Quora: Do you think there is a war between literary genres such as poetry vs. prose, etc.? If so, why?


Poetry: I kid you not! Hands off of my indentations!

Prose: Look! I’m not doing it, I’m not doing it! It was just to make it easier to read my sections!

Poetry: Section smecktions, you don’t touch. Indentations are for pauses and connection, not to please your dimwitted readers, who can’t even breathe and you can just keep sentences going, on and on and on and on and on…

Prose: I get you, I get you! But it was only for a couple of hundred years. Look, we’ve all done away with them now in digital prose!

Poetry: Only on the net. And only because your programmers are so dimwitted they know nothing and will conform to anything your “industry” tells them!

Prose: yes, yes, I know its still in printed books, or many of them. At least the old publishers understand the concept of ease of reading…

Poetry: So, your really mean this? Its not because of gluey fingers…?

Prose: No, really. I really believe ease of reading is a major contributor to my great success!

Poetry: Aha! There you go! Your audience is so dim-witted it cannot even understand, where a line ends, even if it has a full stop! Just give it back, you… you… moron you!

Prose: Don’t worry, it will soon be back to you, and then no one will read you self indulgent riddles of who speaks and point of view and all that shit. No, straight forward storytelling… that’s the thing!

Poetry: Poor prose. I know you believe you are right. But once you were advocating your endless and now accidentally breaking lines as a way to educate people, do you remember? No more. Now it’s just the accidental shedding of a few tropes and an hitherto un-contested cliché involving sexual preferences of some sordid kind and you are immediately elevated to stardom.

Prose: And then what? At least I have readers!

Poetry: Yes, you have many. But of which quality?

Prose: Quality readers? Are you quietly insane?

etc etc etc


Journal of Poetry Therapy


Det gør ikke rigtig noget godt i maven på mig, at poesi/digtning betragtes af nogle som en terapiform. Jeg kan svært forestille mig andet end at det vil være poesi på linje med elevatormusik og optagelser af regnvejr og AUM.

En dag må jeg gå de ulåste artikler igennem. Men kommentarer inviteres forneden, hvis man allerede kender det.

Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjpt20

Quora Q/A: If somebody “largely agrees” with you, they’ve implied that your theory is at least 2 thirds correct. 2 thirds is equivalent to 66 percent correct. Do you agree or disagree?


= mostly
= in most parts
= more or less all parts
= almost all parts
= nearly everything
= all but very few things
= all but a few as yet unmentioned things of relevance to disagreement
= we are not really talking agreement here, but relevant disagreement as yet unresolved
= please understand that we have important things to talk about
= actually, screw blue, read my need
= I want red
= give me RED!




Source: https://www.quora.com/If-somebody-largely-agrees-with-you-theyve-implied-that-your-theory-is-at-least-2-thirds-correct-2-thirds-is-equivalent-to-66-percent-correct-Do-you-agree-or-disagree/answer/Kenneth-Krabat-1


Hemingway, objectively speaking…


“The closest thing I’ve found to a “formula” for good prose was laid out in an article titled “How Did Hemingway Write?” by Allen Josephs.

I would recommend that you read the entire article, but here is the gist of what he laid out as Hemingway’s methodology:

1. Invent from experience. Josephs argues, based on quotes from Hemingway, that all writing has an element of invention in it. He theorizes that writing from experience is essential, but even more so, the ability to combine that experience with imagination and invention to produce a “higher reality”, is what makes good prose.

2. Omit. Josephs describes this as the “iceberg theory”, or the “theory of omission”. He argues that what is depicted in the text should only be the tip of the iceberg, and that the rest of the iceberg, beneath the water, should only be known to the author. This forces the reader to actively engage and interpret the text, and he argues that this is the key to engaging the reader’s imagination, by leaving things out. Continue reading “Hemingway, objectively speaking…”



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SKATTEREGLER for bogbloggere:

I følge skatteminister Morten Bødskovs svar til Lars Løkke Rasmussens spørgsmål om betydningen af de “præciserede” beskatningsregler gældende for bogbloggere (2021), der tilsendes anmeldereksemplarer efter aftale, burde anmeldereksemplarer, der stemples “ANMELDEREKSEMPLAR” – på lige fod med  anmeldereksemplarer, der tilsendes anmeldere og bogbloggere uden forudgående aftale – frit kunne ansættes i værdi; om end denne værdi, f.eks. 0 (NUL) Kr., skal opgives til skattevæsenet.

Samt den her fra digter og jurist i skatteret Peter Dyreborg:

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Quora Q/A: Which platform is best to post my poems?


(Sure, its lockdown many place, but consider the physical world and personal contact still more, maybe even more, important now)

For me the most important platform is my voice. Continue reading “Quora Q/A: Which platform is best to post my poems?”