One Voice Less

A very very loong list of scifi and fantasy in development (2018).

(Almost) Every Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Comic Book Adaptation in the Works

For some, probably the dream of imaginings – for others, maybe part of the problem, but here is a 2018 list of  planned scifi and fantasy series and films dreamed of. And WHAT a list!

Sure, there’s a market and investors and actors and an industry needing the work – and many series and movies are becoming less sexist and open to identification on a human level, which is a relief – but it’s hard not to see this collective drive as one long Creative Scream for another world. A manageable world. With comprehensible endings and right beginnings. With coherent reality. With identifiable villains. With heroes of human strengths and weaknesses. Just something other than this mess of an Earth, which many are seeing at present.

Reading all of the – yes – phantastic synopsises makes me pine for something else, too. Something beyond the escape of controllable reality.

It makes me feel like quitting writing, myself. What’s the use? Allegorical stories of desperation and resolution amount to nothing. Stories of personal empowerment in a predominantly American religiously, sexually repressed society with a focus on personal wealth, the right to kill, “getting there first” etc. Headache pills for me, for readers, to take attention away from the real pain: That life is becoming less manageable for the species. That maybe we are losing the game of civilisation – like the fabled lemmings going uncontrollable towards the edge of the petri dish that is the edge of Earth sustainability.

Dilemma: Not following news, literature, cinema, podcasts, theatre, ballet, sculpture, pictorial art, performance artists, global watch, refugees, poverty… is one less voice added to the collective of voices that realise each others’ existence. One Voice Less is a smaller Earth and one more hand to the military-industrial complex, un-controlled capitalism, un-leashed research and pollution of earth and water and air.

How be at ease, knowing the forces that move?
How be at peace, not knowing?

I know no other solution than to focus on what *I* can most easily understand: My own culture, the pitfalls of my own language and norms, the possible convergences of global destiny as contributed to from the sweet spot of “home”. While avoiding all cultural offerings NOT aiding a global solution. NO MORE avenging lone wolfs. NO MORE gun love. NO MORE violence is the answer. NO MORE single country representing the whole world.

EVERYTHING happens to all. There is ALWAYS another take on things – even if it outside of the frame of the story and the camera. Because of people and curiosity.

But fuck, just saying this makes me tired.

Author: krabat

digter, forlægger, oversætter, admin på kunstnerhotellet

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