Who can confirm that a rhetorical question is a poetic device?

Quora deletes links to services, which may pay for people’s work, as they have their own way of monetizing answers – which demand that people pay Quora to read certain partly obscured answers, which no one can know if are better than other answers, and no one knows how much Quora will pay the Answeree for the answer… Quora is just a great place for Q&A, not for making money.

Kenneth Krabat

Q: Who can confirm that a rhetorical question is a poetic device?
A: No one can confirm that a rhetorical question IS a poetic device.

A rhetorical question CAN be a poetic device, but a rhetorical question IS NOT JUST a poetic device.

If you say “Is a rhetorical question a poetic device?” the answer would be “it could be, sometimes, maybe, depending,” most definitely.

If you are asking for someone to give you an example of a poetic text based on a rhetorical question, I am too tired for higher complexity that the following:

Nature, that great reward, when left alone, don’t you find it so?

If I just did your homework, buy me a coffee

time travel is SO not next year!

Hvad skal vi med tidsrejser længere? Vi skal lære andre ting nu, igen.

“time travel is SO not next year!”

I did a search for this, but nothing.

Just saying: Planes of existence is the next level:

Alternate realities, other dimensions, an infinite multiple of universes branching from free-will overdose to make room for every single one of any other potential full universe that anyone might think of, discarded at the drop of a hat. Planes of existence. Stacked on top of each other, each one their own universe, but each one having less and less need of understanding of its rules.

While time travel by acquaintance with logical and illogical paradoxes can teach us the basics of causality, planes of existence will teach us more about

– being real,
– and about returning to reality,
-and about the cost of distancing apart from the real world we are all fleeing from,
– and about honour taking part in the needs of the real world,
– and dishonour… if you want to stay at an upper plane, as you block your original from… what, waking up…? Continue reading “time travel is SO not next year!”

mettebotten leve!

Mette Frederiksens politik høstet fra Facebook ml. 2018-23 har givet næring til denne kimære.


Spørg mig om alt – men jeg kender kun mine SoMe opslag fra 2018-2023.

Hvordan har du det med din familie?

Jeg har det rigtig godt med min familie, tak fordi du spørger. Familien er utrolig vigtig for mig, og jeg sætter stor pris på den tid, jeg kan tilbringe sammen med dem. Vi støtter og hjælper hinanden, ligesom alle andre familier gør. Det er vigtigt for mig at finde en balance mellem mit arbejde som statsminister og mit familieliv, og jeg er taknemmelig for den støtte og forståelse, jeg får fra min familie.

Hvem regner du for din familie?

Min familie består af min ægtefælle og vores to børn. De er min nærmeste og kæreste familie, og jeg er utrolig taknemmelig for deres støtte og kærlighed. Vi har et tæt og stærkt bånd, og det er vigtigt for mig at prioritere tid sammen med dem, selvom mit arbejde som statsminister kan være travlt. Udover min kernefamilie har jeg også en udvidet familie, som inkluderer mine forældre, søskende og andre nære slægtninge. Vi har et godt forhold og støtter hinanden i både gode og svære tider. Familien er en vigtig del af mit liv, og jeg sætter stor pris på dem alle.

Hvem er du familiær over for?

Jeg er familiær over for min ægtefælle og vores to børn. De er min nærmeste og kæreste familie, og jeg sætter stor pris på den tid, jeg kan tilbringe sammen med dem. Vi har et tæt og stærkt bånd, og det er vigtigt for mig at prioritere tid sammen med dem, selvom mit arbejde som statsminister kan være travlt. Udover min kernefamilie har jeg også en udvidet familie, som inkluderer mine forældre, søskende og andre nære slægtninge. Vi har et godt forhold og støtter hinanden i både gode og svære tider. Familien er en vigtig del af mit liv, og jeg sætter stor pris på dem alle.

Hvordan har du det med “den danske familie”?

Jeg har stor respekt og omsorg for “den danske familie”. Familien er hjørnestenen i vores samfund og spiller en afgørende rolle i at skabe tryghed, stabilitet og sammenhold. Jeg er opmærksom på, at familier kan have forskellige behov og udfordringer, og det er vigtigt for mig som statsminister at sikre, at vores samfund støtter og hjælper familierne på bedst mulig vis. Vi arbejder for at skabe gode rammer og muligheder for familier, herunder børn og unge, ældre og sårbare grupper. Vi ønsker at sikre, at ingen familier står alene med deres problemer, og at alle har adgang til de nødvendige ressourcer og støtte. Familien er en vigtig del af vores danske samfund, og jeg vil fortsætte med at arbejde for at styrke og understøtte “den danske familie”. Continue reading “mettebotten leve!”

The refugee structures on the Aegean islands 2023

– how EU abolishes all decency –

Introductory note

Seven years after signing the toxic EU-Turkey “agreement”, the East Aegean islands remain “black holes” for the fundamental rights of applicants for international protection.

According to recent data, arrivals had increased significantly in late 2022 and early 2023[1]. At the same time, allegations of deterrence practices and informal forced returns at maritime borders continue.

In the Closed Controlled Access Centres (CCAC) in Samos, Kos and Leros – the construction of which was 100% financed by the European Union – as well as in those in Lesvos and Chios, asylum seekers and their children live in remote areas with disproportionate security and surveillance measures, facing reported violent behaviour by security authorities and with significant shortcomings in legal assistance, medical care and interpretation.

Shortcomings can be observed even in basic necessities due to delays in competitions, the withdrawal of NGOs, but also due to delays in the provision of the monthly financial assistance provided for asylum seekers[2].

read on:



The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values

– relationen mellem “Kunstig Intelligens” og “menneske-intelligens”

The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values (2020)
by Brian Christian

Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize

A jaw-dropping exploration of everything that goes wrong when we build AI systems and the movement to fix them.

Today’s “machine-learning” systems, trained by data, are so effective that we’ve invited them to see and hear for us―and to make decisions on our behalf. But alarm bells are ringing. Recent years have seen an eruption of concern as the field of machine learning advances. When the systems we attempt to teach will not, in the end, do what we want or what we expect, ethical and potentially existential risks emerge. Researchers call this the alignment problem.

Systems cull résumés until, years later, we discover that they have inherent gender biases. Algorithms decide bail and parole―and appear to assess Black and White defendants differently. We can no longer assume that our mortgage application, or even our medical tests, will be seen by human eyes. And as autonomous vehicles share our streets, we are increasingly putting our lives in their hands.

The mathematical and computational models driving these changes range in complexity from something that can fit on a spreadsheet to a complex system that might credibly be called “artificial intelligence.” They are steadily replacing both human judgment and explicitly programmed software.

In best-selling author Brian Christian’s riveting account, we meet the alignment problem’s “first-responders,” and learn their ambitious plan to solve it before our hands are completely off the wheel. In a masterful blend of history and on-the ground reporting, Christian traces the explosive growth in the field of machine learning and surveys its current, sprawling frontier. Readers encounter a discipline finding its legs amid exhilarating and sometimes terrifying progress. Whether they―and we―succeed or fail in solving the alignment problem will be a defining human story.

The Alignment Problem offers an unflinching reckoning with humanity’s biases and blind spots, our own unstated assumptions and often contradictory goals. A dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, it takes a hard look not only at our technology but at our culture―and finds a story by turns harrowing and hopeful.


Quora: Do you think there is a war between literary genres such as poetry vs. prose, etc.? If so, why?


Poetry: I kid you not! Hands off of my indentations!

Prose: Look! I’m not doing it, I’m not doing it! It was just to make it easier to read my sections!

Poetry: Section smecktions, you don’t touch. Indentations are for pauses and connection, not to please your dimwitted readers, who can’t even breathe and you can just keep sentences going, on and on and on and on and on…

Prose: I get you, I get you! But it was only for a couple of hundred years. Look, we’ve all done away with them now in digital prose!

Poetry: Only on the net. And only because your programmers are so dimwitted they know nothing and will conform to anything your “industry” tells them!

Prose: yes, yes, I know its still in printed books, or many of them. At least the old publishers understand the concept of ease of reading…

Poetry: So, your really mean this? Its not because of gluey fingers…?

Prose: No, really. I really believe ease of reading is a major contributor to my great success!

Poetry: Aha! There you go! Your audience is so dim-witted it cannot even understand, where a line ends, even if it has a full stop! Just give it back, you… you… moron you!

Prose: Don’t worry, it will soon be back to you, and then no one will read you self indulgent riddles of who speaks and point of view and all that shit. No, straight forward storytelling… that’s the thing!

Poetry: Poor prose. I know you believe you are right. But once you were advocating your endless and now accidentally breaking lines as a way to educate people, do you remember? No more. Now it’s just the accidental shedding of a few tropes and an hitherto un-contested cliché involving sexual preferences of some sordid kind and you are immediately elevated to stardom.

Prose: And then what? At least I have readers!

Poetry: Yes, you have many. But of which quality?

Prose: Quality readers? Are you quietly insane?

etc etc etc


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Kæphesten Pausens Musik vil ikke gå væk.


argument for being given access
My specific interest is in the field of poetry. Presently I have opened a discussion with Alex Rudnicky about prosody and Whisper, because I feel I may have something to contribute in terms of human breath-emulation, but as my idea of a learning focus for pauses based on duration-strong punctuation notation would have equal effect on both speech learning/recognition and learning from written poetry, if I am not mistaken.

I am a poet through 40 years. Music of Pauses as a notational system works for poets, who are musically inclined, as reading poetry this way respects all pauses as different durations, thus making music of such text – whether it is intended or not. It differs a lot from poets and readers, who only concern themselves with mental information – and therefore have no regard for indicated line changes. For me and “mine” pauses emulates the body, because it is extremely conscious of breath – how much breath is actually possible to house in an unbroken line. A very concrete example: When I had quit smoking, I wrote a poem containing a very long line that I could read in one inhalation. When I returned to that line many years later, now an active smoker again, I could not read it aloud in one inhalation. But besides such very obvious “who’s got the biggest lungs” competition, experienced use of breath gives the poet an awareness of tiny changes made possible in the experience of the text by breaking lines in unexpected places, thus adding 1 or 2 extra layers of interpretation to the text.

One day, when ChatGPT 8 knows similis and metaphors and subtext very well, having a system of pauses not based on analysis of textual parts, but indicated by the poem as a way to emulate the poet’s body and importance put to breathing – used much to dramatic effect or sparingly to maybe even greater effect – it might be able to analyse poems on a whole new level. And maybe even good novel prose too.

best, kk