The Basic Telepathy Exercise

(Note: For the first time it will help a great deal if both people have read this booklet before you begin to use this technique.)

(1) Sit a comfortable yet intimate distance apart from another person, about 1 1/2 to 2 feet is probably best. Do not cross your legs, sit sideways, lock your hands together, fold your arms or otherwise sit in a defensive position.

(2) Look directly across to each other's eye. If you look at your friend's right eye, that person should look at your left eye, or vice versa. The object is to look straight across the space between you rather than diagonally. Another way to keep this clear in your mind is to remember that all the action occurs on one side of the space between you. The line of sight is concentrated on your left, or on your right.

(Note: I personally use my left eye whenever I am showing this technique to someone. I am not sure why. It simply feels more comfortable to me, personally.)

(3) Both people focus on the other's eye, then attempt to expand the area of clear perception to include the other person's entire face. Within one or two minutes you will notice that the image of the other person's face begins to change. At first the changes may be no more than increased blurriness. Tell the other person when you see such a change, and try to describe the relative intensity of the change rather than its specific details. Be willing to invest 10 minutes doing this if necessary, though it rarely takes more than a minute or two. Remember we have a tendency to ignore the inconsistencies in our perception, and the inconsistencies are precisely what you are looking for -- a glimpse at the reality behind reality. The most difficult part of this is not a problem in seeing the changes, but finding the words to describe your visual perceptions as they fluctuate through a constant shift of intensity levels. After you have been doing this for a minute or two, you should perceive at least one very strong shift of intensity.

(4) Verify that the changes occur at the same time and have the same level of intensity. Once the changes have become strong enough for easy verification, you will continue to experience stronger and stronger visual alterations. This is a rather startling experience for most people and you may need to take a break after the first strong perceptual shift to regroup mentally.

There are a few very important points which should be clarified here. First, the technique is designed to focus your mind on performing an action rather than thinking. Thoughts are subjective differences in each person's mind and the object is to "duplicate" subjective experience as much as possible. The action you are performing is the attempt to see the other person's face as clearly as possible while keeping your eyes focused upon one of their eyes. If you do this properly you will stop thinking, for the most part, because your mind will be busy with the visual activity. Concentrate on what you see, and strive to see as clearly as you can.

The changes you see in the beginning, once you move beyond the simple blurriness, are often hallucinatory. By that I mean the images appear "unnatural," as opposed to images of normal-looking people. Often the surprise of seeing a hallucinatory image is so great it rivets one's attention and the hallucination becomes more intense. They can become quite horrendous and should be avoided, simply because it is quite rude to send "ugly vibes" to your friend. All you have to do is blink a few times, or focus on something around you for an instant, and the hallucination is gone. It is utterly useless to pursue them. When I encounter them I simply blink and continue looking for a clear image. I can tell (from the emotional sensation I experience) when the person I'm working with is diving into a hallucination, and I naturally withdraw for a moment. Sometimes the other person can continue in the perception a bit longer, but since I've withdrawn my visual concentration I no longer duplicate the visual intensity. If I remove my attention from them completely, say by looking at the floor, their hallucination stops.

You might be able to see from this that the exercise works when two people direct their attention upon one another. As you sit reading this now you can direct your attention to various parts of the room, to the source of sounds for example. With practice you may become able to pick up on others telepathically in much the same way, simply by directing your attention toward them, and allowing yourself to duplicate what they might be experiencing.

This technique can be compared to being shown that a piano makes sound, and that the sounds are lower on one end of the keyboard and higher on the other. Telepathy is an art that requires practice, like learning to play the piano. In this case you were born with the instrument, but you need to practice quite a bit to get beyond the basics.

Most people are a bit defensive when it comes to the idea of letting someone else "inside their mind," but if you want the ability, you have to open up, and you need to work with others who are also willing to open up. You will find these people among your close friends and others who simply like themselves. Working with the right person you should be able to notice the visual changes becoming definite and fairly intense in a very short time. It is very important that you and your partner agree that the visual changes occur to both of you at the same time and with the same level of intensity. Once this has been accomplished, you can move on to the next step: emotional communication; a helpful preliminary to communicating specific information, which is what you eventually hope to do, right?

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