What Writers and Editors Do – The Paris Review

What would the books have been like without their editors? In my own case, the answer is simple: there would have been no books. I would not have been a writer. This is not to say that my editor writes my books for me, but that his thoughts, input, and insights are imperative to their being written. These thoughts, this input, and these insights are particular to me and my writing process; when he is editing the work of other authors, what he gives them is something particular to their work. The job of editor is therefore ideally undefined and open, dependent on each individual writer’s needs, expectations, talent, and integrity, and it is first and foremost based on trust, hinging much more on personal qualities and human understanding than on formal literary competence.

Source: The Paris Review – Blog Archive What Writers and Editors Do – The Paris Review

Author: krabat

digter, forlægger, oversætter, admin på kunstnerhotellet menneske.dk

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