Quora Q/A: If somebody “largely agrees” with you, they’ve implied that your theory is at least 2 thirds correct. 2 thirds is equivalent to 66 percent correct. Do you agree or disagree?


= mostly
= in most parts
= more or less all parts
= almost all parts
= nearly everything
= all but very few things
= all but a few as yet unmentioned things of relevance to disagreement
= we are not really talking agreement here, but relevant disagreement as yet unresolved
= please understand that we have important things to talk about
= actually, screw blue, read my need
= I want red
= give me RED!




Source: https://www.quora.com/If-somebody-largely-agrees-with-you-theyve-implied-that-your-theory-is-at-least-2-thirds-correct-2-thirds-is-equivalent-to-66-percent-correct-Do-you-agree-or-disagree/answer/Kenneth-Krabat-1


Hemingway, objectively speaking…


“The closest thing I’ve found to a “formula” for good prose was laid out in an article titled “How Did Hemingway Write?” by Allen Josephs.

I would recommend that you read the entire article, but here is the gist of what he laid out as Hemingway’s methodology:

1. Invent from experience. Josephs argues, based on quotes from Hemingway, that all writing has an element of invention in it. He theorizes that writing from experience is essential, but even more so, the ability to combine that experience with imagination and invention to produce a “higher reality”, is what makes good prose.

2. Omit. Josephs describes this as the “iceberg theory”, or the “theory of omission”. He argues that what is depicted in the text should only be the tip of the iceberg, and that the rest of the iceberg, beneath the water, should only be known to the author. This forces the reader to actively engage and interpret the text, and he argues that this is the key to engaging the reader’s imagination, by leaving things out. Continue reading “Hemingway, objectively speaking…”

Quora: How do I make a spoken word album?

By “album” I assume you mean “collection” of spoken word texts.

Making a collection can either be by planned theme – divide the theme into sub-categories, sort these into an order, and write poems about each one – or you can sort all your already written texts/poems into an order that makes sense to you. Continue reading “Quora: How do I make a spoken word album?”

Quora Q/A: As a Christian, should we be watching superhero movies?

… if you really want to be “more” than most, you can learn one of the very rare languages of the world, while working on your ability to comprehend the complexities of survival in an endless-growth oriented world.

Source: (42) Kenneth Krabat’s answer to As a Christian, should we be watching superhero movies? – Quora

Quora Q/A: Is Amanda Gorman the best poet the USA has?

– or does it matter?

Source: https://www.quora.com/Is-Amanda-Gorman-the-best-poet-the-USA-has/answer/Kenneth-Krabat-1

Look here, telling a story in 2017

TED talk | Using your voice is a political choice (Here she comes off as a bit too rehearsed)

Continue reading “Quora Q/A: Is Amanda Gorman the best poet the USA has?”

Quora Q/A: Are plays a lower art form than novels and poems? 

– or “is life art?”

Source: https://www.quora.com/Are-plays-a-lower-art-form-than-novels-and-poems/answer/Kenneth-Krabat-1

High and low art… What nonsense.

Art is art. But there are levels of competence and dedication embedded in every piece of art. And there can be references embedded, as well, only visible to the experienced or patient senses.

How capitalism treats works of art is another matter. It seems that elitism as sales arguments has run amok. And that in itself will rid the masses of understanding of nuances in interaction with art, and may also have a copy-effect on artists – that they will self-censor in order to live up to buyers’ expectations. Continue reading “Quora Q/A: Are plays a lower art form than novels and poems? “

Quora Q/A: Engelsk i dansk

– uskik eller farverigt?

I virksomhedssammenhænge kan det give god mening at bruge en udenlandsk leverandør eller markedsleders (ofte) egen-skabte ord og vendinger, hvis man har retten til at videresælge deres produkt eller markedsføre deres system; konsistens på tværs af grænserne gør kommunikationen med både kunder og leverandører/ rettighedshavere /opfindere nemmere.

Problemerne – for “sprogrensere”/kultur- og sprogforsvarere som mig – opstår først, når denne ensartethed smitter til daglig tale. Jeg bryder mig ganske enkelt ikke om sproglig dovenskab. Continue reading “Quora Q/A: Engelsk i dansk”

Quora Q/A: Which platform is best to post my poems?


(Sure, its lockdown many place, but consider the physical world and personal contact still more, maybe even more, important now)

For me the most important platform is my voice. Continue reading “Quora Q/A: Which platform is best to post my poems?”

Quora Q/A: Var det svært at gå fra papir til computer-keyboard og skærm?

paper and pen/pencil/ball pen/ink/chalk/burned matches/coffee/blood – notebooks, notepads, free postcards residing in my jacket inner pocket, post-its, newspaper margins, “ANY piece of paper, please!” or “anyone got a PEN!?”

typewriter, manual – manual press, which took some INSISTING – there was one in particular, a Groma, which only wrote “gold” (still have it, afraid of using it, for fear of jinxing it…), and manual use of correction paper or fluid “paperwhite” to “delete” errors.

Svaret på engelsk: As an author, if you started writing on paper, was the transition to computer keyboard and screen difficult? – Quora

Quora Q/A: Are the belief, faith, and believe the same?

– No, not even close

No, they are not. But you are missing some:

faith, belief, conviction, trust, confidence, hope.

Continue reading “Quora Q/A: Are the belief, faith, and believe the same?”