One Voice Less

A very very loong list of scifi and fantasy in development (2018).

(Almost) Every Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Comic Book Adaptation in the Works

For some, probably the dream of imaginings – for others, maybe part of the problem, but here is a 2018 list of  planned scifi and fantasy series and films dreamed of. And WHAT a list!

Sure, there’s a market and investors and actors and an industry needing the work – and many series and movies are becoming less sexist and open to identification on a human level, which is a relief – but it’s hard not to see this collective drive as one long Creative Scream for another world. A manageable world. With comprehensible endings and right beginnings. With coherent reality. With identifiable villains. With heroes of human strengths and weaknesses. Just something other than this mess of an Earth, which many are seeing at present.

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Slut på et samlet EU?

Den hollandske forfatter David VAN REYBROUCK fremlægger en statsmodel, der giver tilfældigt udvalgte borgere ansvar for anbefalinger inden for EU på tværs af parti- og-alle-mulige-andre-skel

I et åbent brev til præsidenten for Europakommissionen, Jean-Clause Juncker, foreslår den hollandske forfatter David VAN REYBROUCK en anden vej til fælles Europa end den gamle model med at lade folk stemme hvert 4-5 år. han mener, at vi kun har indtil Brexit at vågne op, fordi vi risikerer at den europæiske venstredrejning – der giver stemme til en gammel, indestængt vrede forårsaget af flertalsdiktur [også kaldet demokratur] – forårsager en splittelse af Europa.

Artiklen er skrevet lige efter valget af Donald Trump til præsident for USA, og der er derfor måske kun 10 måneder tilbage til at handle i.

global parliament

the global parliament, or Earth Forum, is an idea I have entertained for a few years. In 2012 I called it World Council, (tumblr) (1000stemmer), which in brief was an idea to centralise a fact-gathering of global worries as topics for locals, professionals and other interested to comment on.

I realise I am not the only one speculating in the direction of a community driven council to the people of Earth, but with recent and sudden changes in global stressors I was inspired to finalise a framework comparable to community service.

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The World Council of 12.12.21

– a body of advice

The World Council of 12.12.21*

On an internet page in a forum-like environment make a Claim of concern affecting everyone, as you see it. Then pin-point your cause for alarm with your choice of evidence, give advice as to a solution and have the rest of the world contest or support it.