
Washington, Peru, Kbh 1

det begynder godt...

(Og hér er det så, jeg atter bliver opmærksom på min brug af ironi. Hvorfor er det, at det er så svært at sige tingene lige ud? Er det noget af tilbehøret til en digterhjerne, et digterhjerte - at det er omskrivningen, der skaber synligheden og betydningen uden at bruge helt så mange ord? Men hvorfor bruger jeg så så mange ord?)

Well, jeg opererer med et begreb, jeg kalder venteværelset. Skulle jeg finde på at skrive en poetik engang, ville den sikkert tage udgangspunkt i det. Den ene halvdel er ventepositionen, hvor det handler om at blive tom, så det nødvendige at sige melder sig selv. Den anden halvdel er venteværelset som det rum, hvor dørene til de forskellige mulige virkeligheder manifesterer sig, når fødderne ikke vil gå og det er nødvendigt at finde en rigtig vej: Jeg venter længe nok i venteværelset = gennemlever dagene i mit liv uspektakulært med den personlighed jeg er, og gør det, jeg kan og vil og er - og går igennem den rette døråbning, når den manifesterer sig.

Hver lille ting har sit eget venteværelse. Af og til fylder et enkelt venteværelses venten mit hele fokus - hvis fødderne ikke af sig selv vil igennem nogen af døråbningerne, eller der går længe, før en dør dukker op. Men én eller flere døre vil dukke op, og på et tidspunkt en døråbning, som jeg kan gå igennem.

Jeg gik fra min kæreste, akkurat før vi skulle ud at rejse. Efter at have set antallet af døre svinde ind, var der lige pludselig kun én dør at gå igennem, og mine fødder havde behov for at gå. På den anden side, i venteværelset dér, var der også kun én dør. At spørge om hun ville med ud at rejse alligevel.

Det ville hun ikke. Og jeg forstår det godt. Og er vel egentlig lidt lettet over ikke at skulle bruge en 3 måneders rejse på at kæmpe for at opnå noget, vi ikke lykkedes med gennem halvandet år - set med mine øjne. Men døråbningen var der, og fødderne ville igennem. Upraktisk, urealistisk, måske oven i købet en stensikker genudspilning af exkæresten, der vil være the good guy. Men det gør det ikke mindre væsentligt, derved at fødderne ville dén vej - uanset hjertets frygt og hovedets katastrofescenarier.

Så det begyndte godt, not: Alene på rejse, i tre måneder.

Jeg tænkte så, at jeg ville bruge noget mere tid hos vennerne i Washington, før rejsen til Perú, og fandt at man mod et mindre gebyr kunne ændre afgangen selv hos flyselskabet. Men noget gik galt i transaktionen, jeg fik ikke ændret afrejsedagen fra Washington til Lima, men står nu i stedet uden to af mine reservationer. Med 4 dage til afrejsen.

Forsøger man at fortælle mig et eller andet? Døren til Verden står stadig åben - men kommer jeg til at gå igennem den, d.4. januar kl 9?

Godt spørgsmål!

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Time Travel - work in progress

* MOVIES INVOLVING TRAVELLING IN TIME by way of propulsion, magic, sleep, hypnotism, ”time machine”, worm holes, body hopping, ”sudden temporal phenomemen”, weather penomenen, reception of sent data from the future a.o.

Time Travelling expresses control over the progression of Time, oftenmost perceived as the image handed down by Marcus Aurelius: Water flowing toweards the sea as a river that never repeats itself - in either direction it is at any given point different from adjoing points. To most people it feels natural to perceive time, ie. human life, with an ending and a beginning, the beginning being uncontrollably lost to us, but the ending, or the way to the ending, everything that is meant with the word ”control”: The open vista of opportunities and possibilities, of which we will try to ensure a handfull of those most interesting to us and most needed for survival. And when we succeed in our endeavours, we are in control. When we do not succeed, we have lost control. Time Travel is a vent for loss of control: The interesting questing that we find impossible to answer in real life, but... what would have happened to me today, if ”that one little tiny factor” was changed on or before a set date? On a global scale, thinking about the nation’s History, or global history... what would have been today’s reality, if this or that person had not lived to become the horrible despots, we find them today? Time Traval is our means of exploring the fantasy of the what-if’s, maybe to come to acceptance of that in our past, which we carry with us as un-changable sorrows, disasters and shameful actions. And on a lighter note, we can explore our wildest fantasies, and do so every day, when we imagine that we would have become rich, handsome, successful, loved and more, if only we could go back and change things around a little. Just a little bit, which nobody will notice...

Playing with fantasies of control over the past, and control over the future, often carries with it a layer of guilty conscience. We KNOW in our hearts that it will never be, this that we want to change in our past, but sometimes we can employ the longing of change in our past to play out consequences of change. We can weigh our options, because we suddenly have options, when we weigh the longed for past out against our more experienced present. Thus, our present can strenghten considerably, when we see that fantazising about the past can actuate control in our present, and a better grasp of (how to handle) our future.

Speculating in any serious way about Time Travel, necessitates pondering the paradoxes - the appearant co-existance of two or more oppositionally directed forces. ”The Grandfather Paradox” is a classic of the genre as well as of philosophy and science concerned with Time Travel: Go back and kill your grandfather, before he sires your father, and you were never born and cannot go back to kill your grandfather, wherefore you are born and can go back and kill your grandfather! But it is not a paradox, says quantum physics. The man you killed cannot have been your grandfather - your grandfather must have continued to live until your father was sired. And this is how it has always been and will always be: You will travel back to kill your official grandfather, but you can never succeed for real, because then you were not alive to go back.

Time has already happened. Not as predestination, but in the same way that space stretches as far in the opposite direction of the galactic core as there are objects to hint at the distance. With objects in space, space - extension, the physical dimensions - exists. The same with time: Without a focus on ”a time” - the 3D-objects of the time dimension - the boundery of time cannot be defined; looking and not finding anything in the farthest reaches of the void means time has no meaning there. Time needs objects to exists. Humans, Stars, Electrons, Quarks. It behaves slightly different under different circumstances, as seen from a human point of view, but remember we know other humans best, as well as the measurements of our reality that we grew up with. Thus we can learn to accept and even understand the different way time behaves, when we look at it through a telescope, a microscope or a mathemathical equation with the power to reveal the influence of observed time on the smallest fractions of what we call ”matter”.

What we learn there, as well as in emotionally charged situations like anger, fear, love, sex, meditation and so on, is that time is not a constant. Light is a constant measured in distance over time, but time changes by how it is observed. Same as the universe: It only grows, the farther into it we look.

This is the basis of serious speculation about time and multiple dimensions. Imagine any past event in your life, and then imagine it differently. Then imagine the consequences of this difference, and the multitude of other options that come from just this tiny little chance. Just looking at it - imagining it - creates it. And in this instant time for the body, emotions and the mind time has travelled with the speed of thought to another place and another time. Could the body be persuaded to come along, it would be because it was possible. Call it ”ready” - in syncronicity with the laws of the universe.

Many people fight over the concepts of free will vs. determination. For me it is easy: I am the product of all that has gone before, all my reactions as they expressed themselves in the physical world as well as inside my body. I cannot say no, if I Am yes. If I am maybe I cannot say anything but maybe. And a no, to which there is no felt or imagined alternative, is really a no. I am Me, in this point in time. And the more I come to realise this, the less it matters what I imperatively need to do, as long as the doing feels in balance with my abilities, my desires and my existance. I am on a stage or in an arena, and I intuitively understand, what I need to do, when something ”un-expected” happens. Or I don’t, but I cannot but act, even if it is instinctive, and besides: something happens anyway. But once I understand (the parameters of) a situation, or an equation, or a law of people or physics, I create it, or strenghten it. Reality comes from observation, not the other way round. Thus shared reality is stronger than reality percieved only by the individual.

Reality is a language of the mind. And like all languages it sometimes needs translation into another language, or the finer points of meanings needs to be discussed. Regarding Time Travel we are still in the process of discussion the parameters of how, why, where and when. Science says it more likely than unlikely that time travel will be a reality - but a headline preceding such a statement has no interest in discussing the finer points of the reality of time travel - headlines are designed to confirm reality, not question it. So it should be noted that a scientist bold enough to point out that time travel will occur, is most likely not in the discussion of the finer points, but rather on the lookout for reality to strenghten his own reality, and this by continued oberservation in his line of science. Most people don’t get it - most of us are still in the shared reality of the fiction business and their image of time travel as plot device. Time machines with blinking lights or arm wrist thingies, tiny enough to come with brief incomprehensible scientific explanation designed just to shut us up and suspend disbelief.

If we ever want to time travel for real, we need to veer away from finding our time travel reality in fiction - this breeds only more fiction, muddling the broad and strenghtening the fictional, wishful reality. Understandig time travel in its various forms - as psycho stabilising scale centering us in the now, as plot device, as philosophy, as logic enhancer and as science - brings with it the benefit of searching out the real reality of time travel. We cannot travel in time, as a real collective, before we have gathered enough mass to join all of the facets in a consensual reality, strong enough to carry a focus for most, clear enough to carry the same acceptance and basic understandig of functionality as the light bulb and the combustion engine. We cannot understand what time travel really means, and the consequences of time travel, before we as a species possess this understanding.

Don’t be disappointed, if the simple answer lies in living itself: the passing from second to second with regular forays into remembering/creating the past and imagening/creating the future, i.e. that we are already doing it. I don’t mean to say this is the answer, but collectively aiming for the understanding of time travel may well have consequences way beyond a mere meddling with past or future events, as depicted in fiction. We may find that we don’t need it, or we may change as much compared to our immediate forebearers, as we ourselves in terms of knowledge, shape, mindset, technology etc. have changed compared to our ancestors of 200.000 years ago. But one thing is certain: If we get to a workable understanding of time travel, it won’t easily go back in the box. Searching for something changes you. And one thing Time Travel has as build in desire is change.

Change is our greatest fear and our collective drive. Observe, create a new reality, stabilize it through the spreading of knowledge. If you don’t like (the possible implications of) what you find, don’t tell anyone. This is what drives all secret societies. What you find sometimes has the power to change other people’s life, and shift the balance of power towards yourself. Time Travel has the potential, at this point in our collective understanding of ourselves and each other as a species, due to our strong collective and prose-driven image of Time Travel, to un-balance change itself. Imagening that we were given a time machine by aliens today, we would not possess the evolutionary capabilities to use it, as we have not yet become it. Searching for it, on the other hand, changes us slowly - we will become adjusted to the mechanisms of Time Travel, as they present themselves, as realistic visualisations of our development as a species. But we won’t find is, as a species, unless we continue to feel a need for it. And looking at the history of fictional represenations of what it implies to travel in time, all it still is is personal gratification and pain avoidence. Not exactly the most noble of causes, but a natural one in times of crisis. Dream yourself away into a better existance. Think it like this: you can only go back in time if you get the urge to prevent your grandfather from getting killed, before he has sired your father. Whether you refrain from travelling or not, he is alive in his own time, and you ahve done good, caring good, just by thinking the thought. Don’t kill him in your mind just to fuck with logic - love him, and save yourself at the same time.

Ancient tribes have the right idea: Ancestor worship. Keeping the ancestors alive as consultants. Just thinking of your grandfather as a consultant equals holding him in esteem and passes his understanding and knowledge on to you - because you are taught to carry your ancestors inside of you as a natural thing. Thus you place the past in your own mind, rather than ”in the past”: his body has died, but you have become it ”enough” to be both the ever changing convergation of your own past as well as a product of - in principle - everyone else. In the western world we translate this as ”History”. With the tiny difference that esteem for certain deceased persons is most often institutionalised by State, Church, Company and the like. Impossible to connect to, unless through the official picture. The Institution will ”time travel” on your behalf, and tell you their findings, as they see fit.

Is this

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Nokia 2330 Classic phone plugin for iSync

Cheap, simple cell phone, but no phone plugin for iSync on Nokia's own site.

Get it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?ojoyrqtt5yy/Nokia-2330c.phoneplugin.zip - courtecy of a dude out there.
Or here.

The archive is unzipped, the contents placed in Mac HD/Library/phone plugins, or, if no such folder exist, the folder with content is placed here: Mac HD/Library/

Turn off Bluetooth and quit iSync before placing the phone plugin.

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I spent 1 month @ Kantola house, a refugium just south of Kotka in Finland, 160 kms East of Helsinki, in a Baltic Sea inlet once a large fishing harbour, and right across from the paper mill, part owner of the Kantola artists' refugium in partnership with the commune of Kantola.

Most days didn't look like this.

It looked like this

or this

But it the last days of my self imprisonment then sun came out in all its glory, and lo and behold what a marvelous month it had been, and it didn't even feel like anything 30 days looks like in the mind, calculating fear of isolation, darkness and low, low temperatures. The sun is such a powerful, beloved force, staying at the exact distance that is does.

Some say it looks and feels better in the summer, as brief and short as any Scandinavian summer. But there is something about the harshness that is appealing. Can't say I like it, but in a way it's like camping on a windy ledge, tethered to the cliff wall, and you know you'll be safe, but then again, you are not sure. That kind of feeling roughing you up. And... some say the Finnish women are particularly feisty. Haven't tried the taste my selv, so I can't say, but if true it may possibly be from surviving the Finnish winter.

If writing is too lonely or too hard, or lack of company is getting to you, there is Poetry Slam - in Finnish, naturally, but you CAN give poems in three languages, including Finnish from machine translation, to applause, and witness the passing of a 1yr achievement award: a cow with wings (if only they could fly...!)

You can also make new friends: Hello Marko, soon off to Afghanistan for 6 months, may luck and love follow you (that shouldn't be hard, my good man)

and Petri, Cultural Organizer with his hands in lots of things, may the forces guide you to all supports of your efforts to show Kotka they have much to be proud of.

And then there was the journalist, Matti, who wanted an interview with the foreign poet, and pumped me for information on poetry, body stance, intonation and the finer points of Poetry Slam, when he wasn't showing off his dvd with his killing and skinning of a female 250 kg Elk...as diversion, so as to pump me some more. Yes, it was a fine Elk, Matti ... Looking forward to the article. :-)

The papermill is gonna sell their part of the house, is what I heard when I arrived. Falling prices on pulp means they had to sack all the workers and begin dismantling the mill. Just before I left, they stopped the negotiations with the union, rehired all workers and re-started the factory, as the price of pulp went up $.30 to the ton - but only for 6 months, then they will close... The town probably wont buy their part of the house - for one it might be too expensive, if the mill wants marked value for it, and besides, listening to people the attitude of the commune politicians seems to be one of: "What do we need foreign artists here for? How are they gonna do Kotka any good?!"

Well, what do artists do anywhere? They look at the land, the people, the animals, the options, the connections, the produce, the arts and local culture, and they go and tell other people about it. Maybe they brand a name - mention a previously un-mentioned town (in art circles) in southern Finland out of hundreds of towns, all with their own particular identity, but nothing international to bragg with, and this town rises out of obscurity and into the world's eyes, and ears. It is not a free process as celebreties can testify, but for those who care to address such challanges as attention can bring, things can develop in quite un-expected ways. And there is nothing un-expected about Karaoke, Finnish or otherwise, even if a karaoke bar can have those moments of wonder - such as the flabby, un-spectacular young woman singing her heart out in a big voice that could go far, if she was ever inspired to develop a musical taste of her own.

Alva Aalto build the house, by the way. Don't tell anyone I said it's modernism at its naked birth, with only the internal layout in any way attractive. Because you don't come here to write or compose or paint to be distracted by architecture - unless, of course, you're addicted to modernism - you come here to sleep well, make your own hours, cook your own food, and to go out on excursions across the peninsula, to Kotka, the supermarked, and to the near-by bar, whose regulars from hear-say are indifferent to the differences of languages different from their own and will willingly and without need of assistence tell you everthing about something in Finnish for as long as you care to hear.

Life in Kantola is easy. You have an open mind, they have an open mind.

For information on stays in KANTOLA

Petri Pietiläinen
Kulttuurisuunnittelija/Cultural co-ordinator
Kotkan kulttuuriasiainkeskus/Kotka Cultural Centre
Keskuskatu 33, FIN-48100 Kotka

p/tel. +358-5-234 4494
mobile +358-400-608 997
fax +358-5-234 4274

text and images: Kenneth Krabat nov-dec 2009

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de små glæder


Nej, Hugo. Løsningen er (heller) ikke (endnu) en politisk ideologi, der skiller menneskene. Løsningen er det modsatte. En ideologi, der samler. En ideologi, der bryder sig om at lytte, som KAN lytte. Og som ikke bare venter på selv at komme til orde. Vi behøver hele lortet - industri, energi, landbrug, arbejdskraft, transport - og vi kan ikke komme uden om, at vi behøver det hele. Men vi kan aldrig, aldrig, aldrig nogen sinde blive enige, hvis ikke udgangspunktet er et andet end, HVEM der sidder på magten. Hugo, og jer andre.



IFPI, samarbejdet af musikproducenter/distributører, har lavet en rapport for 2009, der er smækfuld af "vi har ret og tingene i verden kan ikke gøres på anden måde end ved rå kapitalisering på mainstream-forbrug", og som enhver anden rapport fra vægtige kræfter, skal den læses med de stærke briller - for det er eddermugme godt sammenskruet, så alt det der modsiger ligger flere alen under overfladen!

Okay, vi antager, at det lykkes alle større lande at få ISP'ere til at samarbejde med kulturproduktproducenter om at begrænse eller forhindre ulovlig download på basis af three strikes and you're out. Lad os sige, det sker inden for det næste år. 80% af verdens internettrafik er ulovlig download. Lad antage, at 70% af ulovlig download forsvinder ud af de større landes internettrafik - efter at samme lande har brugt multimillarder på kapacitetsudbyggelse af det fysiske og mobile netværk. 70% af 80%, under forudsætning af, at den ulovlige download er ligeligt fordelt over hele verden, hvilket den ikke er, men vi leger... betyder, at mellem 50 og 60% af den globale netværkskapacitet vil kunne overgå til anden datatransmission. Skal vi gætte på, at en blanding af markedsmodeller til salg eller streaming vil overtage internettet? Samt HD-TV overalt på kloden?

Jeg ser ikke konspirationer overalt, men hér er en klokkeren én, der ikke bare omhandler "det frie marked" - for dét findes ikke længere oppe i de højere luftlag. Det er et politisk styret og styrende samarbejde, der udnytter hvad der er sket til egen fordel. Og samarbejdspartnerne er, ud over poltikerene, mobil-industrien, TV-, musik- og filmindustrien. Glem internettet. Det findes ikke længere. Nu hedder det bare "Global distribution" og det, som tidligere var internettets bagstoppere, informationssøgningen i dedikeret viden, er blot spredte biblioteker langs en 200-sporet motorvej, og hvad angår resultater af online-søgninger, tror jeg ikke vi skal forvente, at der bliver bygget helt så mange afkørsler i fremtiden.

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Nu i iTunes Store/Podcasts

direkte link
og hér RSS-feed: feed://krabat.menneske.dk/krabatpodcast.xml

Foreløbig er 5 længere tekster tilgængelige. Planen er naturligvis at hælde på.

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1 for lidt og 3 for urealistisk...


max stigning på Jorden


Tidens Kælven 2: Id 5 (fragment)


1) En singularitet er ikke-kausal og ikke-kaotisk på samme tid. Samsansningen af de to grunddynamikker er muligvis at betragte som en evne i visse mennesker, muligvis en helt naturlig konsekvens af alt gennemlevet:

2) Befries man for de to opfattelsers dominans, befries man for det begrænsende i det ikke-kausales og det ikke-kaotiskes gensidige monoeksistentielle udelukkelse af den anden og dén verden, den anden beskrives i og opleves i.

3) I befrielsen fyldes man af de tos sammensmeltning, som nogle kender som gud, skabelsesøjeblikket, den evige fred for livets smerte, og andre betragter som to kurver i naturlig cognitiv konvergens, skønt tilsvarende tilfredsstillende i sin fuldstændighed.

4) Den mest interessante karakter er således dén, der oplever singulariteten og trods tilbuddet om hér at standse med fred i sjælen, opfyldt af altings stilstand, alligevel ønsker at følge de konvergerende kurver, som de aftegner sig på den anden side af singulariteten.

5) Slettet.

6) Tilføjet: Vi har hér at gøre med et menneske i forceret udvikling, en pioner uden ansvarsfølelse eller hjemstavn, en ny art, som en vinbjergsnegl eller eremitkrebs, der for evigt bør formenes yderligere adgang til den menneskelige kreds.

bakketoppen, dækket af grønne græsser gnistrende af sol i perler af dug og et øhav af opulent svajende blomster med hvide kroner, er en døråbning med en dør forankret. Døren svinger i vinden. Landskabet anes gennem åbningen. Så smækker døren.

KRONRAGNING tager tid, først skal alt håret klippes ned, så skal hovedskallen vaskes grundigt og siden varmes igennem, talrige skift med fugtige, varme håndklæder, og først da kan knives koges og bladet føres over den knoglede hovedbund, blodet standser man med en koagulationsstift, gøres det hurtigt, kommer der ingen sår, en skallet isse skal skinne blankt og være uden sår, en sommerfugle skal have støv på sine vinger, et bjerg skal være højt, verden hænger hurtigt sammen

SO, dreams are what makes us? And when there are no dreams, what makes us then? HOW THE FUCK ARE WE THEN MADE! No no, I'm calm, I'm good. I can't pretent, I just cannot pretend that I care for this mumbo jumbo bullshit about "creating the world by yourself". I am not made by my dreams. I don't dream. I don't care to and I never have. What does it mean, "dreaming"? That you pretend you're something you are not? I never pretend! This is what you see, and this is what IS! This is what I see in the wirror, looking back at me, and I'm supposed to be all in awe of the fact that left is right and right is left, oh, oh, the human brain, what a sight for sore eyes, what a wonder...! No. This body becomes more and more fragile, this brain synthesises more knowledge and forgets a lot of stuff every day, but I stay me! No great analysable difference between the I and the me, no bridge to cross and two other-sides to merge, I... AM... ME! And turn the equation around, if you like, but it sounds stupid in this stupid language... I. Just. Do. Not. Dream. And if I don't dream, how am I then made, huh? Am I immortal? Am I dead? How would I know the difference? And how can I care? How can I care?


udgivelsesliste 2009

1000 blå lys til dit pergament, Tidens Kælven 10 (nu nummereret 9) i ORDLØST, 119 digtere i Dansk Forfatterforening, DFF- antologi, 08.2009 og Oplysningskontoret

Den Japanske Forbindelse, Tidens kælven 3 (nu nummereret 2) i Iransk Antologi, maj, poul exner og forfatterstemmer.dk - som lyd og tekst. 12.2009

Tidens kælven 2 (nu nummereret 1)

Stern und Spielplatz (Rolf Stensig), maj 09, dec.09 endnu ikke ikke trykt

GratisMad og JordenErGiftig + tegning af Brian Schyth i "TITLER", Poetisk Bureau - 08.2009

(JordenErGiftig) som "hvor vi elskede denne verden..." i ORDLØST, 119 digtere i Dansk Forfatterforening, DFF- antologi, 08.2009

HP - Bananernes liberator i ORDLØST, 119 digtere i Dansk Forfatterforening, DFF- antologi, 08.2009

6 Vintermenneske-tekster i ORDLØST, 119 digtere i Dansk Forfatterforening, DFF- antologi, 08.2009

Skide rhododendron i UNDERSKOVEN 3, 10.09

Afteners og nætters floder i (Kroatisk/dansk digtantologi v. Narcisa Vucina, 2010?) (fra Dagens Digt 2000)

for af bag i (Kroatisk/dansk digtantologi v. Narcisa Vucina, 2010?) (fra Dagens Digt 2000)

trommen uden for drømmen i (Kroatisk/dansk digtantologi v. Narcisa Vucina, 2010?) (fra Dagens Digt 2000)

rejsen på stedet hen i Beboerbladet 04.09. 09.2009, Vollsmose avis 12.2009 og Anarkiet 17.10. 2009


digtere 21. okt 09 (mp3-link)

Loopprogressiongeometriskform 21.10.09 (mp3-link)


DagensDigt 22. marts 2006 "HÉR" 8.11.2009

aftnenfør 1.11.2009

postorgasme 1.11.2009

rejsen på stedet hen 17.10. 2009

Jaquine (kortprosa) 17.10. 2009

well again 17.10. 2009

poeten skal lade 17.10. 2009


centrallyrikken interviewet - dialog 10.6. 2009

parat til at vinke - novelle 28.6.2009

... det griber simpelthen ikke nok om sig længere 20.04.2009

1000 Blå lys til dit pergament (Tidens Kælven 10, nu 9) 10.8.2009

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