thelistserve – here winning means sharing

What would you say, if you had the ears of 1 million people, and only one go?

What would be your message, if you had the ears of 1 million people?

Hook up to thelistserve and receive 1 mail every day from one person on the listserve mailing list chosen in a random lottery to be the one to share their life and meaning.

One day it could be you.

On the listserve website you can enter your email to participate, see the number of participants from your own country and all the rest of the countries in the world, as well as read about the project – but it’s really quite simple.

Let me share the message from yesterday’s winner: Continue reading “thelistserve – here winning means sharing”

Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

Paris, 20 October 2005

I.   Objectives and guiding principles

II.  Scope of application

III. Definitions

IV. Rights and obligations of Parties

V.  Relationship to other instruments

VI. Organs of the Convention

VII. Final clauses


The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Paris from 3 to 21 October 2005 at its 33rd session,

Affirming that cultural diversity is a defining characteristic of humanity,