the global parliament, or Earth Forum, is an idea I have entertained for a few years. In 2012 I called it World Council, (tumblr) (1000stemmer), which in brief was an idea to centralise a fact-gathering of global worries as topics for locals, professionals and other interested to comment on.
I realise I am not the only one speculating in the direction of a community driven council to the people of Earth, but with recent and sudden changes in global stressors I was inspired to finalise a framework comparable to community service.
Please comment. Our common home, Earth, is a common task.
Kind regards, kenneth krabat
the global parlieament
delegates from each country/nation/independant area meet online in public once every month to discus issues of global importance and the audience can grant extra speaking time.
global means ALL LIFE ON EARTH
parliament means TALK FORUM
Purpose: The global parliament meets once a month to discuss a maximum of 10 named issues of a global nature, global threats, advances, options, imminent dangers etc.
Delegates: The parliament is comprised of a number of online video/audio slots, two people for each country/nation/recognised-as-flag-bearing community on Earth, plus one runner-up standing by in case of absence. Nations not permitting participant entry can be represented by one ex-patriot – the other chair kept open for a future delegate from their home nation. A widely re-distributed list contains the present member bios and agendas as well as runners-up.
Term of service: ALL speakers are nationally and publicly elected for 3 months and 10 days at a time. Delegation is a community service based on interest, with the option to stay one extra term if 70% of their nation requires it, as viewed by monthly voting via telephone message counted only once and all counts instantly public.
Frequency of meetings: Online meet time is at 6 PM the first thursday beginning at GMT+0, meet time jumping +3 time zones every month
Address time: Each nation chooses which of their two speakers talk on which issue, and each nation has a total of 2 minutes of speaking time, unless global majority says otherwise.
Topics addressed: Delegates can choose beforehand on which topic to give their time. Or they can get in line during the debate. One delegate is randomly chosen to open each topic and is given 2 minutes extra for this. This address time cannot be extended.
Public eye: A meet is streamed with only the present speaker visible/audible. Bandwidth measure decides on live-video or video plus delegate’s image and audio. Speaking time begins at the end of the present speaker, and can be waived and conserved prior to beginning.
Public interaction: Audience logs on to the broadcast meeting. On-screen is a country indicator, a button marked CONTINUE and a count-down clock set at -2:00 minutes. The speaker may speak un-interrupted past hir total 2 minutes, if permitted by 63% of viewers/ listeners pushing the CONTINUE button at the 30 seconds mark and every consecutive 60 seconds, accounting for local lag. If no majority extension of address time, speaking right passes to the next in line at the count of 2 minutes.
Agendas: An agenda is comprised of 10 items or less, the content of which are majority-chosen by the parliament at the latest 3 days prior to the meet, and the order of topics on that day randomly chosen
Pauses in broadcast: There is an announced 3 minutes recess circa every 45 minutes, during which there is no comment from the screen.
Length of meeting: The total 10 issues can thus last a total of [All countries x ca. 2.5 minutes + extra time awarded by the audience + 4 min pause/hr + 10 x 2 minutes for topic starters]
Replay: Meetings will be archived. When technology permits, instant replay of previous speaker will be possible
End of meet: Whether or not all participants have used their allotted time a meet lasts until no one has applied for speaking time for 10 minutes. Speaking time is not conferred to the following meet
Language: Language is English. Instant vocal translation will be employed the second it is technically possible. Until then all non-native English countries will enjoy 20 seconds longer than native English countries.
25th of January, 2017, Denmark