One Voice Less

A very very loong list of scifi and fantasy in development (2018).

(Almost) Every Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Comic Book Adaptation in the Works

For some, probably the dream of imaginings – for others, maybe part of the problem, but here is a 2018 list of  planned scifi and fantasy series and films dreamed of. And WHAT a list!

Sure, there’s a market and investors and actors and an industry needing the work – and many series and movies are becoming less sexist and open to identification on a human level, which is a relief – but it’s hard not to see this collective drive as one long Creative Scream for another world. A manageable world. With comprehensible endings and right beginnings. With coherent reality. With identifiable villains. With heroes of human strengths and weaknesses. Just something other than this mess of an Earth, which many are seeing at present.

Continue reading “One Voice Less”


The series which belongs to the genre of science fiction is described as “a gripping global tale of minds linked and souls hunted” which was conceived by the showrunners “after a late night conversation about the ways technology simultaneously unites and divides us”.

Hvis man forestiller sig, at alle mennesker har noget til fælles: Trangen til at være sammen. I små og store grupper, men sammen.

Og man som instruktør og manuskriptforfatter spørger, hvad der kan opveje en gruppeeksklusion fra normalsamfundet.

Og svaret så lyder: Det skal være noget, som er Continue reading “Sense8 – SUPER-FORFØRENDE” Velkommen til fremtiden

Fra nu af bærer vi ansvaret for kloden selv.

Poul-Henning Kamp, på

Hvis Alexander Graham Bell’s tidsmaskine havde virket så han sad og læste en avis i Central Park idag, ville han have meget svært ved at forstå hvad en telefon skal med en 64bits CPU.

Han ville formodentlig have endnu mere svært ved at forstå at vi mennesker ikke mere lever i en uforanderlig verden, men selv har påtaget os ansvaret for klimaet på jorden: Continue reading “ Velkommen til fremtiden”

The World Council of 12.12.21

– a body of advice

The World Council of 12.12.21*

On an internet page in a forum-like environment make a Claim of concern affecting everyone, as you see it. Then pin-point your cause for alarm with your choice of evidence, give advice as to a solution and have the rest of the world contest or support it.

thelistserve – here winning means sharing

What would you say, if you had the ears of 1 million people, and only one go?

What would be your message, if you had the ears of 1 million people?

Hook up to thelistserve and receive 1 mail every day from one person on the listserve mailing list chosen in a random lottery to be the one to share their life and meaning.

One day it could be you.

On the listserve website you can enter your email to participate, see the number of participants from your own country and all the rest of the countries in the world, as well as read about the project – but it’s really quite simple.

Let me share the message from yesterday’s winner: Continue reading “thelistserve – here winning means sharing”

Conflict is inevitable – war is not.

Peaceful People – the idea is obvious and simple. Peace means ending war. Conflict is inevitable – war is not.

Have a look at this Avaaz campaign begun today by author Erik Graff:

Stop future wars by peaceful intervention

Why peaceful intervention?:
Warfare as a means of removing violent and oppressive regimes has only resulted in further sufferings of the populations in question.
Therefore the UN member countries should commit themselves to support peaceful intervention in conflicts in all cases of severe violations of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Continue reading “Conflict is inevitable – war is not.”

Paul Otlet, 1930: Unhindered access to information as the foundation of peace.

Why care about the ebook reader, when the world can be changed from your living room?

Paul Otlet was a Belgian, *1868, died †1944, who perfected the Dewey Classification system as “the Universal Decimal Classification”, in his lifetime alone totalling 17 million index cards of human knowledge.


(The basic structure of the classification system, where every 10 parts are subdivided into ten and so forth, into eternity. It’s a actually an image of the capabilities of the human mind to distinguish between particles and thus make value out of everything.)

Seeing the complexity of human knowledge as an almost eternal subdivision of topics, he believed that accessibility to all knowledge for all contained it itself the road to peace for all of humankind. His own library, his “Mundaneum” reflected this vision.


(Part of the Mundaneum after years of neglect, as Paul Otlet was prevented access to it by small minded city officials, who cared little for his visions)

Most of his professional life he harbored the dream of a Universal City, a focus for “harmonious, pacifist and progressive civilization”, which he shared with an American sculptor, Hendrik Christian Andersen.


(Part of the enormous and beautiful sketch of the city of peace by Hendrik Christian Andersen)

When Andersen in the mid-30’s turned to the Italian dictator Mussolini for support to build the city, Otlet turned away in disgust, but soon found renewed support in the great architect Le Corbusier, who drew up plans and assisted him to until the very end.


Paul Otlet can be said to be among the chief architects behind the League of Nations (founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War), a unifying body of peace making among all nations, but even so his dreams of a permanent city of peace workers – politicians, intellectuals, scientist and artists working towards the abolition of war – was never recognized for real. And if it wasn’t enough that two world wars brought whole societies to their knees, and with them the real-world effects of his firm belief in pacifism; petty thinking in his own nation also destroyed his library and collections of art and science.

Even so his ideas of connecting all knowledge and making it accessible in images, audio and instant connections to anyone, anywhere, remained in the world. He described “the new book” as the combination of all existing singular medias.

His vision is basically the first 20th century version of the story of the difficult birth of the interconnectednes, which we today term “the Internet”.



(The Icon he drew for his Mundaneum)

”I repeat: My papers form a whole. Every part is related and together they compose one unique work, my archives ’Aeramundus Mundaneum’, a tool designed for world knowledge”. — Paul Otlet

A beautiful documentary, “The Man Who Wanted To Classify The World“, was created by Francoise Levie for release by Sofidoc Productions in 2002, following almost 1 year of opening and cataloguing the remains of his personal papers: 100 mice infested crates and boxes documenting every little thing in a life full of dreams, theory, planning, and action.


Paul Otlet threw nothing away. Even a torn up letter was saved in a separate envelope. But out of the boxes grew a full life, where almost no endeavour went awry:

He had found his voice and conviction in pacifism – springing from the innate need to classify and put in order everything, which mankind discovered, developed and thought – and this certainty carried him through out the whole of his life. Not a Ghandi, not a Martin Luther King working among his people, but an intellectual working from a dream so large that one would almost call it a pipe dream, if not for his total conviction: That peace among all nations was possible, if only there was a common focus on peace for all to see and believe in.


(The League of Nations, which Paul Otlet soon found to be squabbling hens)


Paul Otlet died in the winter of 1944, 8 months before the world war II was declared over.

His decimal classification system, the UDC, is still in use today. His major work on classification, ‘The Book of Books”, is still being read.


I believe his description of the organization of information is the second most important factor in any human’s awakening to consciousness, the other being the creative survival combo of curiosity and synthesis.

Choosing between data – that’s the whole point. If we don’t know when to let go of information, that counting for the species as a whole as well as the individual alone, we will succumb to undigested information. That is a given. The question I am asking myself, though, is this:

Are we giving our synthesis of information away to the search engines, and therefore now as a species becoming stressed from symbiosis with an information system, which doesn’t always work to our advantage, but presents itself as if it is always the best it can be?

Just a thought.

Read more about the documentary at True Films

Wikipedia German

Wikipedia English

Buy the documentary from Filmmakers Library for $295 (!!)

or much cheaper from Memento Productions for €25 😀

What we need to understand is that today, in the 21st century, we are all being sold a cheaper version of the New Book: the eBook reader is not the revalation of the new age. The computer is STILL the revalation – we’ve just gotten bored and want a new toy.

With our New Book we can change the world for the better. If we care.

Udmeldelse af Enhedslisten – hvem er mest idealist, naiv eller realist?

Jeg ér måske bare IKKE til politik.


Til Enhedslisten:

I spørger, hvorfor jeg melder mig ud.

En ikke ubetydelig portion skuffelse over jeres profil, som (ved fraværet af selvstændig aktivitet, frem for re-aktivitet) viser mig billedet af en flok rethaveriske idealister, der ikke egentlig forstår realiteterne (konsekvensen af magtspillet) – men kun egen indre-oplevelse af hvad der er rigtigt – og følgelig bliver kørt bag om dansen af den virkelige Magtelite. Det er et tarveligt billede, i ordets egentlige betydning, fordi jeg mener I har potentiale til så meget mere og større.

Nu, efter valget, viser I ikke KRAFTEN i jeres indignation og oplevelse af, hvad der er rigtigt, og på dén vis bliver I bare henvist til kulisserne, og det politiske opdragelsesarbejde, der foregår i Institutionen Christiansborg. Jeg har ikke lyst til at betale for at se det ske. Så hellere sætte jer fri fra mediernes forvanskninger til at arbejde BLANDT befolkningen og forsøge at få den til at vågne til det, der sker:

Sammenkøring af Gamle Magtinteresser – al fokus på opretholdelsen af eksisterende Magtstrukturer, dvs. virksomheder, minimalt miljømæssigt ansvar, fordummelse gennem forringelser i undervisning, bevidst adskillelse af befolkning i elite og resten, sygeliggørelse og økonomisk straf af svage og anderledestænkende og indskrænkning af normalbegrebet som underlag for udstødelse og fremmedgørelse af egne borgere – listen fortsætter og fortsætter og fortsætter.

I var et frisk pust, men jeg ser nu, at I arbejder det forkerte sted. JO, I behøver at KUNNE blive lyttet til, men det politiske meddelelesessystem med sine mediehunde spiser jer og afkræver jer bestemte retoriske modeller, som kvæler essensen af, hvad I har at byde på.

Poul Mahler Dam, en stor dansk forsker i astrologi… ja, astrologi – lavede i 50’erne denne anekdote om Fisken, det bevidste, erkendende voksne menneske med Tro og tillid til universets indretning: “Da gud sendte sine 12 børn ud i verden, var fisken den sidste. Og til fisken sagde han: Jeg vil give dig en gave, mit barn. Med dig skal du få al den viden, jeg besidder, men ikke evnen til at give den videre”. (Det må du selv lære dig).

Sådan har jeg det med Enhedslistens udtryk. Tilsammen forstår I, hvad “det handler om” – I TROR og har tillid til sammenhængene – men I har ikke lært, hvordan I giver det videre. Jeres ofre – “fordi jo nogen skal vise de Gamle Magtinteresser modstand” – skaber ved deres blottelse af forskellene på dem og jer kun større trøstesløshed i det politiske landskab. Og synliggør, at det parlamentariske demokrati er spist af større interesser og at den regulært repræsentative indflydelses vej er et afsluttet kapitel.

Nå, men jeg ved godt, at I taler til billedet på “den almindelige dansker”, der forventer en vis stabilitet i virkelighedsbilledet som præsenteret af medierne, og ikke forstår sin egen indre uro ift. det parlamentariske felt. Men nøjagtig dén magtdemonstration, vi I DAG instinktivt ved er bedst at afholde os fra at bruge på vores børn, er dén udvisning af magt, vi tvinges til at accepterere i politik og deraf kommer uroen:

Som menneskelige individer skabes vi af sprog. Vores virkelighed skabes af sprog. Inkonsistent retorik om samfundets “maskineri” TVINGER os:

  • ENTEN kommer vi til bevidsthed om et defekt system, der så kan arbejde for en ny måde at gå til verden på (ikke dårligt),
  • ELLER vi kommer frem til (ubevidst) at afvise Repræsentativt demokratisk politik som gyldigt redskab (hvilket er noget skidt, da det er ubevidst).
  • Den tredje mulighed er, at vi tvinges til erkendelse, og som følge héraf giver helt op. (Det er katastrofalt).

Og inkonsistent retorik er, at vore børn opdrages til samarbejdsvilje og -forståelse ved gentagne klare beskeder om ansvarsplacering, for så siden på det grundlag af respekt og ansvarlighed at skulle forlige sig med politiske udstødninger, forrædderi, løgne, bedrag, dobbeltmoral, inkompetent flyverskjul, magtmisbrug, fortielser og alt det andet, som kendetegner Magtpositioneringen i (dansk) politik.

Begge kan ikke være sande og udtrykke et HELT samfund (“det SAMME samfund) – i en forstand hvor et menneske, der skal forestille sig at være frit til at vælge den bedste behandling af sig selv og af andre mennesker, alt andet liv og Jorden som helhed, har andet end tilfældig betydning. Hvilket skaber et helt andet billede af nødvendigherne på den politiske arena: Vi er begyndt med børneopdragelsen, og har fastslået pointer om menneskelige værdier dér. Kan disse ikke føres igennem hele vejen til tops, har vi et dødt samfund!

Min pointe er: Hvis I accepterer det parlamentariske systems Magtpositionering, er I lige så købt af Magten som de andre på Christiansborg. I køber Den Gamle Model og vil inden længe fremstå lige så usande som de andre politikere ift. kravene til individets socialisering vs. Magtens behov. Og ikke være til gavn for danskerne. Og ikke for jer selv, som mennesker-blandt-mennesker; kun som individer-frem-for-andre-individer. Overlevelse, behag, beskyttelse. Mennesker-med-magt.

I har vundet indflydelse ved at spille helte i det nye Magtskuespil og ved at vise ungdom og indignation på rette tid og sted. Men I er ikke helte, ikke unge. Som i anekdoten ovenfor udtrykker I vished (som engang hed ‘indignation’) med en klar følelse af, hvilken adfærd der er den rette. I står for menneskeværdig moral og etik og “hvordan er man det bedste menneske”.Ja, det ér kedeligt at være den, der løfter fingeren, og ikke bare kan bade sig i omtale og akkalader, men så VÆR kedelige! Vær sande! VÆR tro mod “det ægte”. Inden I bliver lavet om af spillet om Magten og bliver til forudsigeligt Show.

Tænk Om!

Hvis jeg får et relevant svar på denne mail, trækker jeg min udmeldelse tilbage.

venlig hilsen
kenneth krabat

PS: Mine kapitaliseringer af Magt er ikke udtryk for en 16-årigs modstand mod autoritet, men en påpegelse af reel Magt, og dermed *anvendelsen* af Magt, som for nogle er et overgreb og for andre nødværge.

Before, there was an Internet; now it’s a “legitimate library”!

The book industry CAN win over the whole globe.


The English speaking Book industry centered in USA – “a coalition of the world’s largest book publishers including Cambridge University Press, Harper Collins, Elsevier and John Wiley & Sons” – has managed to shut down possibly the largest private book repository in the world with public access, containing among its 400.000 downloadable books enough copyright violation works to have a court judge warrent an order of closure.

The Publishers cheered. “It is a victory”, said  Stephen M. Smith, President and CEO of John Wiley & Sons. “This action reflects our commitment to protecting secure, safe, and legitimate use of the Internet”.

Legitimate use of the Internet! Are they crazy? Or plain stupid!?

Their BS-spin is cooking up pretense agendas – as if the internet was a road and it had been taken over by robbers stifling progress for all and the way forward was to rid the road of robbers.

It’s quite the reverse, actually! The Publishers acting on behalf of everyone become the robbers, wanting to hold back natural evolution, and the road connects everyone with everyone.

The Internet is the World, brothers and sisters. The Internet is the world speaking to itself, and the powers that be are doing their damndest to stop the World from developing.

The world is not just using the Internet,

the World is being shaped by the ability of people to communicate instantaneously, and it is happening fast.

Yes, you are afraid, and naturally so:

Everything is verging towards a massive change – what doom sayers need call “a collapse of the old ways”. The natural response of government and real power is to try and stall the progress, to give businesses time to adjust – have the economic structure invent itself to retain a high motivational factor in order to keep the wheels turning, even if there is not much hope. Then war will step in, or famine, or natural disasters, or TV, or plain threats of loss of more jobs, or food (food is not quite an issue yet in the western world), something will come about, which will be aided, orchestered in the desired direction by the Powers that be, towards a retention of stability – by shifting the world’s attention to easy, understandable, physical occurances, and away from abstract change in the freedom of expressing needs and opinions.

Yes, yes, yes, you are right. Lack of cohesion IS setting in. And the fault is in communication – in your blatant disregard for what communicative desire IS:

We all create with our minds. Creation in a human being is a communication process adjusting inner needs and talents to outer needs and limitations. Creation means acknowledging both needs and change. Creating more ways to hang on to power and earn more money IS creation in the sense of the word, you could say. All creatures resist death, in any way possible, by shedding all factors of existence that present themselves as burdens.

Same with big business. Big, old mono-businesses have no momentum to be inventive players like all small businesses rushing to accommodate change, and begin the process of dieing, which to some is a horrible thing, while to others just the balance ever so slowly shifting towards an inner collapse. And in that process  the old ones stand in the way of the creativity and devolopment of the rest.

Such refusal to roll over and die is very well, and even encouraging too. But when dinosaurs of the book industry refuse to change, refuse to invent technology and go first, refuse to accept other people doing it for them, and when they can have the power to turn the global network into a pet from their own fear, lazyness and lack of flexibility in a changing world, and when they present their refusal to neither die nor change by claiming moral superiority over the rest of the world, as in “our commitment to protecting secure, safe, and legitimate use of the Internet”, its time to


There are many ways to affect change. People could be guided, but nobody powerful wishes to guide them. People could be consoled, but nobody powerful possess neither sufficient heart nor responsibility or means of consolation. The empowerment is coming from below instead. Call it “a revolution”, if you will, but just remember: A revolution is not always a succes. A revolution, a turning of the cards, can lose by succeding. It can die in the instant the troops (i.e. people) start poring in. And become mainstream, and nobody sees or notices it. And all the industries will rush to exploit its present potential of momentum.

The right word in this regard is evolution. And that just happens, no matter what. It counts the factors of every action, every opinion, every occurrence, every shift in the equilibrium. But what is inside this is freedom to shape the future from your own needs and regard for necessities, quality and essence. Except you are bound by law.

The book industry, along with all the other copyright moguls, have the law on their side. The law of ownership keeping the world economy and industry stable. They CAN win over the whole globe on the pretext of protecting stability.

IF that happens, they themselves will wish that they had been able to pull out of their abject refusal to step down and let flexible initiative take over. The consequences of the refusal to die of all the old World right-owership coalitions are that monitoring and privacy violations will see a marked increase in stress related deaths. Lowered life expectancy in the western world, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the arab world. A brief new flood of physical mail as a way of retaining privacy. Then illegal subnets. Then back to status quo. There is NO way of stifling communication and creation that has tasted the freedom of access to a bigger world.  Only misery will follow from trying to stop individuals’ need for expansion into the minds of everyone else.

Ahead lies only total monitoring, or letting go. Demand for security converging with rising desire of privacy. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg, and flocks of anti-restriction memes will soon inhabit the space of “Free Will”, if nothing is done about this habit of trying to control the masses.

We are the masses. The Earth. The 99%.

Un-controling the masses has never been done, I think. Letting go of the leash, after the fact of control. Not in any age. So, history serves as no indicator of un-controlled masses, other in a very limited fashion – in times of war and civil disturbances.

The future in that regard is a blank slate, and the economy and thus personal empowement springing from capitalism demand it stay relatively blank for the masses. And the only way to that goal is through control. Control on a global scale makes the future predictable, for the select few to benefit from, and everyone else to fall in line behind. On a moral high ground to protect the world from itself…

Is this better than the freedom to fail?

Inspirative source:

Du ska ha briller, Jante!!

INGEN er KUN bange. Hverken ét menneske eller en kultur.


Janteloven er ét menneskes blik på et helt samfund, ét syn – som 2013 bliver 80 år i Aksel Sandemoses opfindelse – men selvom det i dag har fået en betydning, der rækker videre end fællesskabets udjævning af alle forskelle, så er det stadig kun ÉT syn. Og abonnement herpå er helt frivilligt.

Aksel Sandemose i 1950’erne.

“Janteloven” var oprindelig undfanget som satire, men er i dag anvendt om et helt folks handlemåder, om Danskernes folkesjæl, af såvel udlændinge som af folk selv – skønt enhver med lige så god ret kunne lægge alle mulige andre vinkler på de frygtsomme træk ved danerne, som Sandemose satiriserede over.

Gennem Forfatteren projicerede Mennesket Sandemose sin eget sårethed og sin egen trang til at være modig, ærlig og a-konform ud på os alle sammen – og vi var sårbare, vi havde tabt alle krige, alle vore landområder, verden var i krise, og som folk var vi  bevidsthedsmæsigt i vækst og qva vores længere og bredere uddannelse på vej et sted hen, vi ikke kunne overskue! Continue reading “Du ska ha briller, Jante!!”