En reklamemand fortæller, hvordan man opfatter sin bog som et produkt og hvordan man ud fra denne opfattelse griber dét an at sælge den… (når den ér skrevet og trykt…)
1. Benefits vs description. The number one thing all advertising has to do is tell the customer why they should buy the product. In your case, a book…
2. Attention. Many copywriters use a model called AIDA to gauge the effectiveness of the ads they’re writing. If your ad ticks the AIDA boxes then chances are you’ll sell whatever it is you’re selling…
3. Interest. Having got some attention for your blog, your web site and your other promotional efforts, the key now is to pique your readers…
4. Desire. This where you create the want to buy…
5. Action. Tell ‘em what to do, and how to do it…
via Top 5 Copywriting Secrets To Selling Your Book | The Creative Penn.