aflæsning af ansigtet – mund-bevægelser som prikker eller streger, plus en række specialkommandoer som ENTER, CMD, CTRL (manden har en Mac) og meget andet, der involverer øjenbryn, blink og anderøv.
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eDigtsamlinger og Sci-Fi-noveller rykker
Time Travel Radio is a music player that navigates through time. There are only two knobs: one controls power/volume, and the other sets the year. You fill it with songs from throughout your life, then use music to travel through time.
Source: TIME TRAVEL RADIO — Jamie Carreiro
What if it pulled music from the selected year from all over and played it randomly? Or a third button, where you dialled latitude?
– Science. Fiction. An opinion.
Serious topic: the lack of space to be. For some.
I have never before written a review of a movie I did not see. But in regards to this one I feel compelled.
Judging from the trailer the acting and the cinematography leaves something to be desired. The lighting is off, there is an abundance of close-ups of actors, who all seem wooden from lack of competence or bad directing, the script is too casually “normal” – all tell tale signs of a low budget, lack of professionalism on all levels, including the financiers.
None the less “No Turning Back” has won or been nominated for several awards – best picture, best director – which could be due to lower quality of other contestants. But. Continue reading “No Turning Back (2019)”