 | Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time | 107 min. (dir. Sylvio Tabet) | [method] | Contemporary

1991 | Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey | 94 min. (dir. Peter Hewitt) | Phone Booth | Contemporary
1991 | Brother Future | 103 min. (dir. Roy Campanella II) | [method], Magic | 1800s, Slavery
1991 | Du xia II: Shang Hai tan du Sheng (aka. God of gamblers III: Back to Shanghai) | 116 min. (dir. Jim Wong) | [method] | 1930s, Visitors from the Future, Shanghai
1991 | Gojira vs. Kingu Gidorâ | 103 min. (dir. Kazuki Ohmori) | [ method] Visitor from the Future, Gozilla, Japan, Politics
1991 | Late for Dinner | 99 min. (dir. W. D. Richter) | Rip van Winkle, Cryogenics |
1991 | Mangetsu: Mr. Moonlight | 109 min. (dir. Kazuki Ohmori) | [method] |
1991 | Mission 369 | 133 min (dir. ) | Time Machine | India, WW III
1991 | Of Tomorrow’s Unknown | min. (dir. Michael West) | [method] | Aliens, Student Film
1991 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day | 152 min. (dir. James Cameron) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1991 | Tian di xuan men | 95 min (dir. Thomas Yip) | magic| China, HongKong
1991 | Trancers 2: The Return of Jack Deth (Future Cop 2) | 85 min. (dir. Charles Band) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1992 | Adamu to Ivu (aka Double Lives, aka. Adam & Eve: Time Travelers from the Future) | min. (dir. ) | [method] | SHORT, Animation, Japan
1992 | Adventures in Dinosaur City | 88 min. (dir. Brett Thompson) | [method] | Dinosaurs, Kids
1992 | Amityville 1992: It’s About Time | 91 min. (dir. Tony Randel) | [method] | Visitor from the past, Horror
1992 | Army of Darkness (aka. Evil Dead III) | 77 min. (dir. Sam Rami) | Vortex | Knights
1992 | Boris and Natasha | 88 min. (dir. Charles Martin Smith) | Time Loop | Anim
1992 | Doctor Mordrid | 74 min. (dir. Albert Band, Charles Band) | Time Freeze | Dimensional Travel
1992 | Doctor Who: Shada | 110 min, (dir. Pennant Roberts) | Time Machine | Tardis, Timelord, TV, Unfinished story | ref. to the remakes of 2017 and 2013
1992 | Freejack | 110 min. (dir. Geoff Murphy) | [method] | 2000s, future

1992 | Forever Young | 102 min. (Steve Miner) | Rip Van Winkle | contemporary
1992 | From time to time | 18 min. (dir. Jeff Blyth) | [method] | SHORT
1992 | Grand Tour: Disaster in Time (Timescape) | 98 min. (dir. David N. Twohy) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1992 | the Muppet Christmas Carol | 85 min. (dir. Brian Henson) | Magic | Visions of the Future, Puppets
1992 | Orlando | 94 min. (dir. Sally Potter) | Longivity | Living Several Lifetimes
1992 | Second Glance | 50 min. (dir. Rich Christiano) | [method] | Second Chance, Christianity
1992 | Split Infinity | 90 min. (dir. Stan Ferguson) | [method] | Stock Marked Crash, 1920’s, 1990’s
1992 | the Time Game | 94 min. (dir. Alister Smart) | Time Machine | Australia, 1900’s, TV
1992 | Trancers 3: Deth Lives (Future Cop 3) | 75 min. (dir. C. Courtney Joyner) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1992 | Waxwork 2: Lost in Time | 104 min. (dir. Anthony Hickox) | [method] | Contemporary
1993 | 12:01 | 92 min. (dir. Jack Sholder) | Loop | TV
1993 | Blue Flame | 88 min. (dir. Cassian Elwes) | Cryosleep |
1993 | Doctor Who: Dimensions In Time | 13 min. (dir. Stuart McDonald) | [method] | SHORT
1993 | Escape Through Time | 150 min. (dir. Michael Linn) | Loop | Western
1993 | Groundhog Day | 103 min. (dir. Harold Ramis) | Groundhog Day | Second Chance |

1993 | Kumo kai no meikyû (aka Cloud World Mystery, aka. Labyrinth in the Clouds: Zeguy, aka.Mask of Zeguy) | 70 min. (dir. Shigenori Kageyama) | Magic | Parallel Universe, Japan, Anime
1993 | Magic Müller | min. (dir. Thomas Bohn) | [method], TV
1993 | Marching Out of Time | 74 min (dir. Antone Vassil) | teleportation | Visit to the Future, Nazis, 1990s
1993 | Mathusalem | 105 min. (dir. Roger Cantin) | Door to Time and Space | Pirates
1993 | Philadelphia Experiment II | 97 min. (dir. Stephen Cornwell) | [method] |
1993 | Sandman | 100 min. (dir. Eric Woster) | Time Portal | American Indians, Spirits
1993 | Sankofa | 125 min (dir. Haile Gerima) | Data over ages, Mind travel | Slavery, Africa, West Indies
1993 | Smoking / No Smoking | 298 min. (dir. Alain Resnais) | [method] | Alternate Universe
1993 | Taimu bokan ödö fukku (aka.Time Bokan – Le macchine del tempo, aka. Time Fighters] | 80 min. (dir. Akira Shigino) | [method] | Animé | Movie from series
1993 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 (aka. Turtles in Time) | 95 min. (dir. Stuart Gilard) | [method] | 1600s, Feudal Japan
1993 | The demolition Man | 115 min. (dir. Marco Brambilla) | Cryogenics | Travel to the future
1993 | Time Runner | 90 min. (dir. Michael Mazo) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1993 | Visiteurs, Les (aka. The Visitors) | 107 min. (dir. Jean-Marie Poiré) | Magic | Knights, France
1993 | We’re back! A Dinosaur’s Story | 72 min. (dir. Phil Nibbelink, Simon Wells) | [method] | Dinosaurs, Animation
1993 | Wei Xiao Bao zhi feng zhi gou nu (aka. Hero beyond the boundry of time) | 94 min. (dir. Blackie Shou Liang Ko) | Magic | Travel to present day, Kung-Fu

1993 | Xin nan xiong nan di (aka. He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, aka. He Ain’t Heavy… He’s My Father) | 97 min. (dir. Peter Chan) | [method] | Hongkong, 1950’s
1994 | A.P.E.X. | 98 min. (dir. Phillip J. Roth) | Paradox | Future
1994 | Rampo | 100 min. (dir. Rintaro Mayozumi, Kazyyoshi Okuyama) | [method] |
1994 | the Return of Tommy Tricker | 97 min. (dir. Micahel Rubbo) | Stamp Travelling | Magic, Children
1994 | the Seven Mysteries of Life | 88 min. (dir. Gregg Lachow) | [method] | Abraham Lincoln
1994 | Star Trek Generations | 118 min. (dir. David Carson) | [method] | future |
1994 | Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000 | 74 min. (dir. David DeCoteau) | [method] | 1980s, Visitors from the Future
1994 | Timecop | 98 min. (dir. Peter Hyams) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1994 | Time Chasers [aka. Tangents] | 90 min. (dir. David Giancolo) | Time Machine | Teens
1994 | Trancers 4: Jack of Swords (Future Cop 4) | 83 min. (dir. David Nutter) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1994 | Trancers 5: Sudden Deth (Future Cop 5) | 73 min. (dir. David Nutter) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future
1994 | Sai yau gei: Dai yat baak ling yat wui ji – Yut gwong bou haap (aka. Xi you ji da jie ju zhi xian lu qi yuan, aka. A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora’s Box) | 87/115 min. (dir. Jeffrey Lau) | [method] | Visitor to the Past, Philosophy, Religion
1994 | Sai yau gei: Daai git guk ji – Sin leui kei yun (aka. Xi you ji da jie ju zhi xian lu qi yuan, aka. A Chinese Odyssey Part Two – Cinderella) | 95 min. (dir. Jeffrey Lau) | [method] | Visitor to the Past, Philosophy, Religion
1995 | A Kid in King Arthur’s Court | 89 min. (dir. Michael Gottlieb) | Magic | Knights |
1995 | A Stranger in Time | 84 min (dir. Dennis Rockney) | time rift | 1890, Visitor from the past |
1995 | A Young Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court | 93 min. (dir. Ralph L. Thomas) | Magic | Knights |
1995 | Adventures in Odyssey: Go West Young Man | 22 min (dir. Stephen Stiles, Robert Vernon) | imagination | Old West, animation, SHORT |
1995 | Aemawa Byeon Kang-soe (aka Emma and Byeon Kang-soe) | 87 min (dir Mun-ok Kim) | car accident | Visit to the past, South Korea, Emma Bovary |
1995 | Ausgestorben (aka. Extinct) | 15 min. (dir. Michael Pohl) | [method] | SHORT, Dinosaurs |
1995 | Dragon Fury | 79 min (dir. David Heavener) | [method] | Post-Apocalysis, 2099, Virus |
1995 | Drifting School | 84 min (dir. Junichi Mimura) | Time Rip | Visit to the future, telepathy |
1995 | Ebbie (aka. Miracle at Christmas) | 96 min (dir. George Kaczender) | Visions of the future | Christmas Carol |
1995 | El niño invisible | 80 min. (dir. Rafael Monleón) | magic stone | 12th century |
1995 | Hua Yue Jia qi [aka. Love in the Time of Twilight] | 103 min. (dir. Hark Tsui) | Voice over ages | Comedy, Hong Kong, 1920s |
1995 | Josh Kirby…Time Warrior: Chapter 1, Planet of the Dino-knights | 88 min (Ernest D. Farino) | [method] | Knights, Dinosaurs, Multiple times |
1995 | Josh Kirby…Time Warrior: Chapter 2, The Human Pets | 90 min (Frank Arnold) | [method] | Medieval times |
1995 | Jumanji | 104 min (dir. Joe Johnston) | Rewind time | Board game,
1995 | Kids of the Round Table | 89 min (dir. Robert Tinnell) | Sword | Magic, Children, based on book|
1995 | Kimi wa Toki no Kanata e (aka. Beyond your Time, aka. You On the Other Side of Time) | 84 min (dir. Nakajima Tsuyoshi) | Time Slip | Samurai, 1560, Japan, 20th century | NOTE: DramaWiki
1995 | Nemesis 2: Nebula | 83 min (dir. Albert Pyun) | Cyborg Ship | cyborgs
1995 | Paradox | 60 | time machine | meet selves |
1995 | Pour Tout Dire 3 | 19 min. (dir. Martin Barry) | [method] | SHORT |
1995 | Pour Tout Dire 4 | 24 min. (dir. Martin Barry) | [method] | SHORT |
1995 | Slayers The Motion Picture | 62 | [method] | Change history |
1995 | Terminal Force | 91 | [method] | |
1995 | Terminatrix | 70 | [method] | assassin from future |
1995 | The Drivetime | 88 min. (dir. Antero Alli) | [method] | Visitor gtom the Future, Environment, Anarchy |
1995 | The Langoliers (TV-miniseries) | 60 min. x 3 (dir. Tom Holland) | [method] | Contemporary |
1995 | The Science of Star Trek | 48 min. (dir.) | Warp | Documentary |
1995 | Timemaster | 100 min. (dir. James Glickenhaus) | a suit | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future |
1995 | W.E.I.R.D. World | 89 min. (dir. William Malone) | [method] | |

1996 | A spasso nel tempo | 94 min. (dir. Carlo Vanzina) | [method] | Multiple
1996 | Brigands, Chapitre VII (aka. Brigands, Chapter VII) | 129/117 min. (dir. Otar Iosseliani) | [method] | Multiple Realities
1996 | Christmas every Day | 95 min (dir. Larry Peerce) | Loop | Christmas
1996 | Doctor Who, The Movie | 89 min. (dir. Geoffrey Sax) | Tardis | Time Lord
1996 | Dragon Fury II | min. (dir. Bryan Michael Stoller) | | Martial Arts | ???
1996 | Hellraiser: Bloodline | 85 min. (dir. Kevin Yager, Alan Smithee) | [method] | Horror, Visitors from the future
1996 | Josh Kirby…Time Warrior: Chapter 3, Trapped on Toyworld | min. (Frank Arnold) | [method] |
1996 | Josh Kirby…Time Warrior: Chapter 4, Eggs from 70 million B.C. | min. (Mark S. Manos) | [method] | Dinosaurs
1996 | Josh Kirby…Time Warrior: Chapter 5, Journey to the Magic Cavern | min. (Ernest D. Farino) | [method] |
1996 | Josh Kirby…Time Warrior: Chapter 6, Last battle for the Universe | min. (Frank Arnold) | [method] |
1996 | Moebius | 88 min. (dir. Gustavo Mosquera R.) | Metro Train | parallel world, moebius strip
1996 | Star Trek VIII: First Contact | 110 min. (dir. Jonathan Frakes) | [method] | 2060s
1996 | Tenchi Muyô! In Love | 95 min. (dir. Hiroshi Negishi) | [method] | Animation
1996 | the Tomorrow Man | 120 min. (dir. Bill D’Elia) | [method] Visitor from the future, Changing the past, Robots, A.I.
1996 | der Trip | 87 min (dir. Wolfgang Büld) | Love | Visitors to the Past, 1972, Germany, based on story
1996 | T2 3-D: Battle Across Time | 12 min. (dir. John Bruno, James Cameron) | [method] | SHORT
1996 | Twelve Monkeys (aka. 12 Monkeys) | 129 min. (dir. Terry Gilliam) | [method] | Time Loop, Visitors from the Future
1996 | Yesterday’s target | 76/71 min. (dir. Barry Samson) | [method] | Visitors from the future, Post Apocalyptic Future

1997 | A spasso nel tempo: l’avventura continua | 95 min. (dir. Carlo Vanzina) | [method] |
1997 | Alien Visitor (aka. Epsilon | 92 min. (dir. Rolf de Heer) | [method], Time Dilation | Civilisation Critique, Australia, Contemporary
1997 | Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery | 94 min. (dir. Jay Roach) | Rip Van Winkle/Time Travel | 1960s
1997 | Campfire Tales | 88 min (dir. David Semel Episode, “the Locket”) | Concurrent Timelines | Anthology
1997 | les Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2 | 118 min. (dir. Jean-Marie Poiré) | [method]
1997 | Conceiving Ada | 85 min. (dir. Lynn Hershman-Leeson) | [method] | 1850s
1997 | Dinosaur Valley Girls | 94 min. (dir. Donald F. Glut) | [method] | Dinosaurs
1997 | Future War | 90 min. (dir. Anthony Doublin) | [method] | Visitors from the past, Dinosaurs
1997 | Grizzly Mountain | 96 min. (dir. Jeremy Haft) | [method] | Visitors to the past, The Wild West
1997 | In his fathers shoes | 105 min. (dir. Vic Sarin) | [method] | Visitor from the Future, Contemporary
1997 | Johnny Mysto: Boy Wixard | 87 min. (dir. Jeff Burr) | Magic | Arthurian Legend, Merlin
1997 | Kids of the Round Table | 89 min. (dir. Robert Tinnel) | Magic | Arthurian
1997 | Matusalem II: le dernier des Beauchesne | 98 min. (dir. Roger Cantin) | Magic | South America, Children
1997 | Ms. Scrooge | 87 min. (dir. John Korty) | [method] Visions of the Future, TV
1997 | Nirvana | 113 min. (dir. Gabriele Salvatores) | Loop | Italy
1997 | Redux Riding Hood | 15 min. (dir. Steve Moore) | [method] | Animation, Short
1997 | Retroactive | 87 min. (dir. Louis Morneau, [method] | Contemporary
1997 | Time Tracers | 101 min. (dir. Brett McCormick) | [method] | Civil War, Dinosaurs
1997 | Time Under Fire | 92 min. (dir. Scott P. Levy, Tripp Reed) | Time Rift | Alternate Reality, Dystopia, America
1997 | The Exotic Time Machine | 78 min. (dir. Felicia Sinclair) | [method] | Multiple
1997 | Toki o Kakeru Shôjo (aka. The girl Who Leapt Through Time) | min. (dir. Haruki Kadokawa) | [method] | Japan, Contemporary
1997 | Total reality | 100 min. (dir. Philip J. Roth) | [method] | Visitor til the past
1997 | When Time Expires | 93 min. (dir. David Bourla) | [method] | TV
1997 | Wishmaster | 90 min. (dir. Robert Kurtzman) | Grandfather Paradox
1998 | Backtime [aka. Time Travellers] | min. (dir. Steven Miller) | Time Machine | Visitor to the Past,
1998 | Buhawi Jack | 120 min. (dir. Teddy Gomez, Phillipe Ko) | Magic | Zombies, Wizard, Monster, Phillipines
1998 | Clockmaker | 90 min. (dir. Christopher Rémy) | [method]
1998 | Dandy Dust | 97 min. (dir. A. Hans Scheirl) | [method] | Contemporary, Arthouse | WATCH
1998 | Doctor Who: The Missing Years (aka the reconstruction of Time) | 56 min. (dir. Paul Vanezis) | [method] | TV, compilation, SHORT
1998 | Doragon Naito 4 [aka. Dragon Knight: Wheel of Time] | 110 min. (dir. Hiromichi Metano) | [method] | Anime, Porn

1998 | A Knight in Camelot | 85/90 min. (dir. Roger Young) | [method]
1998 | the Lake | 95 min. (dir. David Jackson) | Dimensional Travel | Body Snatching, Horror
1998 | Lost in Space | 130 min. (dir. Stephen Hopkins) | [method] | Future
1998 | the Love Letter | 98 min. (dir. Dan Curtis) | Data over ages
1998 | the Man with Rain in his shoes [aka. Twice upon a Yesterday] | 91 min. (dir. María Ripoll) | Correcting Time
1998 | el Milagro de P. Tinto | 106 min. (dir. Javier Fesser) | Paradox |
1998 | Mosura 3: Kingu Gidora raishu (aka. Mothra 3: King Ghidora Attacks, aka. Rebirth of Mothra III) | 98 min. (dir. Okihiro Yoneda) | Magic | Dinosaurs, Japan
1998 | Phantasm IV | 98 min. (dir. Don Coscarelli) | [method]
1998 | Pleasantville | 124 min. (Gary Ross) | [method] | Visitors from the future, Alternate History, 1950s
1998 | Run Lola Run | 81 min. (dir. Tom Tykwer) | [method] | Second Chance, Contemporary
1998 | Six String Samurai | 91 min. (dir. Lance Mungia) | [method] | Alternate History, Alternate Universe
1998 | Sliding Doors | 99 min. (dir. Peter Howitt) | Rewind | Second Chance, Contemporary
1998 | Star trek the Experience: The Klingon Encounter | 4 min. (dir. Mario Kamberg, David de Vos) | [method] | Visitors from the future, SHORT
1998 | Superheroine Double Feature | 69 min. (dir. Jon Woods) | [method] | Bondage
1998 | Tigerstreifenbaby wartet auf Tarzan (aka. Tigerstripe Baby Is Waiting for Tarzan) | 118 min. (dir. Rudolf Thorne) | [method] | visitor from the Future
1998 | Vampire Time Travellers | min. (dir. Les Sekely) | [method]
1998 | What dreams may come | 113 min. (dir. Vincent Ward) | Afterlife, frozen time |
1999 | A.LI.Ce | min. (dir. Kenichi Maejima) | [method] | Vistors from the past, animation
1999 | Aliens in the Wild, Wild West |90 min. (dir. George Erschbamer) | [method] | Western, Aliens
1999 | Arthur’s Quest | 87 min. (dir. Neil Mandt) | [method] | Visitor from the past, Contemporary
1999 | Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me | 95 min. (dir. Jay Roach) | Rip Van Winkle, Device | 1970s

1999 | Bakha satang (aka. Peppermint Candy) | 129/130 min. (dir. Chang-Dong Lee) | Reverse Chronology
1999 | the Bicentennial Man | 132 min. (dir. Chris Columbus) | Longivity | Robots
1999 | The Big Story | 60 min. (dir. Jon Woods) | [method] | Porn, Agents
1999 | Blackadder Back & Forth | 33 min. (dir. Paul Weiland) | [method] | 15th century England
1999 | Blast from the Past | 106 min. (dir. Hugh Wilson) | Rip Van Winkle | Contemporary
1999 | Chrono-Perambulator| 11 min. (dir. Damien O’Donnell) | [method] | Time Machine, Stone Age, Loop | WATCH
1999 | Devil’s Arithmetic | 95 min. (dir. Donna Deitch) | Door | Holocaust, Jews, WWII
1999 | Donald Duck: Stuck on Christmas (in “Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas”) | 66 min. (dir. Bradley Raymond, Alex Mann) | Loop | Anim
1999 | Durango kids | 102/91/87 min. (dir. Ashton Root) | [method] | Wild West, contemporary
1999 | the Excalibur Kid | 88 min. (dir. James Head) | [method] | Visitor from the future, Medieval England
1999 | Galaxy Quest | 102 min. (dir. Dean Parisot) | [method] | Aliens, Fandom
1999 | Insomnia | 4 min. (dir. Esteban Rojas) | Magic, Device | SHORT
1999 | The Life Before This | 92 min. (dir. Jerry Ciccoritti) | [method] | Contemporary
1999 | Man of the century | 80 min. (dir. Adam Abraham) | [method] | Contemporary, 1920s
1999 | Maximillian Tarzan | 10 min. (dir. Jalmari Helander) | [method] | SHORT | WATCH
1999 | Me Myself I | 104 min. (dir. Phillipa Karmel) | [method] | Second Chance, Contemporary
1999 | Peut-être | 109 min. (dir. Cedric Klapisch) | Time Portal | Future, Paris
1999 | Pirates of the plain | 93 min. (dir. John R. Cherry III) | [method] | Visitors from the past, Pirates
1999 | Restless Spirits (aka. Dead Aviators) | 96 min. (dir. David Wellington) | [method] | Visitors from the Past, TV
1999 | S Club 7: Back to the 50’s | min (dir. Andrew Margetson) | | 1950s
1999 | Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious museum | 90 min. (dir. David Schmoeller) | [method] | 1800s
1999 | Sofies Verden | 113 min. (dir. Erik Gustavsson) | Data over Ages | Litterature, Philosphy, Meta-Story
1999 | the Still Point | 15 min. (dir. Eric Torvi) | Device | Medieval England, SHORT
1999 | Teen Knight [aka Medieval Park] | min (dir. Phil Corneau) | Magic | 1300s
1999 | the Thirteenth Floor (aka. 13th floor) | 100 min. (dir. Josef Rusnak) | Resetting TIme | 1930s, Matrix

1999 | Time at the Top | 96 min. (dir. Jim Kaufman (as Jimmy Kaufman)) | Time Machine | Visitor to the past, Paradox?
1999 | Time Shifters, the (aka. Thrill Seekers) | 88 min. (dir. Mario Azzopardi) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Future |
1999 | Timegate: Tales of the Saddle Tramps | 95 min. (dir. Sam Silver) | [method] | Cowboys, soft porn
1999 | Tom’s Midnight Garden | 92/107 min. (dir. Willard Carroll) | [method]
1999 | Twice Upon a Yesterday (The Man With Rain in His Shoes) | 91 min. (dir. Maria Ripoll) | [method] | Second Chance, Contemporary
1999 | Veronica 2030 | 80 min. (dir. Gary Graver) | [method] | Visitor from the Future
2000 | Blue Moon | 89 min. (dir. John A. Gallagher) | Paradox |
2000 | Carnivale | 74 min. (dir. Deane Taylor) | [method] | Animation
2000 | C-files: Tell Saga | 5 min. (dir. Johannes M Hedinger) | [method] | Spoof, SHORT
2000 | Deuxième Vie | 100 min. (dir. Patrick Braoudé) | [method] Second chance, Alternate Reality
2000 | Donggam (aka. Ditto) | 110 min. (dir. Jeong-kwon Kim) | Contact over Ages | 1979, 2000
2000 | Escape to Grizzly Mountain | 95 min. (dir. Anthony Dalesandro) | Magic | 1800’s
2000 | The Family Man | 125 min. (dir. Brett Ratner) | [method] | Second chance |
2000 | For All Time | 84 min. (dir. Steven Schachter) | [method] | Visitor from the future, the past, 16th century
2000 | Frequency | 118 min. (dir. Gregory Hoblit) | Contact over Ages | Firefighter, 1960s
2000 | Happy Accidents | 110 min. (dir. Brad Anderson) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitor from the Future
2000 | Hellraiser: Inferno | 99 min. (dir. Scott Derrickson) | Loop | Horror
2000 | the Kid | 104 min. (dir. Jon Turteltaub) | Concurrent Timelines | Second Chance, Disney
2000 | Man who used to be me, the | 88 min. (dir. Jeff Woolnough) | [method] | Visitor to the Past, Paradox
2000 | Morir (o no) | 89 min. (dir. Ventura Pons) | [method] | Second Chance, Different endings, Contemporary
2000 | Naken [aka. Naked] | 94 min. (dir. Mårten Knutsson, Torkel Knutsson) | Loop | Second Chance, Sweden
2000 | Nautilus | 97 min. (dir. Rodney McDonald) | [method] | Re-writing History, Visitors from the Future, Past
2000 | Nostradamus | 88/102 min (dir. Tibor Takács) | [method] | Visitor from the Past, Contemporary
2000 | Out of Time | 85 min (dir. Ernest Thomson) | Rip Van Winkle |
2000 | Siworae (aka. Il mare) | 105/95 min. (dir. Hyun-Seung Lee) | Contact over ages |
2000 | Timequest | 92 min. (dir. Robert Dyke) | [method] | Alternate History, John F. Kennedy
2000 | Time Spy | 60 min. (dir. Oak O’Kork) | Time Anomaly | Visitor from the future, Porn, Bondage
2000 | Xchange | 110 min. (dir. Allan Moyle) | Bodyswap | Future

2001 | All Over Again (aka. Against Time) | 90/99 min. (dir. Cleve Nettles) | [method] | Paradox
2001 | Another Day | 90 min. (dir. Jeffrey Reiner) | Loop |
2001 | Black Knight | 95 min. (dir. Gil Junger) | [method] | Visitor from the future, Knights
2001 | Cheonsamong (aka. Dream of a Warrior) | 84/100 min. (dir. Hee-joon Park) | [method] | Korea, Change Events
2001 | Donnie Darko | 113 min. (dir. Richard Kelly) | Data from the future | Contemporary, Insanity
2001 | Falling for Toby | 21 min. (dir. Xandy Smith) | Stopping Time | SHORT
2001 | Final | 111 min. (dir. Cambel Scott) | Rip van Winkle, Cryo |
2001 | Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge | 81 min (dir. Mary Lambert) | Spellbook, Time Tunnel | Disney
2001 | Inuyasha – Toki wo koeru omoi (aka. Inuyasha the movie: Affections touching across time) | 100 min. (dir. Toshiya Shinohara) | Contact over ages
2001 | Just Visiting | 88 min. (dir. Jean-Marie Poire) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitors from the Past, Knights
2001 | Kate and Leopold | 123/118 min. (dir. James Mangold) | [method] | Contemporary, Visitor from the Past
2001 | Lara Croft: Tomb Raider | 100 min. (dir. Simon West) | Time Control, Device, Magic
2001 | the Meeksville Ghost | 95 min. (dir. David Lister ) | Dreamtime | Wild West, contemporary
2001 | Nicolas | 90 min. (dir. Peter Shaner) | Mind Travel | Autism
2001 | the One | 87/85 min. (dir. James Wong) | [method] | Multiverse, Multiple Selves

2001 | Os Xeretas | 90 min. (dir. Michael Ruman) | Magic | Children
2001 | Planet of the Apes | 119 min. (dir. Tim Burton) | Space Rocket | Future
2001 | Pokémon 4Ever | 75 min. (dir. Kunuhiko Yuyama, Jim Malone) | [method] | Future, Contemporary
2001 | the Poof Point | 90 min (dir. Neal Israel) | Time machine | Disney, regression
2001 | Power Rangers Time Force – Quantum Ranger: Clash for Control | 120 min (dir Isaac Florentine, Koichi Sakamoto) | [method], Visitors from the future, Animation, TVseries2Movie
2001 | les Rois Mages | 102 min. (dir. Didier Boudon, Bernard Campan) | Time Quirk | Visitors from the past, Christianity, France, contemporary
2001 | the Sorcerer’s Apprentice | 86 min (dir. David Lister) | Magic | Medieval England, Merlin
2001 | the Sticky Fingers of Time | 82 min. (dir. Hilary Brougher) | Radiation | 1950s, 1990s, Lesbian Interest
2001 | Time Spy 2: Blonde vs. Blonde | 60 min. (dir. Oak O’Kork) | [method] | Visitor for the past, change the future, Porn

2002 | 2009 loseuteu maemorijeu [aka. 2009: Lost Memories] | 136 min. (Si-myung Lee) | Alternate History | Contemporary, 1910s
2002 | An Angel for May | 95 min. (dir. Harley Cokliss) | [method] | paradox
2002 | Austin Powers: Goldmember | 95 min. (dir. Jay Roach) | Rip Van Winkle | Contemporary
2002 | The Chronology Protection Case | 38 min. (dir. Jay Kensinger) | Data over Ages | SHORT | WATCH
2002 | Chronotrip “The Outer Limits” S01E06 | 74 min. (dir. Jeff Cioletti) | [method] | Documentary, TV |
2002 | Clockstoppers | 94 min. (dir. Jonathan Frakes) | Chronology Speed-Up, Body | Young Adults
2002 | Cuentos de hadas para dormir cocodrilos (aka. Bedtime fairy tales for crocodiles) | 108 min. (dir. Ignacio Ortiz) | Contact over ages
2002 | Das Jesus Video, [aka. Ancient relic] | 182 min. (dir. Sebastian Niemann) | [method] | Visitor from the future, Christianity|
2002 | The Erotic Time Machine | min. (dir. John Baccus) | [method] | Soft Porn
2002 | The exotic Time Machine II: Forbidden Encounters | 78 min. (dir. Cybil Richards) | [method] | Soft porn
2002 | Feedback | 88 min (dir. Teo Konuralp) | Time “Telephone” | Changing the past, fate
2002 | Femme Fatale | 114 min. (Brian de Palma) | Mind Travel | Second Chance, Paris
2002 | Interstate 60: Episodes of the road | 116 min. (dir. Bob Gale) | Time Warp, Wish | Magic
2002 | Looped | 8 min. (dir. Kai Hauptmann) | Loop | SHORT

2002 | Minority Report | 145 min. (dir. Steven Spielberg) | Data from the Future | Crime Prevention, Prediction
2002 | Mou Han Fou Wut (aka. Second time around) | 99 min. (Dir. Jeffrey Lau) | [method] | Hong Kong, Contemporary
2002 | One thousand years | 98 min. (dir. Gabriel Fleming) | [method] | Millennial Apocalypse, Y2K
2002 | la Puppé | 10 min. (dir. Timothy Greenberg) | [method] | Animation, Homage, Short
2002 | Ritânâ [aka. Returner]| 116 min (dir. Takashi Yamazaki) | Freezing Time | Alien invasion
2002 | Saint Sinner, Clive Barker presents | 90/82 min. (dir. Joshua Butler) | [method] | Visitors from the past, 1700s, contemporary |
2002 | Si vous le voyez, tuez-le de ma part | 13 min. (dir. Olivier Beguin) | Time Machine | SHORT
2002 | Ten Minutes Older The Cello | 95 min. (dir. Bernardo Bertolucci, Claire Denis, Mike Figgis, Jean-Luc Godard, Jirí Menzel, Michael Radford, Volker Schlöndorff, István Szabó) | Living as Time Travel | Philosophy
2002 | The Sorcerer’s Apprentice | 86 min (dir. David Lister) | Magic, Merlin, children
2002 | The Time Machine | 96 min. (dir. Simon Wells) | [method] | Future2002 | Time Changer | 95 min. (Dir. Rich Christiano) | [method] | 1900s, contemporary, Christianity
2002 | the Tomorrow Man | 95 min. (dir. Dough Cambell) |Accident | Second Chance
2002 | Trancers 6: Life after Deth | 85 min. (dir. Jay Woelfel) | [method]
2002 | Tuck Everlasting | 90 min (dir. Jay Russel) | Immortality | The Old West
2002 | the Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: Have Time, Will Travel | min. (dir. ) | SHORT, Animation, Commercial

2003 | Bertud ng putik | 105 min (dir. Marlon Bautista, Augusto Salvador) | [method] | Future, existentialism, magic, Philipines
2003 | Bottom Live 2003: Weapons Grade Y-fronts Tour | 93 min. (dir. Rick Mayall) | [method] | Comedy, Live
2003 | Continuing Continuum | 6 min. (dir. Eric Branscum) | [method] | SHORT
2003 | Dead End | 85 min. (dir. Jean-Baptiste Andrea, Fabrice Canepa) | Loop | Horror, Gore
2003 | Evil Cult | 90 min (dir. Neil Taylor, Rob Taylor) | Time Portal
2003 | Exhumed | 87 min. (dir. Brian Clement) | Death | Feudal Japan, 1940s USA, the Future, Anthology, Zombies
2003 | Fun2shh… Dudes in the 10th Century | min (dir. Imtiaz Punjabi) | [method] | visitors to the past, India
2003 | Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time | 66 min. (dir. Steve Loter) | [method] | Animation, TV
2003 | Lost in Time | 100 min. (dir. Tung-Shing Yee) | Data over ages | Talk with deceased, Hong Kong
2003 | the Low Budget Time Machine | 48 min. (dir. Kathe Duba-Barnett) | [method] | Visitors to the future, SHORT
2003 | Magic Phone: Redial | 21 min. (dir. Adam Dorsey) | Data over ages | Faux Sitcom, SHORT | WATCH
2003 | Ôgon no hô: Eru Kantâre no rekishikan (aka The Golden Laws) | 110 min (dir. Takaaki Ishiyama) | Device | Children, Anime, History
2003 | Oi duen liu sin (aka. Sky of love) | 91 min. (dir. Hua-Tao Teng) | Communication over ages
2003 | Our Town | 120 min. (dir. James Naughton) | [method] USA, 1900’s, Theatre
2003 | Paycheck | 119 min. (dir. John Woo) | Device |
2003 | Russkiy Kovcheg (Russian Ark) | 99 min. (Dir. Alexandr Sokurov) | [method] | 1800s, 1900s, Contemporary
2003 | the Sixth Directive and Other Tales | 75 min. (dir. Jon Woods) | [method] | Porn, Bondage
2003 | Spuk am Tor der Zeit (aka. A ghost at the gateway to time) | 90 min. (dir. Gunter Meyer) | Gateway | Visitor to the future, visitor to the past | 1800s
2003 | The Story of ‘Doctor Who’ | 60 min. (dir. ) | Tardis | Documentary, Movie Time Travel, Doctor Who, 40th anniversary
2003 | The Sun Is One Foot Wide | 9 min. (dir. Joey Grossfield) | [method] | Short
2003 | Tempus Fugit | 87 min. (dir. Enric Folch) | [method] | Contemporary, TV movie
2003 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines | 119 min. (dir. Jonathan Mostow) | Time Machine, Visitors from the Future, Robot, AI
2003 | Time & Tied and Other Tales | 75 min. (dir. Jon Woods) | [method] | Porn, Bondage, Detective
2003 | Time Kid | 73 min. (dir. Will Meugniot, Pam Carter) | [method] | Anim, children
2003 | Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision [ 78/81/82 min. (dir. Steve Boyum) | [method] |
2003 | Timeline | 115 min. (dir. Richard Donner) | [method] | Knights, France
2003 | Un deuxiéme Chance | 90 min. (dir. Frédéric Krivine) | [method] | Second Chance |
2003 | Vlad | 98 min. (Dir. Michael D. Sellers) | [method] | Romania, 1400s, Contemporary
2003 | the World’s First Time Machine | 44 min. (dir. Ben Bowie) | Time Machine | Documentary, TV, SHORT
2003 | a Wrinkle in time | 128 min. (dir. John Kent Harrison) | Magic | Other Dimensions, TV, Children, Book Adaptation

2004 | 12 Days of Christmas Eve, the | 85 min. (dir. Martha Coolidge) | Time Loop | TV
2004 | 13 Going on 30 | 98 min. (dir. Gary Winick) | Wish | Instant aging, Comedy
2004 | A Dona da História [aka. Owner of the Story] | 84 min. (dir. Daniel Folho) | Mind Travel | Second Chance |
2004 | A mohácsi vész | 90 min (dir. Miklós Jancsó) | [method] | serial movie
2004 | the Butterfly Effect | 114 min. (dir. Eric J. Mackie) | Premonition | Weird
2004 | È già ieri [aka. Stork Day] | 90 min. (dir. Giulio Manfredonia) | Groundhog day, Loop |
2004 | the Girl From Tomorrow | 104 min. (dir. Kathy Mueller) | [method] | Visitor from the future
2004 | Gwai ma kwong seung kuk [aka. Fantasia] | 103 min (dir. Ka-Fai Wai) | Magic | Witches, Hong Kong, 1960’s
2004 | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | 141 min. (dir. Alfonso Cuaron) | Unravel Time, Magic | Magician, Wizards
2004 | the I inside | 90 min. (dir. Roland Suso Richter) | Conscious Time Jumping |
2004 | If Only | 92 min. (dir. Gil Junger) | Data over ages | Second Chance, London
2004 | Ima, ai ni yukimasu [aka. Be with you] | 119 min (dir. Nobuhiro Doi) | Mind Travel | Japan
2004 | Ineo gongju (aka. My mother, the mermaid) | 118 min. (dir. Heung-Sik Park) | [method] | South Korea
2004 | Izo (aka. Izô: Kaosu mataha fujôri no kijin) | 128 min. (dir. Takisha Miike) | Mind Transfer | Future, Shogun, Jaman, Samurai, Philosphy
2004 | the Keeper of Time [aka. Az idők őrzője] | 76 min (dir. Robert Cromb) | Time Mastery | Children, Wizard
2004 | Melinda and Melinda | 99 min. (dir. Woody Allen) | Opposing Timelines | Contemporary
2004 | Napoleon Dynamite | 96 min (dir. Jared Hess) | Time Machine
2004 | Nochnoy Dozor (aka. Night Watch) | 114 min. (dir. Timur Bekmambetov) | Freezing Time | Good and Evil, Moskow
2004 | Nyócker! (aka. District, aka. The District) | 87 min. (dir. Áron Gauder) | | Dinosaurs, Hungary, Animation
2004 | Primer | 77 min. (dir. Shane Carruth) | Time Machine | Change the past
2004 | Punching Hitler | 13 min. (dir. Edward S. Marks) | Time Machine | Punishment, Hitler, SHORT, Comedy
2004 | Retrograde | 93 min. (dir. Cristopher Kulowski) | Time Machine | Visitors from the future, Meteor, Virus
2004 | Survive Style 5+ | 120 min. (dir. Gen Sekiguchi) | Freezing Time | Anthology, Japan, Pop Culture
2004 | Tawipop aka The Siam Renaissance | 110 min. (dir. Surapong Pinijkhar) | Mirror Portal | Taiwan, Bangkok, Siam
2004 | Throg | 85 min. (dir. Mathew T. Power) | Magic | History, Comdy
2004 | the Time Phone | 6:50 min. (dir. Steve Agland) | Voice over ages | Comedy, SHORT
2004 | Time Server | 113 min (dir. Rober Alaniz) | Faith | Delusion
2004 | (T)Raumschiff Surprise – Periode 1 | 87 min. (dir. Michael Herbig) | Time Machine | Paradox, Correct event, Corny, Gay
2004 | the Winning Season (aka. Honus and me) | 120 min (dir. John Kent Harrison) | Baseball Card, Magic | Baseball, Cleveland, Biopic

2005 | 2046 | 128 min. (Kar-Wai Wong) | [method] | 1960s, Future, Hong Kong
2005 | Abbie Girl Spy: Timepiece | 87 min. (dir. Darren J. Butler) | [method] | Children
2005 | Ainoa | 95 min (dir. Marco Kalantari) | Alernate History | Data travelling to the past
2005 | Almost normal | 90 min. (dir. Marc Moody) | Visitor from the future | 1990s, Contemporary, Heterosexual interest
2005 | the Bet | 4 min. (dir. Charles Stone III) | visitors to the Past | SHORT
2005 | Bewitched | 102 min. (dir. Nora Ephron) | Re-wind of time
2005 | Camp Slaughter (aka. Camp Daze) | 94. min. (Alex Pucci) | Time Loop | Horror
2005 | Cheun Gun (aka. Heaven’s Soldiers) | 106 min. (dir. Jooh-ki Min) | Temporal phenomenon, Time Travel |
2005| Chilly Beach: The World Is Hot Enough | 72 min. (dir. Edin Ibric) | | Animation
2005 | DeKronos – Il demone del tempo (aka. La clessidra del diavolo, aka. La clessidra) | 86 min. (dir. Rachl Grifftihs) | Controlling Time | Magic, Demon, Italy
2005 | la Dernière Incarnation | 92 min. (dir. Deminan Fuica) | Visitor from the past, Magic | Mesopthamia
2005 | Emit | 5 min. (dir. Victor Baldovi) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Spain, Cervantes, SHORT
2005 | Fetching Cody | 87 min. (dir. David Ray) | [method] | Contemporary, Drugs
2005 | The Jacket | 106 min. (dir. John Maybury) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon, Mind Travel | Contemporary
2005 | Kono mune ippai no ai wo (aka. A Heartful of love) | 132 min. (dir. Akihiko Shiota) | [method]
2005 | Nebyt Dnesni [aka. Not of Today] | 110 min. (dir. Petr Marek) | Concurrent Timelines | | INFO | WATCH
2005 | a Path in Time | 60 min (dir. Keith Eidse) | | Visit to the future, Christian
2005 | Piratas en el Callao | 78 min. (dir. Eduardo Schuldt) | [method] | 17th century, Pirates, Peru, Animated
2005 | the Present | 96 min. (dir. Peter Shanelaris | Visitor to the past, Changing events | Philosophy
2005 | Puritan | 94 min. (dir. Hadi Hajaig) | Cyclical time | Film Noir, paganism
2005 | Samâ taimu mashin burûsu [aka Summer time machine blues] | 107 min. (dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro) | [method] | Contemporary
2005 | a Second Chance | 75 min.min. (dir. James Babanikos) | Second chance | Fountain of Youth
2005 | Sengoku jieitai 1549 [aka. Samurai Commando Mission 1549] | 87 min. (dir. Masaaki Tezuka) | [method], Temporal Phenomenon | Time Rift, Japan, 16th century
2005 | Short Tongue Freddie | 25 min min (dir. Kevin Schjerning) | Time Machine | SHORT

2005 | Slipstream | 89 min. (dir. David van Eyssen) | [method] | Contemporary | INFO
2005 | a Sound of Thunder | 110 min. (dir. Peter Hyams) | Visitors to the past | Dinosaurs |
2005 | Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning | 103 min. (dir. Timo Vuorensola) | [method] | Visitor from the Future, Time Travel Ship
2005 | Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story (aka. Family Guy Presents: Stewie Griffin – The Untold Story) | 88 min. (dir. Pete Miches, Peter Shin) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Story unwound, Future Self, Animation
2005 | TimeZone | 3 min. (dir. Craig Knitt, Thomas Thorne) | Time Machine | Patent, SHORT
2005 | Time of her Life | 93 min. (dir. Steven M. Smith) | Data over ages | Ghosts, Longevity, England
2005 | the Time Travellers of 1908| 9 min. (dir. Martin Pickles) | [method] | Visitor from the future, SHORT
2005 | the Time-Traveling Misadventures of Barry & Hal | 9 min. (dir. Matt Schorr) | [method] | SHORT
2005 | Two minute Warning | 13 min. (dir. Jim Akman) | Changing the past | SHORT
2005 | Under the Bed | 93 min. (dir. Tim Lightell) | Paradox, Visitor from the future
2005 | Wu ji (aka. the Promise) | 121 min (dir. Kaige Chen) | Time in reverse
2005 | Zathura | 113 min. (dir. Jon Favreau) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | contemporary
2006 | A Necklace for Julia | 86 min (dir. David Dietrich) | Visitor to the past
2006 | Always Will | 90 min. (dir. Michael Sammaciccia) | [method] | Magic
2006 | Butterfly Effect 2 | 92 min. (John R. Leonetti) | [method] | Contemporary
2006 | Cashback | 102 min. (dir. Sean Ellis) | Stopping Time
2006 | Change of Life | 93 min. (dir. Amy McClung) | Second Chance | Homosexuality, Gay Interest, Lesbian Interest
2006 | Chikujô seyo (aka. Raise the castle) | 120 min. (dir. Yo Kohatsu) | [method], Visitors from the past | Japan, samurai, 16th century
2006 | Christmas Do-Over | 90 min (dir. Catherine Cyran) | Groundhog Day, Loop |

2006 | Click | 107 min. (dir. Frank Coraci) | Time Control, Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Contemporary, Comedy
2006 | Déjà Vu | 126 min. (dir. Tony Scott) | [method] | Contemporary
2006 | Dnevnoy dozor (aka. Day Watch, aka Night Watch 2) | 132 min (dir. Timur Bekmambetov) | Changing the past | Moscow
2006 | Event 16 | 72 min (dir. Derek Pearson) | [method]
2006 | Everything But the Kitchen in Sync | 14 min. (dir. Alexander Holt, Lance Roehrig) | Paradox | SHORT
2006 | Find | 9 min. (dir. Tara Samuel) | changing the past | SHORT
2006 | the Fountain | 96 min. (dir. Darren Aronofsky) | Concurrent Timelines | Reincarnation, Philosophy
2006 | the Grandfather Paradox | 8 min. (dir. Jean-François Dasylva-LaRue) | Paradox | SHORT
2006 | Hell Hath No fury (anthology, the episode “One Night Stand”) | 113 min. (dir. Vince D’Amato) | | Horror
2006 | Idiocracy | 84 min. (dir. Mike Judge) | Rip Van Winkle, Cryo Sleep | Future, Comedy
2006 | the Importance of Being Russell | 99 min. (dir. Sean Plemmons) | [method] | review
2006 | Johnny and the bomb | 120 min. (dir. Dermot Boyd) | [method] | Paradox, visitors from the future, WWII, TV-miniseries
2006 | Kao… Kao… (aka. The Possible) | 118 min. (dir. Witthaya Thongyooyong) | Device, Visitors to the Future | Rock music, Thailand
2006 | Krrish | 154 min. (dir. Rakesh Roshan) | Data over ages | India, Superhero
2006 | Lakehouse | 98 min. (Alejandro Agresti) | Temporal Phenomenon | Contact over ages
2006 | the Librarian II: Return to King Solomon’s Mines | 92 min. (dir. Jonathan Frakes) | Time Portal | Magic, Egypt, Masons, TV
2006 | Lost in Time – a day with a delusional (whole movie) | 13 min. (dir, Oscar Tevez) | personal Temporal Phenomenon | Stuck in time, SHORT

2006 | Metro ni notte (aka. Riding the Metro) | 121 min. (dir. Tetsuo Shinohara) | Time Travel
2006 | Miraq | 50 min. (dir. Csaba Bollók) | Time Backwards | SHORT, Philosophy
2006 | Missing Pages | 24 min. (dir. Jerome Olivier) | Time Machine | Monsters, Japan, SHORT
2006 | No time For Nuts | 7 min. (dir. Chris Renaud, Mike Thurmeier) | [method] | Animation, SHORT
2006 | Oom Peter and the Time Machine | 2 min. (dir. wabelywobbels) | Time Machine | Dinosaurs, Animation, SHORT | WATCH
2006 | Paprika (aka. Papurika) | 90 min. (dir. Satoshi Kon) | [method] | Animation
2006 | Phairii phinaat paa mawrana (aka. Vengeance) | 99 min (dir. Pleo Sirisuwan) | Monsters from the past
2006 | Salvage | 80 min. (dir. Jeff Crook, Josh Crook) | Time Loop | Horror
2006 | La science des rêves (aka. the Science of Sleep) | 106 min (dir. Michel Gondry) | Sleep Travel
2006 | Southland Tales | 145/160 min. (dir. Richard Kelly) | Time Rift | Weird
2006 | Special | 81 min (dir. Hal Haberman, Jeremy Passmore) | Mind Travel
2006 | Spectropia | min. (dir. Toni Dove) | Time Machine, Mind Travel | New York, 1930’s | INFO
2006 | Super Noypi | 112 min (dir. Quark Henares) | [method]
2006 | Red (aka. Traveller: Red) | 50 min. (dir. Andrew Merkelbach) | [method], Visitor from the Future | SHORT
2006 | Stop | 35 min. (dir. Malcolm Ferrier) | Change the past | SHORT
2006 | the Time Machine | 7 min (Benjamin Joseph) | [method] | Paradox, SHORT | WATCH
2006 | Toki o Kakeru Shôjo (aka. The girl who leapt through time) | 98 min. (dir. Mamory Hosoda) | [method] | Contemporary, Animé
2006 | Urmel aus dem Eis [aka. Impy’s Island] | 87 min. (dir. Reinhard Klooss, Holger Tappe) | Rip van Winkel | Cryogenics, Dinosaur, Animation
2006 | Wil | 81 min. (dir. Jeremy Weinstein) | Elevator | Contemporary, Comedy

2007 | 11 min. ago | 83 min. (dir. Bob Gebert) | [method] | Time Loop, Contemporary
2007 | 1408 | 104 min. (dir. Mikael Håfström) | Time Loop | Horror
2007 | Baburu e go!! Taimu mashin wa doramu-shiki (aka Bubble Fiction: Boom or Bust) | 116 min. (dir. Yasuo Baba) | [method] | Politics, Japan
2007 | Ben 10: Race against Time | 67 min. (dir. Alex Winter) | Temporal Phenomenon | TV
2007 | Bender’s big score | 88 min. (dir Dwayne Carey-Hill) | [method] | animation
2007 | Bewitched Housewives | 76 min. (dir. Fred Olen Ray) | To the future | 1600s, Salem, Porn
2007 | Buhera mátrix | 80 min. (dir. István Márton) | [method]
2007 | Bùnéng shuo- de mìmì (aka. Bu neng shuo de. mi mi, aka. Secret) | 101 min. (dir. Jay Chou) | Magic | Visitor from the past, Future
2007 | Centenary | 10 min. (dir. Michael Onder) | Magic | SHORT
2007 | Cinderella III: A Twist in time | 70 min. (dir. Frank Nissen) | [method] | Paradox, Animation
2007 | los Cronocrímenes (aka. Timecrimes) | 88 min. (dir. Nacho Vigalondo) | Temporal Phenomenon | Contemporary, Temporal Loop

2007 | Dark paradox | 89 min. (dir. Brian Clement) | Data over ages
2007 | the Deaths of Ian Stone | 87 min (dir. Dario Piana) | Temporal Phenomenon, Repeat Day | Multiple realities, Horror
2007 | The Devil’s Muse
2007 | Dr. Plonk | 85 min (dir. Rolf de Heer) | Data over ages | Prediction
2007 | Dreamland | 77 min (dir. James P. Lay) | Data over ages
2007 | Dustclouds | 140 min (dir. Filip Jan Rymsza) |
2007 | les Deux Mondes (aka. Two Worlds, aka. Zwischen den Welden) | 105 min. (dir. Daniel Cohen) | Data from the Future | Multiverse, Prediction
2007 | Enteng Kabisote 4: Okay ka fairy ko… The beginning of the legend | 110 min. (dir. Tony Y. Reyes) | Magic | Philipines
2007 | For want of a Nail | 85 Min. (dir. Mark Hildebrand) | | Star Trek, Fandom
2007 | Forecast | 15 min (dir. Erik Courtney) | Visitor to the past | SHORT
2007 | Harpies, aka. Stan Lee’s Harpies | min (dir Josh Becker) | [method] | Visitor to the past, Magic, Harpies, TV
2007 | Hirsute | 14 min. (dir. A.J. Bond) | visitor for the future | Gay Interest, SHORT
2007 | How I married my high school crush | 90 min. (dir. David Winkler) | Temporal Phenomenon

2007 | Last Day of Summer, the | 83 min (dir. Blair Treu) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Time Loop, TV
2007 | Last Mimzy, the | 96 min. (dir. Robert Shaye) | [method]
2007 | Malta con Huevo (aka. Scrambled Beer) | 88 min. (dir. Christobal Valderrama) | Guinness and eggs, Random
2007 | Man from Earth, the | 87 min. (dir. Richard Schenkman) | Plot Spoiler | Present day
2007 | Meet the Robinsons | 95 min. (dir. Stephen J. Anderson) | [method] | Contemporary, Animated
2007 | Om Shanti Om | 162 min (dir. Farah Khan) | Reincarnation | India
2007 | Premonition | 96 min. (dir. Menan Yapo) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | contemporary
2007 | Próxima | 116 min (dir. Carlos Atanes) | Time Portal
2007 | The Roaring Whispers | 65 min (dir. Dave W. Phillips) | [method]
2007 | Rupan sansei: Kiri no eryuushivu (aka. Lupin III: Elusiveness of the Fog) | 90 min (dir. Toshihiko Masuda) | visitors to the | Feudal Japan
2007 | The Sandlot: Heading home (aka. The Sandlot 3) | 96 min. (dir. William Dear) | Mind Travel | Baseball
2007 | Slipstream | 96 min. (dir. Anthony Hopkins) | Mind Travel | Philosophy
2007 | the Seeker: The Dark Is Rising | 99 min (dir David L. Cunningham) | [method] | Magic
2007 | Starship Farragut: For want of a nail | 85 min. (dir. Mark Hildebrandt) | [method] | Pastiche, Aliens
2007 | Termination Point | 89 min. (dir. Jason Bourque) | [method] | TV
2007 | Time and Again | min. (dir Penelope Buitenhuis) | Paradox, Temporal Phenomenon, Magic | Musical Box
2007 | the Time Surgeon | 63 min. (dir. Nathaniel Mellors) | Pain | | INFO
2007 | Timeserver | 113 min (dir. Robert Alaniz) | Mind Travel
2007 | Time Thugs (aka. Time Chasers) | 2:25 min. (dir. | SHORT, Comedy, Spoof Commercial | WATCH
2007 | the Un-Gone | min (dir. Simon Bovery) | teleporter | individuality, SHORT
2007 | Unholy | 90 min. (dir. Daryl Goldberg) | ??
2007 | Willow’s way | 82 min. (dir. Kevin DiBacco) | [method]
2007 | Yanlis zaman yolculari (aka. Wrong Time Travellers) | 134 min. (dir. Aren Perdeci) | [method]
2008 | the 30 second Mobius Time Machine | min. (dir. Peter Soby Jr. | Back in Time | SHORT | WATCH
2008 | 100 Million BC | 85 min. (dir. Griff Furst) | [method] | Dinosaurs

2008 | A.R.O.G | 127 min (dir. Ali Taner Baltaci, Cem Yilmaz) | Visitor to the past, Changing the past
2008 | Boku No Kanojo Wa Saibôgu (aka. Cyborg Girl) | 115 min. (dir. Jae-young Kwak) | [method]
2008 | Chemical Wedding (aka. Crowley) | 109 min. (dir. ) | [method] | Visitor from the future |
2008 | Cloak and shag her | min. (dir. ) | [method] | visitors from the future | porn
2008 | the Curious case of Benjamin Button | 166 min. (dir. David Fincher) | Time in Reverse
2008 | Express 831 | 14 min. (dir. Ken Ochiai) | | SHORT
2008 | Fast Forward | min (dir. Richard Alcorn) | Data over ages | SHORT
2008 | the Forbidden Kingdom (Gong fu zhi wang) | 113 min. (dir. Rob Minkoff) | Temporal Phenomenon | China
2008 | Gong fu guan lan (aka. Kung Fu Dunk) | 100 min. (dir. Yen-Ping Chu | Freezing time
2008 | Hamlet 2 | 92 min. (dir. Andrew Fleming) | Time Machine | Theater, Shakespeare
2008 | the Insane True Story Behind the Birth of the Internet | 5 min. (dir. ?) | paradox, changing the past | Internet, SHORT | WATCH
2008 | Jumper | 88 min (dir. Doug Liman) | Teleportation, Instant transportation
2008 | Love Story 2050 | 180 min (dir. Harry Baweja) | Time Machine, Visitor to the future | Mumbai, India
2008 | Minutemen | 98 min. (dir. Lev L. Spiro) | Time Machine
2008 | My iz budushchego (aka. We are from the Future, aka. Back in Time, aka. Black Hunters) | 110/162 min. (dir. Andrey Malyukov) | Visitors from the future | Nazis, Politics, Philosophy
2008 | Never Quite the Same | 126 min. (dir. Paul Vernon) | Visitors to the past | Paradox, time loop
2008 | Off We Go Then | 110 min. (dir. Ian Paterson) | | London, 1960s, Present Day
2008 | S.O.S. Galw Gari Tryfan | 90 min. (dir. Dafydd Wyn) | [method] | TV, Historic figure
2008 | Stargate: the Ark of Truth | 97 min. (dir. Robert C. Cooper) | Alternate History
2008 | Stargate: Continuum | 98 min. (dir. Martin Wood) | Alternate History
2008 | Siyama Village of Warriors | 107 min. (dir. Preecha Songsakul) | [method] | Siam
2008 | Stella und der Stern des Orients | 86 min. (dir. Erna Schmidt) | Visitors to the Past | Children
2008 | the Time Machine: A Chad, Matt & Rob Interactive Adventure | 14 min. (dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Jonah Goldstein) | Time Machine | SHORT, Viewer Interaction | WATCH
2008 | Suspension | 95 min. (dir. Aclec Joler, Ethan Shaftel) | Freesing Time
2008 | Die Waldbewohner | 85 min. (dir. Ralf Kemper) | Visitors to the past
2008 | Y tu nana también | 7 min. (Don Early) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Incest, SHORT

2009 | 17 again | 102 min. (dir. Burr Steers) | Second Chance | College
2009 | Badewanne zum Glück [aka. Bathtub to Happiness] | 26 min. (dir. Nadine Keil, Norbert Keil] | Device | SHORT
2009 | Before you say ‘I Do’ | 87 min (dir. Paul Fox) | Second Chance
2009 | the Bridge | 14 min. (dir. Nick Murphy) | [method] | SHORT | Trailer, WATCH
2009 | Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations | 90/105 min. (Seth Grossman) | [method] | Contemporary
2009 | a Christmas Carol | 96 min. (dir. Robert Zemeckis) | Visions of the Future
2009 | Chronicles of the Beyond (the episode Flashback) | 110 min. (dir. Billy Tooma) | [method] | Anthology | Trailer
2009 | Chronomech | 7 min. (dir. Jody Lawson) | [method] | SHORT
2009 | Continuum | 16 min. (dir. Robert Rossello) | Device | SHORT
2009 | Cryptic | 82 min (dir. Danny Kuchuck, John Weiner) | Data over ages |
2009 | Dark Country | 88 min. (dir. Thomas Jane) | Time Loop |
2009 | the Ends of the Earth | 89 min. (dir. Rustin Thompson) | [method] I DocuFiction
2009 | Field Notes from Dimension X: OASIS | 5 min. (dir. Carson D. Mell) | Stranded Time Traveller | Animation, SHORT
2009 | Fisshu sutôrî (aka. Fish Story) | 112 min. (dir. Yoshihiro Nakamura) | [method]
2009 | For us | 7 min. (dir. Christopher J. Smith) | Device | SHORT
2009 | Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel | 82 min. (Gareth Carrivick) | [method] | Visitors from the future, paradox
2009 | From time to time | 95 min. (dir. Julian Fellowes) | [method]
2009 | Ghosts of girlfriends past | 100 min. (dir. Mark Waters) | Visions of the future
2009 | Happy Deathday | 6 min (dir. Elle Calahan) | Data from the future, Prediction | Death, SHORT
2009 | Het leven uit een dag (aka. A life in One Day) | 94 min. (dir. Mark de Cloe | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Eternity
2009 | Land of the Lost | 101 min. (dir. Brad Siberling) | [method] | Alternate Universe, Dinosaurs, Comedy
2009 | The Last Man | 10 min. (dir. Kevin Martin) | Visitor from the future | Vampire, SHORT
2009 | Mörder Kennen Keine Grenzen | min. (dir. Jorge Papavasilliou) | [method] | DDR, 1984, TV
2009 | Open Graves | 88 min (dir. Álvaro de Armiñán) | Time Loop | Horror
2009 | Portal | min. (dir. Geoffrey Schaaf) | Portal | Loop, Horror
2009 | Postchi se bar da nemizanad [aka.The Postman doesn’t knock three times] | min. (dir. Hassan Fathi) | [Method]
2009 | Quantum Leap: A leap to die for | 43 min. (dir. Christopher Allen) | Mind Travel | FanFic, SHORT
2009 | Return of the past | min. (dir. Caitlin Hanlon | Time Machine | Paradox (not on IMDB)
2009 | S. Darko | 103 min. (dir. Chris Fischer) | [method]
2009 | Satin sin B’s a Movie on Cinema | 11 min, (dir. Satinder Singh Bedi) | [Method] | SHORT
2009 | Shed Convention | 10 min. (dir. Paul Howard Allen) | Device | SHORT
2009 | Singularity Session | 9 min. (dir. J. M. Liebenau) | [method] | Data sent through time, SHORT
2009 | Siubhlachan | min. (dir. Uisdean Murray) | Visitor to the Past | Sorrow, SHORT
2009 | Soon | 10 min (dir. Allessandro Squitti) | Visitor to the future | Cure for Cancer, SHORT
2009 | Star Trek (aka. Star Trek Zero) | 127 min. (dir. J.J. Abrams) | Temporal Phenomenon | Alternate Universe
2009 | Stealing Time | 45 min (dir. Mike Virgil) | | SHORT
2009 | Tales of the Fourth Dimension | 83 min. (dir. Arif Hussein) | [method]
2009 | Terminator: Salvation | 130 min. (dir. McG) | [method] | Contemporary
2009 | and Then Came Lola | 71 min. (dir. Ellen Seidler, Megan Siler) | Loop, Personal Alternate History | Contemporary
2009 | Time-Men | 86 min. (dir. Mark Gumbinger) | [method] | Visitors to the past
2009 | Time Travel, an allegory | 5 min. (dir. Ritchie Wilson) | [method] | SHORT, Comedy
2009 | Time Travel Sucks | 8 min. (dir. Kevin Strange) | Loop | SHORT
2009 | the Time Traveler | 20 min. (dir. Nathan Whitcomb) | | Comedy, SHORT
2009 | the Time Traveler’s Wife | 107 min. (dir. Robert Schwentke) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon / Time Travel | Contemporary
2009 | Timetravel_0 | 72 min. (dir. Scott Norwood) | Visitor from the future | faux Documentary
2009 | Triangle | 99 min. (dir. Christopher Smith) | Temporal Phenomenon | Time Amok, Paradox, Slasher
2009 | the Trouble with Time Travel | 14 min. (dir. Casey Hallen) | | SHORT, Comedy
2009 | die Tür [aka. the Door] | 103 min. (dir. Anno Saul) | [method] | Second Chance |
2009 | the Warner Paradox | 17 min (dir. Pablo Lewin) | Paradox | SHORT
2009 | Vertreute Fremde | 29 min (dir Rosa Hannah Ziegler) | Data over ages | SHORT
2009 | Very Little Time | 80 min. (dir. Tim Wynn, Todd Wynn) | [method]?
2009 | When the Time’s Right | 11. min (dir. Linda Andersson) | Device | Lesbian Interest, SHORT
2009 | the Zen of Zoë | 9 min. (dir. Zoë Perez) | Device | Children, SHORT
2010 | the 10 second Time Machine | 1:10 min (dir. Michael Boylan, Kevin Kane) | Changing the past | SHORT | WATCH
2010 | 15 to midnight | 97 min. (dir. Wolfgang Meyer, Brandon Slagle) | Temporal Phenomenon, Loop
2010 | 22 mei [aka. 22nd of May] | 88 min. (dir. Koen Mortier) | alternate reality, back in history
2010 | Action Replayy | 129 min. (dir. Vipul Amrutlal Shah) | Time Travel | 1960’s, India
2010 | Altitude | 90 min. (dir. Kaare Andrews) | [method] | Horror
2010 | Battle Jitni: The Danger Element | 13. min. (dir. John Soares) | Resurrection | SHORT
2010 | Brijes 3D (aka. Guardians of the Lost Code 3D | 90 min. (dir. Benito Fernandez) | Time Portal
2010 | Chonmage purin | 108 min (dir. Yoshirio Nakamura) | [method] | Japan, present day, Samurai, food
2010 | Chronological Order | 96 min (dir. Chris Silvent) | Door | Multiple selves
2010 | Craig’s Excellent Adventure | 15 min. (dir. Zack Hosseini) | | History, SHORT

2010 | Dino Time (aka. Dino Mom, aka Back to Jurassic)) | 86 min. (dir. Yoon-suk Choi, John Kafka) | [method] | Dinosaurs, Animation
2010 | Disconnect | 112 min. (dir. Robin Christian) | telephone | Voice over ages
2010 | Door backwards, the | 7 min (dir. Stacie Graber) | Paradox, | Change the past, SHORT
2010 | Doubting Thomas | 33 min. (dir. George Dalphin) | Visitor from the Future | SHORT
2010 | the Dreadful Hallowgreen Special | 87 min. (dir. Cameron McCasland, Rebecca Paiva) | Time Machine
2010 | Duane discovered Time Travel | 9 min. (dir. W. James Meagher) | [method] | SHORT, Comedy
2010 | Echo | 8 min (dir.) | time machine, loop | SHORT
2010 | Gekijouban Yuugiou: Chouyuugou! Jikuu o koeta kizuna (aka. King of Games Movie: Super Fusion! Bonds that Transcended Time, aka. Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time, aka. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Fusion Ultra! Bond Over Time And Space) | 49/60 min. (dir. ) | Time slip | Animation | NOTE: American dubbed version has 11 min. of recap in the beginning of all 3 TVseries
2010 | Gone | 6 min. (dir. Micah Puklowski) | Personal temporal Phenomenon | SHORT, Circular time, New Zeeland | watch
2010 | Good Parts, the | 28 min. (dir. John Johnson) | [method] ability | SHORT, romance
2010 | Hail Hitler | 10 min. (dir. Hunter Daniels) | [method] | Racism, SHORT
2010 | Het geheim van de Vughtse Heide | 110 min. (dir. Rick van Boxtel) | [method] | Visitors to the Past, Kids
2010 | Hot Tub Time Machine | 101 min. (dir. Steve Pink) | [method] |
2010 | Indefinite | 20 min. (dir. Christopher Kuiper, Jason Williams) | | SHORT, Animation, Haptic Vision, Proof-of-Concept
2010 | It’s About Time | 8 min. (dir. Leanna Montoya) | [method] | SHORT, Lost in Time
2010 | Junod | 64 min (dir.) | [method] | WWII |
2010 | Justin Time | 95 min. (dir. Rob Diamond) | [method], Stopping Time | Visitor from the Past, Amulet
2010 | Kamisama Help | 87 | to 1985 to prevent murders |
2010 | Kein Geist für alle Fälle | 93 min. (dir. Ulli Bauman) | Dream
2010 | King of Games Movie: Super Fusion (aka. Bonds that Transcended Time) | 60 min (dir.) | [method]
2010 | Last Breath | 91 min (dir. Ty Jones) | | Horror
2010 | Lunopolis | 98 min. (dir. Matthew Avant) | Conspiracy, moon | Mockumentary
2010 | the Man with the broken Time Machine | 17 min. (dir. Michael Celona) | Time Machine | SHORT | WATCH

2010 | Mei loi ging chaat (aka. Future X-Cops) | 99 min. (dir. Jing Wong) | [method], Visit from the Future | Renewable Energy, Martial Arts
2010 | The Miserables | 20 min. (dir. Benjamin Taylor) | Device | Death, SHORT
2010 | My iz budushchego 2 (aka. We Are from the Future 2, aka. Amongst Heroes, aka. Paradox Soldiers) | 98 min. (dir. Oleg Pogodin, Dmitri Voronkov) | Time Rift, Time Portal | WWII, Visiting the past, Russia
2010 | My name is Ward Armstrong and I travel through Space | 5:29 min. (dir. Vinni J. Gagnepain) | Paradox | SHORT, Absurd | WATCH
2010 | Nanase Futatabi | 105 | time traveller |
2010 | Naruto Shippuden: The Lost Tower | 85 min (dir.) | [method] | change past
2010 | Ollie Klublershturf vs. the Nazis | 11 min (dir.) | time device | change past
2010 | Penitent Man, the | 92 min. ( dir. Nicholas Gyeney) | Data over ages
2010 | Playmate Hot Tub Time Machine | 3 min (dir.) | to 1986 pool party |
2010 | Post: La Aventura Completa | 86 min. (dir. Pablo Parés, Esteban Rojas) | [method] | TRAILER
2010 | Prince of Persia: The sands of Time | 116 min. (dir. Mike Newell) | Reverse Time | Magic, Persia
2010 | Puzzle 3D | 3 min. (dir. Sebastian Loghman) | Memory | SHORT
2010 | Quartier Lointain [aka. A Distant Neighborhood] | 98 min. (dir. Sam Gabarski) | Visit to the Past, 2nd chance
2010 | the Reeds | 86 min (dir. Nick Cohen) | Time Loop | Horror
2010 | Remote | 20 min (dir.) | change past
2010 | Repeaters | 89 min. (dir. Carl Bessai) | Time Loop | Horror
2010 | Rewinders | 6 min. (dir. Austin McCarthy [method] | SHORT, Contemporary
2010 | Ring | 9 min (dir. Justin R. Durban) | magic | Ring, SHORT
2010 | Samir wa Shahir wa Bahir | 92 min. (dir. Moataz El Touni) | Time Machine | Egypt
2010 | Showtime | 96 min (dir.) | [[method] |visitor from the past, 1936
2010 | Shrek forever after | 93 min. (dir. Mike Mitchell) | Alternate timeline | Animation
2010 | Sons of Steel – Director’s Cut | 104 min. (dir. Gary L. Keady) | [method] | Australia | Sons of Steel (original version)
2010 | Stormedge: Rise of the Darkness | 7 min (dir. Dieter Joppich) | Loop | Anim, SHORT
2010 | Super Mecha Madness Show, the | 36 | rewind time |
2010 | Suzumiya Haruhi no shôshitsu [aka. the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya] | 163 min. (dir. Tatsuya Ishihara, Yasuhiro Takemoto) | Altered Timeline
2010 | the Time Grid Fighter | 6 min. (dir. Clive Mckenzie) | | SHORT
2010 | Three Wise Women | 90 min (dir.) | past and future selves guide present |
2010 | Time Machine, the | 10 min (dir. Tess Aweet) | Time Machine | Paradox, SHORT
2010 | Time Phone | 4:48 min. (dir. August Anderson & Rob Schultz) | Voice over ages | SHORT
2010 | Time Refugees | min (dir. Carlos Etzio Roman) | Visitors from the Future, Contemporary, Alternate Reality
2010 | Time Served | 15 min. (dir. Bill Ronat) | Loop, Editing Events | SHORT
2010 | Time Travel for F*ckwits | 8 min. (dir. Paul Fuller) | [method], SHORT | WATCH
2010 | Time Travel is Lonely | 10 min. (dir. Rodolfo Polanco) | [method] | SHORT
2010 | Time Traveller’s Apprenctice, the | 30 min. (dir. Seth Hill) | [method] | SHORT

2010 | Toki o Kakeru shôjo (aka. Time Traveller, aka. The girl who lept through time) | 122 min. (dir. Masaaki Taniguchi) | [method], Visitors from the Future | Science/Magic, Japan, remake
2010 | Two Timing | 8 min. (dir. Thomas Sutherland) | [method] | SHORT
2010 | TymEx | 8 min. (dir. Stephen C. Pickering) | [method], Objects through Time | SHORT
2010 | Virtual Recall | 95 min. (dir. Larry Cheung Hoi-Ching) | Parallel realities | Comedy, HongKong
2010 | Waking Up | 110 min. (dir. Jørgen Pedersen) | Alternate Realities, Time Travel
2010 | What if | 111 min. (dir. Dallas Jenkins) | Alternate timeline
2010 | Yuet Gwong Bo Hup [aka. Just another pandora’s Box, aka. Once Upon a Chinese Classic] | 92 min. (dir. Jeffrey Lau] | Magic box | Visit to the Past, China, Three Kingdoms period
2010 | Züruck Zum Glück | 90 min (dir. Wolfgang Dinslage) | Time Tunnel | second chance
2011 – Some Links Missing
2011 | 3 Times a Charm | 87 min (dir.) | time loop |
2011 | 7Lives | 100 min. (dir. Paul Wilkins) | Second Chance | Parallel lives
2011 | 12 Dates of Christmas | 90 min. (dir. James Hayman) | Time Loop
2011 | Mi Tao Cheng Shu Shi 33D [aka. the 33D Invader] | 82 min. (dir. Man Kai Chin) | visitors from the future | Soft Porn
2011 | A Little bit Behind | 8 | time machine fails 3 seconds back |
2011 | A Thousand Kisses Deep | 84 min. (dir. Dana Lustig) | Visitor to own past, disjointed time |
2011 | Adjustment Bureau | 106 min. (dir. George Nolfi) | Data over ages | Fate
2011 | Anaphora | 22 min. (dir. André Albrecht) | Wormhole, changing the past | SHORT
2011 | Another Earth | 92 min. (dir. Mike Cahill) | Alternate Earth | Multiple Realities
2011 | Arena | 94 min. (dir. Jonah Loop) | [method]lers | war |
2011 | Back for the Future | 2 min. (dir. Frank Marshall) | | Commercial, SHORT
2011 | Beyond Redemption | min. (dir. Paul Day) | | ??
2011 | Bikini Time Machine [aka. Rewind Time Machine] | 81 min. (dir. Fred Olen Ray) | Device | Hard Porn
2011 | Blunderkind | 20 min. (dir. Zak Mechanic) | [method] | SHORT
2011 | Capture Anthologies: The Dimensions of Self [the part “Siubhlachan the Traveller” (2009 as “Siubhlachan“) | 66 min. (dir. Christopher Abbott a.o.) | | Sorrow, Anthology, SHORT
2011 | Case Départ | 94 min. (dir. Lionel Steketee) | [method] | Slavery, 1700’s
2011 | The Casimir Effect | 60 min. (dir. Gabriel Strange, Lydia Wood) | [method] | Future, Visitor to the past | INFO
2011 | Cerná díra | 93 | time loop |
2011 | Chronoslexia | 90 min. (dir. Lee Isserow) | Date over ages | | INFO
2011 | Claw Chronicles | 60 min. (dir. Jon Woods) | [method]
2011 | Collusion | 10 min. (dir. Chris Lepley, Matthews Peach) | Data over Ages | SHORT
2011 | Counter-Clockwise | min. (dir. Denny Wilkins) | [method] | Romance
2011 | Cringles | 6 min. (dir. Jace Daniel) | Loop | SHORT
2011 | Detention | 93 min. (dir. Joseph Kahn) | | Horror, Comedy
2011 | Dimensions | 101 min (dir. Sloane U’Ren) | [method] | England, 1920s
2011 | Donovan’s Echo | 91 min. (dir. Jim Cliffe) | Vision |
2011 | Down the Chain | 78 min. (dir. Sam Best) | [method] | Machine
2011 | Edge of the Garden | 76 min. (dir. Michael Scott) |Data over ages, Overlapping Time | TV, Hallmark
2011 | Emmanuelle Through Time: Forbidden Pleasures | 88 min. (dir.) | [method] | Soft Porn
2011 | Emmanuelle Through Time: Sexy Bite | 86 min. (dir.) | [method] | Soft Porn
2011 | Emmanuelle Through Time: Skin City | 87 min. (dir.) | [method] | Soft Porn
2011 | Emmanuelle Through Time: Super Sex Tales | 84 min. (dir.) | [method] | Soft Porn
2011 | Emmanuelle Through Time: Supernatural Activities | 84 min. (dir.) | [method] | Soft Porn
2011 | Enter Nowhere | 90 min. ( dir. Jack Heller) | | Horror
2011 | Fat | 68 | lost in time, back to future |
2011 | Fenster zum Sommer (aka. Summer Window) | 96 min (dir.) | [method] | Second Chance
2011 | Fight for Your Right Revisited | 30 min. (dir. Adam Yauch) | Magic Object | future selves, Music Video, Beastie Boys, SHORT
2011 | Flashback | 100 min. (dir. Brendan Jackson Rogers) | Time Machine | Hollywood, Satire
2011 | Frankie | 22 min. (dir. Mike Pappa) | Magic | Watch, SHORT
2011 | Fugue State | 90 min. (dir. Taylor Hayden) | Fugue State | Amnesia
2011 | Funky Koval | min. (dir. Josi W. Konski, Roland von Ciel) | Comics
2011 | Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver | 78 min. (dir. William Butler, Silvia st. Croix) | [method] | Disco, 1976, Horror
2011 | Gyaru basara: Sengoku-jidai wa kengai desu [aka. Samurai Angel Wars] | 110 min. (dir. Futoshi Sato) | Visitor to the past | Japan, 1500s
2011 | Haunted 3D | 143 min. (dir. Vikram Bhatt) | [method], Visitor to the Past | 1930s, India
2011 | Hindsight | 37 min. (dir. Elliot San) | Rewind Time | SHORT
2011 | Hoops&yoyo Ruin Christmas | 22 min. (dir. Tony Craig) | Time-space continuum, wormhole time travel | SHORT
2011 | In the name of the King 2: Two Worlds | 96 min. (dir. Uwe Boll) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | the Past
2011 | It Came from Yesterday | 104 min. (dir. Jeff Waltrowski) | Multiple Realities
2011 | Jesus, the Total Douchebag | 102 min. (dir. Bill Zebub) | | Comedy
2011 | Jukos Time Machine | 77 min. (dir. Kai Barry)| Time Machine | Do over
2011 | Judas Kiss | 94 min. (dir. J.T. Tepnape) | [method]
2011 | Julie et Roméo | 92 min. (dir. Boubakar Diallo) |
2011 | Kristi and the Time Machine | 106 min. (dir. Richard Stalin) | time machine |
2011 | Lee’s Adventure | 91 min. (dir. Frant Gwo, Yang Li) | [method], Personal Temporal Phenomenon

2011 | Link to the Future | 6 min. (dir. Grant Duffrin) | time machine | SHORT
2011 | Little Witches (aka Sexual Witchcraft) | 82 min (dir.) | [method] | Cleopatra
2011 | Liver it Up | 5 min. (dir. Blake Middleton) | SHORT, Satire |
2011 | Lord Rudington – No Time To Waste | 13 | time traveller adventures |
2011 | Lunopolis | 98 | time traveller to past, try to kill self |
2011 | Magic Tree House | 105 | magic book time travel | aka Majikku tsuri hausu
2011 | Meridian | 27 min. (dir. Ryan Phillips) | [method] | Dilemma, Philosophy, SHORT
2011 | Midnight in Paris | 100 min. (dir. Woody Allen) | Trime Travel | Paris, 1920s, present day
2011 | Milocrorze – A Love Story | 90 | time travelling samurai
2011 | Morgan & West World’s Smallest Time Machine | 2 min. (dir. ?) | fake time machine | SHORT, Comedy, Sleigh of Hand | WATCH
2011 | Mubles & Grumbles: Cowboy Hustle | 25 min. (dir. Thomas Carrera) | [method] | Cowboys, Samurai, SHORT | INFO
2011 | My Future Boyfriend | 73 min. (dir. Michael Lange) | [method] | Visitor from the future, Romance, TV
2011 | Nijiiro hotaru (aka. Rainbow Fireflies) | 104 | thunder storm sends back 30 years
2011 | No Time for Reason | 9 min. (dir. Sage Ryan Greenawalt) | Meddling with the past | SHORT
2011 | O Homem do Futuro (aka. the Man from the Future) | 106 min. (dir. Cláudio Torres) | [method] | Brazil
2011 | Ogden | 11 min. (dir. Eric Whiptastic) | [method] | SHORT
2011 | Olha Para Mim… | 21 min. (dir. Paulo Alexandra Mota) | [method] | Philosophy, SHORT
2011 | Onigamiden (aka. legend of the Millennium Dragon) | 100 min. (dir. Hirotsugu Kawasaki) | [method] | Anime, mythology, Japan, 700’s
2011 | Où Allons-Nous | 110 min. (dir. Nicolas Bazz) | [method] [ Black Hole
2011 | Painting in the Rain | 92 min. (dir. Shayde Christian) | Temporal Loop |
2011 | Potpourri | 90 min. ( dir. Elliot Diviney) | [method] | Drugs, Hallucinations
2011 | Professor Madman and the Time machine | 25 min. (dir. Iain Harris, Matt Poidevin) | Time Machine | SHORT
2011 | Quantum Saviour | 12 min. (dir. Jay Vinazza) | [method] | SHORT
2011 | Querida voy a comprar cigarrillos y vuelvo | 80 | back in time to correct life decisions |
2011 | Samir wa Shahir wa Bahir | 92 min. (dir. Moatez el Touni) | [method] | Kuwait, 80’s, Comedy | Trailer, WATCH
2011 | Shuffle | 82 min. (dir. Kurt Kuenne) | Chronological Time Disorder |
2011 | Somnolence | 12 min (dir. Patrick Kalyn) | [method] | SHORT
2011 | Sonchidi | 55 min. (dir. Amid Dutta) | Mind Travel | SHORT, Reincarnation, Rebirth, India | INFO
2011 | Sound of My Voice | 85 min. (dir. Zal Batmanglij) | Visitor from future | Cult
2011 | Source Code | 93 min. (dir. Duncan Jones) | [method], Mind travel | Future, Soldier, Terror
2011 | Spy Kids All the time in World 4D | 89 min. (dir. Robert Rodriguez) | Stopping Time |
2011 | Stealing Time | 18 min (dir. Alex Calleros) | Time Machine | Change Past, SHORT | WATCH
2011 | Super Eruption | 89 min. (dir. Matt Codd) | Data over ages |
2011 | Super Solar Sisters: Strike Squad Supreme | 6 min. (dir. Mark Mackner [method] | SHORT
2011 | Ten O’clock... | 14 min. (dir. Mia LaLanne) | Intended TT | Family, SHORT

2011 | the Adventures of Sir Murphy and Molak | 21 min. (dir. Troy Hencely) | Father Time | Allegory, SHORT
2011 | The Caller | 92 min (dir. Matthew Parkhill) | Data over ages
2011 | the Future | 91 min. (dir. Miranda July) | Stopping Time | London, Contemporary, Cats
2011 | The Meeting Place | 5 min (dir. Bradley Porter) | [method] | WWII, SHORT
2011 | The Prince of Town | 110 min. (dir. Zurab Matcharashvili) | Stopping Time, Data Over Ages |
2011 | The Traveler | 19 min (dir. ) | time machine |
2011 | Ticking Clock | 101 min. (dir. Ernie Barbarash) | Visitor from the future | Murder
2011 | Time after Time | 88 min. (dir. Gary Harvey) | Second chance | Romance, TV
2011 | Time Again | 82 min. (dir . Ray Karwel) | [method], Magic | present day | INFO
2011 | Time Fighter | min. (dir. Adam Drake) | | SHORT
2011 | Time Freak | 10 min. (dir. Andrew Bowler) | Time Machine | SHORT
2011 | Time Machine: Rise of the Morlocks | 69 min. (dir. Matt Codd) | Visitors from the Future | TV
2011 | Time Taggers | 4 min (dir. Liam Lynch) | Graffiti tagging in time | SHORT | WATCH
2011 | Time Outta Mind | 8 min. (dir. Zach Bales, matt Citak) | [method] | SHORT, Comedy | WATCH
2011 | Time Travellers | 20 min. (dir. Russel Boyd) | [method] | SHORT, Paradox, Animation
2011 | Time Trumpet | min. (dir. Richard Ayoade, Adam Buxton, Matthew Holness) | Data to the Future | TV (movie of eps. from the TV-series)
2011 | Timeless Man | 24 min (dir. Paul Bushe, Brian O’Neill) | Visit from the future, Paradox | SHORT
2011 | Touchback | 118 min. (dir. Don Handfield) | Second Chance | Football
2011 | Traveller Zero | 4 min. (dir. John Roome) | [method] | Visitor to the past, SHORT | WATCH
2011 | Unlocked | 5 min. (dir. Thanh Lu) | Wormhole | SHORT
2011 | TSY: Taimu surippu yanki (aka. TSY: Time Slip Yankee] | 89 | weave thru time to change own future |
2011 | Wake up and Die | 88 min (dir. Miguel Urrutia) | Loop | Horror
2011 | Watch my Future Boyfriend | 73 min. (dir. Michael Lange) | Visit from the Future
2011 | Yestermessenger | 2 min. (dir. Chris LaMartina) | Data over ages | SHORT | WATCH
2012 | 25th Reich | 85 min. (dir. Stephen Amis) | [method] | Nazis, Spoof, 40’s, 50’s
2012 | 41 | 80 minutes (dir. Glenn Triggs) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon, Visit to yesterday | Present day
2012 | 7 below | 90 min. (dir. Kevin Carraway) | Visitors from the past | Horror, ghosts
2012 | A Christmas Wedding Date | 85 min (dir.) | time loop |
2012 | A Man Called Nereus | 98 min (dir.) | time machine | gambling |
2012 | Adhisaya Ulagam | 95 min (dir.) | time machine | prehistoric age |
2012 | All About Christmas Eve | 71 min (dir.) | Alternate timeline |
2012 | All That Glitters | 7 min. (dir. Brandon Curless) | Time Machine | SHORT
2012 | Another Woman’s Life | 97 min. (dir. ) | Transported to the Future
2012 | Arata-naru Sekai: World’s/Start/Load/End | 30 min (dir.) | stuck in time | SHORT
2012 | Atsuhime Number 1 | 86 min (dir.) | from Tokugawa Edo era to present |
2012 | B4 | 50 min. (dir. Mathew Steadman) | door | To past and Future, Infinity
2012 | Back | 20 min. (dir. Paul Jaeger) | Message from the future, Paradox | SHORT | TRAILER
2012 | Camille Redouble [aka Camille Rewinds] | 115 min. (dir. Noémie Lvovsky) | Mind Travel | the Past, 2nd chance
2012 | Ceiling Unlimited | 7 min (dir.) | time loop | SHORT
2012 | Christmas Wedding Date | 85 min. (dir. Fred Olen Ray) | Time Loop, Second Chance | Christmas
2012 | C.O.O.L.I.O. | 120 min. (dir. Paul Cahalane) | [method] | London, Contemporary
2012 | Cuu binh vuot thoi gian [aka. Savior Traveling Through Time] | 93 min (dir.) | to dynasty era
2012 | Cycle 2 | min. (dir. Giovanna Armstrong, Leo Gallagher) | Data over ages | SHORT
2012 Czwarty wymiar [aka. the Fourth Dimension, (installment “Chrono Eye”)] | 105 min (installment dir. Fedorchenko) | Data over ages
2012 | D.N.E.: Do Not Erase | 10 min (dir. Mathew Campagna) | Time Travel | Multiple selves, SHORT
2012 | Dangerous Ishhq | 130 min (dir. Vikram Bhatt) | Reincarnation | Visitor to the Past, Regression, India
2012 | Darkness into Light | min. (dir. David Fairman) | Magic | Jesus, Christianity
2012 | Das Verlorene Labyrinth (TV mini) | 180 min (dir.) | rift in time | Labyrinth
2012 | Detention | 93 min. (dir. Joseph Kahn) | [method] | Horror
2012 | Dimensions | 101 min (dir. Sloane U’Ren) | [method] | England, 1920s
2012 | Dino Time | 86 min. (dir. Yoon-suk Choi, John Kafka) | Magic | Dinosaurs, Anim
2012 | Donut time | 12 min (dir.) | time travel vacuum cleaner | SHORT
2012 | Emmanuelle in Wonderland | 84 min. (dir. ) | [method] | soft porn
2012 | Emanuelle through time: Naked Agent | 86 min. (dir. ) | [method] | soft porn
2012 | Emanuelle Through Time: Sex and Chocolate | 86 min. (dir. ) | [method] | Soft Porn
2012 | Eiga Doraemon: Nobita to kiseki no shima – Animaru adobenchâ (aka. Doraemon: Nobita and the Island of Miracles – Animal Adventure) | 100 min. (dir. Kôzô Kusuba) | [method] | Anime, Robot | This anime franchise consists of 37 (registered) animated movies, which all have the same premise of a time travelling robot: imdb wikipedia
2012 | Finding Ambrosia | 15 min. (dir. Colin Scully) | Magic | SHORT
2012 | Found in time | 91 min. (dir. Arthur Vincies) | Chronological Disorder
2012 | Foxfur | 61 | [method] | 1982
2012 | Fritz! And the Green Thingy | min. (dir. Dan Coyote, Ryan Smith) | [method] | Dinosaurs, SHORT
2012 | Future Inc | 5 min (dir.) | [method] | visitor from the future, SHORT
2012 | Ghosts with Shit Jobs | 94 min. (dir. Chris McCawley , Jim Morrison, Jim Munroe, Tate Young) | Projected Future | Anthology, Mockumentary | WATCH the first 20 min.
2012 | Iron Sky | 93 min. (dir. Timo Vuorensola) | Alternate History | Nazies, moon
2012 | It’s Christmas, Carol! | 87 min. (dir. Michael Scott) | Visions of the Future | Christmas, TV
2012 | Joey Dakota | 130 min. (dir. ) | Visit to the past | Prevention
2012 | John Dies at the End | 99 min (dir. John Coscarelli) | Drug | from book
2012 | L5 | 26 min. (dir. ) | Time Shift, Cryogenics | TV-pilot, SHORT
2012 | La scoperta dell’alba [aka. Discovery at dawn] | 95 min. (dir. Susanna Nachiarelli) | telephone | Do over | NOTE: wiki
2012 | la Vie d’une Autre [aka. Another Woman’s Life] | 97 min. (dir. Sylvia Testud] | Rip van Winkle
2012 | Labyrinth | 180 min. (dir. ) | Time Rift | TV-miniseries
2012 | Leon House | 18 min. (dir. Dr. R. garrett, Donnarose Garrett) | Time Rift | 1960’s, USA, SHORT
2012 | Loop | 11 min. (dir. Alan Chan) | Paradox | SHORT
2012 | Lord Rudington – A Stitch in Time | 23 | time traveller | STORY | WATCH
2012 | Looper | 118 min. (dir. Rian Johnson) | [method] | Loop
2012 | a Man Called Nereus | 104 min. (dir. Nathan Hill) | Personal Temporal Phenomenon | Data over ages
2012 | Machine, the | 1 min (dir.] | time machine |

2012 | Memory Lane | 70 min (dir. Shawn Holmes) | Correcting the past | Life after Death
2012 | Men in black III | 103 min. (dir. Barry Sonnenfeld) | [method]
2012 | Meridian | 39 min. (dir. Joe Penna) | Magic | SHORT
2012 | Mine Games | 92 min. (dir. Richard Grey) | Causality Loop
2012 | MoonPi | 68 min. (dir. Montetré) | [method] | Meteor, EoW
2012 | Mysterious Island [aka. Jules Verne’s Mysteriouus Island] | 91 min. (dir. Mark Sheppard) | Zero Time
2012 | Niji-iro Hotaru: Eien no Natsuyasumi [aka Rainbow-Colored Fireflies] | 105 min (dir.) | magic | multiple selves
2012 | Out of Time | 4 min (dir. Josh Appignanesi, Jonathan De Villiers | Visitors from the future | London, SHORT
2012 | Paranormal Activity 4 [ 88 min (dir. Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman) | Camera | Found Footage, Spirits, Horror
2012 | Pendulum | 9 min. (dir. John Fitzpatrick) | Loop | SHORT
2012 | Probudím se vcera [aka. I wake up yesterday, aka. Waking up yesterday] | 120 min. (dir. Milos Smídmajer) | second chance
2012 | Psychic School Wars | 110 min (dir. ) | [method] | visitor from the future |
2012 | Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part 1: Beginnings | 130 min (dir. Yukihiro Miyamoto, Akiyuki Shinbo) | stopping time | animation
2012 | Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part 2: Eternal | 109 min(dir. Yukihiro Miyamoto, Akiyuki Shinbo) | Magic, time travel | animation
2012 | Quantum of Vengeance | 26 min. (dir. Ben Wydeven) | | SHORT
2012 | Qué pelo más guay (aka The Coolest hair) | 82 min. (dir. Santiago Molero, Rulo Pardo) | [method]
2012 | Revival | min. (dir. ) | Temporal Phenomenon | Reversing Time
2012 | Safety not Guaranteed | 86 min. (dir. Colin Trevorrow) | [method] |
2012 | Serena and the Ratts | 97 min. (dir. Kevin James Barry) |
2012 | Schilf | 90 min. (dir. Claudia Lehmann) | Parallel Universe |
2012 | Shadow Out of Time | 15 min (dir.) | time travel | aliens
2012 | Soulmates | 45 min (dir.) | foresight |invasion, aliens, SHORT
2012 | Star Wars Droids: The Jawa Adventure | 6 min. (dir. Brad Murphy) | [method] | Stop Motion, SHORT
2012 | Stoners with a time machine | 9 min. (dir. Brad Formbelle) | Time Machine | SHORT |
2012 | Teri Meri Kahaani | 117 min (dir. Kunal Kohli) | Reincarnation | India
2012 | Terminator: Termination | 6 min. (dir. James Logan) | [method] | SHORT
2012 | Terumae romae [aka. Thermae Romae] | 108 min. (dir. Hideki Takeuchi) | Visitor to the future | Paradox, magic, Ancient Rome
2012 | The Illusionauts | 82 min (dir. Eduardo Schuldt) | [method] | animation, family
2012 | The Philadelphia Experiment | 85 min (dir.) | |
2012 | The Vortex | 80 min (dir.) | cave to future |
2012 | Three’s a Shroud | | 77 min (dir.) |
2012 | Time Travel | min (dir. Mathias Hagebakken Lien) | Time Machine | Present day, SHORT
2012 | Time Travel Academy | 3 min (dir.) | [method] | Mara, terraforming, SHORT
2012 | Time Travel Boy | 13 min (dir) | [method | past, SHORT
2012 | Time Travel Mater (Cars 3) | 6 min. (dir. Rob Gibbs) | | SHORT
2012 | Time Travelers | 30 min. (dir. Joseph Christiana) | [method]ling | Friends, SHORT
2012 | Time Travelers | 30 min. (dir. Mike Winkler) | [method] | SITE
2012 | Time Travelers – The Pattern | 9 min. (dir. Russell Boyd) | Philosophy, visitors to the future | SHORT
2012 | Time Travelers | | 85 min (dir) |
2012 | Time Travelers: The Darknes Within | 78 min. (dir. Mike Winkler) | time crystal
2012 | Time Travelers: The Fight for Freedom | 121 min. (dir. Mike Winkler) | [method]
2012 | Time Trippers | min. (dir. Jason Cuadrado) | | Publishing, Jesus, Comedy, Short
2012 | Time Warrior | 92 min. (dir. Joaquin Rodriguez) | magic
2012 | Touchback | 120 | change past events |
2012 | Trapped in Time | 29 min (dir) | device time travel | SHORT
2012 | Tunnel | 8 min. (dir. Alex Dandino) | [method] | SHORT
2012 | Ultra Reinforcement | 100 min (dir.) | [method] |Tang Dynasty, China
2012 | When Time Becomes a Woman | 73 min. (dir. Amad Alyaseer) | [method] | Arabic
2012 | Yeong-geon tam-jeong-sa-mu-so [aka. Young Gun in the Time] | 95 min. (dir. Young-doo Oh) |
2013 | +1 | 96 min. (dir. Dennis Iliadis) | Time Loop |
2013 | 300 000 Kilomètres/Seconde | 19 min. (dir. Stéphane Réthoré) | Gadget | Paris, 1950’s, SHORT
2013 |95ers: Time Runners(aka. 95ers: Echoes) | 96 min.(dir. Thomas Gomez Durham) | Changing the past, Resetting time
2013 | About Time | 12 min. (dir. Richard Curtis) | Changing the Future, Time Loop | SHORT
2013 | Ambassada | 105 min (dir. ) |
2013 | Army of Frankensteins | 128 min. (dir. Ryan Bellgardt) |
2013 | Arroba | 97 min | time travel thieves |
2013 | Back to the 80s | 19 min. (dir. ) | Visit to the future | SHORT, Prom Night
2013 | Before the thunder | 96 min. (dir. David Murakami) | [method] |
2013 | Black Web | 88 min (dir.) | data from the future |
2013 | Charades of Time, the | 12 | time travel for true love |
2013 | Coherence | 89 min. (dir. James Ward Byrkit) | TRAILER
2013 | Compilation | 6 min. (dir. James Treakle) | Musical Resonance | SHORT
2013 | Counter | 10 min (dir.) | visitor from the future |
2013 | Ctyrlístek ve Sluzbách Krále | 90 min. (dir. Michael Zabka] | | Anim, Middle Ages
2013 | Curveball | 7 min. (dir. Brandon Curless) | Alternate Realities | SHORT
2012 | Dangerous Ishhq | 130 min (dir. Vikram Bhatt) | Reincarnation | Visitor to the Past, Regression, India
2013 | Dark by Noon | 82 | time traveller vision of the future |
2013 | Delirium | 100 min. (dir. Ihor Podolchak) | A-chronological time | Mental disturbance
2013 | Destination Planet Negro | Kevin Willmott | 98 min (dir. )
2013 | Devil’s Pass [aka. the Dyatlov Pass Incident] | 100 min. (dir. Renny Harlin) | wormhole
2013 | Die Zeit vergeht wie ein brüllender Löwe [aka. Time Goes by Like a Roaring Lion | 79 min. (dir. Philip Harmann, Jan Eichberg) |
2013 | Enoshima Prism | 90 min (dir.) | [method] | 2010, change past
2013 | Flying Man | 10 min (dir.) | time traveller |
2013 | Fate | 95 min. (dir. Dan Sheldon)
2013 | Free birds | 91 min (dir. Jimmy Hayward) | [method] | Animation
2013 | Gekijoban Gintama Kanketsu-hen [aka. Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter] | 110 min (dir.) | time machine | Virus, change past
2013 | Gekijouban Steins;Gate: Fuka ryouiki no dejavu [aka. Steins Gate the Movie: Load Region of Déjà vu] | 90 min. (Hiroshi Hamazaki, Takuya Satô) | Parallel Universe | Anime
2013 | Gekijouban Taimu sukûpu hantâ: Azuchijou Saigo no 1-nichi [aka. Time Scoop Hunter] | 102 min. (dir. Hiroyuki Nakao) | Time Machine | Visitors to the past, Japan
2013 | Half Pint | 22 min. (dir. Duncan B. Putney) | Magic | WWII, SHORT
2013 | Haunter | 97 min. (dir. Vinzenzo Natali) | Loop
2013 | Hyperfutura | 61 min. (dir. James O’Brian) |
2013 | I’ll follow you down | 93 min. (dir. Richie Mehta) | Wormhole | death, Hell
2013 | Ian Levine: Shada | min (dir. Ian Levine) | Tardis | Timelord, TV, Remake | ref. to the 1992 version
2013 | Initium | 5 min (dir.) | time loop |
2013 | Insidious: Chapter 2 | 104 min (dir. James Wan) | Camera, Mirror | Ghosts, Spirits, Horror
2013 | Jake Squared | 100 | encounters various ages of self |
2013 | Jesus, the Daughter of God | 87 min. (dir. Bill Zebub) | [method] | Spoof
2013 | JLA Flashpoint Paradox | 75 min (dir) | restore timeline |
2013 | Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox | 75 min. (dir. Jay Oliva) | Alternate Timelines | Anim
2013 | Kristin’s Cristmas Past | 83 min. (dir. Jim fall) | [method] | Second Chance
2013 | Kyaputen Hârokku [aka. Harlock: Space Pirate] | 115 min. (dir. Shinji Aramaki) [method] | Anim
2013 | L’autre vie de Richard Kemp [aka. Back in crime, aka. Other life of Richard Kemp] | 102 min. (dir. Germinal Alvarez) | Second Chance
2013 | Love & Teleportation | 92 min. (dir. Troy McGatlin) | |
2013 | Mahi va gorbeh (aka. Fish & Cat, aka Fish and Cat) | 134 min. (dir. Shahram Mokri) | Loops |
2013 | Maybe Tomorrow | 26 min. (dir. Caelia Adams) | Stuck in Time | SHORT
2013 | MicroTime | 15 Min (dir. Nir Yaniv) |microwave oven | SHORT
2013 | Misadventures of Incredible Dr. Wonderfoot | 13 min (dir. Grier Dill) | [method] | SHORT
2013 | Mister Scrooge to See You | 117 min. (dir. Steven F. Zambo) | Magic | Visit to the future |
2013 | Modern Man | 4 min (dir.) | [method] | cavewoman, SHORT
2013 | Open Grave | 102 min (dir) | time loop |
2013 | Oculus | 104 min (dir. Mike Flanagan) | Mirror | Infinite Loop, Horror
2013 | Pete’s Christmas | 86 min. (dir. Nisha Ganatra) | Loop | Christmas
2013 | Phim Hanh Dong; AM 11:00 [aka. 11 A.M.] | Kim Hyun-seok | 99 min (dir.) | Time Machine |
2013 | Quantum of Vengeance | 26 min. (dir. Ben Wydeven) | | SHORT
2013 | Ralphs World Time Machine Guitar | 30 min (dir.) | guitar | history |
2013 | Reality Check | min. (dir. Chris Buchal) | Time Travel | Insurance, SHORT
2013 | Reset | 17 min (dir. Marcus Kryler, Fredrik Åkerström) | CODE | SHORT
2013 | Rewind | 76 min (dir. Jack Bender) | Change the past | Military, Present Day
2013 | Riley Rewind | 70 min (dir. Ray William Johnson) | Personal Temporal Anomaly | Changing the past, Paradox, Web series
2013 | R.I.P.D. | 96 min. (dir. Robert Schwentke) | Freezing Time
2013 | Rubinrot [aka Ruby Red 1] | 122 min. (dir. Felix Fuchssteiner) | [method] Gene | Youth
2013 | Russel Curtis | 12 min (dir.) | time traveller | Multiple Selfs
2013 | Safare Zaman | 95 min | magic lamp | wishes
2013 | Saving Santa | 83 min. (dir. Leon Joosen, Aaron Seelman) | Time Globe | Christmas
2013 | Shree | 109 min (dir. Rajesh Bachchani) | Unwittingly | India
2013 | Side Effects May Include: Time Travel | min. (dir. Lena Tsodykovskaya, Taylor Sardoni) | Change past | Comedy, SHORT
2013 | Space Pirate Captain Harlock | 115 | plan to open time nodes to alter history |
2013 | Subsomnum | 5 min. (dir. Piotr Dismas Zdanowicz) | Temporal Distortion | SHORT
2013 | Supercollider | 90 min. (dir. Jeffrey Lando) | Earth shifting in time | Disaster, Black Hole
2013 | Taimu Sukupu Hanta [aka. Time Scoop Hunter] | 102 min (dir.) |[method] | 16th century
2013 | Tartu – Seize the Day | min. (dir. Jaakko Vallo) | travelling | SHORT
2013 | Teen Beach Movie | 110 min (dir. Jeffrey Hornaday) | [method] tidal wave | 60’s, USA
2013 | Tempus | 10 min (dir.) | [method] | Assasination
2013 | The A.R.K. Report | 30 min (dir. Shmuel Hoffman) | [method] | Future, Ark of the Covenant, SHORT
2013 | The Elegant Clockwork or the Universe | 105 min (dir. Malik Isasis) | | TT in the future
2013 | The Everlasting Vintage | 11 min. (dir. Sean Gill) | Champagne | SHORT
2013 | The Forbidden Dimensions | 86 min. (dir. Christoper James Miller) | Projective Time Travel | Visit to the future
2013 | The House at the End of Time | 101 min (dir.) | loop |
2013 | The Investigation of a Time Traveler | 60 min (dir.) | claims to build time machine |
2013 | The Lost Medallion: The adventures of Billy Stone | 97 min. (dir. Bill Muir) | Magic |
2013 | the Lovers (aka. Time Traveller) | 109 min. (dir. Roland Joffé) | Mind Travel | India
2013 | The Sempiternal | min. (dir. Ainan Celeste Cawley) | | SHORT
2013 | The Snow Queen | 90 min (dir.) | separated in time | evil
2013 | The Time Travelers | 11 min (dir.) | | SHORT
2013 | the Turtle and the Time Machine | 61 min. (dir. Adam Rosenbaum) | Time Machine |
2013 | the World | 125 min. (dir James Noel) | Object
2013 | Thou Gild’st the Even | 107 min (dir.) | freeze time |
2013 | Time | 7 min. (dir. Liam Connor) | Time Travel Belief, SHORT
2013 | Time Conditions | 25 min. (dir. Toa Lohe) | [method] | SHORT | WATCH
2013 | Time Dwellers (By Gones) | 93 min (dir.) | black hole |
2013 | Time Slip Megane (aka. TimeSlip Glasses) | 100 min (dir.) | glasses | transport to the past
2013 | Time Stau | 20 min. (dir. Dirk Skreber, Zefrey Throwell) | Addiction | Methamphetamine, SHORT
2013 | Time Trap | 8 min. (dir. Michael Shanks) | Data over ages (Time Bubble) | SHORT, Alien, Post-Apocalypse | WATCH
2013 | Time Travel Sucks | 20 min. (dir. Reace Thorne, Caleb Westfall | Loop | Evil Twin, SHORT
2013 | Time Travelers 2: The Darkness Within | 78 min | |
2013 | Time Traveller | 109 min (dir.) | |
2013 | Timeholes | 2 min (dir.) | | SHORT
2013 | Trapped in Time 3D! | 70 min. (dir. Matthew Scott King | [method] |
2013 | Travelers | 83 min. (dir. Kôichi Sakamoto) | Parallel worlds | Japan
2013 | Trudno byt bogom (aka. Hard to be a god) | 177 min (dir. Aleksey German) | Parallel Reality | Past, Russia
2013 | the Waters Echo | 14 min (dir.) | Time control device |
2013 | Wireless | 7 min (dir ) | mind control | in the past, SHORT
2013 | Wormholes |
2013 | Yeolhansi [aka. 11:00 AM] | 99 min. (dir. Hyun-seok Kim| Black Hole | South Korea
2013 | Ya dumal, ty budesh vsegda | 89 min (dir.) |
2014 Links missing
2014 | (Y/N): (Yes or No) | 7 min. (dir. Kasper Mols) | Temporal Bubble | SHORT
2014 | 11:59 | 6 min. (dir. Ethan Woldenberg) | | SHORT
2014 | 2101 | 56 min (dir. ) | |
2014 | 27, Memory Lane | 98 min. (dir. Luke Hopton) | Back in Time
2014 | 900 Seconds | 12 min. [dir. Robert Seneko) | Paradox | SHORT
2014 | A million ways to die in the west | 116 min. (dir. Seth McFarlane) | Time Machine | DeLorean, spoof
2014 | A Single Life | 3 min. (dir. Marieke Blaauw, Joris Oprins) | [method] | Memory, SHORT
2014 | A Superhero Comedy | 55 min. (dir. Daynen Bigs) | Frozen Time | SHORT
2014 | Adrifting | 20 | change the past |
2014 | Alice | min. (dir. Nicolas Bennato) | [method] | SHORT
2014 | Amapola | 85 | to 1982 from 1960s and back |
2014 | Andelé vsedního dna | min. (dir. Alice Nellis) | Time Frozen
2014 | April | min. (dir. Chris Shalom) | [method] | Suicide
2014 | Assumption of Risk | 87 min (dir. Mark Kochanowicz) | Data over Ages | Insurance
2014 | Atropa | 9 min. (dir. Eli Sasich) | Temporal Breakdown | SHORT, Cryogenics, Detective, Proof-of-Concept | WATCH
2014 | Bakumatsu Kokosei (aka. Time Trip App] | 108 min dir.) | [method]
2014 | Bing feng: Chong sheng zhi men [aka. Iceman] | 104 min. (dir. Wing-cheong Law) | Time Portal, Magic | Japan, Samurai
2014 | Brave New World | 6 min. (dir. Nathan Hyde) | [method] | SHORT
2014 | Celluloid Dreams | 11 | film projector accesses past |
2014 | Coherence | 89 min. (dir. James Ward Byrkit) | Personal Temporal Anomaly, Multiverse | Paradox, Branching realities
2014 | Cook | 9 min (dir.) | [method] | Multiple Selves
2014 | C.O.O.L.I.O. Time Travel Gangster | 85 min (dir. Paul J. LKane) | [method] | gangster
2014 | Correcting Christmas (aka. Back to Christmas) | 86 min (dir. Tim O’Donnell | Second Chance | Christmas
2014 | Counterclock | 64 min. (dir. Dylan Hoang) | Temporal Police
2014 | Cruel and Unusual | 95 | time loop |
2014 | Cycle | 15 min. (dir. Ed Stahr) | Time Machine | SHORT
2014 | the Darkness Peering | 12 min. (dir. Omar Figueroa) | Reincarnation | SHORT
2014 | De-feathered | 67 min. (dir. Cameron Dinwiddle) | [method] | Comedy
2014 | Dinosaur Island | 82 min. (dir. Matt Drummond) | Time Stood Still | Dinosaurs
2014 | Double Trouble | 11 min (dir.) | watch | Second chance
2014 | Down the Chain | 50 min (dir.) | time machine | change past |
2014 | Echoes of Her | min. (dir. Tony Alfaro) | Change the Past | SHORT
2014 | Edge of Tomorrow [aka. Live. Die. repeat.] | 113 min. (dir. Doug Liman) | ability, Loop | Changing the past, Aliens, War
2014 | Exit Log | 8 min (dir.) | message from past, reset time |
2014 | Fame Robur | 5 min (dir. Michael Frantz) | [method] | SHORT2014 | “Fighting” | 90 | back in time |
2014 | Flirting in the Air | 94 min (dir.) | wormhole | Ming Dynasty |
2014 | For the sake of Time | 6 min (dir Todd Cronin) | Magic | SHORT
2014 | Fort Ross (aka. Форт Росс) | 110 min. (dir. Yuriy Moroz) | smartphone app | Correct History
2014 | Frozen in time | 46 min. (dir. Ale Leung) | Time Loop | Christmas, Anim, SHORT
2014 | Future Hero | 7 min (dir. Ramin Serry) | [method] | Androids, SHORT
2014 | the Genital Warriors | 87 min. (dir. Matthew Way) |
2014 | Greedy Pigs | 9 min. (dir. ) | [method] | Samurai, Present day, London, SHORT
2014 | Guardians of the Galaxy | 121 min (dir. James Gunn) | technology | Data from the Past
2014 | Hamlet A.D.D | 100 min. (dir. Bobby Ciraldo, Andrew Swant) | Time Machine | Partial Animation
2014 | Horse Money | 103 min (dir) | mind travel | 1970s |
2014 | How Many… | 7 min. (dir. Iabou Windimere) | Fixing the Past | Invention of Time Travel, SHORT
2014 | How to Time Travel | 91 min. (dir. Samuel Sheffield) | Time Machine
2014 | Hyperfutura | 61 min. [dir. James O’Brian) | [method] | Mind Control, Genetic Engineering
2014 | I remember the future | 26 min. (dir. Klayton Stainer) | Data over Ages | SHORT
2014 | I’m you, dickhead | 12 min. (dir. Lucas Testro) | [method] | Do over, second chance, Australia, SHORT
2014 | In the name of the king 3: The Last Job | 86 min. (dir. Uwe Boll) | [method] | Middle Ages, Assassin
2014 | Inmate 48 | 25 min (dir. Sohail A Hassan) | [method] | Prison, SHORT
2014 | Interkozmosz | 21 min. (dir. Bela Banhegyi) | [method] | SHORT
2014 | Interstellar | 169 min. (dir. Christopher Nolan) | Wormhole | Other dimensions
2014 | Interview with a time traveller | 10 min. (dir. Ashley/James Cooper) | [method] | SHORT
2014 | Jake Elvis | 23 min. (dir. Mirza Baig) | Magic | SHORT
2014 | JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time | 52 min. (dir. Giancarlo Volpe) | Magic | SHORT, Animation, Legion of Doom
2014 | Joe Hanrahan “invents” Insane-O-Vision |min. (dir. Trevor Juenger) | Visitor from the past | Intellectual property
2014 | Just in Time | 14 | time travel for personal gain |
2014 | Lucy | 89 min. (Dir. Luc Besson) | Mastering Time |
2014 | M-Theory | 16 min. (dir. T. L. Westgate) | Paradox | SHORT
2014 | Misadventure in Time | 1 min (dir.) | paradox |
2014 | Moebius | 7 min (dir.) | [method] | change fate
2014 | Monster High Freaky Fusion | 73 min. (dir. William Lau, Sylvain Blais) | Time Portal | Animation
2014 | Morgan’s Time | 5 min. (dir. Dylan Reeve) | SHORT
2014 | Mouse-X | 15 min. (dir. Justin Tagg) | Paradox, Loop | SHORT
2014 | Mr Peabody and Sherman | 92 min. (dir. Rob Minkoff) | Time Rift | Anim
2014 | Movement and Location | 96 min. (dir. Alexis Boling) | [method]lers, Visitors from the Future | Immigrants, 2400s
2014 | My dog the Space Traveler | 97 min (dir. Robin Christian) | Out of time | Dimensions
2014 | Nostradamus Experiment | 68 min. (dir. Paul Grizak) | Data over Ages | Found Footage, SHORT
2014 | Not the End | 29 min. (dir. César Esteban Alenda, José Esteban Alenda) | Visitor from the future | SHORT, Suicide
2014 | One-Minute Time Machine | 6 min. (dir. Devron Avery) | Time Machine | SHORT, Morality tale | WATCH
2014 | Origins ] min. (dor. Sharmane Franklin Johnson) | Paradox | Vampire, Longivity, SHORT
2014 | the Other Way | 12. min. (dir. Will Jacobs) | Time Travel | Egocentricity, Memory Loss, SHORT
2014 | Ouroboros | 16 min. (dir. Henry Boffin) | Time Machine, Changing the past | Australia, SHORT
2014 | Own Worst Enemy | 89 min (dir.) | time machine | revenge
2014 | Paloma | 13 min. (dir. Juan Luis Martinez) | Time Machine | Spain, SHORT
2014 | Paradox | 103 | time machine, parallel universes |
2014 | Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones | 84 min. (dir. Christoper Landon) |
2014 | Past tense | 114 min. (dir. Mae Cruz-Alviar) | Visitor from the future | Comedy
2014 | PlayMobil – Eine Abenteurreise durch die Ziet | 6 | time travel ability thru history |
2014 | the Portal | 12 min. (dir ) | Dimensional travel | Time Difference between Dimensions, Magic | SHORT
2014 | Predestination | 97 min. (dir. Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig) | Changing the past, Loop, Paradox | Temporal Agent
2014 | Premature | 93 min. Dan Beers | Lopp | Comedy
2014 | Press COOK | 12 min. (dir. Andrew Kadiklan) | [method] | SHORT
2014 | Qi Bao Zhuan Shen Zhi Tun Lai (aka. The Bell) | 90 min (dir. | bell |
2014 | Recursion | 22 min (dir.) | time loop | wedding |
2014 | Reminiscence: The Beginning | 100 min. (dir. Akçay Karaazmak) | Breakdown of Time, Black Hole |
2014 | Rootz The Breakthrough | 78 min. (dir, Brian Harris) | Concurrent Timelines, Time Travel | Civil War, USA, Slaves
2014 | Saphirblau [Saphire Blue (aka. Ruby Red II] | 116 min. (dir. Felix Fuchssteiner, Katharina Schöde) | ability | YA
2014 | Scienceless Fiction | 109 min. (dir. Bill Zebub) | Visit from the future | Hitler
2014 | See Yourself | 5 min (dir.) | ability |
2014 | Seiten no Hekireki (aka. Bolt from the Blue) | 96 min | | magic, visit til the past
2014 | Siêu Thời Không Cứu Binh (aka Savior Traveling Through Time) | 95 min. (dir.) | [method] |
2014 | Slave Girls on the Moon | 73 min (dir.) | time portal | year 8888
2014 | Stand by me Doraemon | 95 min. (dir. Tony Oliver, Ryuichi Yagi) | [method] Work | Anim
2014 | Tachyonic Anti-Telephone | 27 min. (dir. Brian Lebrecque) | Philosophy, SHORT
2014 | Temporality | 6 min (dir. Pramod Nath, Raghav Anil Kumar) | [method] | paradox, SHORT | WATCH
2014 | Terumae romae II (aka. Thermae Romae II) | 112 min. (dir. Hideki Takeuchi) | Visitor to the future | Paradox, magic, Ancient Rome
2014 | The Adventures of Robo Rex | 87 min. (dir. Stephen Shimek) | Visitor from the Future | Robot, Children
2014 | The Biyou, a one way crossing | 24 min (dir WonChan Sohn) | [method] | Change fate |
2014 | The Girl from Tomorrow | 15 min (dir.) | [method] | visitor from future
2014 | The History of Time Travel | 72 min (dir. Ricky Kennedy) | Time Machine | Fictional Docu, Alternate History,
2014 | The Infinite Man | 85 min. (dir. Hugh Sullivan) | Data over ages | Memories
2014 | the Professor’s time Machine | min. (dir. Maxwell Haynes) | Time Machine | Meteor, SHORT
2014 | The Tent | 11 min. (dir. Robbie Fatt) | Magic | Teleportation, TT, SHORT

2014 | Thinking Speed | 111 min. (dir. Lisa Menzel) | Mind Travel | Maze of Time, Horror
2014 | Time after Time | 16 min. (dir. Peris Romano, Pablo Silva González) | Changing the past, SHORT
2014 | Time Lapse | 104 min. (dir. Bradley King) | Data over ages
2014 | Time Travel Lover | 14 min. (dir. Bo Mirosseni) | [method] | Visitor from the future, Change the future, Paradox, SHORT
2014 | Time Travelers | 19 min. (dir. ) | | SHORT
2014 | Timespace | 90 min (dir.) | [method] | visitor from the past
2014 | Timing | 99 min (dir.) | data from the future, forsight | change fate
2014 | Twa-Tiu-Tiann | 135 min (dir.) | painting | 1920’s China
2014 | X-Men: Days of Future Past | 131 min. (dir. Bryan Singer) | Alternate Future, Changing the past | Superheroes, Marvel
2014 | Youkai Watch: Tanjo no Himitsu [aka. Yokai Watch: It’s the Secret of Birth, Meow! aka Eiga Youkai Watch] | 97 min. (dir.) | watch | 1950s, Japan
2014 | Your Sister Sent Me | 7 min. (dir. Jessie Chipcase) | Everyday Time Travel | Traumas, Short
2014 | Zaman Makinesi 1973 | 109 min. (dir. Aram Gülyüz) | car |
2015 links missing
2015 | 2101 | min. (dir. Kyle Misak) | Data over ages | SHORT
2015 | 5 questions to ask before you time travel | 21 min. (dir. Jeremy Eisener) | Time Travel | SHORT
2015 | a Portal to KnowWhere | 4 min. (dir. Raghav Anil Kumar, Pramod Nath) | Portal | SHORT
2015 | Abby Sen | 128 min (dir. Atanu Gosh) | TT Capsule | TV, visit to the past, India
2015 | Adventures of Louanna Lee: The Movie | Lee Doll | 110 | Mystery |
2015 | Alistair1918 | 88 min (dir. Annie K. McVey) | accident | WWI
2015 | Alternate Realities | Amir Valinia | 101 | Drama / science fiction / thriller |
2015 | Amapola | Eugenio Zanetti | 85 | Comedy / drama / fantasy
2015 | Auld Lang Syne | 16 min. (dir. Bradley Porter) | Everyday Time Travel | SHORT
2015 | Back to the 90’s [aka. 2538 Alter ma jib] | dir. 111 min (dir. Yanyong Karuaungkoul) | Change the past | 90’s, Thailand
2015 | Back to the Fuhrer | 5 min (dir. ) | alter past with consequences
2015 | Back to the Future: Doc Brown Saves The World | 10 min (dir. Robert Zemeckis) | | SHORT
2015 | Bez dvadtsati sem | 2 min. (dir. Mikhail Pervushin) | Predictability | SHORT
2015 | Bis | 98 min (dir. Dominique Farrugia) | Change Past |
2015 | The Black Hole | 111 min. (Mark Steven Grove) | Space/time collapse
2015 | Carmilla | min (dir. Jeff Harder) | curse | Reincarnation
2015 | Closets | 19 min. (dir. Lloud Eyre-Morgan) | Data over ages | SHORT
2015 | Cognition | 89 min. (dir. Matthew Scott) | Changing Timeline |

2015 | Da Hai (aka Big Fish & Begonia) | 100 min. (dir. Liang Xuan) | Control Time | Anim
2015 | Destined | 9 min (dir. Mary K. Leslie) | invention of Time travel |
2015 | Diabolical, the | 86 min (dir.) | sent to the past |
2015 | Doc Brown Saves The World | 31 min (dir.) | prevent 2045 holocaust |
2015 | Doktor Proktors Tidsbadekar | 95 | time travel bathtub to various eras
2015 | Doctor Who the Time War | 82 min. (dir. various) | Time Machine | Tardis, Timelord, TV, Fanfiction | WATCH
2015 | Doomsday [aka. Death Machine – the Fall of London] | 85 min. (dir. Neil Johnson) | Visitor to the past | Virus
2015 | Dox | min. (dir. Danny Cotton) | Time Macine, Autoradio | Correct History, SHORT
2015 | Fap to the Future | 38 min (dir.) | time machine powered by orgasms
2015 | Final Girls, the | 91 min (dir.) | back in time and into a movie
2015 | Flight World War II | 85 min (dir. Emile Edwin Smith) | Visitors to the past | WWII
2015 | Frames: A handful of Love Stories | 23 min. (dir. Matthew Gaynor) | Manipulating memories | SHORT
2015 | Future Loins | 3 min (dir.) | visitor from future |
2015 | Half-Shell Heroes: Blast to the Past | 60 min (dir. ) | | Pre-history
2015 | Hamlet’s Ghost | 82 min (dir.) | |
2015 | Hindsight | 12 min. (dir. Douglas Emerson) | Time Travel | SHORT
2015 | Hot Tub Time Machine 2 | 93 min. (dir. Steve Pink) | [method], Device | Comedy
2015 | a House Undivided | 20 min. (dir. Elliot Cox, Airwrekt Sal) | Time Travel | SHORT
2015 | Indru Netru Naalai (aka. Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow) | 146 min (dir. R. Ravikumar) | Time Machine | Tamil
2015 | INFINI | 110 min. (dir. Shane Abbess) | Matter transportation, Time Dilation | Outer Space
2015 | Inside out | 85 min (dir. Pete Doctor, Ronnie del Carmen) | visit to the past | invisible friend, animation
2015 | Just in time for Christmas | 96 | 3 years into future |
2015 | Kung Fury | 31 min. (dir. David Sandberg) | Visit to the past | Paradox, Hitler, SHORT
2015 | L’avenir Se Joue Ici [aka. House of Time] | 86 min. (dir. Jonathan Helpert) | [method] or Hoax | Nazis, WWII
2015 | Lazy Boy | 16 min (dir. Dave Redman( | chair | time reset | WATCH
2015 | Lila: The Tale of the Gopi | 18 min. (dir. Saie Surendra, Jegani Gunanithy) | Loop day | Karma, India, SHORT
2015 | Lu bian ye can (aka. Kaili Blues) | 113 min (dir) | time flows forward and backwards |
2015 | Lucky Penny | 26 min. (dir. Patrick Malone) | Magic | Gangsters, SHORT
2015 | Magnetic | 80 min. (dir. Sophia Cacciola, Michael Epstein) | Data from the Past/future
2015 | Man of Action II: ashes of Vengeance | 11 min (dir. Mk12) | [method] | SHORT
2015 | Meiji Tokyo Renka | 85 | to Meiji era |
2015 | Minions | 91 min (dir.) | time traveller paradox | Animation
2015 | Montauk Chronicles | 85 min. (dir. Christopher P. Garatano) | Attempted Time Travel | Documentary, Aliens, Conspiracy
2015 | Mourning, the | 106 | returns 20years after unaged |
2015 | Narcopolis | 96 min | drug | visit to the future, 2022, 2044
2015 | Orange | 139 min (dir. Kojiro Hashimoto )| Letter | Data from the future
2015 | Parallel | 91 min. (dir. Keith Nickoson, John Turk) | Changing the past
2015 | Parallels | 83 min. (dir. Christopher Leone) | Parallel Worlds | TV-pilot
2015 | Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension | 88 min (dir. Gregory Plotkin) | Camera | Spirits, Found Footage, Horror
2015 | Prescient | 81 min. (dir. Hann-Shi Lem) | [method] | Data from the future | Death foretold
2015 | Project Almanac (aka. Welcome to yesterday) | 106 min. (dir. Dean Israelite) | Time Machine, Paradox
2015 | Redux | 9 min . (dir. Vitaly Verlov) | Data over ages | SHORT
2015 | Recursive | 16 | pill time travel to fix events |
2015 | Regular Show: the Movie | 68 min (dir. J. G Quintel) | Second Chance | Anim
2015 | Restart | 15 min. (dir. Olga Osorio ) | Temporal Gap | SHORT
2015 | Roshtalivik: Hero of Time | 28 min. (dir. Bruce W. Moore | Casual Travelling | SHORT
2015 | Rows | 84 | slide thru time, change past |
2015 | Run Towards Tomorrow (2 eps) | 100 | from 2005 to 2015 and back to change | aka Naeileul hyanghae dduieora
2015 | RWD | 77 min. (dir. Matt Stewart] | Paradox |
2015 | Sex, Lies and Terminators | 14 | visitor from future intervenes |
2015 | Sexwax | 11 min. (Frederic van Strydonck) Surf | SHORT
2015 | Sognando s’impara | 90 min. (dir. Brando Improta) | Time Warp
2015 | Soldiers of the Damned | 99 min (dir. Mark Nuttall) | Time Slip | Nazis, Germany, WWII, Occult
2015 | Space Between | (14 min. (dir. Jill Murphy Long) | Second Chance | SHORT
2015 | Splash Splash Love | 118 | to ancient dynasty and back | aka Pongdang Pongdang Love
2015 | SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water | 92 | time machine to change past events |
2015 | Star Night | 15 min. (dir. Andrew Bury) | [method] | SHORT
2015 | Star Trek Renegades: Of Gods and Men | 88 | time portal to change history |
2015 | Subconscious | 122 min (dir. Georgia Hilton) | | Submarine, WWII
2015 | Sum of Histories, the | 86 | send electrons back in time, emails | aka Terug Naar Morgen
2015 | Synchronicity | 81 min (dir. Jack Gentry) | Time Machine
2015 | Teen Beach 2 | 104 | return to the present, changes past |
2015 | Terminator: Genisys | 119 min. (dir. Alan Taylor) |
2015 | The Big Everything | 131 | black hole, light speed dilates time |
2015 | the Bridge | min. (dir. Amit Sharma) | New York, SHORT
2015 | the Coin | min. (dir. Drew Nicholson) | Second Chance, Magic | SHORT
2015 | The Diabolical | 86 min (dir. Alistair Legrand | Time Loop
2015 | The Final Girls | 91 min. (dir. ) |
2015 | The Jump | 4 min (dir. Chris Ashton) | briefcase | Testing Time Travel, SHORT | WATCH
2015 | the Mourning | 106 min. (dir. Marc Clebanoff) | Longivity | War
2015 | The Time We’re In | 26 min (dir. ) | | SHORT
2015 | The Professor’s Scary Movie Show – Character Profiles | 4 min. (dir. Paul gerard Kennedy) | | TV
2015 | The SpungeBob Movie: Spunge Out of Water | 92 min (dir. Paul Tibbet, Mike Mitchell) | Time Machine, Time Paralex | Animation
2015 | The Traveler | | |
2015 | Therefore I am | 7 min (dir.) | visitor from future meets self
2015 | They Found Hell | 85 min. (dir. Nick Lyon) | Teleportation | Magic, Horror
2015 | Tim Cohen’s Amazing Adventures | 61 | cardboard Box Time Travel |
2015 | Time Capsule | 5 min. (dir. Trinity Shi) | Data over ages | SHORT
2015 | Time Drive | min. (dir. Tony Alfaro) | Righting a past wrong | SHORT
2015 | Time Teens: The Beginning | 119 | from 2342 Time Enforcers |
2015 | Time of Death | min. (dir. Thomas D. Brown II) | [method] | Comedy, SHORT
2015 | Time Travelers 3: The Fight for Freedom | 121 min (dir. ) | |
2015 | Timelike | 9 min. (dir. Richard Boylan) | Message from the future |
2015 | Time Teens: The beginning | 119 min [dir. Ryan Alexander Dewar) | Data over ages | Time Police
2015 | Time Travel: A Love Story | 8 min (dir.) | earthquake time portal to 1975 |
2015 | Timeless | 15 min. (dir. Marshall Copous) | Longivity | Magic, SHORT | Not on imdb, View on Vimeo
2015 | Timelike | 9 | message from future |
2015 | Timing | 100 | find time machine for self gain |
2015 | T.L.P. | 8 min. (dir. Lucas Samarin) | Teleportation | SHORT
2015 | Tim Cohen’s Amazing Adventures in Cardboard Box Time Travel | 61 min. (dir. Evan Jacobs) | Cardboard Box | JFK
2015 | Tomorrowland | 130 min. [dir. Brad Bird) | suspend time | Visions, Utopia, Technology, Invention
2015 | Torno indietro e cambio vita | 90 | relive youth in 1990 |
2015 | Trapped in time | 18 min. (dir. Basimentos) | | SHORT, Stop-motion | WATCH
2015 | Triumph of Time | 5 min. (dir. Itay Cohen) | Message from the Future | Moral Story, SHORT
2015 | Variable | Visit from the Future | SHORT
2015 | the Watch | 23 min (dir. Andrew Bury) | Magic | Watch, SHORT
2015 | Welcome to Happiness | 108 min (dir. ) | |
2015 | World of Tomorrow | 17 min. (dir. Don Hertzfeldt) | Visit to the future | SHORT
2015 | Xin bu bu jing xin [aka. Time to Love] | 80/114 ?? min (dir. Di Song) | Accident | Travel to the past, Qing Dynasty
2016 Links missing
2016 | 24 | 164 min (dir. Vikram k. Kumar) | Time machine | Indian
2016 | A Matter of Tim | 85 min (dir. Raul Garcia) | Time machine | Change past, Animation
2016 | A Promise of Time Travel | 88 min (dir. Craig Jessen) |
2016 | A Repartição do Tempo (aka. Punch the Clock) | 100 min. (dir. Santiago Dellape) | Time Machine | Brazil
, enslavement, capitalism
2016 | Alice through the Looking Glass | 113 min. (dir. James Bobin) | Time Device |Visit to the past| Book Adaption
2016 | Altered Hours | 101 min. (dir. Bruce Wemble) | Mind | Paradox
2016 | Anti Matter | 109 min. (dir. Keir Burrows) | matter transportation | faster than light, wormhole
2016 | Archie the Time Machine | min (dir. Benjamin Voelker) | Device | SHORT
2016 | ARQ | 88 min (dir. Tony Elliot) | Loop
2016 | Arrival | 116 min (dir. Denis Villeneuve) | Paradox, non-linear time
2016 | Assassin’s Creed | 115 min. (dir. Justin Kurzel) | Mind Travel
2016 | Ataud Blanco: El Juego Diabolico (aka. White Coffin | 75 min. (dir. Daniel de La Vega) | Reliving day |
2016 | Baar Baar Dekho | 141 min (dir. Nitya Mehra) | Data Over Ages
2016 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | 151 min (dir. Zach Snyder) | Visitor from the Future | DC Comics
2016 | Beautiful Dreamer | 26 min (dir. David Gaddie) | | SHORT
2016 | Belle & Tina are Time Travellers | 4 min (dir. Leigh Lahav) | [method]ler | Animation, SHORT
2016 | Beyond the Edge | 96 min (dir. Thomas Zellen) |
2016 | Blair Witch | 89 min. (dir. Adam Wingard ) | loop
2016 | Broken Sleep | 13 min (dir. Tom Dowuona-Hyde) | I SHORT
2016 | Boku wa asu, kinou no kimi to dêto suru (aka. My Tomorrow, Your yesterday, aka. Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday’s You | 111 min (dir. Takahiro Miki) | [method] | Love over time
2016 | Bridge to yesterday’s tomorrow | 6 min (dir. Jeremy Smith) | mind travel | SHORT
2016 | Chronesthesia | Hayden J. Weal | 93 | Comedy / drama / romance |
2016 | Colkatay Columbus | Saurav Palodhi | 126 | Comedy / Fantasy |
2016 | Collider | 33 min. (dir. Justin Lewis) | Better the past | SHORT
2016 | Counter Clockwise | 91 min (dir. George Moïse) | Accidental Time Travel | Paradox | INFO 1, INFO 2
2016 | Darkness into Light | min. (dir. David Fairman) | Magic Cup | Ancient Rome, Religion, Jesus
2016 | DC’s Legends of Tomorrow | 15 min (dir. ) | Time Ship | Docu, TV, SHORT
2016 | Displacement | 112 min (dir. Kenneth Mader) | time slip
2016 | Diverge | 86 min (dir. James Morrison) | Mind travel | 2nd chance
2016 | Doctor Strange | 115 min. (dir. Scott Derrickson) | Magic | Reverse time, Marvel
2016 | Earthtastrophe | 82 min (dir. Nick Lyon) | Wormhole | TV
2016 | Echo/Back – The Time Travel Virus | 8 min (dir. Tristram Geary) | ability | Crime | WATCH (not on imdb) SHORT
2016 | Eloise | 89 min. (dir Robert Legato) | Thime Shifting, concurrent timelines | horror
2016 | Enter the Warriors Gate | 118 min (dir. Matthias Hoene) | [method] |
2016 | Environmental Training | 15 min. (dir. Fabricio Meilhac) | [method] | Environment, Cause and effect, SHORT
2016 | Era | 13 min (dir. Anthony Richards) | Bring people from the Past | History, SHORT
2016 | Erased (aka. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, aka. Town Where Only I Am Missing) | 120 min (dir.Yûichirô Hirasawa) | ability | Change the future
2016 | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | 133 min (dir. David Yates) | Reverse time |
2016 | Fate | 95 min (dir. Dan Sheldon) | [method] |
2016 | Flykten till framtiden | 139 minutes (dir. Jaana Fomin, Ulf Malmros)) | subway train | concurrent timelines
2016 | Freeze Frame | 8 min (dir. Max Davidse) | | Second Chance, SHORT
2016 | Future | min. (dir. Rob Cousineau) |
2016 | Ghosts in Time | min. (dir. Jimmy Nsubuga) | Change the present | SHORT
2016 | Le Grand Tout [aka. The Grand Everything] | 127 min (dir. Nicolas Bazz) | Relativity | Black Hole
2016 | Haus | min. (dir. Miguel Charisteas) | ?? | SHORT
2016 | How to build a time machine | 82 min. (dir. Jay Cheel) | Time Machine | Docu
2016 | How To Time Travel | 91 min (dir. Samuel Sheffield) | Time Machine | fix the past
2016 | Hurok (aka Loop) | 95 min (dir. Isti Madarasz ) | [method] | Loop
2016 | I’m you | 10 min (White Cape Productions) | | Paradox, not on imdb, SHORT | watch
2016 | the Jews | 111 min (dir. Yvan Attal) | Back in time | Jesus
2016 | Journey Back to Christmas | 84 min (dir. Mel damski) | [method] | visit to the future, WWII,
2016 | Kaalchakra | 40 min (dir. Kshitij Sharma) | | Paradox, Invitation, SHORT
2016 | the Kammler Code | 44 min (dir. Mukul Gadde) | Time Machine | Paradox, Multiverse, Branching timelines, 1892 SHORT
2016 | Kimi no na wa [aka. Your Name] | 106 min (dir. Makoto Shinkai) | Time Portal, Magic | data bwtween ages, concurrent timelines, Anime, Japan
2016 | Les Visiteurs 3: La Terreur (aka The Visitors: Bastille Day) | 110 min. (dir. Jean-Marie Poiré) | [method ] | 1789, Visitors from the past
2016 | Mind over Mindy | 114 min. (dir. Robert Alaniz) |
[method] | visitor from the past, 1989
2016 | Miss Peregrine’s home for Peculiar Children | 127 min (dir. Tim Burton) | Resetting Time, Time Loop | WWII

2016 | My first Time | 90 min. (dir. Hank Isaac) | Loop | 10.000 years ago, SHORT
2016 | Orange: Future | 63 min (dir. Hiroshi Hamazaki) | [Method] |
2016 | the Other Half | 15 min. (dir. Aaron Compagna) | [method]ler | SHORT
2016 | Paradox | 103 min. (dir. Stevo Chang, Fran Ervin) | Alternate realities
2016 | Paradox | 90 min (dir. Michael Hurst | Time Travel, Paradox
2016 | Pass Thru | 90 min. (dir. Neil Bree) | [method] | Visitor from the future, A.I.
2016 | Pitfalls of Time Travel | 3 min (dir. Samar Ali Warsi) | | SHORT
2016 | Praesidium | 5 min (dir. Paul Myzia) | | Gun Control, SHORT
2016 | Prisoner X | 90 min. (dir. Gaurav Seth) | [method], Paradox | Terrorism
2016 | a Promise of Time Travel | 88. min (dir. Craig Jessen) | Time machine |
2016 | Quantum Break | 150 min. (dir. Mikael Kasurinen)| ability to manipulate time | game movie
2016 | Reborn | min. (dir. Claudio Sipka) | [method] | SHORT
2016 | Replay | (in development)
2016 | Reset | 95 min (dir. Steve Austin Stihl, Ty Reynolds) | Device | WWII
2016 | Restaurant Replay | 16 min (dir. Andrew Bury) | Groundhog Day | Second Chance, SHORT
2016 | Roshtalivik (aka Time Rush) | 72 min. (dir. Bruce W. Moore) | accident travel | Visit to the Future |
2016 | Roshtalivik: Aftermath | min. (dir. Bruce W. Moore) | | SHORT
2016 | Sapsim | 17 min (dir. Martin Audriicky) | Magic
2016 | Sensei Tumbleweed | 64 min (dir. Joe Haugh) | [method] |
2016 | The Shift: Escape from the Future | min. (dir. ) |
2016 | Slipdrive | 6 min (dir. Paul Johnstone) | Device | SHORT
2016 | Smaragdgrün (Ruby Red III) (aka. Emerald Green) | 113 minutes (dir. Felix Fuchssteiner, Katharina Schöde) | ability | pert of trilogy
2016 | Soliloquy | 9 min. (dir. Zach Quinones) | Alternate Realities | SHORT
2016 | Space cop | 102 min. (dir. Jay Bauman, Mike Stoklasa) | [method] | Visitors to the present, Cryogenics
2016 | Star Trek: Beyond | 122 min (dir. Justin Lin) | [ |
2016 | Super Mecha Madness | 36 min (dir. Othello Gooden Jr.) | Rewinding Time | Animation, SHORT
2016 | Sutekina Sen Taxi Special | 150 min (dir. Kasunari Hoshino) | Taxi | TV Movie
2016 | Tell me how I die | 107 min (dir. D.J. Viola) | Visions, Data Over Ages

2016 | The Lost Digit | 91 min. (dir. Garrett Brown) | skipping through time | hallucinations
2016 | The Man who was Thursday | 95 min (dir. Balazs Juszt) | [method]
2016 | The Time Machine | 19 min (dir. Lorne Miller) | Time Machine | SHORT
2016 | The Time Renegades | 107 min (dir. Jae-Yong Kwak) | Contact over ages | Korea
2016 | The Traveler | 9 min (dir. Jonathan Lawrence, Anthony Bradford | [method] |
2016 | Time Device | 66 min. (dir. Derick Thomas) | Change the past
2016 | Time Has a Funny Way of Selling Itself Short | 15 min (dir.)
2016 | Time Rush (aka. reflex) | 85 min. (dir. Daniel Zirilli | Loop | Martial Arts, Parkour, Bangkok
2016 | Time Toys | 87 min (dir. Mark Rosman) | Time Machine | Toyboys, Weapons through time
2016 | Time Walkers | min. (dir. ) | Lost in time

2016 | Timeless | min. (dir. )| (in development)
2016 | Timeless: Continuum Recon | 5 min (dir. Trevor Sands) | | Docu, VR/360, Moon Landing
2016 | Tomorrow Ever After | 95 min (dir. Ela Thier) | [method] | Viitor from the future, 2592
2016 | Unhappenings | min (dir. ) | (in development)
2016 | Vanishing Time: A Boy Who Returned | 130 min (dir. Tae-hwa Eom) | Time Stop | Korea
2016 | White Coffin [aka. Ataúd Blanco: El Juego Diabólico] | 75 min (dir. Daniel de la Vega) | Extending Time | Horror
2016 | Your Name | 106 min (dir. Makoto Shinkai) | [method] |
2016 | the Zohar Secret [aka. the Scroll] | 104 min. (dir. Vladek Zankovsky) | mind travel, to the future | Magic
2017 | 2:22 | 98 min (dir. paul Currie) | Re-occurance | Data from the Future, Predestination, New York
2017 | A Day | 90 min (dir. Sun-ho Cho) | loop | morality
2017 | A Dog’s Purpose | 100 min (dir. Lasse Halstrøm) | Consciousness | Reincarnation, Canines
2017 | A Ghost Story | 92 min. (dir. David Lowery) | Time Disruption |
2017 | Adventures: The Prophecy of Time | min (dir. Jacob Baldy) | | Animation | (In Production)
2017 | Alien Code [aka The Men] | 97 min (dir. Michael G. Cooney) | Alien Code | Aliens, War
2017 | All of Our yesterdays | (In development)
2017 | the Annual | min (dir. Jordan Norn) | Device | Visitors to the Past, Coming of Age | (In Production)
2017 | Backtrack Vodka | 5 min (dir Brandon Bruno, Jason Lockhart) | Vodka | SHORT
2017 | Before I fall | 98 min (dir. Ry Russo-Young) | Ground Hog Day | dying again
2017 | Ben Browns’s Flying Machine | 120 min. (dir. Michael Torp) | Plane |
2017 | Black Holes | 12 min (dir. Davod Nicholas, Laurent Nicholas, Kevin van der Meiren) | | Animation, SHORT
2017 | Caпssa | 7 min (dir. Colin Denhart) | Loop | SHORT
2017 | Chrononauts | (in development)
2017 | Claire’s Camera | 69 min. (dir. Sang-soo Hong | Polaroid Camera |
2017 | Curvature | 90 min (dir Diego Hallivis) | Time Machine | Redo events
2017 | Czlowiek z magicznym pudelkiem [aka. the Man with the magic box] | 103 min (dir. Bodo KoxI | [method] | visitor to the past, Poland
2017 | the Dark Tower | 95 min. (dir. Nicolaj Arcell) | Eternity | Stephen King
2017 | the Discovery | 102 min (dir. Charlie MacDowell) | Second Chance | Reincarnation
2017 | Displacement | 112 min (dir. Kenneth Mader) | Displacement | Quantum Babble
2017 | Doctor Who: Shada | 138 min (dir. Charles Norton) | Time Machine | Tardis, Timelord, TV, Remake | ref. to the 1992 version
2017 | Cheng feng po lang (aka. Duckweed) [ 102 min (dir. Han Han) | near-death | visit to the past
2017 | Destined | 7 min (dir. Taegen Carter) | [method] | Multiple Selves
2017 | Exit Strategy | 15 Min (dir. Travis Bible) | Time Loop | change outcome of loop, SHORT | WATCH
2017 | From me to me | 8 min ( dir. Moe Zarchi) | [method] | Proof of Time Travel, SHORT
2017 | From me to me: Messages through time travel | 9 min (dir. Shihyun Wang) | [method] | Proof of Time Travel, SHORT
2017 | Future ’38 [ 75 min (dir Jamie Greenberg) | storyline | Movie plot, Comedy
2017 | the Gone World-adaption | (in Development)
2017 | Fabian Sing | min (dir Daniel Bucknall) | [method] | Prevent fate, SHORT
2017 | Fate | 95 min. (dir. Dan Sheldon) | [method] | Change events
2017 | the Forgotten Past | 20 min (dir. Samuel Byrne) | Dream Transport | Discarded Past, SHORT
2017 | Future | min. (dir. Rob Cousineau) | In Development
2017 | Futureboy | min (dir. Ryan Blackwell) | Device, Loop | SHORT
2017 | Goodbye, Mr. Loser | 105 min (dir. Adrian Teh) | Magic | Second Chance
2017 | Happy Death Day | 96 min (dir. Christopher Landon) | Groundhog Day, Loop | Horror
2017 | Hexe Lillis eingesacktes Weihnachtsfest (aka. Hexe Lillis eingesacktes Weihnachtsfest, aka. Hexe Lilli und das Weihnachtswunder, aka. Hexe Lilli 3, aka. Lillys Bewitched Christmas) | 100 min (dir. Wolfgang Groos) | Magic | Middle Ages, Modern day
2017 | Honnouji Hoteru (aka. Honnouji Hotel) | 120 min (dir. Masayuki Suzuki) | Magic | 16th century Japan, History
2017 | the Jetsons & WWE: Robo-WrestleMania! | 81 min (dir. Anthony Bell) | Device | Animation,
2017 | Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle | 119 min (dir. Jake Kasdan) | Arkade game | Different Timelines
2017 | Kimi to 100-kaime no koi (aka. the 100th love with you) | 117 min (dir. Shô Tsukikawa) | Ability | Relive past
2017 | Kung-Fu Traveler | 88 min (dir. Xian Feng Zhang) | accident | Kung-fu, China
2017 | Kung-Fu Traveler 2 | 85 min (dir. Xian Feng Zhang) | [method] | Kung-fu, China
2017 | the Last knight | 116 min (dir. Dmitriy Dyachenko) | Magic | Mythology, children |
2017 | the Last One | 11 min (dir. Abhishek Kumar) | Paradox | SHORT | watch
2017 | Leon Mussd Sterben | 85 min (dir. Lars Kokemüller) | Device, Visitor from the Future | Animation, Longivity, Cybermind
2017 | Logan | 137 min (dir. James Mangold) | Time Freeze | Avengers, Marvel, Super Heroes
2017 | The Man From Earth: Holocene | 98 min (dir. Richard Schenkman) | Longivity | Sequel, YA | Undignified sequel to 2007 movie
2017 | the Man Who Invented Christmas | 104 min. (dir. Bharat Nalluri) | Magic | Data from the future, Literary, Scrooge
2017 | a Matter of Tim | 85 min (dir. ) | Time machine | Animation | (In Production)
2017 | Melocotones (aka. Peaches) | 80 min. (dir. Héctor Valdez) | [method] | Multiple selves
2017 | Musa (aka. Muse) | 107 min. (dir. Jaume Balagueró) | Data from the future | Mythology, Horror
2017 | Naked | 96 min (dir. Michael Tiddes) | Ground Hog Day, Second Chance | Wedding Day
2017 | Namiya Zakkaten no Kiseki [aka. The Miracles of the Namiya General Store] | 129 min. (dir. Ryuichi Hiroki) | time rift, time warp |
2017 | Neil Stryker and the Tyrant of Time | 97 min (dir. Rob Taylor) | Portal |
2017 | Nidome no natsu, nidoto aenai kimi (aka. Second summer, never see you again) | min (dir. Kenji Nakanishi) | [method] | Japan,
2017 | Now | min. (dir. Justin Zachary) | [method] | SHORT
2017 | OtherLife | 96 min. (dir. Ben C. Lucas) | Time Dilation | VR
2017 | QEDA [aka. Man divided | 87 min (dir. Max Kestner) | Portal | Multiple Selves, Visitor from the future, Paradox, Copenhagen, 2097
2017 | Reset | 90 min (dir. Hong-Seung Yoon) | Time Machine | Multiple Selves, Undo the Past
2017 | Ripped | 97 min (dir. Brad Epstein) | pot, mind travel |
2017 | Runaway Smartphone | 90 min (dir. Maxim Genchev) | Smartphone, Time Portal |
2017 | Sakurada risetto zenpen (aka. Sakurada Reset part 1) | 103 min (dir. Yoshihiro Fukagawa) | reset time | Japan
2017 | Sakurada risetto kouhen (aka. Sakurada Reset part 2) | 126 min (dir. Yoshihiro Fukagawa) | reset time | Japan
2017 | Skip | 4 min (dir. Joe Heath) | | SHORT
2017 | STAR WARS: The Last Jedi | 152 min (dir. Rian Johnson) | Predestination, Fate | Block Universe
2017 | Stasis | 90 min (Nicole Jones-Dion) | technology | Visitors from the future, Mind-swapping, alien
2017 | Super Supers: Fade to Back – Celestra’s World | min (dir. Kailin Gow) | Fade | Animation, TV, SHORT
2017 | Super Supers: Pulse Vampires vs. Zombies – Kalina’s World | min (dir. Kailin Gow) | Fade | Animation, TV, SHORT
2017 | the Endless | 111 min (dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead) | Random loops | Cult
2017 | The Equilibrium of Life | 29 min (dir. Daniel Murphy) | | SHORT
2017 | Tim Cohen 2 | 68 min (dir. Evan Jacobs) | Cardnoard Box | JFK
2017 | The Paradox | 16 min (dir. Jacob Robert Desio) | [method] | change past, SHORT | WATCH
2017 | the Time Book | min. (dir. Jean-Marie Daunas) | Book | Visit to the future | SHORT
2017 | Time is Money | min (dir. Tyrell Lisson) | | Visitor from the Future, SHORT
2017 | Time Machine | min. (dir. Ken Feinberg) | Time machine | SHORT
2017 | Time Quest | 7 min (dir. John Dilley) | Device | Gay interest, SHORT
2017 | the Time that Time Forgot | min (dir. Zach Klinefelter ) | [method] | Astronauts, Prehistory
2017 | Time trap | 87 min (dir. Mark Dennis, Ben Foster) | cave | Time Compression, relative time |
2017 | Tree House Time Machine | 17 min (dir. Alan Ritchson) | Tree House | Change Past
2017 | Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (aka. Valérian et la Cité des Mille Planètes)| 137 min. (dir. Luc Besson) | Spaceship | Time Agents, 28th century | NEWS
2017 | Zombies vs. Joe Alien (aka. Alien vs. Zombies) | 70 min (dir Rocco Nisicoccia) | [method] | Turn back time, Horror | (In Production)
2018 | 51 Nevada | 76 min (dir. Fred Grant) | [method]
2018 | A Reassurance of Self | 8 min (dir. Charles Willis) | method | SHORT
2018 | Time and Time Again | 5 min (dir. Jack Hale) | method | SHORT
2018 | A Time forever Before | 21 min (dir. Christopher M. Miller) | TT | Hotel, SHORT
2018 | A Time to Remember | min. (dir. Brian Michael)
2018 | A wrinkle in Time | 109 min (dir. Ava DuVernay) | Powerful Beings, magic | Children |
2018 | [a.ku.fen] | 5 min (dir. ) | | method | SHORT
2018 | Abaddon | 96 minutes (dir. Blake Fitzpatrick) | Changing the present
2018 | All in good time | 15 min (dir. Bonnie Dempsey) | Data over ages | SHORT
2018 | All You Knead is Love | 7 min. (dir. Daniel Magallanes) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | Arif V 216 | 125 min (dir. Kivanç Baruönü) | [method] | 1060s, Turkey, Movies
2018 | As I Lay | min. (dir. Pascal Bourelier, Stef Meyer) | method | SHORT
2018 | Asu ni kakeru hashi 1989 nen no omoide (aka. Bridge over troubled water] | 131 min. (dir. Takafumi Ota) | [method] | do over
2018 | August 25 | 18 min (dir. Gautam Parvi) | traveller | visit from the future, SHORT
2018 | Batman Ninja | 85 min (dir. Junpei Mizusaki) | Time Displacement Machine | Anim, Feudal Japan
2018 | Be Kind, Don’t Rewind | 5 min (dir. Aaron Compagna) | method | SHORT
2018 | Ben’s Entanglement 27 min (dir. Gerard Mendez) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | the Chronic Adventure Story | min (dir. Eric Bergquist) | Time out of order | Be your own hero, TV
2018 | Code Name: Dynastud | 94 min (dir. Richard Griffin) | [method] I
2018 | Collider | 84 min (dir. Justin Lewis) | [method] | change fate
2018 | Das Schicksal von Cysalion (aka. The Fate of Cysalion | 188 min (dir. Marc Blasweiler) | [method] |
2018 | Deadpool II | 119 min (dir. David Leitch) | TT | To make new future, Marvel
2018 | Destroyer of Worlds | 43 min ( dir. Samuel Dawes) | [method] | Leap Theory, TT as a weapon, SHORT,
2018 | Emit | 1 min (dir. Korey Miracle) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | Forward Fix | 15 min (dir. Richard Madders, Sean Nelis) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | Forward to the past on Oviaz Street on Groundhog Day | 8 min (dir. George Zhuzikasio Ali, Ivan Prokopovich) [method] | SHORT
2018 | Fresh Agony | 1 min (dir. Nikolay Yeriomin) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | Future Lies | min (dir. Nicholas Bushman) | [method] | visitors from the future | In production
2018 | the Gateway | 90 min. (dir. John V. Soto) | | Multiverse, Grief
2018 | Ghost of the Night | 45 min. (dir. jet Teng) | Mind travel | Hit men, SHORT
2018 | Guardians of space and time | min. (dir. ) |
2018 | Happy as Lazzaro | 128 min (dir. Alice Rohrwacher) | [method]
2018 | Hinges | min. (dir. Timothy Patrick) | [method] | animation, SHORT
2018 | Hindsight | 95 min. (dir.) | (In development)
2018 | House of Demons | 90 min (dir. patrick Meaney) | Data From the Past | Horror
2018 | How long will I Love U | 101 min (dir. Lu Sun) | door | romance
2018 | Journey back to Christmas | 82 min (dir. Mel Damski) | [method] | Visitor to the future, second chance, Christmans
2018 | Kikoriki. Deja Vu | 85 min (dir. Denis Chernov) | Agency | animation
2018 | Kin | 102 min (dir. Jonathan Baker, Josh Baker) | Data from the Past |
2018 | Kohi ga Samenai Uchi ni (aka Café Funiculi Funicula) | 116 min (dir. Ayuko Tsukuhara) | table chair, mind travel | wishes, time limitation, from a novel
2018 | Kung Fury II: the Movie | min (dir. David Sandberg) | | | (In Production)
2018 | La Torre (aka. The Tower | 78 min (dir. Sebastián Múnera) [a photograph | poetry, Meidellin Kartel
2018 | the Last Sharnado: It’s about Time | 86 min (dir. Anthony C. Farrante) | Tornado | Sharks, comedy
2018 | the Man Who Killed Don Quixote | 132 min (dir. Terry Gilliam) | Time Jumping | Dream vs. Reality
2018 | Mandao of the Dead | 74 min. (dir. Scott Dunn) | Reverse time, astral projection | ghosts, horror
2018 | Mega Time Squad | 86 min (dir. Tim van Dammen) | bracelet, temporal dislocator | multiple selves
2018 | Mindset 6 min. (dir. Anders Brandt) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | Mirai no Mirai | 100 min (dir. Mamoru Hosada) | Magical Garden | Anim, Children
2018 | Non è mai Passato | 20 min (dir. Christian Orlandi) | reincarnation | fate, SHORT
2018 | Passerby: Pass Her By | 9 min (dir. Bryan Bachar) | obsession | romance, SHORT
2018 | Polaroid | 9 min (dir. Arnaud Calistri) | Polaroid camera | SHORT
2018 | Relativity | min (dir. Josh Mruz)
2018 | Round | 90 min (dir. Akbar de Wighar) | | Animation | (In Production)
2018 | Saving the Future’s Past | min (dir. Brandon Layman) | Time Travel | SHORT
2018 | Se o Mundo Girasse ao Contrário | 5 min (dir. Leonardo Martinelli) | Time in reverse | SHORT, Not on imdb | INFO
2018 | Sin fin | 96 min (dir. César Esteban Alenda, José Esteban Alenda) | [method] | Second Chance, Romance
2018 | Subway | 28 min (dir Junty Hugar) | Multiple timelines | change fate, SHORT
2018 | Somewhen | min. (dir. Neil Ennock) | [method] | Comedy | TRAILER, In Production
2018 | Soulmates | min. (dir. Jim Fitzpatrick) |
2018 | Storm Chasers | 5 min (dir. Rodrig Andrisan) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | Teen Titans Go! To the Movies | 84 min (dir. Aaron Horvath, Peter Rida Michail ) | [method] | Animation
2018 | The Image | 95 min (dir. Paul Kinderslay) | mind travel | gender politics
2018 | The Man Who killed Don Quixote | 132 min (dir. Terry Gilliam) | time-jumping |
2018 | The Talk | 3 min. (dir. Masoud Varjavandi) | [method] | SHORT
2018 | The Watchmaker | Kallani D’Amour ) | watch | personal history, SHORT
2018 | Tick-Tock | min (dir. Omar Hassan) | TT | Preserving the timeline, Pakistan, History
2018 | Time Freak | 104 Min. (dir. Andrew Bowler) | groundhog Day, Time Machine | |
2018 | Time in a bottle | 3 min (dir. Sabi Singh) | time travel | encounter, SHORT
2018 | Time Liner | min. (dir. Robert H. Gwinn) | Parallell Timelines, Jumping Timelines | Invasion, Aliens
2018 | Time Salvager | min (dir. Michael Bay) | Time Machine | Mining Earth’s past (In development) INFO
2018 | Time Will Tell | 78 min. (dir. Tonnie Dinjens) | Data from the past | | (In Production)
2018 | Unli Life | 105 min (dir. Miko Livelo) | bottle of whiskey | change fate
2018 | When we first met | 97 min. (dir. Ari Sandel) Photobox | Edit past
2018 | Who [ 153 min. (dir. Ajay Devaloka) | [method] | Malaysia
2018 | Year 3000 | 60 min (dir. Nicolas Stoller, Douglas Sweetland) | chrono device | history, animation
2018 | Zero Night Stand | 10 min (dir. Cormac Duff) | |method] | revisitation, SHORT
2018 | The Fare | 82 min. (dir. D.C. Hamilton) Groundhog day | Taxi, Loop
2019 | A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | 7:35 (dir. Kim BoekBinder, Jim Batt) | Future Projection | Docu, green politics, 2040 | WATCH
2019 | Aeons | 5 min. ( dir. Carol Bellhouse) | [method] | SHORT
2019 | Ajándék | 11 min (dir. Lili Vejda) | [method] | change one thing, SHORT
2019 | Carmilla | 96 min (dir. Emily Harris) | Magic | vampires
2019 | Daisy Derkins and the Dinosaur Apocalypse | 120 min (dir. Mark Mackner) | [method] | Dinosaurs, Sorcerer
2019 | Displacement | min. (dir. David C. Nelson) | Time Device | Multiverse, Multiple selves, SHORT
2019 | End Point | 5 min (dir. Rafael Cortes) | Loop | SHORT
2019 | The forgotten Timepiece | 140 min (dir. Lance Kawas) | timepiece | Slavery, history | In development
2019 | Happy Death Day 2U | 100 min (dir. Christopher Landon) | Prediction | Dying over again
2019 | Have Wine, Will Travel | 17 min (dir. Joe Pezzula) | time device | meeting time travellers, SHORT
2019 | Hello, are you there? | 70 min (dir. Michael Jason Allen) | telephone, data over ages |
2019 | Kermchaleh | 15 min (dir. Vahid Davoodi Pooya) | multiple timelines | | SHORT
2019 | Mâjan hôrôki 2020 (aka A gambler’s odyssey) | 117 min (dir. Kazuya Shiraishi) | [method] | To the future, Japan, Mahjong, 2020
2019 | Men In Black: International | 113 min (dir. F Gary Grey) | controlling time | Aliens
| Pinky | 120 min (dir. Zah Ahmad) | In Production
2019 | Qi: Spacetime Warriors | 160 min. (dir. Andy Cheng, Jessie Kerry)) | (In development)
2019 | Simulation | 50 Min (dir. Hashem al-Ghalilli) | In Production
2019 | Steve Woodier Jr’s vac to the future | 6 min (dir. Steve Woodier ) | vacumm cleaner | SHORT
2019 | the Lego Movie: the second part | 107 min (dir. Mike Mitchell) |
2019 | The Wave | 91 min (dir. Gille Klabin) | Second chance, loop | Weird, drugs
2019 | Tonight | 3 min (dir. Mark Roush) | Time Machine | change fate, SHORT
2019 | Terminator: Dark Fate | 128 min (dir. Tim Miller) | Time Machine | Robot, AI,
2019 | Time Travel | 2 min (dir. Carma Sharon) | [method] | SHORT
2019 | Time Travelling Wristband | 6 min (dir. Daniel Heyerman) | wristband | prevent fate, SHORT
2020 | Assassin 33 A.D | 109 min. (dir. Jim Carroll) | Time Machine | Back to change future outcome
2020 | Blue Caveman | min. (dir. Mike Delaney) | [method] | in production
2019 | Fabien Sing | min (. Daniel Bucknell) | ability | prevent fate | In Production
2019 | From Past to Present | min (dir. ) | | | (In Development)
2020 | Impulse | min (dir. Joshua Hoareau) | Running | Superhero, comic book
2020 | Long Time Gone | min (dir. Matt Schichter) | accident | multiple selves | (In Development)
2020 | Love, Wedding, Repeat | min (dir.) i groundhog wedding day | loop
2019 | The Unreason | | | | In Development
2021 | the Time that Time Forgot | min (dir. Zach Klinefelter) | Space Travel | Dinosaurs | (In Production)
2021 | Last Night in Soho | min (dir. Edgar Wright | TT | back to 1960s
1963 | Yurang geukjang (aka. Vagabond Theater) | min. (dir. Beom-gu kang) | [can no longer find the reference to time travel, nor the movie itself]
? title: Field Trip – seems to be gone
? title: The Long Tomorrow, indie production, FB-page
? title: Rome, Sweet Rome, community-driven script bought by Warner Bros., presenting interesting problems with intellectual ownership.
? title: Travel in The Time (in 3 long parts)(italian or german sync porn, with time travel as plot device to show nazies and native indians fucking in the same film, without having to change backgrounds, much).
???? | 14 days | | | In Development
???? | Black Knight | | | In Development
???? | Buck Rogers | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Clockwise | min. (dir. Christopher Downie) | Time travel Urban legends | Was set for 2016, now still in Development
???? | Chrononauts
???? | the Crypto-Historians
???? | Dark Void | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Destination Day | min (dir ) | In Development
???? | the Days Before | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Dinosaur Valley | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Dream of a Taxidermist | min. (dir. ) | | In Development still
???? | the End of eternity | min. (dir ) |
???? | Family History |
???? | Forever War, the | min. (dir. ) |
???? | From past to present | In development
???? | Great Antonio, the | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Highlander | min. (dir. Cedric Nicolas-Troyan) | Immortality
???? | Hiding in Time | min. (dir. ) | [method] | Multiple
???? | How soon is Now | min. (dir. ) | [method] |
???? | How Time Flies | min. (dir. Michael Polish) | [method] | contemporary [postponed from 2010 to 2013, but now still in production]
???? | Hyperion | min. (dir. ) | [method]ling Artifacts
???? | Just Rewind |min. (dir.) |
???? | the Karma Coalition | min. (dir. ) | Data over ages
???? | Long Time Gone | min dir. ) | [method] | Data from the future, 1969, 2018
???? | Lowell Park | min. (dir. ) | [method]
???? | Mongoose8 | min (dir.) |
???? | Needle in a timestack | min (dir. John Ridley) | [method] | Revenge
???? | Oneverse | min. (dir. ) | Parallel universe | Multiverse
???? | the Other Four | min. (dir. ) | | In Development
???? | Outlander | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Paradox ||| In Development
???? | the Prophet Margin | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Primevil | min. (dir. ) |
???? | Revival | min. (dir.) | |
???? | Run-Away Smartphone | min (dir. Maxim Genchev) | Time Portal, American Smartphone |
???? | Samurai Jack | min. (dir. ) | | Animation
???? | The Shift: Escape from the Future | In Development
???? | The Thirteenth Hour |
???? | Time Cop
???? | Timecrimes | min. (dir. ) | [method]
???? | Time Machine |
???? | The Time Museum
???? | Time Walkers| | | In Development
???? | Tomorrow | min. (dir.) | | FBI
???? | UnHappenings | In development
???? | Untitled Civil War Project
???? | Untitled Time Travel Thriller (aka. paradox)
???? | the Wizard of Seattle | min. (dir. Richard O’Sullivan) | Magic, Visitors to the past | Atlantis, Magicians
Appear to be scrapped:
2011 | the Eternal Paradise | min. (dir. ) | [method] | Stuck in Time
2011 | Masters of Time and Space | min. (dir. ) |
2011 | Planet Rock |min. (dir. Rich Thorne) | [method]
2011 | Stålsprånget | min. (dir. Henry Moore Selder) | Alternate Earth – INFO
2011 | Timejumper | min. (dir. ) | [method] | Kids | INFO
2011 | Wouldn’t it be Nice? |
2012 | Family Time | min. (dir ) |
2012 | Gullible’s Travels | min. (dir. ) |
2014 | Doctor Who | min. (dir. ) | [method]
???? | 2012: The War for Souls | min. (dir. Michael Bay) |
All Time Travel Movies was initiated in 2009 based on Andy’s list and has been ever expanding from sources widely available on the internet. And no, I haven’t seen all films yet, and yes, I would love if you would share recommendations and experiences. Please write in the comments. 😀
Time Travel stories cannot be mistaken for anything else. It is decent dream material that doesn’t steal or preach. Mostly because… why would you do either, if you could travel in time?!
Best regards,
Kenneth Krabat
February 3rd, 2013
Tom Wollschlaeger. Look up his TT-series listing!
Andy’s Anachronisms
imdb.com and everyone contributing to expanding
that valuable library of human cinematic vision.
‘Time Travel – a vent for loss of control?‘
‘Assisting Time Travel in the Making‘
‘Science Fiction TV-series, ho-kay!’
(time travel-series marked in bold)
NB: Do sign the comments, if you like the list!
NB: This list is a work in progress.
I still have plenty movies to consider.
If you find omissions, please make a note in the comment field. Thank you.
And Keep This Page Ad Free: please refer back to here (so far):
feature in black, shorts in red. (Approximately – new titles appear all the time).

(The Live-TV production of The Time Machine, 1949)
The inventor of the Time Machine, Alexander Hartdegen:
You’re forgetting one thing. ‘What if’?
Hello Kenneth,
I went through the whole list (tv shows also) and STILL can’t remember the movie that featured time traveling to 1986 to a basement that is revealed to be under Chernobyl Power Plant. Maybe it rings a bell? Some more details here:
If you have any idea, what it could be, I’m wasting way too much time on this search, such things drive me crazy 🙂
Hi Paul, I replied on reddit. Sorry for the delay. I only have one suggestion.
IN PRODUCTION as of Feb 27th 2022
???? | 14 Days! | min. | dir. Ian Paterson | Do over | Change the future
???? | After Past | | min | dir. | TT | Pay to change past
???? | Alternate | | min | dir. Anthony Karim Garland | | Fix past
???? | An Emerald Grove | | min. | dir. | Edge of time
???? | Aporia | | min | dir Jared Moshe
???? | Before You Kill Me | | min | dir. | TT | Regugees, migration in time…
???? | Ben Brown’s Flying Machine | | 120 min. | dir. Michael Thorp | | Mars
???? | Black Knight | | min. i dir. | | Space Station, ISS
???? | Cambria | | min | dir. | Magic medallion | 1128 A.D., fantasy
???? | Chapter X | | 100 min | dir. Christopher Scott Bradshaw
???? | Chronological | | min | dir. Shahin Sean Solimon | |
???? | Chrononauts | | min | dir. | TT |
???? | Clockwise | | min | dir. Christopher Downie | | Conspiracy
???? | Colombine | | dir. Dominique Othenin-Girard | Potion, Magic | Comedy
???? | Dinosaur Valley | | min. | dir. | | dinosaurs
???? | Dreams of the Taxidermist | | min. | dir. Ileana D. Vasquez | | (sequel to E.W.T.F.)
???? | Family History | | min | dir. | | Treasure hunt
???? | From Past to Present | | min | dir. | | Prevent the past
???? | Gods and Robots | | dir. Stephen Stanley | TT robot | 1980s, Comedy
???? | Impulse | | min | Director: Joshua Hoareau | TT | TV
???? | Isolatum – The Time War | | min | dir. Ashley Zahorian | | Zombies Sci-Fi | Pre-production
???? | Kommunalne chtyvo napysane kryvo | | min. | dir. Nikolay Yeriomin |
???? | Live Die Repeat and Repeat
???? | Long Time Gone | | min | dir. | | TT to future, 2019, Comedy
???? | Many Worlds | | min | dir. Nathan J Kress | Data fromt he future | Virus
???? | No Time to Run | | min | dir. Eric Williams | |
???? | Oneverse | | min | dir. | | Do over
???? | Outlander | | min | Ben Bolt | Time Portal | 18th century, romance, Visit the past
???? | Paradox | | min. | dir. | TT | Preventing TT
???? | Paradox | | min. | dir. Jon Cohen | Time Travellers | 24th century
???? | Primeval | | min. | dir. | Time Portals | dinosaurs
???? | Round | | 90 min | dir. Akbar de Wighar | | Animation
???? | Sengoku Girl and Kendo Boy | | min | dir Masaki Hamamoto | TT | Japan, Swords
???? | Stytch in Time | | min | dir. | Time Machine | England, Elizabeth 1st
???? | Swash Buckler | | min | dir. | Magic | Toltec, 1940s
???? | Tena | | 90 min | Timoth Conrad | Time Machine | Data over Ages
???? | The Annual | | min. | dir. Jordan Norn | | Joining party in the past
???? | The Barbados Project | | min. | dir. Stockton Miller | |
???? | The Crypto-Historians | | min | dir Jimmy Diggs | | Steampunk
???? | The Folding Man | | min | dir. Michael Edmonds | Wormhole | Change past, Do over
???? | The Forgotten Timepiece | | 140 min
???? | The Great Antonio | | min | dir. | Visitor from the past | Comedy
???? | The Other Four | | min | dir. Allen Roden | Lost time |
???? | The Prophecy of Time | | min | dir Jacob Baldy | Clock | cats
???? | The Prophet Margin | | min. | dir. | | Religion
???? | The Shift: Escape from the Future | | min | dir. György Várkonyi, Tom Aspy | |
???? | The Thirteenth Hour | | min | dir. | | Incremental TT
???? | The Time Museum | | min. | dir. |
???? | The Time That Time Forgot | | min | dir.. Zach Klinefelter | | Pre-historic times
???? | The Unreason | | min | dir. Chris Reading | Time Machine i London
???? | The Wizard of Seattle | | min| dir. R.J. O’Sullivan | Magic |
???? | Time After Time | | min | dir. Bradley Buecker | | comedy, 1980s
???? | Time Rewind | | min | Lincoln Fenner | |
???? | Time Walkers | | min. | dir. | | Lost in time
???? | Timecop | | min | dir. | TT | remake, Time Police
???? | Tomorrow | | min | dir. | TT
???? | Unhappenings
???? | Untitled Civil War Project | | | min. | dir. | TT | Comedy, US Civil War
???? | Whisper – Between the Shades of Time | | min | dir. Jessie Kerry, Nicolai Tegeler | Data from the future
2021 | Needle in a timestack |
2021 | Last night in Soho | | 60’s, London,
2010 | One Day | data from the future | Japan
2020 | Ghosts of War | min. (dir. ) | Curse | Soldiers, WWII
2021 | El Ascensor [aka The Elevator] | 70 min (dir. Daniel Bernal) | Loop, Elevator | Mexico
2020 | Two Distant Strangers | 32 min (dir Travon Free, Martin Desmond Roe) | Loop | do-over
2019 | James vs. his future self | 94 min (dir. Jeremy LaLonde) | [method] | paradox, meeting with Self
1984 | Gremlins | 106 min (dir. Joe Dante) | Time Machine | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8LIffvjnb8
2019 | Synchronic | 102 min (dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead) | Pills | Visit to the past, Louisiana
2021 | The Map of Tiny Perfect Things | Groundhog Day | Loop
1995 | Don’t Die Without Telling Me Where You’re Going [aka. No te mueras sin decirme adónde vas] | 170 min (dir. Elision Subiela) | Life Skipping | Reincarnation, Ghosts
1997 | Mortal Kombat: Annihalation |
1998 | Rebirth of Mothra III | | Past, Change events
2002 | Cube 2: Hypercube | | Time/Space convergence
2010 | Insidious | | Horror
2014 | Blood punch | Loop |
2018 | The Haunting of Hill House |
2018 | Insidious: The last Key
2018 | Seven in heaven | Loop |
2019 | Don’t let go | Data over ages |
2020 | You should have left
2020 | fantasy island
2020 | Intersect | time Machine
2020 | Norman
2020 | The Haunting of Bly Manor
additions pulled from https://terror.ca/movies/classification?title=&form%5B%5D=featurefilm&form%5B%5D=miniseries&m=All&m2=All&g=All&g2=All&g3=All&g4=All&t=All&s=timetravel&rl=All&fr=All&ant=2&ti=All&au=All&sort_by=field_film_year_release_value&sort_order=ASC
2020 | 2067 | 114 min (dir. Seth Larney) | [method] | visitor to the future
Being edited
2020 | Time Rewind | min. [dir. Lincoln Fenner | [method] | Undo past
Dear Kenneth,
Herebelow are certainly my last additions for 2020 and it concerned TT !!!
I have been trying to respect your interests (including premonitions, hibernation/cryogenization, incarnation etc.) and I have mentioned the [method] as often as possible :
– Adorable femme des neiges (L’) [Jean-Marc Vervoort, 2003] : hibernation
– Alchimie de Noël (L’) [The Knight Before Christmas, Monika Mitchell, 2019] : Magic
– American Gothic [John Hough, 1988] : time frozen
– Amour d’hiver (Un) [Winter’s Tale, Akiva Goldsman, 2014] : occultism
-Assassin’s Creed – Lineage [Yves Simoneau, 2009]
– Atrás das Nuvens vt Beyond the Clouds [Jorge Queiroga, 2007] : car & grand-father
– Au-delà de l’amour [Largo retorno, Pedro Lazaga, 1975] : hibernation
– Aventuriers du timbre perdu (Les) [Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller, Michael Rubbo, 1988] : stamp
– Ballad [Ballad :Na mo naki koi no uta, Takashi Yamazaki, 2009, en 2 parties] : alternative future
– Black Oxen [Frank Lloyd, 1923] : young again
– Buck Rogers [Ford Beebe, Saul A. Goodkind, 1977, edited version of the 1939 Universal serial “Buck Rogers.”] : hibernation
– Buck Rogers in the 25th Century [Dr. Harlan Tarbell, 1934, 10mn] : hibernation
– California Man [Encino Man, Les Mayfield, 1992] : hibernation
– Call from Space [Richard Fleischer, 1989, 29 mn] : scientifical experiment
-Cashback [Sean Ellis, 2004, 18mn] : the short (before his movie in 2006 presented in your list)
– Christmas Carol [Pierre Bouhon, 1984, TV] : simply a »Chrismas Carol »
– Combat des Immortels (Le) [Time Burst – The Final Alliance, Peter Yuval, 1989] : pictures from the past
-Conte du temps perdu (Le) [Сказка о потерянном времени, Aleksandr Ptushko, 1964] : youg again
– Conversation About Cheating with My Time Travelling Future Self (A) [Pornsak Pichetshote, 2012, 9mn] : TT back in time
– Crime dans la tête (Un) [The Manchurian Candidate, John Frankenheimer, 1962, avec Frank Sinatra] : for this one and its remake I hesitate : there are pictures of the past somehow
– Crime dans la tête (Un) [The Mandchurian candidate, Jonathan Demme, 2003, remake avec D. Washington] : remake
– Cronos [Guillermo del Toro, 1993] : horror and eternity
– Cyber Vengeance [J. Christian Ingvordsen, 1987] : virtual
– Dead Zone (The) [David Cronenberg, 1983] : premonition
– Deux nigauds dans le manoir hanté [The Time of Their Lives, Charles Barton, 1946] : TT, Ghosts, US Civil War
– Dinosaur from the Deep [Norbert Moutier, 1993] : TT from 2004 to dinosaurs
– Doctor Who – La Malédiction de la mort fatale [The Curse of Fatal Death, John Henderson, 1999] : paradoxes
– Ecoute le temps [Alanté Kavaïté, 2007, avec Emilie Dequenne] : sounds from the past
– El Hacha Diabólica [José Díaz Morales, 1969] : Santo, inquisition
– Empire of Danger [Eric Shook, 2004, 90mn] : spaceship
-Fabrique, un conte de Noël (La) [Pascal Thomas, 1979] : from a story from Marcel Aymé : TT to 1845
-Filles au Moyen Âge (Les) [Hubert Viel, 2016] : today’s children TT to Middle Ages
-Future Cops – Super School Overlord [Chao ji xue xiao ba wang, Jing Wong, 1993] : TT to the past
-G.O.R.A. [suite d’A.R.O.G, Ömer Faruk Sorak, 2004] : sequel to A.R.O.G. (already in your list)
-Glitch [David Purnomo, 2009] : tsunami, temporal vortex
-Godchild (The) [Philip Spink, 2010] : ability
-Grande croisade (La) vt La Croisade en jeans [Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek vt Crusade in Jeans, Ben Sombogaart, 2006] : time machine
-Grandfather Paradox (The) [Dan Kendall] : paradox
-Guerriers Du Temps (Les) [The Time Warriors, Clarence Fok Yiu-leung, 1989] : Magic
-Herbe rouge (L’) [Pierre Kast from Boris Vian’s novel, 1985] : Time machine
-Hidden heroes [Zhui ji 8 yue 15, Pou-soi Cheang & Joe Ma, Hong Kong, 2004] : android from the future
-History of Time [Kendy Ty, 2012]
-Homme à l’oreille cassée (L’) [Robert Boudrioz, 1934] : hibernation
-Homme sans âge (L’) [Youth without youth, Francis Ford Coppola, 2007] : young again, second chance, metempsychose
-Hors du temps [TV, Jean-Teddy Filippe, 2009] : genetics, loop, monkey, second chance
-Hors-champ [Gérard Guillaume, 1973] : pictures from the past
-Iceman [Fred Schepisi, 1984] : hibernation
-Ikarie Xb 1-Voyage To The End Of The Universe [Jindrich Polák, 1963, Tchèque] : Langevin paradox
-Il n’y a plus de héros au numéro que vous avez demandé [Pierre Chabartier, 1980] : telephone ; WW1
-Ile bleue (L’) [Jean-Claude Guidicelli, 1983] : future computer
-Ile wazy kon trojanski? vt How Much Does the Trojan Horse Weigh? [Juliusz Machulski, 2008, 117mn] : Magic
-Indien du placard (L’) [The Indian in the Cupboard, Frank Oz, 1995] : Magic
-Joe la crasse – Joe Dirt 2 – Beautiful Loser [Fred Wolf, 2015] : TT to the past (note that there is no TT in the previous movie Joe Dirt 1]
-Jusqu’au bout du rêve [Field of Dreams, Phil Alden Robinson, 1989] : dreams
-Kraftverk 3714 vt Planta de energía 3714 [Markus Widegren, 2005, Sweden, 136mn] : portal
-Labyrinthe [Christopher Smith, 2012, 2 parties, avec John Hurt, allemand] ; Alice in 2005 and Alice in Middle Ages
-Lancelot – le gardien du temps [Lancelot: Guardian of Time, Rubiano Cruz, 1997] : magic
-Lapin de Noël (Le) [Georges Dumoulin, 1967, 25mn] : taxi
-Retour de Jack L’éventreur (Le) [Bridge Across Time vt Terror at London Bridge vt Arizona Ripper, E.W. Swackhamer, 1985] : London Bridge
-Loop [Pericles Lewnes, 2007, 85mn] : senseless world of bent time and elastic reality
-Lost Highway [David Lynch, 1997] : Rashomon type or TT depending of your understanding
-Machine [Michael Lazar & Jonathan (Yoni) Bentovim, 2003, 15 min] : Time machine
-Maître du temps (Le) [Jean-Daniel Pollet, 1970] : ET
-Malédiction du temple maya (La) [Legends of the Hidden Temple, Joe Menendez, 2017] : funfair
-Mara et le démon de feu [Tommy Krappweis, 2014] : ability
-Message From The Future (A) [2011, 13mn] : boys from the future
-Monstres de l’île en feu (Les) [Dinosaurus!, Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr., 1960] : kind of hibernation
-Moscou – Cassiopée [Moskva-Kassiopeya, Richard Viktorov, 1974] : Langevin
-Mycènes, celui qui vient du futur [1972, in 2 parts] : robot from the future
1-La Planète fermée – 98 min – Dir. : François Chatel
2-La Piste sans étoile – 86 min – Dir. : Pierre Neel
-Nanny McPhee et le Big Bang [Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang vt Nanny McPhee Returns – Susanna White, 2010] : time frozen
-Night Wars [David A. Prior, 1988, 88mn] : realistic nightmares in the past
-Noël où tout a changé (Le) [Kristin’s Xmas Past vt Last Chance Holiday, Jim Fall, 2013, 86 min] : second chance ; TT to the past
-Noëls de ma vie (Les) [David Weaver, 2018] : second chance ; TT to the past
-Nostradamus [Roger Christian, 1994] : premonitions
-Nuit des fantômes (La) [A Christmas Carol, David Hugh Jones, 1999] : another Christmas Carol
– Oblivion [Joseph Kosinski, 2013] : dream (TT ?) of the past
-Paradox [Jon Cohen, 2020, 13mn] : the future must remain the same
-Past Perfect [Jonathan Heap, 1996] : cops from 2025 in 1996
-Perinbaba [Juraj Jakubisko, 1985] : no more death nor getting older
-Poprzez piaty wymiar [Marek T. Nowakowski, 1973, 25mn, Poland] : accident
-Portal (The) [Jonathan Williams, 2014, 11 mn] : magic
-Prémonitions [In Dreams, Neil Jordan, 1999] : premonitions
Project X [William Castle, 1968, 97mn] : hibernation
-Pulse Pounders [Charles Band, 1988, 77mn] : there is a Trancers sequel in this anthology
-Realive [Mateo Gil, 2018] : hibernation
-Rescapés du monde perdu (Les) [Lost Time / The Land That Time Forgot, C. Thomas Howell, 2009] : lost in time
-Retour de Merlin [Merlin: The Return, Paul Matthews, 1999] : fantasy, scientific experiment
-Retour de Sherlock Holmes (Le) [1994 Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes Returns, Kenneth Johnson, 1993, TV, avec Anthony Higgins] : SH ; hibernation
-Roboflash warrior [Roboflash warrior – Richard J. Thomson, 1994] : kind of Terminator
-Sandcastles [Filip Jan Rymsza, 2004, 79mn] : related to Dustclouds (2007)
– Souliers de Noelle (Les) [A Shoe Addict’s Christmas, Michael Robinson, 2018] : shoes ; second chance ; personal AH
– Space cop [Jay Bauman & Mike Stoklasa, 2016, 102mn] : hibernation
– Space Time : L’ultime Odyssée [Love, William Eubank, 2011] : TT from future to US Civil War
– Sphère [Sphere, Barry Levinson, 1998] : black Hole and back in time
– Super Capers [Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion, Ray Griggs, 2008] : parody, super-heroes
– Sur la Terre comme au ciel [Svo á jörðu sem á himni aka As in Heaven, Kristin Johannesdotir, 1992, Iceland movie, 122mn] : different realities
-Temps mort [Jean Jacques Lagrange, 1968] : frozen time
-Terminator 3 The Coming Storm [Ancanny Antman, 2008] : fanfilm
-Thunder Rock [Roy Boulting, 1942] : Ghosts from 1839 or imagination ?
-Time Apart [Ric Forster, 2020]
-Time Enough The Alien Conspiracy [Time Enough The Alien Conspiracy – Kevin J. Lindenmuth & Ron Ford Alexandre Michaud, 2002, 96mn] : experiment
-Time Jumpers [Svend Ploug Johansen, 2018, 1h19mn] : Time machine
-Time Machine (I Found at a Yardsale) (The) [Steven A. Sandt, 2011, 1h24mn]
-Time Machine (Or “What If You Hated Yourself?”) (The) [Tess Sweet, 2010, 10mn]
-Time Travel Boyfriends [Josephine Halbert, 2009, 10mn] : not sure there is a TT
-Time Travel Sucks [Ace Blackberry, 2014, 18 mn] : a third one with this title for your list
-Time Traveler (The) [Andrew Jeffrey, 2012, 20mn] : Device
-Time Travelers (Through That Inconstant Continuum) [Jennifer Sharp, 2012, 9mn] : time does not exist ?
-Time Travelers [Robert Dunham, 1966, TV] : never watch that one so don’t know if relevant here
-Time Traveller (The) [Christopher & Stephen Kilcullen, 2008, 1h19mn]
-Timeless [Phillip Noyce, 2013] : Time machine
-Timer [Jac Schaeffer, 2009] : bar coded people indicating future date
-Timetrip The Curse of the Viking Witch [Vølvens forbandelse – Mogens H. Christiansen, 2009] : Time machine
-Tokyo Girl [Tôkyô shôjo, Kazuka Konaka, 2008] : Earthquake ; hole in time
-Touch the Sun: Peter & Pompey [Michael Carson, 1988, TV, 1h30, en 2 parties] : Australian and Roman boys linked in time
-Trancers 1.5 City of Lost Angels [Charles Band, 2013, 20mn] : The film takes place between Trancers and Trancers II
-Trois jours pour aimer vt Une vie en trois jours [Three Days, Michael Switzer, 2001, 120mn] : second chance ; Personal AH, angel
-Ugly Little Boy (The) [Barry Morse & Don Thompson, 1977, TV, 26mn] : from Asimov’s story
-Ulybka Boga, ili Chisto Odesskaya Istoriya vt God’s Smile The Odessa Story [Vladimir Alenikov, 2008, 1h57] : May be a fantasy travel to past
-USS Lionfish [Georgia Hilton, 2015] : travel of a submarine to 1943
-Vaisseau fantôme (Le) [Ghostboat, Stuart Orme, 2006, TV, 133mn, avec David Jason, in 2 parts]
-Visiteur de Noël (Le) [A Christmas Visitor, Christopher Leitch, 2002] : multiple selves or miracle ?
-Vœu de toute une vie (Le) [Emma’s Wish, Mike Robe, 1998, avec Joanna Kerns] : magic ring, personal AH
– Woody et les robots [Sleeper, Woody Allen, 1973] : hibernation
– Yesterdays [Iesutadeizu, Takashi Kubota, 2008, 1h59] : TT to past : second chance
– Zombie Bloodbath 3 : Zombie Armageddon [Todd Sheets, 2000] : Magic ; anthology
For adults ONLY :
-Adventures of O-girl Trapped in Time (The) [Jim Weathers, Bondagecafe, 2001, 40 mn]
– Best by Private Time Travelling Orgies (The)
– Bikini Cavegirl [“Teenage Cavegirl”, Fred Olen Ray, 2004]
-Cave Women [Annette Haven, 1979] : Device
– Cleopatra II The Legend of Eros vt Private Gold 64 Cleopatra 2 – The Legend of Eros [Antonio Adamo, 2004] : clonage
– Cleopatra vt Private Gold 61 Cleopatra [Antonio Adamo, 2003] : clonage
-Emmanuelle series : since somewhat she is able to TT and reincarnation in the body of an other woman through the time
– Experiences 1 – Voyages sexuels d’Eva à travers le temps [Vicende intime 1, Joe D’Amato, 1998]
– Experiences 2 – Voyages sexuels d’Eva à travers le temps 2 [Vicende intime 2, Joe D’Amato, 1999]
– Hot Babes [Deep in the Valley, Christian Forte, 2008] : magic ; alternate universe
– Jesus, the Daughter of God [Bill Zebub, 2013] : A gogo dancer quantum-leaps into the body of Jesus. She doesn’t believe that the experience is real, so she has fun altering biblical events.
– Lust in Space The Erotic Witch Project IV [Lust in Space The Erotic Witch Project IV – John Bacchus, 2005]
– New Barbarians 1 (The) [Henri Pachard, 1990] : cristal
– New Barbarians 2 (The) [Henri Pachard, 1991] : cristal
– Original Wicked Woman (The) [Jim Enright, 1993] : time-traveling alien
– Superheroine Double Feature 2 – Battle of the Superheroines [Jon Woods, 2000, 60mn]
– T&A Time Travelers [Dan Golden & Cybil Richards, 2017]
-Time Machine (The) [Jace Rocker, 1996]
-Visiteuses (Les) [Alain Payet, 1994, avec Tabatha Cash, Elodie Cherie, Deborah Wells (Beata), Maeva] : parody of « Les visiteurs »
And I have forgotten to mention them in my previous posts :
– Croisés de l’espace (Les) [The High Crusade, Klaus Knoesel & Holger Neuhäuser, 1994, Allemand] from Poul Anderson’s novel is an AH I have forgotten
– Doctor Who – Time and Again [Ryan Thorson, 1999, FanFilm] : alternate universe
– Everywhen [Jarand Breian Herdal, 2013, 70mn] : alternate realtity
–Me, Myself and I [Pablo Ferro, 1992, 97mn] : schizophrenia or personal AH
-Mystérieux château des Carpathes (Le) [Tajemství hradu v Karpatech, Oldrich Lipský, 1981, Tchèque] : at the beginning there is a kind of steampunk TV in 1897 !!!
– On ne se refait pas [Grégoire Delacourt, 1995] : personal AH
-Random Quest [Luke Watson, 2006, BBC, 58mn] : alternate universe ; personal AH
I guess you have now enough material for your coming winter long week-ends.
To conclude I ha ve a few question concerning entries in your list I was not able to find anything in case you can help/complete/correct:
2011 | Emmanuelle Through Time: Super Sex Tales | 84 min. (dir.) | [method] | Soft Porn : I think this movie does’nt exist with this title?
2012 | Machine, the | 1 min (dir.] | time machine
2012 | Revival | min. (dir. ) | Temporal Phenomenon | Reversing Time
2012 | Soulmates | 45 min (dir.) | foresight |invasion, aliens, SHORT: seems to be byJim Fitzpatrick and in Pre-production in 2020 so shouldn’t be an entry in 2012
2013 | Safare Zaman | 95 min | magic lamp | wishes
2013 | Time Dwellers (By Gones) | 93 min (dir.) | black hole |
2013 | Wireless | 7 min (dir ) | mind control | in the past, SHORT
2014 | Paradox | 103 | time machine, parallel universes
2014 | Time Travelers | 19 min. (dir. ) | | SHORT
2015 | Future Loins | 3 min (dir.) | visitor from future
2015 | Time Travel: A Love Story | 8 min (dir.) | earthquake time portal to 1975
2016 | I’m you | 10 min (White Cape Productions) | | Paradox, not on imdb, SHORT | watch
I wish all the best for you
Dear Eric, HOW many science fiction movies do you have listet?!!
regarding these:
To conclude I ha ve a few question concerning entries in your list I was not able to find anything in case you can help/complete/correct:
2011 | Emmanuelle Through Time: Super Sex Tales | 84 min. (dir.) | [method] | Soft Porn : I think this movie does’nt exist with this title?
2012 | Machine, the | 1 min (dir.] | time machine
2012 | Revival | min. (dir. ) | Temporal Phenomenon | Reversing Time
2012 | Soulmates | 45 min (dir.) | foresight |invasion, aliens, SHORT: seems to be byJim Fitzpatrick and in Pre-production in 2020 so shouldn’t be an entry in 2012
2013 | Safare Zaman | 95 min | magic lamp | wishes
2013 | Time Dwellers (By Gones) | 93 min (dir.) | black hole |
2013 | Wireless | 7 min (dir ) | mind control | in the past, SHORT
2014 | Paradox | 103 | time machine, parallel universes
2014 | Time Travelers | 19 min. (dir. ) | | SHORT
2015 | Future Loins | 3 min (dir.) | visitor from future
2015 | Time Travel: A Love Story | 8 min (dir.) | earthquake time portal to 1975
2016 | I’m you | 10 min (White Cape Productions) | | Paradox, not on imdb, SHORT | watch
They are projects, which have been active. Its been a long time since I’ve tested their status, but if you cannot find them, I would say they are effectively dead OR they have changed title or have begun over with a new imdb entry. They are from a period, when I was on the imdb Pro, but in the long run I found it of too little value compared to the cost. Have you tried Rotten Tomatoes or youtube instead? Sometimes, very few times, there’s something there not on imdb.
You have given me enough for 3 winters and all weekends. But Everyone else can see it too, so I’m not too bothered. Just very happy with your support and your enthusiasm.
all good things,
The pleasure is for me Kenneth. Your site and work have also been very grateful for my personal research and I own to you these sharings in return.
Thanks also for your answer.
Take care
not transferred – more is coming to the list below. Date for inclusion will then be given.
2015 | the Lovers [aka. Time Traveller] | 109 min (dir. Roland Joffé) | Accident | Coma, TT infidelity/Love
2013 | Haunter | 97 min (dir. Vincenzo Natali) | Magic, Will | Horror, Purgatory, hell
2020 | An American pickle | 88 min (dir. Brandon Trost) | Rip van Winkle |
Let’s now complete “Uchronies de fiction” (“Fictional Timeline Alternate History”) which may include also TT :
-Avengers Grimm 2 Time Wars [Maximilian Elfeldt, 2018]
-Coeur D’encre [Inkheart, Irai Oftley, 2009, avec Brendan Fraser, Paul Bettany, Helen Mirren]
-Cyrano et d’Artagnan [Abel Gance, 1962]
-Deux princesses pour un royaume [Tin Man, Nick Willing, 2007, en 2 parties] : different Oz
-Elémentaire mon cher… Lock Holmes [without a clue, Thom Eberhardt, 1988]
-Grande Guerre Martienne 1913-1917 (La) [The Great Martian War 1913-1917, Mike Slee, 2013]
-Guerre des mondes 2 la nouvelle vague (La) [War of the Worlds The Next Wave, C. Thomas Howell, 2008]
-Ligue des Gentlemen Extraordinaires (La) [Stephen Norrington, 2003]
-O Xangô de Baker Street [Elémentaire ma chère Sarah, Miguel Faria Jr., 2001]
-Orgueil et Préjugés et Zombies [Pride And Prejudice And Zombies, Burr Steers, 2016]
-Premiers hommes dans la Lune (Les) [First men in the moon, Nathan Juran, 1964]
-Retour du Capitaine Nemo (Le) [Alex March & Paul Stader, 1978]
-Rose et la flèche (La) [Robin and Marian, Richard Lester, 1976]
-Secret de la pyramide (Le) [Young Sherlock Holmes, Barry Levinson, 1985]
-Steam Trek: The Moving Picture (Star Trek Parody)
-Uchronia [Christophe Goffette] : announced (in production ?)
-Voyage magique de Richie (Le) – Richie Rich meilleurs voeux [Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish, John Murlowski, 1998]
and all the “Premakes” retro parodies made by FlatQuackFilms or Whoiseyean on YouTube
More interesting for you I guess than the previous post are the “Uchronie Personnelle” (Personal Alternate History, Seconde Chance, Do overs… with generally a TT (could be the whole purpose of the movie or a twist at the end):
Here are my additions:
-Absolutely Anything [Terry Jones, 2015, 85mn]
-Amores Possíveis [Possible Loves vt Three Possible Loves, Sandra Werneck, 2001]
-Associé du diable (L’) [The Devil’s Advocate, Taylor Hackford, 1997]
-Avoir 17 ans… à 40 ans… [Young Again, Steven Hilliard Stern, 1986]
-Cadeau de Carole (Le) [A Carol Christmas, Matthew Irmas, 2003, Téléfilm]
-Chasing Christmas – A la poursuite de Noël [Ron Oliver, 2005]
-Conflation [Stéphanie Joalland, 2007]
-Creator (The) [teambeiderman, 2006]
-Deuxième chance pour s’aimer [Timeless Love, Brian Brough, 2019]
-Drift [Quentin Lee, 2000]
-D’un rêve à l’autre [Passion of mind, Alain Berliner, 2000]
-En parallèle [Hadrien Southwell, 2013]
-F..k-it list (The) [Michael Duggan, 2020]
-Face ou pile ! [You Wish!, de Paul Hoen, 2003]
-Famille pour Noël (Une) [Family for Christmas, Amanda Tapping, 2015]
-Femme sous la pluie (Une) [Una mujer bajo la lluvia, Gerardo Vera, 1992, Téléfilm, 89mn]
-Gabrielle [Hasse Ekman, 1954, Swedish]
-Il était deux fois [Twice Upon a Time, Eberhardt, 1998]
-Incroyable Destin d’Harold Crick (L’) [Stranger Than Fiction, Marc Forster, 2005] : could be somehow included
-Ironie du sort (L’) [Edouard Molinaro, 1973]
-Je ne suis pas un homme facile [Eléonore Pourriat, 2018]
-K.O. [Fabrice Gobert, 2017]
-Kara [Calla, Hae-sung Song, 1999]
-La engañadora vt Mi noche de bodas vt La vida en un hilo [José Díaz Morales, 1955]
-La vida en un hilo vt Life on a Thread [Edgar Neville, 1945, 92mn]
-Little [Tina Gordon Chism, 2019]
-Maman, moi ? Jamais ! Vt Ma vie est un enfer [A Family Thanksgiving, Neill Fearnley, 2010]
-Mon inconnue [Hugo Gélin, 2019]
-Mondes possibles =Canada: French title, Possible Worlds, Lepage, 2000]
-Mr. Nobody [Jaco van Dormael, 2010]
-Nightmare Street vt Le cauchemar de Joanna [Colin Bucksey, 1998]
-Noël à pile ou face [A Dream of Christmas, Gary Yates, 2017]
-Noël rêvé de Megan (Le) [A Snow Globe Christmas, Jodi Binstock, 2013]
-Notre Univers Impitoyable [Léa Frazer, 2007]
-Our House [comédie musicale, Tim Firth, 2003, TV]
-Outrage (L’) [Martin Ritt, 1964]
-Passé recomposé (Le) [Küss mich, Genosse!, Franziska Meyer Price, 2006]
-Project Makeover [vt Go Go Sister, Kim Chang-Rae, 2009, en 2 parties]
-Quand je serai petit [Jean-Paul Rouve, juin 2012]
-Rashōmon – Rashomon, la porte du Dieu Rashô [Akira Kurosawa, 1950]
-Reversal of Fortune [Park Yong-Wun, 2003]
-Seconde chance à Noël (Une) [Comfort and Joy, Maggie Greenwald, 2003, téléfilm]
-See You Yesterday [Stefon Bristol, 2019]
-Sept jours et une vie [Life or Something Like It, Stephen Herek, 2001]
-Sorciers de Waverly Place (Les) [Wizards Of Waverly Place : The Movie, Lev L. Spiro, téléfilm, 2009]
-Souhait pour Noël (Un) [George Erschbamer, 2008, avec Lea Thomson]
-Spin [Jamin Winans, 2005]
-Sucker Punch [Zack Snyder, 2011]
-Tiramisu [Luen oi hang sing, Dante Lam Chiu-Yin, 2002]
-Trouble jeu [Hide and Seek, John Polson, 2004]
-Valerie [USA, Gerd Oswald, 1957]
-Vertiges de l’amour [Laurent Chouchan, 2001]
-Vie parallèle (La) – Parallel Life [Pyeong-haeng-i-ron, Kwan Yong Ho, 2010, en 2 parties]
-Vierges de Satan (Les) [The Devil Rides Out, Terence Fisher, 1968]
-Vœu de Noël (Le) [vt Un rêve de Noël, Holiday Switch, Bert Kish, 2007, avec Nicole Eggert, Bret Anthony]
-Vœu de Noël (Le) vt L’étoile de Noël [Eve’s Christmas, Timothy Bond, 2004, avec Elisa Donovan]
-Vœu pour Noël (Un) [A Christmas Eve Miracle, R. Michael Givens, 2015]
-What if… [Dallas Jenkins, 2010, 110 min]
-Yi ge zi tou de dan sheng [Too Many Ways to Be No. 1, Ka-Fai Wai, 1997]
-You, Me & Her [Sarah Doyle, 2014, 20 mn]
I will post you soon a list of TT (or unclassed yet in the other categories) to complete my 2020 additions and also another post with a few questions about some references you mention in your list that I can’t find anything about.
You work is huge and much huger each year since you include more and more “time” subclasses (are they really?) such as reincarnation, speedlight limits (Starwars ?!) etc.
Be careful since you will be soon exhausted and unable to follow everything. I am scarred to imagine that one day you may consider including “flashbacks” and am worrying about your health and then sparred time remaining for personal life
Supporting you as best as I can,
Dear Eric, thanks for your concern. I understand perfectly. But I am still resisting the urge to include good movies under som very stretched pretext.
Flashback? Never. That is a dramatical tool, not something that occurs to the character apart from simple recall. But [somehow] transport to another space/time date? Yes.
Lightspeed? It occured to me that lightspeed travel will “put time in the bank”. The universe not lightspeed travelling will lag behind just a little bit every time, so subjectively the lightspeed traveller will go slower into the future and more time will have passed externally than on board the lightspeed vessel.
Reincarnation? Believe me: I have long discussions with myself before accepting anything new. And and reincarnation should indicate a travel of consciousness into the future in a leap, THAT is time travel. And since it often involves a span of time without consciousness as seen from the time of death to the rebirth, there is an instance of “zero time”, which effective implies control over time. I am aware of the implications here: Should consciousness and control in the hands of the character be the deciding factor or should “the universe” decide? I have left it fuzzy, so as to be able to include the preposterous fantasy and reject the fake science (of many “documentaries”. I also include the “Rip Van Winkles” – sleeping into the future by magic. Such is f.ex. Idiocracy or the new “an american pickle” – where the transportation into a scenario demands a semi-valid scientific basis, but really just is a plot device. The deciding factor here is the traveller not changing, while “travelling”/sleeping. So, in that sense every cryo-based movie, where the transport is plot device and the cryo machinery is not, I would count as TT.
So, yes. I am stretching the concept – but my basic assumption is that consciousness is more important than science. So, any inconvenience or benefit to not following “strict chronology” should be up for debate. And then we can factor in the magic of travelling in time, with or without a fictional base in science.
How does that sound?
best k
Everthing sounds ok for me as long as you are in accordance with yourself and your burden of work. (It is tremendous and I admire your courage!)
With “lightspeed”, the list will be long (I am also a collector of SF in all forms)
For reincarnation, I guess the list is long also.
So good luck !
As for myself, I will concentrate to indicate you real TT and real AH (History, Personal, Fictionnal and Steampunk but for this las one then there is a real evidence of date of divergence)
Best to you
Oh, and yes: Amazing work, Eric! Amazing!!
Yes, lightspeed… It was always my intention to get around to a database with a searchable front. But as I get older, I am losing that conviction. With this in mind I will probably not go much further down the “lightspeed” lane. Maybe even kill it off with your comments in mind 😀 .
I am grateful for any “real” TT that you may know of, which is not in the collection. If marked as such, people who come here will still be able to add to their own collection by doing what I do: find links and references and reviews about a title and decide for themselves. I WILL get around to entering them, though, some day.
Alternate History/Parallel Worlds – I think they came about as a journey between timelines, but nowadays there are more “pure” alternate/parallel worlds which do not include TT, which makes it kinda hard to include them, as there is no outside spectator point. No one who can “see time” progress differently.
Followinf my last post and concerning now the “Uchronies du futur” (future is cha nge somehow by intervening on the Present), here are some additions:
7ème sens (Le) – Prémonitions [Premonition aka The Psychic, Jonas Quastel, 2004, avec Casper Van Dien]
Bobby Loves Mangos [Stuart Acher, 1998]
Cinq jours pour survivre [5ive Days to Midnight, TV, Michael W. Watkins, 2004]
Et après [Afterwards, Gilles Bourdos, 2008]
Intuitions [The Gift, Sam Raimi, 2001]
Mort en ligne (La) [One Missed call, Takashi Miike, 2003]
One Missed Call [Eric Valette, 2007]
Prédictions [Knowing, Proyas, 2009]
Prémonition – Yogen [Norio Tsuruta, 2004]
Push [Paul McGuigan, 2007]
Temps perdu (Le) [Frédéric Roullier-Gall, 2000 avec Jean Yanne]
Vie rêvée de Gwen (La) [The Birthday Wish, Peter DeLuise, 2017]
Some more “multiple selves” as you call them now:
Belle et la bête (La) [Sophie Fillières, 2018]
Moi, moi et moi c’est déjà beaucoup [More of me, Daisy Von Scherler Mayer, 2007]
I will come back soon with additions in AH, SP, TT
I forgot these “exchange of self-bodies with TT” :
Rêve de mes 16 ans (Le) [16 über Nacht!, Sven Bohse, 2014]
Here is now the most important part for me : Uchronie or Alternate History (AH) and for some of them, with steampunk.
These movies are set in an Alternate Earth or present views of AH (with a capital “H” since Personal Alternate History (PAH) or “Uchronie personnelle” will follow in a next post:
-1945A [Ryan Nagata, 2010] : short
-A la croisée des mondes – La boussole d’or – [The Golden compass, Chris Weitz, 2007]
-Airlords of Airia [Dirk Müller, 2013, 13 mn] : short
-Allemands reviennent (Les) [I Yermani xanarkhondai, Alekos Sakellarios, 1948] certainly the oldest AH in a movie
-Alternate History: Nazi’s Win WW2 [Spike.com, Tim Evans, 2011, 22mn] : short
-Auf den Spuren der Operation Mondsturm [Cornelius Meckseper, 2001]
-Aziris Nuna [Oleg Kompasov, 2006]
-Born in Flames [Lizzie Borden, 1983] : look-like a documentary
-C.S.A. The Confederate States of America [Kevin Willmott, 2004] : look-like a documentary
-Capitaine Sky et le monde de demain [Kerry Conran, 2003]
-Chasseurs de sorcières [Witch Hunt, Paul Schrader, 1994]
-Choc des empires (Le) [Yusri Kru, 2011]
-Court martial of George Armstrong Custer (The) [Jordan, 1977]
-Cowboys & Envahisseurs [Cowboys & Aliens, Jon Favreau, 2010]
-Dernière tentation du Christ (La) [Martin Scorsese, 1988] : AH in a dream of Jesus
-Détective Philip Lovecraft [Cast a Deadly Spell, Martin Campbell, 1993]
-Deux heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ [Jean Yanne, 1982]
-District 9 – Alive in Joburg [Neill Blomkamp, 2005] : short premise of the movie
-District 9 [Neill Blomkamp, 2009]
-Django unchained [Quentin Tarantino, 2013]
-Doorways [Peter Werner, 1993]
-Enfoiré de Président [Julien Fournet et Mathieu Sans, 2009]
-Famille parfaite (Une) [Bernard & Trividic, 2005]
-Fascisti su Marte [Corrado Guzzanti & Igor Skofic, 2006]
-Fatherland – Crépuscule des aigles (Le) [Christopher Menaul, 1994]
-Fido [Andrew Currie, 2006]
-Führer en folie (Le) [Philippe Clair, 1974]
-Good Bye Lenin! [Wolfgang Becker, 2003] ; here AH is a fake
-High Plains Invaders / Alien Invaders – Invasion au Far West [K. T. Donaldson, 2009]
-Hitlar [Idrees Khan, 1986]
-Hugo Cabret [Martin Scorsese, 2011] : steampunk
-If Things Turned Out Differently [et si toutes ces technologies ou produits qui ont été des échecs commerciaux…] by College Humor TV : shorts
-Imagine a world without Romania [Alexandru, 2006] : short
-Inglourious Basterds [Quentin Tarantino, 2009]
-Iron Sky 2 – The Coming Race [Timo Vuorensola, finlandais, 2019]
-Ironwerkz [Mike Kehoe, 2007] : short
-It Happened here – En Angleterre occupée [Kevin Brownslow & Andrew Mollo, 1965]
-Ja, spravedlnost [I, justice, Zbynek Brynych, 1967]
-Jackboots On Whitehall [Edward McHenry & Rory McHenry, 2010] with muppets
-Jean-Philippe [Laurent Tuel, 2006] AH of the most famous rocker in France (Johnny Hallyday whose real first name was Jean-Philippe)
-K-20 L’homme aux vingt visages [K-20 Legend Of The Mask, Kaijin niju menso den, Shimako Sato, 2008]
-Kommandør Treholt & Ninjatroppen [Norwegian Ninja, Thomas Cappelen Malling, 2010]
-Liberté, égalité, choucroute [Jean Yanne, 1985]
-Monde trop parfait (Un) vt Un monde meilleur vt Univers parallèle [Tempting fate, Peter Werner, 1998]
– Grippe mexicaine (La) [Mozinor, 2009] : short
– Groundhog zero [Mozinor, 2008] : short
-Nazis At The Center of the Earth – Rise of the IVeme Reich [Joseph J. Lawson, 2012]
-Never Let me Go [Mark Romanek, 2009]
-Next [Lee Tamahori, 2007, avec Nicolas Cage]
-Nichts als die Wahrheit – After the Truth – Rien que la vérité [Roland Suso Richter, 2000]
-Nothing so strange [Brian Flemming, 2002]
-Old Negro Space Program [Andy Bobrow, 2004] : short
-Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood [Quentin Tarantino, 2019]
-One Hundred Years of Evil [Erik Eger & Magnus Oliv, 2010]
-Ôoku vt The Lady Shogun and Her Men [Fuminori Kaneko, 2010, 116mn]
-Ôoku: Eien – Emonnosuke · Tsunayoshi-hen vt The Castle of Crossed Destinies [Fuminori Kaneko, 2012]
-Other Man (The) [ITV Play of the Week: Season 10, Episode 1, Gordon Flemyng, 1964, TV]
-P-51 Dragon Fighter [Mark Atkins, 2014]
-Paris Rouge [Isart Digital, 2015] : short
-Perfect Creature [Glenn Standring, 2005]
-Pervirella [Alex Chandon & Josh Collins, 1997]
-Project Arbiter [Michael Chance, 2014]
-Reconquest – Bellecour refait l’Histoire… [Bellecour Ecoles D’Art, Lyon, 2012] : short
-Red Spectacles (The) [Jigoku no banken: akai megane, Mamoru Oshii, 1987, 116mn]
-Reptiliens (Les) [Anonymous Rex, Julian Jarrold, 2004]
-Resistance [Amit Gupta, 2011, from Owen Sheers]
-Richard III [Richard Loncraine, 1995]
-Rings of Earth (The) [Toroyd, 2009] : short
-Stray Dogs – Kerberos Panzer Cops [Mamoru Oshii, 1991]
-Talkernate History [Spike TV Alternate History Pilot, 2016]
-Tea Time Steampunk Short Film [@jderekhoward, 2014]
-The Scouts – The Last Battle [Alexander Zamyatin, 2008, in russian in 6 parts] : could be seen as Secret History rather as AH
-Time Tunnel (The) [Todd Holland, 2002]
-Top Secret! [Jim Abrahams, David Zucker et Jerry Zucker, 1984] : look at the map in the HQ room !!!
-Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald (The) [Davidson & Greene, 1977]
-Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald (The) [Larry Buchanan, 1964]
-Venezia impossibile [William Carrer, 2014, Italie]
-Wars of Other Men (The) [Mike Zawacki, 2014, 28mn] : short
-Watchmen – les gardiens [Zack Snyder, 2009]
-White Man’s Burden aka White Man, Desmond Nakano, 1995]
-Wild Wild West [Barry Sonnenfeld, 1999]
-Yesterday [Danny Boyle, 2019]
-Zone Troopers [Danny Bilson, 1985]
I still have three tasks : check “Personal AH” movies and “Fictionnal AH” movies + TT and maybe some “parallel worlds” incl. Time modifications
But not today : I’m going in my garden now
This is so cool, Eric! Not just because the tons of hours waiting to explore new ideas, casts, places and high hopes, but also because your interest differs from mine, making the area of interacting tropes so much greater! I love it. Thank you.
You know I have a broad palette – I include data over ages, immortality (living through time means you get to see what comes beyond a normal lifespan), mind swapping over time, karma loops, paradoxes etc., basically finding any excuse to include a take on “cheating time” 🙂 Do you double-tag your entries, meaning are any of your entries un-encludeable in the TT-list? This is naturally of primary interest to me, also with respect for the expansion of the page – first do the time travel movies, then the rest for possible inclusion.
Even with corona time I haven’t found the energy to update the list, but I have a LOT of titles waiting in the wings.
all the best, kenneth
1946 | A MAtter Of Life And Death | | |
1959 | The Man Who Could Cheat Death | | | eternal life – 5.0:
1965 | Some Lapse Of Time [Out Of The Unknown ep.] | | TT | Multiple Selves, BBC SCI FI, TV
1969 | Carry on Christmas | | Data from the future | Scrooge, spoof
1970 | Heroic Purgatory | | | Japan
1975 | Strange New World | | | suspended animation, Utopia – 5.5
1977 | Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope | | Lightspeed |
1978 | the Star Wars Holiday Special | | Lightspeed |
1980 | Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back | | Lightspeed |
1983 | Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi | | Lightspeed |
1999 | Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace | | Lightspeed |
2002 | Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones | | Lightspeed |
2005 | Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith | | Lightspeed |
2015 | Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens | | Lightspeed |
2016 | Star Wars Rogue One | | Lightspeed |
2017 | Star Wars Episode VIII – The Last Jedi | | Lightspeed |
2018 | Solo A Star Wars Story | | Lightspeed |
2019 | Star Wars Episode IX The rise of Skywalker | | Lightspeed |
1979 | Anti-Clock | |
1985 | Cocoon | | rejuvenation |
1988 | Cocoon The Return | | rejuvenation |
1988 | Dogra Magra | | | Japan
1998 | Totò che visse due volte [aka. Toto who lived twice] ||
2000 | Al Bielek, Complete Video Autobiography Plus Extra Footage Never Before Seen | Time Traveller | Docu
—— Al Bielek – Complete Video Autobiography
—— Al Bielek – The Alternative Future Time Lines and Time Travel
2008 | An American | | Data from the future | ghost of future USA:
2009 | The Door | |
2010 | Jackboots on Whitehall | | [TT] | alternate England, post WWII
2010 | Gantz | | Resetting Time, Live again |
2011 | Gantz 2 Perfect Answer | | Resetting Time, Live again
2016 | Gantz O | | Resetting Time, Live again
2011 | Ticking clock | |
2012 | Foxfur | | TT | Alternate realities
2012 | S.I.N.Theory | | TT | prediction
2013 | About Time | |
2013 | Doctor Who, The Day Of The Doctor | | The Tardis |
2013 | House at the end of time | |
2013 | Supercollider | |
2014 | Time lapse | |
2015 | Little Boy | |
2015 | Regular Show The Movie | | Animation
2016 | Fate | | [TT] | preventing death
2017 | 24 Hours to Live | |
2017 | Happy death day | |
2017 | OtherLife | |
2017 | Reset | |
2018 | Another Version Of You | | parallel universes, find another girl
2018 | Iceman The Time Traveller | |
2018 | In Search Of Time Travel | | | Docu
2018 | Mega Time Squad | | (TT) | many copies – 6.5
2018 | The Wrong Todd | |
2018 | Transit || temporal dissonance, WWII occupation in present day France
2018 | Dont Go | | [TT] – conquoring death | Go
2019 | 2nd Chance For Christmas | |
2019 | Dark Sense | | data through time |
2019 | In The Shadow Of The Moon | |- killing central figures in the past – 6.5
2019 | See You Yesterday | |
2019 | Timeless Love | |
2019 | A Single Yesterday
Hello Kenneth
I come back after years of abscence (my last post was in 2015) since I have a look at your site once a year and it is not easily for me to compare it to my huge database of AH, SP, TL, TT etc. because I cannot find easily in your list in just one glance what you have added since my last visit.
Nevertheless, I have spent hours this summer to update the comparaison and here are to begin, TIME LOOP you have not in your list today (sorry but when it exists, the first title is in french, my native tongue) :
22:22 [Julien Becker, 2012, 19 min]
24 heures pour s’aimer [Annas Alptraum kurz nach 6, Roland Suso Richter, 2007]
Alien vs. Ninja [Seiji Chiba, 2010]
Amour et amnésie [Peter Segal, 2004] ***Here exceptionnally the “Time Loop” is a rare disease
Arrêt sur Image [Alban Periaut & Vincent Timmerman, 2004, 10mn]
Chancelière perd la tête (La) [Die Eisläuferin, Markus Imboden, 2015]
Circle Drive [Alaric Rocha, 2004, 3 mn]
Colle (La) [Alexandre Castagnetti, 2017]
Copy Shop [Virgil Widrich, 2001, 12 mn]
Dead Ends [Janne Kaakinen & Antti Näyhä, 2003, Finlande, 7 mn]
Door to Door [Mi Delet Ledelet, Shunit Aharoni, 2004, Israël, 30 mn]
Earth Environment Underground [Isaac W., 1999]
Elöbb-utóbb [Isti Madarász, 2006, Hongrie, 11 mn]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Michel Gondry, 2004]
Every Hidden Thing [Fritz Green, 2008, 106mn]
Extracted [Nir Paniry, 2012]
Hard Time [Brian Clement, 2008, 6 mn]
Horror Kid – Les démons du maïs [Children of the Corn, Fritz Kiersch, 1984]
Love Wedding Repeat [Dean Craig, 2020]
Mariage sans fin (Un) [I Do, I Do, I Do, Ron Oliver, 2014]
Marvellous World of the Cucu Bird (The) [Carlos Atanes, 1991, 21 mn]
Novo [Jean-Pierre Limosin, 2002] ***here again a “medical time loop”
Plan de table [Christelle Raynal, 2011]
Romance sans fin (Une) [Peter Foldy, 2019]
R-Point [Kong Su-chang, 2004]
Seventeen Again [Jeff Byrd, 2000, 97mn]
Taan [Turn, Hideyuki Hirayama, 2001]
Time [Shi gan, Ki-duk Kim, 2006]
Trapped in Time (LSBU Summer School) [Richmond Sarpong, 2012, 2min35]
When We First Met [Ari Sandel, 2018]
I come back soon (I hope !!!) with other additions concerning AH, SP, TT… but you have here already matter to spend time
Sincerely yours
Dear Eric, first Thank you for your contribution. It is still good fun for me to return now and again to this hobby. Usually a couple of times a year. Its been 11 years now, I think.
I know that over the years I never really managed to make a “latest updates” that felt like me. I most often forgot how I did it last time. I really want to be “the good list maker”, but I am a chaos person, who most often make lists when I cannot write poetry or when the hours become long. I am sorry about taking your time – but still hope the additions was worth your while. Do you have a public site? If so, how do you organise your presentation for others to keep up to date? I know how to make an excell-like html list with click’n’sort columns, but I cannot make one that works on a mobile phone. And especially not, since I want SOME posters in the list.
What do you mean when you say “AH, SP, TL, TT etc.” – TT I guess is Time Travel, possibly in the classical sense and no alternate realities, karma loops etc., but the others, and what else do you sort by?
I promise that I will make an effort to stick with “updated since last time”-list. 🙂
best greetings, kenneth krabat
PS: I really love the many French titles! It is not easy to weed out TT-titles from other nations, who used the time travel trope and the like before they became recognised tropes.
You’re doing a great job : each time I find a lot of new references !!!
AH is “Alternate History” invented as “Uchronie” by a french guy M. Renouvier with precised divergence date and history as we known clearly modified since (which excludes all “Secret History”)
So I have declinaison such as:
-“Uchronie personnelle” or “Personal AH” like in Sliding Doors or
-“Uchronie de fiction” or “Fictional timeline AH” such as If Luke Skywalker has not destroyed the DarkStar
-Yes TT is Time Travel
-SP for Steampunk (when of course there is a precised divergence date (=AH) and the action is going on our “Earth” since there is also a lot of SP ambiance undated)
-TL is for Time Loop (boucle temporelle) like Groundhog Day
-I am also following/hunting the “Uchronie du Futur” such as The Time Shifters where time travelers from the future come “back” to Present to change the (our ?) future
-And “Terres Doubles” (“Double Earths”) and “Anti-Terre” (Opposite Earth) such as the movie: Another Earth [Mike Cahill, 2011] or Danger Planète Inconnue [Doppelgänger, Robert Parrish, 1969] or again the pilot The Stranger [Lee H. Katzin, 1973] ; in these last cases there is no TT or genuine AH but these twin-Earths generally presents an history which is different from ours
All the films below have been added to the list. June/july 2019. + around 150 other.
2016 | Erased | 120 min (dir.Yûichirô Hirasawa) | TT | Change the future
2018 | When we first met | 97 min (dir. Ari Sandal) | TM | do over |
2018 | Kin | 102 min (dir. Jonathan Baker, Josh Baker) | Data from the Past |
2015 | Abby Sen | 128 min (dir. Atanu Gosh) | TT Capsule | TV, visit to the past, India
2018 | The Last Sharnado: It’s about Time | 86 min (dir. Anthony C. Farrante) | Tornado | Sharks, comedy
2017 | Alien Code [aka The Men] | 97 min (dir. Michael G. Cooney) | Alien Code | Aliens, War
2017 | the Endless | 111 min (dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead) | Random loops | Cult
2017 | Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle | 119 min (dir. Jake Kasdan) | Arkade game | Different Timelines
2018 | Deadpool II | 119 min (dir. David Leitch) | TT | To make new future, Marvel
Long Time Gone | min dir. ) | [method] | Data from the future, 1969, 2018
From past to present | In development
Paradox ||| In Development
Black Knight | | | In Development
14 days | | | In Development
Time Walkers| | | In Development
Untitled Civil War Project
The Time Museum
The Crypto-Historians
Run-Away Smartphone | min (dir. Maxim Genchev) | Time Portal, American Smartphone |
Time Cop
Needle in a timestack | min (dir. John Ridley) | [method] | Revenge
EDIT 1918 | The Ghost at Slumber Mountain | 11/19 min. (dir. Herbert M. Dawley & Willis O’Brien) | Telescope, Dream | Dinosaurs, Silent | INFO https://scifist.net/2018/05/11/the-ghost-of-slumber-mountain/
2018 | Arif V 216 | 125 min (dir. Kivanç Baruönü) | Time Travel | 1060s, Turkey, Movies
2017 | the Dark Tower | 95 min. (dir. Nicolaj Arcell) | Eternity | Stephen King
2014 | the History of Time Travel | 72 min (dir. Ricky Kennedy) | Time Machine | Fictional Docu, Alternate History,
1991 | Adventures in Odyssey: The Knight Travellers | 22 min (dir. Mike Joens, Ken C. Johnson) | Time Machine, Imagination | Animation, Faust, SHORT
2014 | My dog the Space Traveler | 97 min (dir. Robin Christian) | Out of time | Dimensions
2015 | Xin bu bu jing xin [aka. Time to Love] | 114 min (dir. Di Song) | Accident | Travel to the past, Qing Dynasty
2005 | a Path in Time | 60 min (dir. Keith Eidse) | | Visit to the future, Christian
2004 | the Keeper of Time [aka. Az idők őrzője] | 76 min (dir. Robert Cromb) | Time Mastery | Children, Wizard
1995 | Hua yue jia qi [aka. Love in the Time of Twilight] 103 min. (dir. Hark Tsui) | | Hongkong, 1920s
1993 | Wei Xiao Bao: Feng zhi gou nu [aka. Hero from beyond the boundary of time] | 94 min (dir. Blackie Shou Liang Ko) | Magic | Travel to present day, Kung-Fu
1963 | 50.000 B.C. (Before Clothing) | 75 min (dir. William Rose) | Taxi Cab Time Machine | Erotic
1947 | Die Welt dreht sich verkehrt [aka. The World Turns Backward] | 87 min (dir. J.A. Hübler-Kahla) | Magic | Christmas Carrol
2007 | the Un-Gone | min (dir. Simon Bovery) | teleporter | individuality, SHORT
2016 | Diverge | 86 min (dir. James Morrison) | Mind travel | 2nd chance
1930 | Just Imagine | 113 min (dir. David Butler) | Lightning | 1930s, Future
1999 | Teen Knight [aka Medieval Park] | min (dir. Phil Corneau) | Magic | 1300s
1999 | S Club 7: Back to the 50’s | min (dir. Andrew Margetson) | | 1950s
1999 | The Devil’s Arithmetic | 95 min (dir. Donna Deitch) | Door | Holocaust, Jews, WWII
2001 | Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge | 81 min (dir. Mary Lambert) | Spellbook, Time Tunnel | Disney
2006 | Christmas Do-Over | 90 min (dir. Catherine Cyran) | Groundhog Day, Loop |
2012 | Dimensions | 101 min (dir. Sloane U’Ren) | | England, 1920s
2013 | Shree | 109 min (dir. Rajesh Bachchani) Unwittingly | India
2013 | The A.R.K. Report | 30 min (dir. Shmuel Hoffman) | | Future, Ark of the Covenant, SHORT
2013 | Yeolhansi [aka. 11 A.M.) | 99 min (dir. Hyun-seok Kim) | Time machine | Visit to the future, Korea
2015 | Indru Netru Naalai | 146 min (dir. R. Ravikumar) | Time Machine | Tamil
2018 | Wnen we first met | 97 min. (dir. Ari Sandel) Photobox | Edit past
2016 | Altered Hours | 101 min. (dir. Bruce Wemble) | Mind | Paradox
2017 | The Last One | 11 min (White Cpae Productions) | | Paradox, not on imdb, SHORT | watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhjGH1P9HZ8
2016 | I’m you | 10 min (White Cape Productions) | | Paradox, not on imdb, SHORT | watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5-LbsTyteU
2016 | Kaalchakra | 40 min (dir. Kshitij Sharma) | | Paradox, Invitation, SHORT
2004 | Time Server | 113 min (dir. Rober Alaniz) | Faith | Delusion
2014 | Time Travel Lover | 14 min. (dir. Bo Mirosseni) | | Visitor from the future, Change the future, Paradox, SHORT
2013 | Gekijouban Taimu sukûpu hantâ: Azuchijou Saigo no 1-nichi [aka. Time Scoop Hunter] | 102 min. (dir. Hiroyuki Nakao) | Time Machine | Visitors to the past, Japan
2001 | the poof Point | 90 min (dir. Neal Israel) | Time machine | Disney, regression
2017 | STAR WARS: The Last Jedi | 152 min (dir. Rian Johnson) | Fate | Block Universe
2016 | the Time Renegades | 107 min (dir. Jae-Yong Kwak) | Contact over ages | Korea
2016 | Vanishing Time: A Boy Who Returned | 130 min (dir. Tae-hwa Eom) | Time Stop | Korea
2013 | Reset | 17 min (dir. Marcus Kryler, Fredrik Åkerström) | CODE | SHORT
2017 | Czlowiek z magicznym pudelkiem [the Man with the magic box] | 103 min (dir. Bodo KoxI | device | visitor to the past, Poland
2017 | A ghost Story | 92 min. (dir. David Lowery) | Time Disruption |
2012 | Paranormal Activity 4 [ 88 min (dir. Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman) | Camera | Found Footage, Spirits, Horror
2013 | Oculus | 104 min (dir. Mike Flanagan) | Mirror | Infinite Loop, Horror
2013 | Insidious: Chapter 2 | 104 min (dir. James Wan) | Camera, Mirror | Ghosts, Spirits, Horror
2015 | Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension | 88 min (dir. Gregory Plotkin) | Camera | Spirits, Found Footage, Horror
2012 | Teri Meri Kahaani | 117 min (dir. Kunal Kohli) | Reincarnation | India
2007 | Om Shanti Om | 162 min (dir. Farah Khan) | Reincarnation | India
2012 | Dangerous Ishhq | 130 min (dir. Vikram Bhatt) | Reincarnation | Visitor to the Past, Regression, India
2018 | House of Demons | 90 min (dir. patrick Meaney) | Data From the Past | Horror
2014 | Guardians of the Galaxy | 121 min (dir. James Gunn) | technology | Data from the Past
2017 | Curvature | 90 min (dir Diego Hallivis) | Time Machine | Redo events
2017 | Reset | 90 min (dir. Hong-Seung Yoon) | Time Machine | Multiple Selves, Undo the Past
2018 | the Gateway | 90 min. (dir. John V. Soto) | | Multiverse, Grief
2017 | Fate | 95 min. (dir. Dan Sheldon) | | Change events
2015 | Prescient | 81 min. (dir. Hann-Shi Lem) | Data from the future | Death foretold
2017 | The Man From Earth: Holocene | 98 min (dir. Richard Schenkman) | Longivity | Sequel, YA | Undignified sequel to 2007 movie
2013 | Ian Levine: Shada | min (dir. Ian Levine) | Time Machine | Time Machine | Tardis, Timelord, TV, Remake | ref. to the 1992 version
2015 | Doctor Who the Time War | 82 min. (dir. various) | Time Machine | Tardis, Timelord, TV, Fanfiction | WATCH
2017 | Doctor Who: Shada | 138 min (dir. Charles Norton) | Time Machine | Tardis, Timelord, TV, Remake | ref. to the 1992 version
1992 | Doctor Who: Shada | 110 min, (dir. Pennant Roberts) | Time Machine | Tardis, Timelord, TV, Unfinished story | ref. to the remakes of 2017 and 2013
2017 | QEDA [aka. Man divided | 87 min (dir. Max Kestner) | Portal | Visitor from the future, Paradox, Copenhagen, 2097
2018 | Time Freak | 104 Min. (dir. Andrew Bowler) | groundhog Day, Time Machine | |
1996 | Moebius | 88 min. (dir. Gustavo Mosquera R.) | Metro Train | parallel world, moebius strip
2017 | Musa (aka. Muse) | 107 min. (dir. Jaume Balagueró) | Data from the future | Mythology, Horror
2018 | Se o Mundo Girasse ao Contrário [ 5 min (dir. Leonardo Martinelli) | Time in reverse |
2017 | Claire’s Camera | 69 min. (dir. Sang-soo Hong | Polaroid Camera |
2017 | The Man Who Invented Christmas | 104 min. (dir. Bharat Nalluri) | Magic | Data from the future, Literary, Scrooge
2007 | The Time Surgeon | 63 min. (dir. Nathaniel Mellors) | Pain | | INFO
2013 | Mahi va gorbeh (aka. Fish & Cat, aka Fish and Cat) | 134 min. (dir. Shahram Mokri) | Loops |
2012 | Finding Ambrosia | 15 min. (dir. Colin Scully) | Magic | SHORT
2007 | Les Deux Mondes (aka. Two Worlds, aka. Zwischen den Welden) | 105 min. (dir. Daniel Cohen) | Data from the Future | Multiverse, Prediction
2009 | Field Notes from Dimension X: OASIS | 5 min. (dir. Carson D. Mell) | Stranded Time Traveller | Animation, SHORT
2013 | Timeholes | 2 min. (dir. Ben Mallaby) | | SHORT
2007 | The Sandlot: Heading home (aka. The Sandlot 3) | 96 min. (dir. William Dear) | Mind Travel | Baseball
1981 | SPACY | 10 min. (dir. Takeshi Ito) | Movie making | Japan, experimental, SHORT
2017 | Goodbye, Mr. Loser | 105 min (dir. Adrian Teh) | Magic | Second Chance
2007 | Malta con Huevo (aka. Scrambled Beer) | 88 min. (dir. Christobal Valderrama) | Guinness and eggs, Random |
2014 | I’m you, dickhead | 12 min. (dir. Lucas Testro) | | Do over, second chance, Australia, SHORT
1979 | Buck Rogers in the 25th Century | 98 min. (dir. Daniel Haller) | Rip van Winkle | Visitor to the Future, Aliens
2009 | Portal | min. (dir. Geoffrey Schaaf) | Portal | Loop, Horror
2004 | Nyócker! (aka. District, aka. The District) | 87 min. (dir. Áron Gauder) | | Dinosaurs, Hungary, Animation
2005| Chilly Beach: The World Is Hot Enough | 72 min. (dir. Edin Ibric) | | Animation
2012 | Qué pelo más guay (aka The Coolest hair) | 82 min. (dir. Santiago Molero, Rulo Pardo) | |
2013 | The Elegant Clockwork or the Universe | 105 min (dir. Malik Isasis) | |
2015 | Dox | min. (dir. Danny Cotton) | Time Macine, Autoradio | Correct History, SHORT
2014 | Interview with a time traveller | 10 min. (dir. Ashley/James Cooper) | | SHORT
2014 | Fort Ross (aka. Форт Росс) | 110 min. (dir. Yuriy Moroz) | smartphone app | Correct History
2016 | Environmental Training | 15 min. (dir. Fabricio Meilhac) | | Environment, Cause and effect, SHORT
2017 | OtherLife | 96 min. (dir. Ben C. Lucas) | Time Dilation | VR
2016 | How to build a time machine | 82 min. (dir. Jay Cheel) | Time Machine | Docu
2009 | Happy Deathday | 9 min (dir. Elle Calahan) | Data from the future, Prediction | Death, SHORT
2017 | Happy Death Day | 96 min (dir. Christopher Landon) | Groundhog Day, Loop | Horror
2015 | Alistair1918 | 88 min (dir. Annie K. McVey) | accident | WWI
2016 | Anti Matter | 109 min. (dir. Keir Burrows) | matter transportation | faster than light
2017 | Stasis | 90 min (Nicole Jones-Dion) | Visitors from the future | Mind-swopping
2017 | 2:22 | 98 min (dir. paul Curried) | Re-occurance, Data from the Future |
2017 | A Dog’s Purpose | 100 min (dir. Lasse Halstrøm) | Consciousness | Reincarnation, Canines
2017 | Naked | 96 min (dir. Michael Tiddes) | Ground Hog Day, Second Chance | Wedding Day
2017 | Displacement | 112 min (dir. Kenneth Mader) | Displacement | Quantum Babble
2017 | Before I fall | 98 min (dir. Ry Russo-Young) | Ground Hog Day | dying again
2017 | The last knight | min (dir. Dmitriy Dyachenko) | | Transformers, children | [In Production]
2017 | the Discovery | 102 min (dir. Charlie MacDowell) | Second Chance | Reincarnation
2014 | the Biyou, a one way crossing | 24 min (dir WonChan Sohn) | Second Chance |
2018 | a Wrinkle in Time | min (dir. Ava DuVernay) | Powerful Beings | Children | [in Post-production]
2016 | Kimi no na wa [aka. Your Name] | 106 min (dir. Makoto Shinkai) | Data Between Ages, Time Portal, Magic | Anime, Japan
2017 | Logan | 137 min (dir. James Mangold) | Time Freeze | Avengers, Marvel, Super Heroes
2013 | Before the thunder | 96 min. (dir. David Murakami) | |
2017 | Now | min. (dir. Justin Zachary) | | SHORT
2017 | Neil Stryker and the Tyrant of Time | 97 min (dir. Rob Taylor) | Portal |
2017 | 2:22 | 98 min [dir. Paul Currie) | Data from the future | Predestination, New York
Hi Kenneth, I’ve revised my time travel movie and TV listings up to August 2, 2016. Note the new url link for the TV series site, so please update on your web-site where needed. The Quintessential List of Time Travel episodes in TV Series
but the movie site is the same
The Quintessential List of Time Travel Cinematic Movies
Cheers, Tom
Synchronicity (2016)
Thank you. Looks promising.
The time travel movie everyone seems to be missing and one of my favorites – the Disney Sunday night movie from 1988 – 14 Going on 30. (not to be confused with a later movie 13 Going on 30)
Thanks, Gary. It IS more in the genre of a mind-swap than a journey in time: He ages, but everyone stays the same. He doesn’t travel in time like jennifer Garner, who gets to try out her own possible future.
But as I am bending the rules here, I will think about it – for when next I update additions.
1988 | 14 going on 30 | 94 min, (dir. paul Schneider) | [hmmm…?] | TV
Kenneth, you have the absolute best site anywhere on time travel movies. As an avowed time travel junkie I appreciate it. I thought I had most of the available time travel movies in my collection but your list had many I was not familiar with. And many thanks to Tom for his additions.
Thank you for that, Gary. I really appreciate your delight.
2015 | Doomsday [aka. Death Machine – the Fall of London]
2014 | assumption of risk | min. (Dir.) | data from the future | death prediction, insurance
2015 | Inside out | | visit to the past | invisible friend, animation,
2015 | Parallels | 83 min. (dir. Christopher Leone) | Parallel Worlds | TV-pilot
2015 | INFINI | Matter transportation, Time Dilation | Outer Space
2015 | Flight World War II | 85 min (dir. Emile Edwin Smith) | Visitors to the past | WWII
2014 | Scienceless Fiction | 109 minutes (dir. Bill Zebub) | Visit from the future | Hitler
2013 | Love & Teleportation
2012 | Found in time
2014 | Mouse-X | 15 min. (dir. Justin Tagg) | Paradox | Loop
2012 | Serena and the Ratts |
Thanks Kenneth.
If you go to conetrafic.fr and enter key-word : “voyage ans le temps” (time travel in french) you’ll find additionnal references :
Hi Kenneth
Good works ! This list is very interesting.
One improvement please : is it possible for you to highlight and/or list the lattest corrections/additions?
I have no time to check the list every week and each time I come it is hard for me to find the new entries.
Thanks by advance
Best wishes
Hi Eric, glad you like the list.
I recently moved the list to a WP page rather than a post (due to restriction posed on the number of characters in a post). So, you can consider the present list Zero Ground for further additions – which will be added in red and accounted for by date at the top (eg. “25 new additions XX date”).
The reason for the format is that the dividers |||| can be used as cell separators in your own database. Thus it should be releatively easy to both create and update your own database… 😀
Please present in the format of the page, if you find additions and/or corrections.
happy new year. Kenneth
Was unable to reply to your email, so listed time travel movies I did not see on your listing. Some 200 more. I also have 100’s of TV Time Travel listings, if you want.
18 Again
5 Days to Midnight
7 Zwerge 2 – Der Wald ist Nich Genug
95ers Echo
A-Z Apocalypses
Across the Sea of Time
Aditya 369 (Indian)
Adjustment Bureau %(2011)
Adv of Stella Star %(1979 – Italia) aka Female Space Invaders, StarCrash
Adventurers – Masters of Time
Alf’s Button Afloat
Andy Colbys Incredible…
Armee Der Welten
Bazooka Joe – Dinos
Bed Time Stories
Before you Say I Do
Between Time and Timbuktu: A Space Fantasy %(1972)
Beyond and Back
Book of Spells, X Files
Brass Bottle
Bridge across Time
Carol Christmas
Chasing Christmas
Christmas Wedding Date
Clock Master
Crusade March thru Time
Cube 2: Hypercube %(2002)
Dark City
Das Haus am Meer II
Das Verlorene Labyrinth
Deck the Halls
Deep in the Valley
Der Trip %(1996 – Germany – aka Die Nackte Gitarre 0,5)
Der Zauber Mantel
Devil’s Pass %(2013 – Russia/UK aka The Dyatlov Pass Incident)
Die Ruckkehr ZeitMaschine
Die Zeitfalle
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Disconnect %(2010 – USA)
Donovans Echo
Duck to the Future
Escape from the Planet of the Apes %(1971)
Escape in Time %(2006)
Event Horizon
Extreme Movie (short)
Fantastic Journey (1970)
Fantasy World of George Pal
Fantasy Worlds of Irwin
Felix 2 Hase Verflixte ZeitMachine
Field of Dreams
Fight for Your Rights
Fourth Dimension %(2012 – USA/Polska – aka Czwarty wymiar)
Futurama Wierd Green Yonder
Future Cops
Future Cops %(1993 – Hong Kong)
Future Past %(1987 – Australia – aka The Colonial Cavalry)
Gallactica 1980
Girl Who Conquered Time %(1983 – Japan) aka Girl Who Cut Time
Girl from Tomorrow s1e1
Gixx Verirrt in die Urzeit
Hallmark – In his Fathers Shoes
Hallo bin der Weihnachtsmann
History of the World Part 1
Hitch in Time
HitchHikers Guide to Universe
Hocus Pocus
Hoops & YoYo Ruin Christmas
House II
Humanitys End
I Dream of Jeannie 15 years Later
I Inside
Ice Age No time for Nuts
Indiana Jones1-4
Infinite Worlds of HG Wells
Into the Universe – Stephen Hawking
It Happened One Xmas
Jacob Two Two – Time Machine
Jensen Project
John Carter
Kein Geist fur alle falle
Kid in Aladdin’s Palace
Kristin’s Xmas Past
Lancelot: Guardian of Time %(1997)
Last Exit to Earth %(1996)
Last Night
Last Summer
Late for Dinner
Lathe of Heaven
Lieber Gestern Als Nie (Twice Upon..)
Life on Mars (pilot)
Lost in Austen
Love %(2011)
Love in the Time of Twilight %(1995 – Hong Kong)
Magic Island
Magnificant Major
Man Could Work Miracles -HG Wells
Man from 1997
Marching Out of Time %(1993 – aka Back to the Fuehrer)
Maybe Perhaps %(1999 – France)
McDonalds Have Time will Travel
Me Again
Merlin & the Sword
Merlin the Return
MisInventions of Milo Weatherby
Mission 369
Morlocks %(2011)
Nemesis 2: Nebula %(1995)
Night at the Magic Museum
Night at the Museum 1,2
Paradox (cut)
Paradox Soldiers
Past Perfect %(1996)
Path in Time %(2005)
Peter and the Time Machine
Pirate Movie
Pirates of Tortuga
Prehistoric Women %(1967 – UK – aka Slave Girls)
Prince Charming
Prisoners of the Lost Universe
Project Makeover
Purple Rose of Cario
Quantum of Vengeance %(2013 – USA)
Queen In-Hyun’s Man %(2012 – 2012 – Korea – aka Queen and I)
Rewind pilot
Rocket Man
Ruby Ring %(1997 – UK/USA)
Samurai Commando Mission 1549 %(2005 – Japan)
Santa Claus 3
Saturday the 14th
Savage Time %(2002)
Scarlet Heart %(2010 – 2011 China)
Second Time Lucky
Secret That Cannot Be Told %(2007 – China)
Selling Time %(2015)
Sherlock Holmes – Dino
Shuffle %(2011 – USA)
Simon of the Desert %(1965 – Mexico)
Siubhlachan (The Traveller)
Sphere %(1998)
Spy Kids All the time in World
Star Knight
Starry Nights
Stitch in Time Travel
Strange Frequency-Time is on my side
Stuck on You
Summer Time Machine Blues
Super Eruption %(2011)
Super Mario Bros
Tears of Steel
Teen Knight %(1998)
The Golden Laws – Time Traveler from the Future
Three Days
Thunderstone s3e4
Time Bokan %(1975 – 1976 Dec 25 – Japan – aka Time Fighters)
Time Conditions
Time Freak
Time Master
Time Masters
Time Quest
Time Stalkers
Time Travel Mater (from Cars 3)
Time Trip – Der Fluch der Wikinger
Time Tunnel %(2002 – Canada)
Time Under Fire %(1997 – Australia – aka Beneath the Bermuda Triangle)
Time Walker
Time of our Lives
TimeScape – Grand Tour
Timeless Man %(2011 – Ireland)
Timeless Obsession_ (2008)
To the Ends of Time %(1996)
Tomorrow Always Comes %(1941)
Total Recall 2070_
Tower of Terror (1997)
Trojan War
Twice in a Lifetime – Night before Xmas
Twist In Time: An Odyssey
Twoney (1953)
Urmel aus dem Eis
Vertraute Freude
Walk Through Time With Baxter Smalls %(2007 – aka Baxter Smalls)
Watch my Future Boyfriend
We’re Back
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Winning Season %(2004 – aka Honus and Me)
Wizard of Mars
Zartliche Chaoten II %(1988 – Germany – aka Lovable Zanies II; Three Crazy Jerks II)
Zu Time Warriors
Zwischen Den Welten (full)
Hi Tom, and merry Christmas.
Looking over your list I recognise more than a few titles. But at present I have no time to check the list.
Do you have the time to check your list against mine?
Yes, I am interested in time travel series. I also keep a list of Scifi-series I like or find relevant – not ALL, though. http://krabat.menneske.dk/kkblog/2010/09/10/science-fiction-tv-series-ho-kay/
Thank you for your interest.
My list here are movies missing from your list. Unfortunately I did not keep details as to date and type of time travel method, so you will need to research. My other Time Travel list of TV series contains specific episode details which your list does not maintain. So you may not want my list, that would require changing your format and lots of work to maintain. Email me if you want that huge list.
012 Men in black III {should be (2013)
2001 tomorrow man {should be (Tomorrow man) Capital T
1960 young Jacobites {should be (Young Jacobites) Capital Y
1981 (1974) Back to the Planet of the Apes {drop (1974)
Duplicate movies appear in your list:
1999 | Bakha satang (aka. Peppermint Candy)
2000 | Bakha satang aka Peppermint Candy
2006 | Change of Life
2009 | Change of Life | 93 minutes
2000 | Escape to Grizzly Mountain
2004 | Escape to Grizzly Mountain
2010 | How Time Flies | minutes
2013 | How Time Flies |
1977 | Jubilee | 100 minutes
1978 | Jubilee | 100 min.
2011 | Memory lane | 70 minutes
2012 | Memory Lane | 70 min
2013 | Mr Peabody and Sherman |
2014 | Mr Peabody and Sherman
2001 | Pokémon 4Ever
2002 | Pokémon 4Ever
1914 | Rip Van Winkle minutes (dir. )
1914 | Rip Van Winkle minutes (dir. )
2006 | Southland Tales | 145/160 minutes
2007 | Southland Tales | 145/160 minutes
2011 | Thinking Speed | 137 minutes
2012 | Thinking Speed | 137 minutes
1979 | Unidentified Flying Oddball (A Spaceman in King Arthur’s Court)
1979 | the Spaceman and King Arthur | 93 minutes (dir. Russ Maybury)
1987 | Zerkalo dlya geroya (aka. Mirror for a Hero) | 139 minutes
1992 | Zerkalo dlya geroya (aka. Mirror for a Hero) | 139 minutes
List corrected, Tom. Thanks for your sharp eye.
The 1914 Rip van Winkle entries are actually not double. They are listed as different movies in imdb, with equally sparse information, though.