The World Council of 12.12.21

– a body of advice

The World Council of 12.12.21*

On an internet page in a forum-like environment make a Claim of concern affecting everyone, as you see it. Then pin-point your cause for alarm with your choice of evidence, give advice as to a solution and have the rest of the world contest or support it.

merry hearty x-mas




Personalize your cut-out and braid X-mas hearts with a message of your own. Generator page is in Danish, but give it at try anyway; it’s straight forward.

Start easy with one letter on one side and none on the other. Some letters become like barbs, which make the heart hard to braid… 🙂

. and : creates a one-character space and line shift, respectively

Grey area in the template indicates cut-out. Full lines indicate where to cut. Fold between the dottet lines, so the full lines are folded inwards. The two parts of the heart are placed with the two x’s on top of each other, with the circled x not visible inside the heart. (It is important to begin in the right way, due to the holes in the letters “A”, “B”, “D” etc.).

Remember: Have fun.

PS: You need a browser with SVG capabilities to see the final design.

Don’t let them do the watching for you. [Fwd: They want to ██████ the Internet]

(those were the good ole’ days)

Since my ISP will not let me protect my email friends by sending this BBC, I will make it public here:

Kære gode menneske på nettet,

Dear good person on the net,

In two days international powers convene to try and put a central control mechanism on the Internet.

Limitations of both access and bandwidth today constitute punishment. “Three strikes and you’re out” and the Syrian national internet turned off are nasty examples of this kind of control. But exclusion tactics, isolation and repression of possible-media-shared are just the beginning of what Internet control is about.

Basically putting surveillance on everyone means mistrusting human communication – a belief that human communication is detrimental to human survival. Is that plain stupid, an expression of power hunger, or just a very, very fearful way of looking at the world?

Imagine the worst kind of surveillance you can, and you will have people out there negotiating to make it happen. The strive to control the Internet and your doings on the net is very real.

IF we want a world, where understanding of human differences and similarities is passed on to our children, we need a globally connected world, where openness and responsibility is the first order – and not fear of isolation, censorship or incarceration for speaking our mind.

Global communication DOES come with a price – the demand that each and every one of us stay critical of our joint communication. But if I or you do nothing about the plans to control global communication, in effect we prevent everyone prsent and future from learning about everyone. Learning how to become a global person will stop being an exploration and a thing of freedom and joy. And become a thing of fear.

Please sign this avaaz petition and pass on the email below or all of it. Doing so is part of assuming the responsibility of global communication that these power-brokers say we cannot handle ourselves.

kærlig hilsen,


Start på videresendt besked:

Fra: “Pascal V –” <>

Dato: 10. dec 2012 17.55.10 CET

Til: “krabat” <krabat>

Emne: They want to ██████ the Internet

Dear Avaazers,    Authoritarian regimes are pushing for governmental control over the internet in a binding global treaty. If they succeed, the internet could become less open, more costly and much slower. We’ve stopped threats like this before, and we can again — but only with a massive global outcry. Sign the petition and share with everyone you know:

Right now at a UN meeting in Dubai, authoritarian regimes are pushing for full governmental control of the Internet in a binding global treaty — if they succeed, the internet could become less open, more costly and much slower. We have only 2 days to stop them. The Internet has been an amazing example of people power — allowing us to connect, speak out and pressure leaders like never before. That’s largely because it’s been governed to date by users and non-profits and not governments. But now countries like Russia, China and United Arab Emirates are trying to rewrite a major telecom treaty called the ITR to bring the Internet under its control — the web would then be shaped by government interests and not by us, the users. Tim Berners Lee, one of the “fathers of the Internet,” has warned that this could increase censorship online and invade our privacy. But if we object with a massive people-powered petition, we can strengthen the hand of countries fighting this power grab. We have stopped attacks like this before and can do it again before the treaty text is locked this week. A wave of opposition to a new ITR is already building — sign the petition to tell governments hands off our Internet! and then forward this email to everyone you know — when we hit 1 million signers, it’ll be delivered straight to the delegates at this cozy meeting:  The meeting to update the ITR (International Telecommunication Regulations) is being convened by a UN body called the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Normally, it wouldn’t merit much attention, but Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and others are trying to use the meeting to increase government control of the Internet through proposals that would allow for access to be cut off more easily, threaten privacy, legitimize monitoring and traffic-blocking, and introduce new fees to access content online. At the moment, our Internet has no central regulatory body, but various non-profit organisations work together to manage different technological, commercial and political interests to allow the Internet to run. The current model is certainly not without its flaws. US dominance and corporate influence highlight the need for reform, but changes should not be dictated from an opaque governments-only treaty body. They should emerge from an open and transparent, people-powered process — putting the interests of us users in the center. The ITU does extremely important work — expanding affordable access for poor countries and securing networks — but it’s not the right place to make changes to how the Internet operates. Let’s ensure that our Internet stays free and governed by the public and show the ITU and the world that we won’t stay silent in the face of this Internet attack. Click below to sign and then share this email widely:  Avaaz members have come together before to save the free web — and won. More than 3 million of us demanded the US kill a bill that would have given the government the right to shut down any website, helping push the White House to drop its support. In the EU, the European Parliament responded after 2.8 million of us called on them to drop ACTA, another threat to the free net. Together, now we can do it again.  With hope,  Pascal, Ian, Paul, Luca, Caroline, Ricken, Kya and the rest of the Avaaz team  SOURCES Cerf and Berners Lee Criticize ITU Conference (IT Pro Portal): ITU and Google face off at Dubai conference over future of the internet (Guardian): Keep the Internet Open (New York Times): Proposal for global regulation of web (Financial Times): Who controls the Internet? (Guardian): Support the Avaaz Community!We’re entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way. is a 17-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decision-making. (“Avaaz” means “voice” or “song” in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 19 countries on 6 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz’s biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US)

The World’s Most Efficient Public Library

The smorgasbord is a reality. Now we need to pay the staff and food suppliers.


If free and open access to all of human knowledge at the push of a button truly prevents our society’s beloved artists, authors, thinkers, and other creative people from putting food on their tables, then maybe it’s time to rethink how to put food on their tables

via The Pirate Bay Is The World’s Most Efficient Public Library – Falkvinge on Infopolicy.

Please acknowledge that TPB represents an idea, which TPB is neither alone in actualizing nor the first to implement into Human Culture. Besides the numerous other torrent sites all over the world, NewsGroups, FTP sharing, deaddrops, DVDs and not to mention people populating torrent sites or equally sharing and caring about culture both popular and not so well known from hand to hand, stating that sharing forms the basis of human evolution is not a stretch of fact.

That sharing has become digitally efficient is not a bad thing – the question is, who should control efficient sharing? And how are content creators kept fairly in the loop?


LYD: Sang om forbi

For fire stemmer.


Jo, én af de 4 stemmer synger ude af harmoni. Den er tonet ned, men den er der. Det er ikke en fejl.

Til gengæld var det en fejl at synge “fordi”, men jeg beholdt den, fordi en fastholdelse af titlen dermed kunne uddybe hele teksten.


Dette er en sang om fordi

bladene blev ikke hængende

der var sgu nok ikke mere at sie


jeg ville værne om

det sande det underlige

men der var sgu nok bare ikke

mere at sie

Optaget, indtalt tekst [link]
Og se under “KRABATEN” i menuen

Fri Vilje vs. at Prutte

Mine prutter er de bedste!

Man kan sandsynliggøre bestemt adfærd i et menneske, men så også KUN sandsynliggøre, at f.eks. jeg formodentlig ikke vil lukke tarmgas ud hos dronningen, fordi jeg finder det socialt akavet, (men om det sker, kan ikke udelukkes 100%) – mens det er sandsynligt at jeg i mit eget hjem ikke vil have nær så mange hæmninger med at slippe en vind, når gassen står højt i endetarmen. Således ér jeg at lukke tarmgas ud i et givent øjeblik, eller jeg ér ikke (og de øjeblikke er der sjovt nok flest af). Et væld af forskellige faktorer, som ikke alle er i min kontrol, selvom jeg måtte ønske det, fører frem til dét der sker: En stinker eller ikke en stinker.
Man kan kun handle som dét, man i et givent øjeblik ér. Det er ikke forudbestemt, at man ville lukke stinkende gas ud i dette øjeblik, men et eller andet øjeblik, JA, for mennesker prutter. Prutten var bare ikke til at undgå i dét sekund, man fes. Fokuserer man KUN på pruttesekundet og ikke på øjeblikket før eller efter, er det muligt at argumentere, at alle spor i livet mødtes i dette sekund, konvergerede. Men reelt at forklare en prut med, hvad der er gået forud, vil være en rationalisering af udvalgte fortidige faktorer, ikke en beskrivelse af et forudbestemt forløb. At inddrage valgte faktorer som uafviselig årsag til, at nogen pruttede, er at scenografere verden – at lave en version af verden, der passer til ens måde at se verden på eller forsøge at lægge hændelsesforløb i semi-videnskabelig statistisk spændetrøje.
En prut kunne hverken være undgået – ved som beskuer at opstille muligheder i fortiden (det man kalder at “græde over spildt mælk”) – eller ikke være undgået – ved som pruttende at påstå, at man ikke behøver udøve absolut kropskontrol i det offentlige rum med et argument om, at “alle jo ved”, at mennesker prutter, når vi ikke kan holde det tilbage længere. Men med observans på delkonsekvenser af at prutte – udstødelse af flokken, f.eks. – kan man føle sig tvunget til at lære stærkere kropskontrol for at undgå udstødelse i fremtiden, når kroppen vil prutte. Og vil selv blive generet af manglende kontrol, hvis man ikke kan holde gassen tilbage.
Om man prutter eller ej er noget man ér. Indtil man ikke ér det mere, hvis nogen sinde, før man er død. Det er derfor på samme tid noget man gør – en handling – og ikke noget man gør – et kortvarigt værensudtryk på lige fod med at tørre sved af panden. Det er både en frivillig handling og uden for kontrol I DET SEKUND, man prutter:

Man kan forsøge at holde det tilbage, fordi man ikke synes det er det rigtige sted at prutte. Hvis man har behov for og formår at forladet området med formålet at prutte, ér det så også en del af, hvem man er. Bliver man og prutter, af frygt for at blive bemærket som fraværende fra fællesskabet, er dét en del af, hvem man er. Holder man tarmgassen tilbage, til man får ondt i maven, er dét en del af, hvem man er. Og hvor man end prutter, er dét blandt meget andet hvad man i dét øjeblik ér – som holdning betragtet.
Prut, sagde tarmen og lugtede lidt, og snart igen var man en hel masse andet, der ikke lugtede, men som man heller ikke havde den store kontrol over. Et kort sekund, og så skiftede dét også. Og det næste. Og så fremdeles.
Ubehaget ved at holde stillelsen af behov tilbage fungerer som erindringshjælp til udformning af fremtidig adfærd, fremtidig væren. Hvad prutning angår er et problem måske, at mange mennesker ofte kan lide lugten af egen prut, og uanset risikoen for social forstødelse med en vis ydmyghed kan manifestere et lugtterritorium ved at lukke gas ud, som kan retfærdiggøres med “jeg kunne ikke holde den tilbage.”
Er dét primitivt? Hvilken væren er bedst i et civilsamfund, hvor folk foretrækker lugten af egen prut og sjældent lugten af de andres?

Reality is who you are.

Kenneth Krabat, Poet, Denmark.

KK Is working with a concept of consciousness also followed by Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, Ram Dass and a host of oriental philosophers:

Reality is both perceived and projected by the individual.

Reality is a plural consisting of all and everything an individual perceives as real.

Shared reality is an agreement.

The concept of consensus is therefore either one person’s reality or an agreement.

Fear vs. Angst

In today’s ListServe Claire wrote of dealing with fear in her life.

Lately I’ve been digging into some deeply rooted fears and thought patterns that were established long before I can remember. It’s been a terrifying, humbling, hilarious and enlightening process. I’d like to encourage you to notice your fears when they arise and spend some time thinking about what fears and fear mean to you. Do your fears inspire you, challenge you or leave you feeling stuck? Is fear something to be conquered, managed, ignored or befriended? How does fear impact your relationships, goals and health?