My Science Fiction in print

– I actually learned something from my debut 😀


Will I keep this updated?

Naturally! It’s a pleasure. 🙂
— Kenneth Krabat, upd. Aug. 2023

Stories in print

Afståelsens Veje (Avenues of Riddance) – An inheritance forces the protagonist to choose between her always-on-always-now network and a future also containing the past.

as Avenues of Riddance and as Afståelsens Veje in the anthology, Around the world in more than 80 SF stories, (epub, EN, 2017 Tyskland)

as Alleen der Befreiung in the anthology Rund um die Welt in mehr als 80 SF-Geschichten, (paper, DE, 2016)

Bombens Bagside (The Hindside of the Bomb) – Disarming the recent bomb in a line of bombs directed at the Nationalistic majority despite disagreeing with their hold on the country – and what was also in the unexploded briefcase.

in the magazine for popular Swedish culture, (online, 2020)

Da det stod klart (as it became clear) – which of 2 outcomes separated by 1 letter do you prefer?

Published on a blog, forget where (online, 2012)

Den sidste elefant (the last elephant) – a dialogue between artists on TV, while the last elephant dies.

published as aftenTV (evening TV) in HÅRDT OMTALTE FJERKRÆ (forlaget Se, sne!, 2017)

Den snublende klovn, den følgende nar (The stumbling clown, the following fool) – When simple survival is not enough.

in the magazine Himmelskibet #55, (, 2018) The price of online dating? –

in 3 for 3 #1, Magasin for Krabatsk, Se, sne!, 2015)

Dræbersneglen fra Venus (the Killer Snail from Venus) – it goes wrong.

Twitter story in 17 tweets (online, DK, 2011)

Epilogi (Epilogy) – the last man in the world

Cirkler, en Science Fiction Antologi (papir, DK, 2007)

ELEVATO v.1.8.1Rediscovering the universe from high up – twice!

In the online-magasine, 2023

First Child – Ai as defunct Ping-pong ball

published at the Øverste Kirurgiske’s website ØK, 2006

Fremmed verden(Foreign World) – looking for what is strange.

in the magasinet Himmelskibet #35 (paper, DK, 2013)

FRUGT FRA HAWAII – (Hawaiian fruit)) – Maybe watching what will happen.

in the anthology Under overfladen #18 (SFC, 2023)

Genopfindelsen af sorg (The re-invention of Sorrow) – An almost omnipotent creature acts on forbidden desires.

in the anthology Fremmed Stjerne – Lige Under Overfladen 6 (paper, DK, SFC 2012)

Historiens korte arm (the Short Arm of History) – The discovery of a way out has the majority of the discontented migrate to a cave deep underground.

in the anthology I overfladen – Lige Under Overfladen 2, (paper, DK, SFC 2008)

as The Short Arm of History in the anthology Skycity, New science fiction stories by Danish Authors (paper, EN, SFC 2010)

as Kratka ruka povijesti in the scifi magazine SIRIUS-B (paper, Croatian 2016)

as Historiens korte arm in in the fall of 2023

Kastanjekuglen (Chestnut Ball) – The find of a chestnut in a sterile end-of-days environment has the protagonist re-discover The Simple Pleasure.

in the magazine Himmelskibet #37 (paper, DK, 2013)

Katastrofe til tiden (Timely Disaster) – Imagining a TV-series about a generation ship rammed in space by a gigantic tree.

at the Øverste Kirurgiske website ØK (2004)

in the anthology Cirkler, en Science Fiction Antologi (papir, DK, 2007)

Kronos (Kronos) – Simultaneity of Nows, simple causality, a memory, or dreaming?

in the magazine for Danish teachers, DANSKNOTER (theme number about science fiction, dec. 2019)

MENNESKER. 7 LANGE OG BREDE MED DAISY OG DAVE – (Daisy and Dave) – Would you like to imagine a bigger universe?

in the magazine NOVUM (Paper, 2023)

Modstand Uden Ende (Resistance Without End) – An agent from the Alltime has come to Denmark and the cellars below Hamlet’s old castle to prevent a wrong.

in the anthology Sølvbyen (ed. Lonni Krause, paper, DK, 2011)

Over en sommerbestrålet eng (Above a meadow irradiated by summer) – Following a no-nonsense process a man is banished to a place outside of understanding.

in the anthology Begyndelser – debutantnoveller (paper, DK, Borgen 1987) (I actually thought of this as my science fiction prose debut, but as I recently realised I was btw. 11 and 13, when I was first published! 😀 )

PLAN (PLAN) – A detective discusses the ramifications of the drug PLAN, as it increases in popularity and threatens his sense of privacy.

in the anthology Ingenmandsland – Lige Under Overfladen 4 (paper, DK, SFC 2010)

Sortskørt (Blackskirt) – a so-called reading list of fictional, old-style entertainment is recovered from a 35.000 years old space station, and a new book composited from the material as part of research. Most certainly.

in the anthology De Fremmede – Lige Under Overfladen 13 (Paper, DK, SFC, 2018)

Winner of the Niels Klim Award “Best Short Story 2018” (tie w. Jacob Drud for “Word Domination“)

Storm på vej (Storm Coming) – A young couple seeking adventure and higher purpose in a world almost devoid of memories.

in the anthology De sidste kærester på månen – Lige Under Overfladen 8 (Paper, DK, SFC 2014)

Svanesang (Swan Song) – A courtroom drama at the edge of the abyss. Just Coal and a finger makes it steampunk.

in the anthology Krinoline og Kedsomhed (Paper, DK, SFC, 2018)

Mentioning: “en humoristisk historie, om en magister der lægger sag an mod sin afdøde onkels tidligere samarbejdspartnere. Tilsyneladende har onklen fået patent på en opfindelse, der med tiden vil kunne udkonkurrere dampmaskinen. Magisteren har arvet patentet, men onklens tidligere partnere bliver ved med at løbe ham på dørene for at få fingre i papirerne. Og de vil ikke lytte til, hvad han siger.”

Tænke på silke under invasionen (Thinking of Silk During the Invasion) – And what is wrong with that?!

in the anthology Den Nye Koloni – Lige Under Overfladen 5 (paper, DK, SFC 2011), Omtale

Vedrørende optagelse i det Pan-Galaktiske Fællesskab (Regarding acceptance into the Pan-Galactic Community) – A pedagogic letter of rejection.

in the anthology Cirkler, en Science Fiction Antologi (papir, DK, 2007)

Verdens nye ende (The New End of the World) – The pull past the imagined brink of existence.

in the anthology Nær og Fjern – Lige Under Overfladen 7 (paper, DK, SFC 2013)

Vælgervægt (Elective Weight) – Caught between the knowledge of impotence and new hope, as the AI allegedly counts the votes of the world. NB: Time Travel included.

in the anthology Efter Fødslen – Lige Under Overfladen 12(papir, DK, SFC 2017)

Xact FAQ – You’ve grown up in a world, where time travel has become available to most, and you don’t know why it’s called “Xact”!?

in the anthology Sandsynlighedskrydstogt – lige under overfladen 14 (paper, DK, DFC 2019)

Podcast discussing the short story (in Danish) [Robotter på loftet]

set for publication

Elvis for begyndere (Elvis for beginners) – All the things you have to suffer as responsible for a host of compressed human consciousnesses, while stearing your live-in organism with hands, toes and understanding of hormones.

[retracted from the SFC-anthology 2020 due to misunderstandings]

My Science Fiction story debut

en tekst at stikke sig på

Punkterblomst er en digtsamling, der bruger lidt for mange ordsammensætninger og dermed unddrager læseren en bestemt mening eller holdning. Manden kan skrive, ingen tvivl om det. Men han lukker kun læseren ind på sine personlige betingelser – man skal således anerkende hans manglende præcision som *selve måden at nå ham på*.


Forfatter: Karsten Wraae Larsen
Titel: Punkterblomst
Udgivelsesår: 2010
Antal sider: 72
Forlag: Epigraf
Pris: 100 kr.
Forside: Nargiz Galib
Bagside: forfatteren
Trykt: i Indien
ISBN: 978-87-992222-3-0
ISBN13: 978-87-992222-3-0

Jeg havde lovet at forsøge mig med en læsning hen over sommeren, men blev alligevel hurtigt kaldet til bogen. Jeg skrev mine indtryk og uddybende noter i hånden, og sendte dem retur til digteren. På min insisteren havde vi aftalt, at jeg ikke offentliggjorde mine indtryk og holdninger uden digterens billigelse. I dag fik jeg så indtryk og noter tilbage, renskrevet.

Continue reading “en tekst at stikke sig på”

LYD: Kenneth Jensen, “Kanin Kanin”

Efter en “falsk” debut og mange års arbejde debuterede Kenneth Jensen 9.4. 2010 på Forlaget After Hand med digtsamlingen “Kanin Kanin“.

Hér følger lydsporet til ceremonien – Kenneth Jensen læser et uddrag af bogen.

9 minutter


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