Dødens Oprindelse

og dermed livets

‎”Every creature alive on the earth today represents an unbroken line of life that stretches back to the first primitive organism to appear on this planet; and that is about three billion years. That really is immortality. For if that line of life had ever broken, how could we be here?”


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#roic [2012 updt.]

How a common cold can take you wonderful places

this is pretty much the last chance to tell the world not to use images on the net as springboards for links. Do not reverse-optimize image-connections. This is a message specifically recorded on this blog for the passing-by-future traveller with guts and a conscience, and a desire to affect big changes (even though they will never let you, but this will help): Now is your chance.

Continue reading “#roic [2012 updt.]”

Slut på et samlet EU?

Den hollandske forfatter David VAN REYBROUCK fremlægger en statsmodel, der giver tilfældigt udvalgte borgere ansvar for anbefalinger inden for EU på tværs af parti- og-alle-mulige-andre-skel

I et åbent brev til præsidenten for Europakommissionen, Jean-Clause Juncker, foreslår den hollandske forfatter David VAN REYBROUCK en anden vej til fælles Europa end den gamle model med at lade folk stemme hvert 4-5 år. han mener, at vi kun har indtil Brexit at vågne op, fordi vi risikerer at den europæiske venstredrejning – der giver stemme til en gammel, indestængt vrede forårsaget af flertalsdiktur [også kaldet demokratur] – forårsager en splittelse af Europa.

Artiklen er skrevet lige efter valget af Donald Trump til præsident for USA, og der er derfor måske kun 10 måneder tilbage til at handle i.


Rationality – From AI to Zombies by Eliezer Yudkowsky

Rationality From AI to Zombies
by Eliezer Yudkowsky

Buy for free or more!

Released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license
⃝cc BY-NC-SA 3.0

Contents Continue reading “Rationality – From AI to Zombies by Eliezer Yudkowsky”


Then it happened. I spent a lot of money. On a domain.

At least I think I did. It seems that dot film is reserved for people, who are part of a union of filmmakers and/or affiliated with a certain movie title.

I will argue, if it comes to that, that my time travel film list counts as a service to film lovers on both side of the fence, and as a service to all who take a specific interest in TT movies and TV series.

To this end I need help program the database:

  • I have a list of titles with separation markers, making it ready for import.
  • approx. 11 fields pr. post
  • dreaming of more fields (greater variety of search results)
  • A WP database?
  • timetravel.film is presently empty, but I will soon need to install a WP and import the list from its present location
  • I would like a line listing like the original, with movie posters and stills thrown in
  • window shade pop-down of posts containing an in-depth view of data not seen in the line-view, eg. a synopsis and screenshots
  • search results, based on keywords, with options similar to the line-view
  • easy expansion of database to accommodate more fields
  • easy administration of database
  • comments as window shade pop-down
  • stars given to different criteria of a movie

= data feels accessible as one layer, right there waiting for you; there is a lightness to search results, and time travel movies is one menu, while tt TV is another, but content can still be combined by choice

How can you help, if you are interested?



Outsider literature

Truth with a plural S

If I had an extra life, I would go deep undercover in the following list of books, essays and reviews that has come into my possession.

By Alice Bailey, 1922

These texts are – with the possible exception of some very curious titles – for people, who see deception and dis-loyalty to all perpetrated by “people or beings of power” as a normal way of the world. And written by people not tacitly accepting consensual science and systematic thinking requiring real proofs, who may, or may not, wilfully perpetuate misunderstandings, illusions, dreams, half-truths, myths, legends and direct fabrications as the real thing – for their own 15 minutes, as explanations to personal in-explicable experiences or for cold, hard cash. Continue reading “Outsider literature”