The Copyright industry – set to rule the world

Control of immaterial objects ALSO confers power – and maybe more so!

excerpts: They are pushing for laws that introduce identifiability, even for historic records… This is data that used to be absolutely forbidden to store for privacy reasons. The copyright industry has managed to flip that from “forbidden” to “mandatory”.

They are pushing for laws that introduce liability on all levels. A family of four may be sued into oblivion by an industry cartel in a courtroom where presumption of innocence doesn’t exist (a civil proceeding)

They are pushing for laws that introduce wiretapping of entire populations – and suing for the right to do it before it becomes law. Also, they did it anyway without telling anybody.

They are pushing for laws that send people into exile, cutting off their ability to function in society, if they send the wrong things in sealed letters.

They are pushing for active censorship laws that we haven’t had in well over a century, using child pornography as a battering ram (in a way that directly causes more children to be abused, to boot).

They are pushing for laws that introduce traceability even for the pettiest crimes, which specifically includes sharing of culture (which shouldn’t be a crime in the first place). In some instances, such laws even give the copyright industry stronger rights to violate privacy than that country’s police force. (!!!)

With these concepts added together, they may finally – finally! – be able to squeeze out our freedom of speech and other fundamental rights, all in order to be able to sustain an unnecessary industry.

Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

Paris, 20 October 2005

I.   Objectives and guiding principles

II.  Scope of application

III. Definitions

IV. Rights and obligations of Parties

V.  Relationship to other instruments

VI. Organs of the Convention

VII. Final clauses


The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Paris from 3 to 21 October 2005 at its 33rd session,

Affirming that cultural diversity is a defining characteristic of humanity,


What’s wrång with ACTA-week

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a plurilateral international agreement, which wants to set a “gold standard” for the enforcement of intellectual property rights.


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ACTA and its Impact on Fundamental Rights

ACTA – Criminal Sanctions

ACTA – Innovation and Competition

ACTA and its Impact on the EU’s International Relations

ACTA and its Safeguards

EDRI – European Digital Rights