thelistserve – here winning means sharing

What would you say, if you had the ears of 1 million people, and only one go?

What would be your message, if you had the ears of 1 million people?

Hook up to thelistserve and receive 1 mail every day from one person on the listserve mailing list chosen in a random lottery to be the one to share their life and meaning.

One day it could be you.

On the listserve website you can enter your email to participate, see the number of participants from your own country and all the rest of the countries in the world, as well as read about the project – but it’s really quite simple.

Let me share the message from yesterday’s winner:

“When I was 18, my mother discovered that my stepfather had installed a small pinhole camera in my bathroom.

He was given several misdemeanors but I did *not* press charges despite the overwhelming pressure from everyone to do so. Actually, seven years later, I’m still in contact with him.

Very few people understand this decision. They think I should have sued him for all he’s worth and destroyed his life. “Why do you still talk to that pervert?” they ask.

My answer is this: Because I understand what hate will do if I grab hold of it. It will lodge itself in every corner of my mind and soul and I will go through life believing I’m a victim and that things are happening TO me. I’ll focus on what I don’t have instead of what I do.

I must instead focus on the good and the love. My stepfather wasn’t abusive, verbally or physically, in any way and, in fact, he was a damn good stepfather most of the time.

We are who we are not based solely on who we decide to be in any given moment but what society, people around us, and our environment TEACH us to be. Don’t jump to conclusions about others. Rather, take the time and energy to understand why they do what they do and how they got to be who they are.

Look inward. Forgive yourself, forgive others, and put love out into the world.”

Your input is not shared in public beyond the email list (and personal quotes like the one above). And you control your own level of privacy, if you are selected to share.

The level of openness varies greatly – from happiness found in a new business venture to brief descriptions of life altering circumstances and lessons learned. Most are inspiring and heartfelt depictions of lives similar to your own.

Sign up at thelistserve. You can leave any day you want.


Author: krabat

digter, forlægger, oversætter, admin på kunstnerhotellet

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