Rationality – From AI to Zombies by Eliezer Yudkowsky

Rationality From AI to Zombies
by Eliezer Yudkowsky

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Contents Continue reading “Rationality – From AI to Zombies by Eliezer Yudkowsky”

Leve af eller dø for kunsten?

To spørgsmål, der skiller vandene: Genkendelighed eller unika? Blive i sikkerhed eller risikere liv, kærlighed eller omdømme for min kunst?


“Kan det interessere nogen?” kan ikke være grænse- og unikakunstens spørgsmål, men kun tilhøre kunsthåndværket. At interessere modtagere, som hellere ønsker noget kendt end noget udfordrende, fordrer at udøveren nedtoner egne behov for at presse grænser på materialevalgs- og indholdssiden og kun anvender  Continue reading “Leve af eller dø for kunsten?”

Why Are We Here On This Planet?

A question that begs answering.

Everything to humans is language.

WHY – the ability to distinguish and care about future outcome, ie. weigh memories and desires, is one mark of a highly functional survival instinct

ARE – the re-affirmation of the concept of historical plurality implies both trust in the pattern of plurality as stable system AND conscious will for it to remain so.

WE – relating to your own species in terms of self including plurality marks you as a sensitive and caring individual capable of existing as individual in a community

HERE – the spacial destinction, whether it springs from accurate astronomy or not, implies a great sense of identity, ie. Me vs. Not-Me, which by way of physical identification contains the unconditionality of existential loneliness that has often been described as a Human Driving Force towards mergence into safe communality

ON – a subset of “here”, but by implication the demonstration of astronomical awareness, and as such an underlining of trust in the existance of the human form and its difference from everything not human

THIS – another subset of “here”, but easily the essence of the totality of the question, showing the capacity for projected thought that shines the light on what is and the functionality of what is, which marks the clear distinction between simple survival AND creating life

PLANET – a word simultaneously describing the concept of “rock existing in nothingness, preferably with the ability to sustain life, preferably human life, but not necessarily”, AND the mental understanding of the totality of the human habitat with all of its complexity and challanges. Used in this context it also implies an uncertainty of “home”, ie. “possibly we can do so much better for our selves that Earth as “home” for all humans becomes a natural thing”.

And all put together it forms an image of self aware existance capable of projecting itself to a future of better conditions for all members of its species. Emphatically speaking this projection is its own fuel, and the simple frasing of the question nothing but the hose that goes into the tank: Don’t expect the question answered by anyone but yourself, but always keep it warm and in the spotlight.


The series which belongs to the genre of science fiction is described as “a gripping global tale of minds linked and souls hunted” which was conceived by the showrunners “after a late night conversation about the ways technology simultaneously unites and divides us”.

Hvis man forestiller sig, at alle mennesker har noget til fælles: Trangen til at være sammen. I små og store grupper, men sammen.

Og man som instruktør og manuskriptforfatter spørger, hvad der kan opveje en gruppeeksklusion fra normalsamfundet.

Og svaret så lyder: Det skal være noget, som er Continue reading “Sense8 – SUPER-FORFØRENDE”

ODD – sygeliggørelse af naturlig opposition mod overgreb!

Non-konformitet og fritænkning som mental lidelse!

Ifølge NordAmerikanske psykiateres nyeste udgave af DSM-IV (den Diagnostiske og Statistiske Manual for Mentale Forstyrrelser, som psykiatere og medicinalindustrien efterlever som standard) er non-konformitet og fritænkning en mental lidelse! Continue reading “ODD – sygeliggørelse af naturlig opposition mod overgreb!”

Ny forskning: Læs en god bog og bliv et bedre menneske

Theory of Mind er bla. afgørende for de følelser af empati, der hjælper med at binde os sammen i store grupper.

ToM er bla. afgørende for at vi kan navigere i de komplekse sociale sammenhænge, vi lever i og for de følelser af empati, der hjælper med at binde os sammen i store grupper. via Ny forskning: Læs en god bog og bliv et bedre menneske | Videnskab.dk.
