The Home Genome. A Google Lab Proposal.

Losing our collective illusions of “the others” could make us gain a focus on what really needs to be done to become an adult species.


For the nerds at Google their innovations lab has required, in this order

  1. technical solutions
  2. practical application among humans

Engineering has driven implementation of most of their ideas.

A very human and future oriented idea

It has at its core the entire portrayed history of Humans, to be gathered and integrated into an understanding of the Physical Earth as it is rendered by human minds:


is what it is, but maybe a different name; something with a bigger feel




What is the innovation here?

Let everyone else see your home – the streets and people and locations of your personal knowledge.

Map the Earth in historic sound and images.

Every movie not shot in blue- or green screen or in a studio is a historic location on Earth, with sounds and people and houses and life. Every microphone pointed anywhere on any street or location in nature at any time of the day is living history. Every image taken anywhere is living history, THEN-living history. The planet as depiction. Known for real only by those occupying the spot of land and leading their lives there.

Google could give up further technical achievements and go for something, which demands the participation of everyone sentient: Everyone, who can wield a video camera, microphone, camera, watch a movie or hear a soundscape or montage for radio and off air enjoyment.

Anyone can participate.

From present day savannas in South Africa to overview maps in TV presentations to street exhibits of landscape photos in Belgium to discovering and pin-pointing locations and orientation and movement in every film ever made to identifying the sound of ferries and fog bells in every harbor in every country of the world to footage of closed off civilisations and the homes there.

If anything the Art Genome is what makes and keeps us human – live remembering, and regarded as precise depiction we are only just getting started. The Home Genome has also only just begun – but in the hands of daytime and primetime TV myths of places and people are being spun to the lowest common denominator.

Mapping the Planet as Home

Humans mapping their home turf anywhere on Earth would be a worthwhile new project for an innovations lab like Google with the funding and the technical manpower and the need to become more human in general understanding and at the same time shying away from geopolitics to keep it as an Individual-based project.

There are many ways into the project. Say: ”Rebuild this particular road in sound”. ”The sound of the ice-scapes”. ”Mumbai, when it was Bombay”. ”Capitals A/V around the world”. ”Gleichers when there were gleichers” etc etc etc. Or just: Show the world, what you see and hear, when you leave your house to go shopping, eating, on visits, when you walk home at night etc.

Movies and radio too

The edited form of is still the Real World as raw material, and comparable to the real world of today, of any today… including tomorrow. Salvaged recognisable locations from a movie or radio programme are pieces of human geotime saved and shared.

We remain Human Beings

in character from understanding THAT we have a past. Google Earth gave us our own place on earth, and we can enter photos, but we cannot make a commitment to the place, we know best. And already now the images from where we live are old to all, who live there: The attraction of Google Earth is everywhere but home.

So, focus on people’s homes. Let individuals all over the world also gather material from archives and TV-reruns and movies and photo-material, which depicts the places they themselves know.

The Home Base.


This is people’s own back yard and front yard and cityscape and personal geographic history – the environment they grew up in and know from their family’s history and image history, the sounds that identify home (sad that smells cannot be recorded), the colors of the sky and the sea and the city and the nature surrounding and defining HOME.

“What is it like, where you live?”

Recorded image and sound history is sadly not much older than 150 years, but hopefully it will become very much older. Joining the living Earth into a coherent database or rather databaseS – as I suggest this be a distributed network, eg. p2p, where everyone participates on his and her own bandwidth with his or her own material – is not a monument to human beings. It is a living, daily access to anywhere in the world, and the actual movement and sounds and people and changes, over time possible to scroll through as material to confirm life everywhere.

If we as a species are ever going to leave our home and expand into the unknown, as every human has done individually in his life, and every tribe and nation has done before it became either tribe or nation, everyone of us need to understand that human beings are everywhere, living, breathing, procreating, dying, for a fact, everywhere, and that the Planet IS a living and changing organism, not just because Lovelock says so or because we humans change it with our number and the consequences of survival, but because LIFE means CHANGE.

The humble name for such a project, but it is most likely taken by trademark rights, would be THE LIFE SERVER. A bit more on the Grand side would be THE REAL WORLD. More correctly THE HUMAN RECORDED PAST. Boring, but correct: SHARED EARTH or SHARED PAST.


Distributed collection and storage of A/V and image material, heavily geotagged and annotated, of the Earth known to individuals as home, stretching back as far as recording goes. City maps and city scape renderings in hand can come too, and stamps too. Rejoicing Life as it was, because knowable life is always in a past. Rejoicing Life as it will be, because understanding always reaches into a future.

Simple, easy piecy Google People Project. The Planet, Home to Humans.

(And, honestly, let it be non-profit and let all material rights be free).

Kommer innovation og lommeuld samme sted fra?

Alle mennesker får idéer hele tiden. Det kaldes “overlevelse”. Så er der idéer, som ud over at løse konkrete problemer samtidig tænker større. Det kaldes innovation.

Brainstorming er en kunst. Der er visse formelle regler, som alle bør overholde, og der er mange teorier. Kort sagt kan teorierne opdeles i nemme/isolerede og svære/komplekse løsninger – skal man finde en tiltrækkende og logisk vej gennem et brugerinterface eller skal man dæmme op for insolvenserne som følge af mindsket forbrug i et helt samfund? Men grundlæggende handler det om at stole på modellen.

Her gives et konkret eksempel på en model til en let løsning, og indlæggets kommentarer er ganske interessante. Bemærk teoretikeren, der kommer ind omkr. 4. – 5. kommentar.

via Kommer innovation og lommeuld samme sted fra? – Anne-Sofie Nielsen | Version2.