Snowdon on US seeking dominance over journalists everywhere

– what a world this would be.


In seeking to prosecute Assange, the US government is purporting to extend its sovereignty to the global stage and hold foreign publishers accountable to US secrecy laws. By doing so, the US government will be establishing a precedent for prosecuting all news organization everywhere — all journalists in every country — who rely on classified documents to report on, for example, US war crimes, or the US drone program, or any other governmental or military or intelligence activity that the State Department, or the CIA, or the NSA, would rather keep locked away in the classified dark, far from public view, and even from Congressional oversight.


Pattern emerging: Getting paid to pay is the new black [while suppressing developing countries]

Don’t cry, but it’s all a lie.

I have what you would call an ‘extended family’ in Lima, the capital of Perú. My friend’s boy is just now beginning school.

I don’t have to tell anybody about the appalling state of public school in most countries of the world. But maybe you don’t realize what economical poverty is on a reality plane:

A monthly transfer of money sent to aid in the monthly cost of schooling – to people, who just scrape by – is safer than one large one-time transfer. Continue reading “Pattern emerging: Getting paid to pay is the new black [while suppressing developing countries]”