Quora Q/A: If somebody “largely agrees” with you, they’ve implied that your theory is at least 2 thirds correct. 2 thirds is equivalent to 66 percent correct. Do you agree or disagree?

  largely = mostly = in most parts = more or less all parts = almost all parts = nearly everything = all but very few things = all but a few as yet unmentioned things of relevance to disagreement = we are not really talking agreement here, but relevant disagreement as yet unresolved = … Continue reading “Quora Q/A: If somebody “largely agrees” with you, they’ve implied that your theory is at least 2 thirds correct. 2 thirds is equivalent to 66 percent correct. Do you agree or disagree?”

merry hearty x-mas

  X-MAS HEART GENERATOR Personalize your cut-out and braid X-mas hearts with a message of your own. Generator page is in Danish, but give it at try anyway; it’s straight forward. http://www.cs.au.dk/~gerth/julehjerter/ Start easy with one letter on one side and none on the other. Some letters become like barbs, which make the heart hard … Continue reading “merry hearty x-mas”

Rygestop 5/5 2010 [opdt. 25/10 2012]

Om at lægge piben og tobakken på hylden. Og fatte trangen.