Mål dit nøl (Who wants to be moderate?)

En ven sagde for nyligt, at jeg var bange for at få succes, for med succes kommer den form for ansvar, der stjæler ens frihed/frie tid. Måske. Måske ikke. Måske er jeg bare langsom, doven, ukoncentreret, behovsstyret. Måske behøver jeg denne langsomhed, der opstår af at lade alle opgaver flyde ind over hinanden. Måske ér jeg stresset af mangel på resultater. Måske ér resultater noget din mor og den kapitalistiske tankegang i ledtog med esoteriske evolutionsteoretikere har brygget sammen for at give dig følelsen af, at det nytter at stå op om morgenen. Måske er det ikke noget sted, vi skal hen. Måske ville civilisation i den vestlige verden med Ghandis ord “være en god idé”. Måske ér alt, man er knyttet til og ikke knyttet til uden for den begrebslighed, vi kalder vilje, målrettethed, fokus, automatisk, instinktiv, intuitiv væren. Måske ville det være rart at få klippet hækken inden den fastsatte dato, så man ikke bliver sagt op. Måske var det bedre for hækken, at den blev klippet, når den havde bedst af at blive klippet, inden den blev for tung i toppen. Måske var det bedre ikke at være bange for tab af effektivitet, tab af fælles æstetik. Måske var et liv uden frygt bedre end et liv med frygt. Måske ér nøl det modsatte af løn. Måske ér løn noget, enhver reelt giver sig selv. Måske enhver skulle begynde at give sig selv løn for udført arbejde. Som én sagde til mig engang: hvad er du værd? Værd? Ja, hvad koster du i timen? Måske man bare skulle give alt væk, lige som med kærligheden, give sit arbejde, sin tid, sin opmærksomhed og sit nærvær, lade alt være gratis og uden forbindende, og bare se folk i øjnene, og handle på basis af, hvad man dér ser. Måske skal man drømme lidt mere, og vide man drømmer. Måske længslerne skal i spil, ønskerne have lov at tale, hjertet blottes. Måske forskellene mellem mennesker skal ophæves af anerkendelse, nærværende anerkendelse, virkelig anerkendelse, hjertet, det modige hjerte,  der er alles forældre og lønningspose, gå forrest i alt. Måske ønsket om at se kan tage téten frem for at ønsket om at blive set?

Hér kan man måle sit nøl

My score is 58 out of a possible 100

I am a: Moderate Procrastinator

You rank in the middle 50% in terms of procrastination. That is, when it comes to putting things off, you do so at times even though you know you shouldn’t. Likely, you are about average in conscientiousness and self-discipline. Probably, your work doesn’t consistently engage you or perhaps you are surrounded by a few easily available and more pleasant temptations. These temptations may initially seem rewarding, but in the longer-term, you possibly see a few of them as time-wasters. Though you likely still get your work done, you could probably do it sooner and experience less stress. You may want to reduce what procrastination you do commit. If so, here are three tips that have been shown to work:

Goal Setting
This is one of the most established ways of moving forward on your plans. Take any project you are presently procrastinating and break it down into individual steps. Each of these steps should have the following three aspects. First, they should be somewhat challenging though achievable for you. It is more satisfying to accomplish a challenge. Second, they should be proximal, that is you can achieve them fairly soon, preferable today or over the next few days. Third, they should be specific, that is you know exactly when you have accomplished them. If you can visualize in your mind what you should do, even better.

Stimulus Control
This method has also been well tested and is very successful. What you need is a single place that you do your work and nothing else. Essentially, you need an office, though many students have a favorite desk at a library. For stimulus control to work best, the office or desk should be free of any signs of temptation or easily available distractions that might pull you away (e.g., no games, no chit-chat, no web-surfing). If you need a break, that is fine, but make sure you have it someplace at least a few minutes distant, preferably outside of the building itself. If you are unwilling to take the time to get there, acknowledge that you likely don’t need the break.

Routines are difficult to get into but in the end, this is often our aim. Things are much easier to do when we get into a habit of them, whether it is work, exercise, or errands. If you schedule some of those tasks you are presently procrastinating upon so that they occur on a regular schedule, they become easier. Start your routine slowly, something to which you can easily commit. Eventually, like brushing your teeth, it will likely become something you just do, not taking much effort at all. At this point, you might add to your routine, again always keeping your overall level of effort at a moderate to low level. Importantly, when you fall off your routine, inevitable with sickness or the unexpected, get back on it as soon as possible. Your routine gets stronger every time your follow it. It also gets weaker every time you don’t.

Author: krabat

digter, forlægger, oversætter, admin på kunstnerhotellet menneske.dk

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