It's a hot summer day in 1984. I'm sitting at a booth in a coffee shop in Burbank, California, with my friend Gerald, a young, dark complected man from Argentina, who is also a serious student of metaphysics. It is mid-day and the restaurant is crowded, which makes Gerald a bit self-conscious as we stare at each other doing what was then only a telepathy exercise. I am watching the visual distortions shift through stronger and stronger levels of intensity. Gerald and I have done this exercise several times before and he is rather good at it, capable of silencing his mind and focusing intently upon the present moment without judgement. The visual distortions are becoming so intense I can't recognize anything, then suddenly the restaurant is gone.
For a brief moment all I can see are a pair of eyes "projected" it seems upon a screen of utter blackness, then the blackness dissolves like tiny bubbles bursting on the surface of a pond, revealing the perfectly clear image of an entirely different environment!
I am in the bedroom of an old house, looking at an attractive young woman, about 19 years old, with long, straight blond hair. She doesn't seem to notice me and continues to gaze absentmindedly to my left. She is wearing a bright yellow dress with a large, white ruffled collar as she sits in front of an antique chest of drawers topped with an ornately framed mirror. It strikes me that she has been sitting there for some time, daydreaming as she brushed her hair. I suddenly know it is 1883 and this is a farm in the mountains of Southern California. I am equally certain that behind the dresser and the wall is a hallway leading to the back door and the barn, that beyond the hallway is the kitchen, and I know where all the pots and pans and lanterns are kept. I even know what the countryside looks like outside the house, at least in the direction I am looking. The girl tosses her head to swing the long, blond hair over her shoulder, and I am suddenly overwhelmed with confusion. I am back in the restaurant looking at Gerald who is gasping for air, his feet skittering across the floor and his hands clawing at the table as he literally grasps for a handle on reality.
The entire experience of seeing the girl lasted perhaps 5 or 6 seconds. Both of us had seen the same girl, from the same perspective, as though we had occupied the exact same location on the edge of the bed. I can be certain of this because after he regained his composure we took turns describing every detail: the color of her dress (yellow), the white collar (with ruffles), where her hair was parted, her expression, the way she tossed her head, etc. My friend also knew all the information about the location which couldn't be perceived visually from our perspective in the bedroom. He had become terrified by the sudden, complete shift of his reality; but I had simply been amazed and intrigued. I have often wondered since then what we might have learned had we managed to maintain that perception for 2 or 3 minutes.
The experience I just described is by no means the usual sort of event which occurs while using the technique. This was the only time I found myself immersed entirely in some other environment, but I feel anyone might achieve similar results with sufficient practice.
The average first time experience goes through a predictable transition in the type vof visual effects perceived. First there is that bit of blurriness associated with peripheral vision, then image distortions begin to affect the perceived facial features, which often appear either hallucinatory or take on the characteristics of a different face. You look at someone's eye and after a while their face changes. "Big deal," you might say. "Yes, a very big deal," is my reply.
Something anyone can perceive, such as a table, is an objective perception. Personal perceptions not (usually) available to others (such as your thoughts) are subjective. The visual changes you experience while using this technique are not obvious to others, who may also be observing your friend, and are therefore subjective perceptions.
Now recall what I mentioned earlier as being the most important aspect of this technique: the visual changes occur to both participants at the exact same time and with the same level of intensity. All you have to do is describe the timing and intensity of the changes you see and you can describe the subjective perceptions of another individual, to varying degrees, depending upon how intensely focused in the experience both of you become.
The ability to describe the subjective experience of another individual, without using objectively observable cues, is mental telepathy.
The technique does not stop at simply observing visual changes and knowing the other person is having similar perceptions, but this is a very important observation, worthy of some serious contemplation. Why does this happen? How is it possible that my distorted visual perceptions can be perceived by you? Why do the changes occur at the same time and with the same level of intensity? What is the physical mechanism which links the consciousness of two separate individuals?
I have a few theories to offer, but for now we should limit ourselves, as much as possible, to the facts, as best as we can discover them. Since telepathy can be defined as the ability to describe the subjective experience of another individual in the present moment, without relying upon objectively observable clues, the visual changes alone indicate telepathy is ocurring.
Now that you have a general idea of what the Psychic Window Technique is, we can get to the specific details of how to use it.