Quora Q/A: Are plays a lower art form than novels and poems? 

– or “is life art?”

Source: https://www.quora.com/Are-plays-a-lower-art-form-than-novels-and-poems/answer/Kenneth-Krabat-1

High and low art… What nonsense.

Art is art. But there are levels of competence and dedication embedded in every piece of art. And there can be references embedded, as well, only visible to the experienced or patient senses.

How capitalism treats works of art is another matter. It seems that elitism as sales arguments has run amok. And that in itself will rid the masses of understanding of nuances in interaction with art, and may also have a copy-effect on artists – that they will self-censor in order to live up to buyers’ expectations. Continue reading “Quora Q/A: Are plays a lower art form than novels and poems? “

TIME TRAVEL RADIO by Jamie Carreiro

Time Travel Radio is a music player that navigates through time. There are only two knobs: one controls power/volume, and the other sets the year.  You fill it with songs from throughout your life, then use music to travel through time.


Source: TIME TRAVEL RADIO — Jamie Carreiro

What if it pulled music from the selected year from all over and played it randomly? Or a third button, where you dialled latitude?

SCI-HUB.se – kampen for fri forskning

About Sci-Hub

knowledge to all

We fight inequality in knowledge access across the world. The scientific knowledge should be available for every person regardless of their income, social status, geographical location and etc. Our mission is to remove any barrier which impeding the widest possible distribution of knowledge in human society!

no copyright

We advocate for cancellation of intellectual property, or copyright laws, for scientific and educational resources. Copyright laws render the operation of most online libraries illegal. Hence many people are deprived from knowledge, while at the same time allowing right holders to have a huge benefits from this. The copyright fosters increase of both informational and economical inequality.

open access

The Sci-Hub project supports Open Access movement in science. Research should be published in open access, i.e. be free to read. The Open Access is a new and advanced form of scientific communication, which is going to replace outdated subscription models. We stand against unfair gain that publishers collect by creating limits to knowledge distribution.

Today Twitter closed sci-hub’s account. That is very sad.

Source: https://torrentfreak.com/sci-hub-founder-criticises-sudden-twitter-ban-over-over-counterfeit-content-210108/

Druk (2020)

– hvad med en film om mikrodosering af LSD?!

Directed by Thomas Vinterberg. With Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Magnus Millang, Lars Ranthe. Four friends, all high school teachers, test a theory that they will improve their lives by maintaining a constant level of alcohol in their blood.

Source: Druk (2020) – IMDb

6.3/10 – for skuespillet alene! Burde være 3-4 for elendigt manus.

Normal-Danmark kommer gennem krisen ved at forråde fællesskabets individuelle behov (ved at undlade at hjælpe) og rejser sig på asken fra ofringen af den svageste og mest needy. Og det er der ingen skam i. Ikke noget “ingen lades tilbage” hér. Mandens (i hvert fald mandens) fællesskab er ‘enhver alene for alle’, og alt der kan undskylde mandens ikke-støtte af den svageste i fællesskabet er manglen på sprog & dén erfaring, som deres aktion gennem manuskriptet er første skridt hen imod. Continue reading “Druk (2020)”

The Transformation

The Transformation is a A Future History of America & the World from 2020 to 2050, in 5 parts, as told by a Gen Z character in 2100.

The series is a positive yet plausible scenario about how we can solve the many challenges of our time & build a much better future.

Source: The Transformation

thanks to those 25 innovators, who sparked the project, beginning long before the pandemic.


5th The civilisational changes of the transformation

4th The Watershed election of 2020 in the long view of American History

3rd How we turned the corner on climate change by 2050

2nd The technology long booms that remade the world fron 2020 to 2050

1st The History of America & the World from 2000 to 2050

Stressepidemi, med lederøjne

– hvordan med alle andres?

LEDELSE Medarbejdernes trivsel er en ressource, der for arbejdsgivere kan omsættes til mere produktivitet, bedre tiltrækning af talent og i sidste ende bedre resultater. Her er råd til, hvordan du kan gentænke din organisations indsats.

Kilde: Fem spørgsmål der fremmer både trivsel og performance

Facebook er en Dommedagsmaskine

Right now, too many people are allowing algorithms and tech giants to manipulate them, and reality is slipping from our grasp as a result. This century’s Doomsday Machine is here, and humming along. It does not have to be this way.

Source: Facebook Is a Doomsday Machine – The Atlantic


Continue reading “Facebook er en Dommedagsmaskine”

Pyrocæn. Menneskets og Ildens tid.

Den amerikanske ildhistoriker Stephen Pyne har lanceret begrebet ’pyrocæn’ som navnet på menneskehedens epoke. Og han forudser, at planeten er på vej ind i en ildtid, der kan få lige så store konsekvenser som istiden

Kilde: Forestil dig istiden – bare med ild. Det er den verden, mennesket har skabt

ILDtiden PYROCÆN [pdf]
Foto: Oliveira de Frades
tekst: Mikkel Vuorela

Mindeord: Ole Espersen – tak for indsatsen

Et menneske, der beskedent og vedvarende arbejdede IMOD symbolpolitik og FOR menneskerettigheder som justitsminister, Menneskerettighedskommissær for Østersølandene og Professor Emeritus Dr. Jur. i Folkeret.

Kilde: Mindeord: Ole Espersen – tak for indsatsen | Globalnyt